From today, new zero emissions vehicles purchased in the ACT will have their government registration fees waived for the next two years.
The registration fee waiver was included in a governing agreement signed between the ACT Labor and ACT Greens parties following the last ACT election. In addition to the two-year waiver of registration fees, ACT drivers are also able to access up to $15,000 in interest free loans to help cover the upfront purchase cost of an electric vehicle.
The initiative was announced in November last year but has now come into effect and will apply to any zero emissions vehicle purchased on or after 24 May 2021.
The waiver will also apply to both new and used vehicle purchases that occur on or after that date.
The annual government registration fee for a passenger vehicle in the ACT ranges from $314.40 to $572.90, depending on the weight of the vehicle being registered. In addition, drivers will still be required to pay for a number of other charges, including compulsory third party insurance and other road safety tariffs.
Newly purchased zero emissions vehicles in the ACT also remain eligible for a substantial discount on stamp duty, and electric vehicles purchased prior to 24 May 2021 will continue to receive a 20 per cent ongoing discount to their registration fees.
Chief minister Andrew Barr said that encouraging the uptake of zero emissions vehicles in the ACT was part of the territory government’s strategy towards reaching zero net emissions and that Canberrans had already purchased almost 1,000 electric vehicles.
“The ACT has an ambitious target of net zero emissions by 2045. Transport emissions now account for around 60 per cent of the ACT’s greenhouse gas emissions and of these emissions an estimated 70 per cent are from private vehicles,” Barr said. “Reducing the number of high emitting vehicles on our roads is significant to achieving our targets along with encouraging active travel and public transport use.”
“The ACT is fast approaching 1,000 registered electric vehicles and further incentives such as the two-year registration waiver and no-interest loans through the Sustainable Household Scheme will make purchasing zero emissions vehicles a viable option for Canberrans.”
The ACT government has taken a conscious approach to support and incentivise the uptake of zero emissions vehicles, contrasting the ACT government with some state governments that plan to impose new fees targeted at electric vehicles.
The Victorian government has attracted significant criticism for a plan to introduce a per kilometre charge on electric vehicles. The state government argues that the charge is necessary to recoup the costs of road and infrastructure maintenance, but electric vehicle advocates have labelled it as the ‘world’s worst EV policy’.
ACT energy and emissions reduction minister Shane Rattenbury said that the ACT’s transport sector was now its largest contributor to greenhouse gas emissions and reducing these emissions was key to the ACT meeting its emissions reduction targets.
“The ACT has been leading Australia in electric vehicle policy and incentives,” Rattenbury said.
“For years we have had the most generous incentives for these vehicles, including stamp duty exemption for new vehicles, a 20% registration discount and access to transit lanes. From today we’re going further to offer 2 years of free registration for newly registered new and used zero emissions vehicles.
“Transport is the largest contributor of greenhouse gas emissions in the ACT and we need to reduce transport emissions quickly to achieve our emissions reduction targets. Along with encouraging active travel and improving public transport, encouraging the uptake of electric vehicles is a key part of doing this.
The registration waiver applies to all ‘zero emissions’ vehicles, extending to both electric vehicles and hydrogen fuel-cell vehicles. While there are no models of hydrogen vehicles currently available for private drivers, Hyundai has begun offering its Nexo hydrogen passenger vehicle for fleet operators.
The ACT government became the first operator of an Australian hydrogen vehicle fleet, taking delivery of 20 Hyundai Nexo vehicles and establishing Australia’s first publicly available hydrogen refuelling station in Canberra.
[ACT] Free 2-Year Rego & up to $15,000 Zero Interest Loan for Electric Vehicles (New or 2nd Hand) @ ACT Government

Last edited 24/05/2021 - 21:34 by 3 other users
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Is Vic government listening?
Only to the polls
That doesn't make sense. Surely you'd gain more votes with incentives like these rather than new taxes?
Almost seems like Dan has given up.
@SupeNintendoChalmers: Nah I think less farmer and builder types in ACT to satisfy.
Also Melbourne central is permanently lost to the greens and Dan don't care.
@Drakesy: Run or run over? We are puppets to external powers like Murdock, Monarchists, Oligarchs…
We do not accept change for better because we are not sure if we were offered the best option, even when any option is better than the current :(@taki: Had to LOL at "Monarchists". Considering the power and influence of Murdoch and oligarchs, the inclusion of Monarchists in this list is a little ridiculous…
@netjock: Barr and the ACT Greens have been pandering to tradies and the construction industry/unions for years.
@[Deactivated]: Personally though i'd rather pandering to the construction industry over banks and miners/clive palmer/gas industry.
