• expired

BlitzWolf BW-VP6 LCD Projector 6000 Lux Full HD 300" Native 1080p Projector US$168.99 (~A$218.97) AU Delivered @ Banggood

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BlitzWolf®BW-VP6 LCD Projector 6000 Lux Full HD 300" Native 1080P Projector ±50° Keystone 2*5W Speakers 60Hz Compatible TV Stick 2 HDMI VGA PC TV Box for Outdoor Movies Home Theater Projector Beamer - AU Plug

Coupon Code: BGABVP6
Remember to remove shipping insurance for $168.99US

Deal has been popular previously, hopefully helps someone.

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Bought from last deal, picture and brightness is good for a $200 projector.

    Just to remind you that it is quite noisy not that quiet as somebody said from last deal.

    I found a small black spot from the inside len, I have to remove the product label, open the small cover and use cotton bud to find where it was to remove the dirt or hair.


    Any better special on BW-VS1 projector screen?


    • +1

      I got it in the last deal too and it is amazing for the price. Would be great to be able to swap out the fan for something a bit quieter but it doesn't bother me when I'm actually watching something. I've got it pointed at a 3m+ wide screen and it looks great as long as the room is reasonably dark.

    • Same, I've got a hair stuck inside on the Lens, on a bright image its really bothering. Might have to open it someday and remove it.

      • +5

        Not that difficult, just remove the product label, open the small cover door there are a few compartment. You will have to turn on the projector and use a long cotton bud to find where it is. Make sure DON'T look at it after you open up the small cover door.

        Like this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1zTTWti-8I4&t=14s

        • Thank you for the link.. will try later in the morning..

  • Love mine, have not had issues with sound. Pretty decent in a darkish room. Excellent value for money imo.

  • -4

    Why would you remove shipping insurance? For 5 bucks? It being penny wise and pound foolish

    • +7

      If you pay through Paypal and you have any issues, you'd just lodge a dispute.

    • +2

      If you want it, then add it.

    • +1

      Ship from AU warehouse should be fine.

  • +2

    Dark room is a must. Fantastic picture in the evening. Completely washed out during the day. I need to invest in better curtain and blind.

    • +2

      Or a better projector screen.

    • Is this good during daytime? I was thinking of using a projector in the living room or or in the patio during daytime with a projector screen. Would this work?

      • +1

        patio during daytime

        Ha! Have you never been to a cinema? Look at the screen when the lights come on.
        All projectors require a dimmed room. It can only make the white screen brighter, not darker.

        • +1

          Grey screen should make it better during daytime but don't expect like normal TV.

        • Haha, I know, I know. The patio and screen area is in the shade and away from direct sunlight, and I'm curious with how it might turn out.

          The living room only has light-dimming curtains so not complete blackout.

          • @kevorulez: For patio, just get an LCD if you must.

            Curtains might be OK for a presentation indoors, but I would not be watching movies without blackout.

  • Those who have this, what distance are you running it from your screen/wall? My room is 5 meters across, and I'm wondering how much the output can be focused at that distance (looking at one of those 80 or 100 inch screens). cheers.

    • +2

      At 100 inch you'd only need like 2.5/3 metres distance.
      The further away it is obviously the bigger, but in the settings, you can actually make it smaller to suit different projector sizes.

  • Is there any differences displaying the picture between a projector screen vs just using a white wall?

    • depends on how well your walls painted/aged but tthe projector screen should be a smoother surface and the colors more consistent. I just use the wall. Projector is 5m back

  • Any recommendations for an external speaker or is the built in one sufficient for kids movies?

    • +1

      Kids won't care, but you'll be driven mad by the tinny noise.

  • +1

    Looks like code has expired.

    "This coupon can only be used 20 times."

    • +1

      Yep just tried ordering got the same message, d'oh :(

    • I snoozed and I losed 😢

    • +2

      lads get in there, I just tried again and got one!

      • +1

        yep, i got one too

        • +1

          Thanks, yes coupon appears to be live again, just ordered successfully, cheers!

          • @seedosrun: any of you received yours yet? I'm still waiting and I bought a few days before this deal

            • +1

              @Silent-zai: Hey, yes received mine I think it was Friday last week. Sorry to hear you haven't got yours. Definitely worth dropping them a message I'd say.

