This was posted 13 years 2 months 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Swann SecuraView - Security Camera with Monitor - $19 Including Delivery


Note: Reconditioned — Thanks orange123

The Swann SecuraView Monitoring Kit includes a 5.5' monitor and B/W security camera allowing you to observe with clear high quality images and sound. The built-in infrared LED's surrounding the camera enable you to monitor at night time or in low light conditions. Purchase a second security camera such as the Swann SecuraCam™ Swann Day/NightCam Swann DomeCam™ or Swann OutdoorCam™ and monitor up to two areas in your home or business! The auto-switch function automatically changes between the two camera views with an adjustable timer.

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Swann Communications
Swann Communications

closed Comments

  • +4

    You should mention it's reconditioned. Is swann a good brand? Are the RRPs realistic?

  • It's a live monitor camera - no mention of any inbuilt or optional recording. a second camera can be added - but that is likely the max. The monitor is a little CRT, I couldn't see mention of how the camera connects (could it go to a small LCD instead?).

    Only use for this I can see might be as a front door camera to view the person knocking before you open it, or maybe a view of you driveway before you reverse out (useful if you have a common driveway like town houses do).

    • +4

      "Connects easily to a VCR for recording"


      • +28

        A what?

        • +2

          I think I saw one of them on a flintstones cartoon once…

        • +2

          I think it might be one of those big vinyl discs that they had last millennium?

      • Someone gave me a VHS tape once but needle kept falling off it.

  • +5

    $59 new at DSE:…

    Looks like you can connect to a VCR / PVR to record.

    4 x camera's for $49:…

    I like the 2 x PenCam's for $19 :P…

  • Pretty good considering the value.

  • +1

    Also $34 del. for the video intercom. Electric doorstrike not included, $29.…

    You sure it is free delivery? It said free for orders over $19.
    And the screen is 5.5", not 5.5 feet.

  • +3

    Gawd the swannstore site is so S-L-O-W

    Dying of old age here… must be getting hammered?

  • +5

    Yeah, it's free shipping over a certain order value.

    Look - $4 dummy security cameras.

    1 for $4 + $16 Shipping


    5 for $20 with free shipping LOL…

  • How good is this video doorphone for $19 or…

    • +2

      It's so good… it is out of stock :-(

    • Obviously they are using couriers, not Australia Post

    • +9

      awww dang, I went to neg your comment , and I've already used my 5 for the day:(

  • +1

    If only these would connect wirelessly to my router so I view/ record in a browser… They'ed go like hot cakes

  • +1

    Can you connect the camera to my computer monitor / computer or save the footage onto my laptop?

    Great deal! Considering Dick Smith sells them for $59 new from link above… but reconditioned should be almost close to new :D

    Now I can monitor my dog planning world domination when I'm not at home >:)

    • +11

      I had a Swann security camera set up in the backyard for a while. One night I noticed my German Shepherd just… staring at a fence, away from the camera. He did that for a few minutes, then turned around and stared straight at the camera for a minute, smiling (I could tell he was looking straight at it because his eyes were glowing green from the IR lights)… then turned back around and continued staring at the fence.

      I don't have that camera there anymore.

      • +3

        They're heeeere!

      • +5

        Your dog can see infra-red, or so it seems.

        Either that, or you have a really messed up ghost who is talking to your dog and telling it all about cameras.

      • +4

        Sounds like the script from Paranormal Activity 4

      • +2

        Holy crap…I'm glad I'm a trainee cop…

        Seems like your dog noticed someone up to something suspicious… I can bet you $50 he was going 'If he jumps that fence my owner is going to have a really good video in the morning'. German Shepherds aren't stupid by a long shot! He was just looking forward to having a new chew toy!

      • Hahaha, wow I didn't expect that much interest from my cool story, bro!

        Anyway I found an excerpt of that recording and it turns out my crappy memory exaggerated a few things - my canine only looks at the camera for a few seconds and the resolution is eff all so I can't tell if he was "smiling". Actually you can barely tell its a dog at all. Ugh stupid memory.