At least you get something to show for it (most of the time).
At least you get something to show for it (most of the time).
Like overpriced tradies and higher building costs, and overly influential CFMMEU for example? My BIL works in the industry in NSW and is gobsmacked at the prices tradies charge in the ACT.
But yes, I get your point.
@[Deactivated]: please explain how tradies are overpriced? it's free market, its market price.
considering how difficult it is to get people into trades I'd argue the opposite.
@ripprind: No kidding. It's not difficult to get people into trades these days, it's somewhat difficult to find businesses willing to train apprentices, primarily because the federal conservative have neglected training, TAFE etc for years - until this year's enormous spending budget. The answer to your question is simple. The cost of getting particular services done in the ACT is much higher than in many other places and the quality no better. I won't get into the cash payment market or other tax ripoffs because they exist across the nation in the trades.
@[Deactivated]: I think we have a different definitions for overpriced.
price difference =\= overpriced.if tradie money was so good people would flock to it bringing prices down. trade services have been "overpriced" way longer than it takes to graduate TAFE, and you dont need TAFE to get started for many trade jobs - everyone has had a chance to enter.
aint nobody want to do the hard work in the rain and sun and put in the years of pushing the broom that's the real reason imho. better to get an AC office job and whinge about overpriced tradies.
@Lps: Greens aren't all that bad, you need them in parliament to show you the other extreme then you can find a middle ground.
@netjock: Why do they have to be so right and so wrong at the same time. Can't they just divide the nuts and the fruit?
@Lps: Doubt they're anywhere near as bad as you suggest although they've struggled federally with leadership and direction since Bob Brown retired.
@[Deactivated]: Don't doubt it, look into it and it will become clear. Of course they're struggling, too many self-serving crusaders - which is why they need to break up. Anyhoo, this isn't the place.
@Lps: I'll put my political knowledge against yours anytime you want Lps. You may not fall into the category - hard to tell - but typically comments like yours are based on ignorance, political leanings, and misinformation from News Corpse [sic]. The Greens may not be practical but they are FAR cleaner than the alternatives.
but typically comments like yours are based on ignorance, political leanings, and misinformation from News Corpse [sic].
Perhaps comments like mine usually are based on the reasons you mention, but in this case no. Also, I made no reference to how clean or otherwise the Greens might be. I like clean, I just don't like green. That's not true - it's my fav colour - I just saw an opportunity for cheap n cheesy poetry. Why would I get into a political debate anyway? Politics once interested me but now bores me to death. It's not that I don't care about peace and stability, it's that I have better things to do than argue.
By the way, if a vegan environmentalist like me can't stomach the Green's (the party not the food group) there may be little hope for others.
@Lps: Interesting that you take no interest in politics but presume to know how Greens members operate and what their motivations are. On top of that you single them out for special attention as though they're the great unwashed of politics. I suggest you're not even close to reality. Ignorance - self-imposed via political ideology or through disinterest - will often result in that.
single them out for special attention as though they're the great unwashed of politics
I can't say I'd ever be that complimentary toward the greens. By the way ignorance per se isn't necessarily a bad thing, even your 'self imposed' (as you put it) variety. In this case I've simply taken a good look at something and decided not to partake - in the same way you are (possibly) disinterested in certain personal preferences.
@Lps: Lol. Your "good look" was obviously cursory at best. In the same way that the price of freedom is constant vigilance, so one of the costs of decent democracy is keeping yourself informed - turning governments out on a regular basis is certainly not a bad thing here. We're somewhat lucky that our complacency and general electorate ignorance/uninterest has yet to really bite but a simple scan of what's happened in numerous "advanced" societies over the last decade+ ought to have sent a warning shot across your bow. Corruption has become a huge issue in this country (esp in the ranks of the conservative and Labor parties - not The Greens) due to low accountability and a massive decline in the personal standards of politicians. As an adult you shouldn't be expecting others to constantly change your nappy.
@SupeNintendoChalmers: you realise in Vic you'll get a $3,000 rebate when purchasing your new EV, so that will cover the new VIC EV road tax for 200,000klms, so it's not that bad, and besides the current petrol levy was designed for assist in road maintenance so why do EV driver feel the need NEVER to pay any road tax?
@JimmyBargain: it's a political choice imo. You could slap EV with road tax "to be fair" but then it would be fair to slap ICE with carbon tax or fuel with carbon tax.
since carbon tax is politically unpopular and difficult to introduce (in Australia) then a way to keep a balance is to omit "road tax" from EVi personally think it would be more transparent and "fair" if "road tax" when necessary would be a seperate tax for all vehicles
is NSW listening?