              Brief mini-review from what I've been able to see of it so far, bearing in mind that I've not really used projectors much before:

              -Seems quite noisy, although others who have used projectors before seem to think this is par for the course. It's worth knowing anyway. It's not the end of the world, it's just you're definitely aware it's on.
              -Picture in a dark room at night looks really good, especially considering it's only ~$200. Can get really big as well without losing much brightness. I'm still yet to work out the best way to mount it (projecting onto bedroom wall so I can lie in bed and watch TV, but don't really want it hanging over the bed in case something goes wrong and I get a face full of projector in my sleep)
              -Keystone correction only helps you so much. I guess I thought it would be more "magic" but if you have this at a significant angle (i.e. more than the built-in adjustable little stand at the front goes), you'll get elongation in parts of the frame. Once again, makes sense in retrospect, I'm just saying it for anyone else who knows little to nothing about setting these up like myself!
              -I'm going to be using mine with a Telstra TV, then using the "private listening" function of the Telstra TV app on a device connected to a bluetooth speaker to get audio wirelessly out, for anyone else looking for a home-built solution (open to other suggestions if others have ideas as well :))

              • @seedosrun: hey funny thing is I got home yesterday and it was waiting for me haha
                I got a chance to have a play with it and I feel the exact same about the projector

                I ordered this screen with it and my wall seems to work better

                Our walls are painted with dulux lexicon grey if your curious and I'm starting to think i wont put up the screen because it dims the screen ever so slightly.
                I'm hooking up a CCGTV with bluetooth 5.1.1 surround sound and tested last night, amazing experience!

  • has anyone set this up as a 3d projector? Curious as to what's required

    • +1

      haven't tried 3d but I'm curious to check it out tonight.

      • Let me know how it goes, I tried to find out online and I've read that HDMI 1.4 and up has native support for 3d but not sure what that means? at the same time if you just plug in a bluray player it probably won't work. Would be interested in hearing what your tests are like

        • i'll report back once tested

        • can confirm does not support any type of 3D, only way around it would be hooking up a pc to do red blue via pot player which is possible with any tv/projector so im going to say false advertising…
          im keen to return this and get an actual 3d capable one :(

          • +1

            @Silent-zai: I haven't seen anything Ed capable for under 650, and that was in USD possibly. Let me know if you come across anything

  • 10 more added i believe, less those who got one above

  • super great projector for the price. Have it 5M away from screen and picture still too big so will need to adjust (via settings as stated above). Just looking for speakers/amp for it.

    • Just looking for speakers/amp for it.

      I have a long HDMI cable to my AV receiver, HTPC, Google Chromecast TV, blu-ray player.

  • Sold out upon checkout

  • still waiting on mine to arrive, bought just before this deal but got $15 from cash rewards so I'm happy. should be here monday hopefully.

  • Appears to be back in stock, 12 left.
    via Kuro's comment - https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/10627875/redir

  • Got mine the other day. Just projected it to the white wall in the office/study for now and it looks great! Love it!
    Fan is a bit noisy but it's fairly low pitched (nothing abnormal for a projector)and the audio out of it isn't bad as long as it's sitting stably.

  • For those who have this, is the cord replaceable? Was thinking of getting a longer cord.

    • Power? Yes, it's a standard iec power cord that most desktop computers use.

      • Ah cool. Thanks!

  • +2

    BGABVP6 code has expired now, but can use BGALVP62 to bring down US$165.29 (~AU$219.63)

    • Thanks!

  • If the box (and the unit) got damaged during transport, and to save on price I removed shipping insurance, can I still claim the damage through banggood?

    • Would paypal cover that?

    • They are packed pretty well. Would have to be thrown down or crushed.

      • can confirm the packaging is really good.

        • Yeah not sure. I think it was dropped somewhere in between, or the box I had was the top of the stack.

          The area of impact looked like a strap damage. And if dropped, there were no signs of box crumble around it.

  • How's the focus on this projector? I bought the Vivibright G100 3 years ago and still working well, only issue I have is the focus is a bit off at the edges of the screen, it will only focus in the middle but the edges are a bit blurry. Planning to upgrade now just wondering if this projector have the same problem?

    • +1

      focus is great in my opinion, its is sharpest in the middle but still usable on the edges for a presentation. this projector is really good especially considering the price. a lot of my family want to get one now that they have seen it at 120inches.

      • Thanks, is there a setting to adjust keystone? This is missing in G100 and can limit the location of the projector,

        • +1

          there is but it just helps align the image to be square, for example if you use the projector to the side it will have the ability to make the image uniformly square again but it will be stretched due to the image being spread from one side, some high end projectors have the ability to correct this but not this one which shouldn't really be expected at this price range.
          its ok to have it slightly offset but best experience is direct.

          I have it level with the top part of my 120inch screen from able 3.7 meters away and I find the stretch is fairly unnoticeable at this point, any further up and it would start to get annoying for me.

          hope this helps

          • +1

            @Silent-zai: Thanks Silent-zai for you very helpful input, now ill just decide whether to buy this or the Wanbo wemax T2 Max.

  • +1

    Between January and May this year, there seemed to be a promo code every month for the VP6. Have these sales stopped? :/

    • +1


  • How useful (over and above a plain white wall) are the BW "portable projector" screens?

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