        Somehow it is a bit creepier than I remember it being though…

    • +1

      You could record to a computer with a USB video capture adapter to connect the AV leads. They are about $10 online.

  • +1

    does Swann have any IP cameras?

  • +6

    Great kit for drug houses.

  • Shop now shut/closed for maintenance 8:19am. Hopefully they fix up the speeds.

    • Thanks. Explains the laggggggggggggggg

    • damn are they got hacked?

  • I wanna get some cameras for my house. Just for the cool factor rather than the security hehe

    • +16

      Lies, you just want to spy on your sister

  • The word "reconditioned" means restored to new condition.
    e.g. for a car engine that means a rebore, and replacing lots of parts.
    For electronics it is more cosmetic - A reconditioned iPod will have a new case, and a clean firmware installed.

    HOWEVER if you read the fine print at Swann, the "reconditioned" items are just "used" and "repaired".
    Isn't that dishonest and deceptive?

  • Can you access this from your iphone?

    • I tried but it was a blank page

  • Page is completely white?

    No connection.

  • "Store temporarily closed!"

    Seems lots of people intested in CRT & VCR enabled camera :)

    • +3

      or the pen spy camera! beware ladies ..(and gents)

      • and gays, oh wait they are also gents.

  • Sorry I meant can you access the camera from you iphone with a app so you can see whats going on?

    • i dont think so this is VCR compatible (and you are expecting iphone)

      • yer I am pushing it her

  • +1

    had my mrs on my mind hahaha - meant "Yer I am pushing it hey"

  • hey anyone want to share the cost of dummy camera? if buying 4 becomes $20 delivered then we can split half? msg me, sydney city locations

    • You need to mount those dummy cameras high up, so nobody can see them too closely.
      They are not just empty cases, but cheaper plastic. Even the LEDs are fakes.

    • Why dont you go with 5 instead?

  • finally managed to complete transaction after several attempts.. S L O W !

  • Anyone complete checkout (Paypal) only to:
    1. not receive an order confirmation email?
    2. have your order shown as "Status: failed" under Your Account?

    • Paid with paypal. Didnt get the confirmation. But status is "Processed"

    • Update if anyone's in the same boat: Called Swann (in Melbourne) about the Status:failed. Pretty helpful guy checked their Paypal and sorted it out quickly, and explained that they were under a DDoS attack yesterday, which explains the slow speeds (and I thought the site was just getting hammered by OzBargainers.) The fact that I had to reload each page 5 times to get thru checkout probably explains why the Paypal transaction didn't go thru properly.

      • Pity that none of the security cameras would defend against DDoS attacks :P

  • Out of stock. =/

    • Looks like they're back in again.

      • And that is my sir, what she said!

  • to all ladies with skirt beware if you see pen on the floor!!!

    • what about that pen in your pants?

  • Just purchased and confirmed with Paypal.

  • bought the video intercom for $34, thanks

    • +4

      Maybe Snake will stop robbing the Kwik-E-Mart now :P

      • +1

        I hate that f**ing BASTARD!

  • Has anyone received any of the items yet?

  • Im still waiting for mine

    Date: 30.01.2012 10:03 AM
    Status: Processed

  • Anyone receive an order yet?

  • Man.. Their deliveries move like snail I guess

  • Checked in with them directly - looks like should have it in a couple of days.

  • Anything yet?

  • +1

    Email them through their website - it's been more than two weeks. Pretty pathetic. If these guys were Catch of the Day people would be screaming by now.

  • seems this is still available. do you think its easy to install? how to run the cable inside house?

  • how long does it take? :O

  • get anything?
    im still waiting.
    also emailed twice without a response…

    • nothing here,
      this is bs imo

      • Email them tomorrow and tell them that if you don't have a satisfactory response via email or phone by close of business that you will be lodging a credit card or Paypal reversal. Betcha they pipe up then.

  • Mine arrived today

    • whats your status at the online shop under your order?

      i still havent seen anything, or got a response from my emails.

      • I just received mine today, the status is Processed.

  • Arrived today,
    i got the pens..

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