To what?
This is Vic not Canberra.Why would Dictator Dan listen to anyone? Just like D. Trump.
Don't give ideas of a tax on Gaming PCs to fund his roads and tunnels projects and nothing else!
All energy used in the ACT is offset by green energy purchases.
Except for the fact ACT is 100% renewable (at least net 100%)…
@timmy2000: You realise you can buy green energy from places other than within your borders and that we have a national energy market
Oh wait you don't
You realise you can buy green energy from places other than within your borders and that we have a national energy market
Oh wait you don'tWell first off, we don't have a national market, AEMO doesn't include WA or NT because of a little pesky thing called Ohm's law.
And if renewable energy accounts for 6% of total supply, what happens when demand reaches 7%? This is why we still have coal and gas, it's not a conspiracy, and the more EVs you import on big diesel ships, the more coal and gas you will need to power them.
we don't have a national market
Somebody didn't tell AEMO. They used capital letters and everything. I guess next time they'll ask you first.
And if renewable energy accounts for 6% of total supply, what happens when demand reaches 7%
We'll buy an extra 1%, like we did back in 2017 when we were only 46% towards the Territory's renewable energy target and we just bought more. It's almost like you can spend money and buy stuff like solar panels and wind turbines and batteries and the associated infrastructure.
They used capital letters and everything. I guess next time they'll ask you first.
"The NEM commenced operation as wholesale spot market in December 1998. It interconnects five regional market jurisdictions – Queensland, New South Wales (including the Australian Capital Territory), Victoria, South Australia, and Tasmania. Western Australia and the Northern Territory are not connected to the NEM."
@1st-Amendment: Oh no! They've got us again! The ol' it's not perfect, so your argument is false.. The NEM is clearly not a NEM at all.
@foursaken: Feel free to point out how WA not being part of the NEM affects anything I said about the ACT buying green energy from outside its borders to offset consumption within its borders.
I'll wait.
@GrueHunter: Patience grasshopper. He has a mess (literally) of piled up homework from previous threads which hasn't been handed in yet.
@1st-Amendment: Look, do you actually have a point about why electric cars are a bad idea? Or is "hurr durr it's national but not in a strict technical sense that doesn't make a difference to the topic" all you've got?
If you charge an electric car in the ACT, the energy is 100% offset by green energy. That's the end of the story.
Well first off, we don't have a national market, AEMO doesn't include WA or NT because of a little pesky thing called Ohm's law.
Well we do have something called the National Electricity Market (NEM) but no, it doesn't include the whole country as it wouldn't make economic sense. NEM<>AEMO. AEMO does actually operate WA's south-west grid.
@1st-Amendment: Worse than that we don't have "open markets" - for anything.
What makes you think renewable energy accounts for 6% of supply? The same reason you don't understand gas tax concessions worth $100B presumably. Renewables contribution was about 23% in the first quarter of 2021.
31 MARCH 2021 NEM output
Black coal——— 51.6
Brown coal———18.3
Gas——————- 6.4
Hydro—————- 7.4
Wind—————- 11.3
Liquid—————- 0.0
Grid solar———— 4.3
Battery————— 0.1
Other—————- 0.4Worse than that we don't have "open markets" - for anything.
It looks like I have a superfan lol…
Renewables contribution was about 23% in the first quarter of 2021
We've already established that NEM is not the whole country. But you never were one for reading…
It looks like I have a superfan lol…
We've already established that NEM is not the whole country. But you never were one for reading…Rest assured, I'm no fan of ignorance, let alone conservative ignorance.
Since you're too lazy to inform yourself would you like me to drag out the renewable figs for the WEM for you or do you seriously believe that WA and the NT are the biggest users of electricity nationally so they'll more than offset the east coast renewable numbers? Rhetorical question.
@1st-Amendment: I did your homework for you. Here's what the data says:
You'll be heartened to know that the vast majority of the NT's annual electric power production (~1550GWh) comes from fossil fuels.
On the other hand you'll be shocked to learn that renewables constituted ~21% of the WEM's ~1800GWh.
And your heart will be racing and your knees knocking when you realise that combined, this means that renewables accounted for ~19% of total NEM/WEM/NT (national enough for you?) electricity generation/consumption over a12 month period.
@1st-Amendment: This week on The Muppet Show:
"Why do they call it the National Gallery of Australia when it's only in one place? There needs to be one in every state and territory or it doesn't count reeeeeeeee"
@[Deactivated]: I can hear the Greens and ALP saying "Get rid of those 3 fossil fueled power generators as they produce carbon emissions. It's not an issue if there aren't power generators while we transition to greener energy sources"! Wait a minute, my gaming PC alone has an 800W PSU. I have to stop playing game on it to keep the light on!
@1st-Amendment: The cars are coming on diesel ships, yes, but better off EVs on these ships than ICE….
But now peak time for power will be midnight to 7am when everyone is sucking 20kwh into their vehicles. So we'll need more coal to cover the grid. But EVs are 0 emissions so it trump's everything.
I'm an EV owner but not a blind one.
@garethb: Albanese announced a plan to assist that problem a little while back. The ACT govt also had plans for community battery trials, not sure where that got to. Perhaps the funding got gobbled up in the brilliant Greens/Labor gold-plated "public transport" solution.
@[Deactivated]: Funnily enough there was an article about Yackandandah in the ABC news today about it for anyone interested.…
@Klompy: Riverina about to get one as well. With the price of renewable energy constantly reducing taxpayers will not only be kicking in $600M for Tayler's gas plant we'll also be subsidising its output, unless the "plan" is to only run it at night and during periods of peak demand.…
@1st-Amendment: When demand reaches 7%+, you build renewables faster & stop investing in destructive infrastructure. Think about the holistic impact & stop conservatism=oppostion to progress :(
The price of not being involved in politics is being governed by inferior.@taki: His 6% is a furphy and 7% a complete red herring. If he bothered to read some of the material on the AEMA website he'd know for example "If the recommended actions are taken to address the regional and NEM-wide challenges identified, the NEM could be operated securely with up to 75% instantaneous penetration of wind and solar." That of course requires government action and support, and currently this mob of climate deniers' solution is to put $600M into a new gas plant, not to future proof our grids.
@[Deactivated]: On initial reporting of the announcable (scant mention since) the biggest consumer of the Hunter 660MW white elephant will be the aluminium plant…
Looking after your mates = jobs 'n' growth populism = system works = situation normal!If he bothered to read some of the material on the AEMA website
Do you even know how to read?
@1st-Amendment: That's the best you've got? Again a rhetorical question. Still struggling with the realisation that fossil fuel has been subsidised to the hilt, or are you in shock because your 6% wasn't even remotely close to reality. Here's a clue. Opinion plucked from the nether regions and based on ignorant ideology is rarely likely to be respected even if it is swallowed without thought by the demographic you adhere to.
Still struggling with the realisation that fossil fuel has been subsidised to the hilt
Yes you've made it abundantly clear that you don't what a tax concession is…
you don't what a tax concession is…
In your case it's an excuse for not answering fundamental questions and facing the obvious.
In reality it's a subsidy, or to put it another way - it's a huge gift of taxpayers dollars to private companies - usually although not always by conservative governments. Sometimes justifiable, often not - as you'd know if you bothered to inform yourself of even the most basic facts. That clarify it for you?
Here's another question for you to ponder while you're collecting your navel fluff.
Why did the current conservative govt recently plug the $100B Howard "tax concession" black hole?In reality it's a subsidy, or to put it another way - it's a huge gift of taxpayers dollars to private companies
Lol that is not how tax concessions work. But thanks for proving my original point.
Lol that is not how I think tax concessions work
Fixed that for you, just so you don't need to exercise your grey matter reading and looking for facts.
@[Deactivated]: Obviously, you don't know the "Supertax" on petroleum producers! You are talking about the diesel rebate which to keep the cost of food production low so you can spend your savings and spend time in this forum.
@wildwild: I'm not talking about that at all but feel free to hold forth about your mythical "supertax". The PRRT was introduced by a Labor govt decades ago essentially to (a) get proper returns to the "taxpayer" from Au resources and (b) to provide a stable environment to explorers and developers. It was embraced by industry and both sides of politics. Howard f…ed that up by manipulating tax concessions to gas producers at a cost to the nation of $100B. That generous subsidisation of the fossil fuel industry has subsequently been plugged - doesn't exist for NEW projects. Do some reading and learn what your governments have done ffs.
do ICE vehicles arrive on sail boats?
The question you should be asking is, what are the real tangible benefits you are achieving for the capital outlay on EV's?
Feel free to show your working.@1st-Amendment: I drive a large diesel engine SUV. Not planning to buy an EV any time soon and have no advice on the benefits of EVs for you.
only an idiot would say something like that, petrol cars will never improve in technology while electric cars are still in their early days.
True because petrol cars haven't become massively more fuel efficient and powerful over the last 20 years…
@oznik: The only thing that has changed is tolerances in production made engines over the last 20 years, little you know.
@Will Mcdonald: Yes, the move to direct injection petrol engines, twin scroll turbos, spark controlled compression ignition, variable cam timing, bigger ECU maps and flex fuel sensors is all just tolerances.
@oznik: Those features have been around in racing for decades……..decades. You need to read about short term assets and cars, you can push limits of performance if you don't want the car to last, basic engineering. i have westinghouse freezer made in AUSTRALIA, its turning 33 soon. You should go buy a freezer and see if it can outlast mine.
I get your point but the response of manufacturers to Euro emissions standards suggests that's inaccurate.
Timmy clearly doesn't know the current electricity market, let alone what would be possible with community energy production and management if we had a federal govt with more than a couple of brain cells between them.
electric cars are still in their early days.
Batteries for electric cars on in their early dates.
@netjock: Early days for consumer production driven market the chemistry between lead acid and lithium ion is huge.
@Will Mcdonald: Still a huge gap between getting 1000kms on one charge and 1000km with a 10 minute charge which is basically refuel time on ICE.
Electric motors is there already, if you can supply the voltage you can break your neck acceleration already.
@netjock: So what you said before about the bus's back in the 1906 in london, they didn't charge the batteries between trips. Instead they swapped batteries out. Take the simple concept of when your bbq runs out of gas and you go to bunnings to do a swap. Now apply the concept to electric battery packs for cars, no more than 10 mins to do the swap. It has been trialed already in Europe, need more consumers to get the process up and going permanently.
@Will Mcdonald: You seem to mix concept with reality.
Problem with battery swap is:
- People seems to love having battery ownership
- Manufacturers charging too much for battery leasing
- Not universally compatible
If all manufacturers banded together and made universal compatible size battery compartments and battery standards then I am all for hot swap if they charge reasonable KwH. Say similar to home peak prices like 25c per KwH. But you know greed is good.
Why do you think mobile phones have enclosed batteries. They say to make phones slimmer but how hard have they made it to replace it? They are stuck in place, not clipped in place!
- people love batteries? Like drug addicts like acid?
Fact - they love the fact that they don't have to pay for fuel based upon a heavily inflated price. - Repeating what i said "need more consumers to get the process up and going" eco101 - economics of scale
- Yes double AA, AAA, 9v, 12v batteries are not universal. When my tv remote stops functioning i look for tv remote batteries.
Standards can be set just like the same standards AS/NZS 2229:2004.
Take a simple thing like led lights, they wern't around 20 years ago because of the price, but they have been around for decades within technology. Conglomerates push ideologies on consumers such as halogen and incandescent globes with the aim of consumers spending more, but if consumers stop buying their products they will switch to better products.
All you have to understand is that electric vehicles, even hybrid and hydrogen vehicles are better than petrol vehicles, we can't get rid of diesel as we need it for heavy industry.
@Will Mcdonald: Except in the real world:
1) Cars have packaging requirements so battery packs are all different shapes and sizes
2) People don't want other random peoples used batteries because they wear out.
@oznik: Standardisation exists within the petroleum industry you just never realised it because you wern't there and you didn't read any history. The way you think about battery packs is like the way you think about your mobile phone. You paid good money for that phone, you have friends and families photos, phone numbers on it. But do you really have the power to stop someone from viewing that information? Nope, if border security wants you to unlock that phone, you better put that password in and give them that phone.
@Will Mcdonald: I'm starting to suspect this is a troll account your arguments are so stupid.
But in the case its not, the fuel bowser nozzle and the cars receptacle hole are standardized, the fuel tank shape is not. its the reason you cant get a fuel tank from a commodore and fit it to a falcon.
The same applies to EV, they have a somewhat standard charging plug and unique battery shapes.
- people love batteries? Like drug addicts like acid?
@netjock: The problem with enforced western ideology "liking ownership" is narrowmindedness or letting others think for yourself. You are not buying the hardware, but the energy & the administration of packaging.
Apple does that & people are "happy to be exploited".
Solar is a thing? If you have panels, then your car could be charged by them when the sun is out.
Sure if you work night shift.
Even if you charge an EV with electricity from the dirtiest source you can find, it is STILL vastly better than an ICE car. The efficiency of electric motors is just that much better than combustion engines.
Renewables and cleaner energy are just a bonus on top!
@botchie: Yeah my secondhand $14k rice bubble is a huge status symbol
"You look so cool" says nobody ever
@botchie: Heh.
Most EV owners couldn’t give a stuff about how green their car is. They buy an EV for the insane performance and refinement over an ICE vehicle.
Yeah I know, I’m feeding the troll.
Good move.
Funny how two Labor governments approach electric vehicles from opposite ends of the spectrum.