7-11 Fuel Lock Problems

Has anyone had a dodgy 7-11 employee void their fuel lock price by giving you a different discount on your account such as a $1 discount for coffee?

I just went to fuel up today and had my locked price of $1.27 for 98 voided because he discounted my coffee. Making me pay full price of $1.75. And I don’t even usually fuel 98 unless it’s cheaper than 95.

I am (profanity) fuming here, and when I explained I knew what (mod: language) did he said to email head office to get my money back.

Anyone else experienced anything like this?

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  • -7

    1) seek anger management

    2) its not hard to figure out the difference between $1.27 and $1.75 a litre when you are paying, fix the issue then

    • +8

      I told him before paying I knew why it was voided. He answered straight back saying to contact hq to get my money back. He knew exactly what he was doing.

      • +5

        Doing the math, he saved $28 on 60L discount, for $1, enough to get anyone angry.

          • +5

            @brendanm: It’s not even about the money, It’s the principal. Do you not hate it when someone deliberately (profanity) with you? If it was a simple mistake it was all good

            • +1

              @asafasr: Yeah but I sure don't get that worked up over it.

          • -1

            @brendanm: Damn, some very angry people on here. Op could have made them do the transaction again, instead accepted it, and then whined on here. He is also getting his discount anyway.

            • +2

              @brendanm: "Op could have made them do the transaction again,"

              You must have missed this bit:

              "he said to email head office to get my money back".

              I'll be polite. You're a idiot.

              • @terrys: Op says he knew what was happening before he paid.

                Also, the attendant can refund, and do the transaction again, saw it happened with my own eyes a few days ago.

                I'll be polite. You're a idiot.


              • @terrys: "You're an idiot."

          • @brendanm: If fraud and theft doesn't worry you, you're probably in the wrong forum.

      • +1

        I told him before paying I knew why it was voided. He answered straight back saying to contact hq to get my money back. He knew exactly what he was doing.

        If you hadn't yet paid, why would you need to contact anyone to get your money back?

        • +3

          That is why I was mad, before paying I asked why is the fuel discount not applied, he acts dumb and said it’s your phone or something.

          I asked to scan again, he says it’s not working.
          So I paid, checked receipt and saw he applied discount of $1 for coffee.

          Told him I knew what he did and I want my discount for fuel, he says to contact hq for a refund.

          • +4

            @asafasr: Well that is farked. So the warning to punters here is not to buy anything in the same transaction with the fuel?

            • +1

              @Seraphin7: that's definitely what I plan to do from now on

              • +1

                @asafasr: You shouldn't have paid until he sorted out the price lock. You should have said: "I will wait here until I can speak to your manager."
                Given their coffee tastes like ***, the $1 discount is an insult to your injury.

            • @Seraphin7: I believe this advice has been mentioned in other threads as well.

  • +1

    I'm rather surprised that a particular word in the diabtribe above wasn't automatically replaced by (profanity).

    • So am I, but there’s really no other words to describe his actions

      • So did you email head office?

        • +2

          I have, in the process of getting a gift card sent out.
          Really didn’t have to be this difficult.

          • +4

            @asafasr: It doesn't sound like it was very difficult at all. You emailed head office and got a result.

            • +2

              @pjetson: He could’ve just gave me the fuel lock price

            • +2

              @pjetson: Maybe not difficult but definitely inconvenient.

              OP now has to wait for the gift card to arrive instead of having the cash immediately available to spend.

          • @asafasr: A 7-ii gift card? So their response was " we'll keep your money but let you pick something else."

  • +23

    I don't know why people are saying that calling head office and getting a gift card is an acceptable result.

    I would be mad if someone stole $50 from my wallet then after I questioned them about it, they told me to speak to their mate who will give me a $50 UberEats gift card to make up for it. They should never have stolen it in the first place and when caught, they should have returned the money then and there.

    • +2

      Thank you!
      This is exactly how I feel about this whole thing

      • +2

        Thanks for raising this issue for us. Next time, I am purchasing fuel with a price lock I will be sure not to even glance at anything else.

    • calling head office and getting a gift card is an acceptable result

      In addition, getting HO involved can be risky - they can close your account, and you'll waste time making a new one.

  • Just out of interest, did you also get a coffee while you're there?

    • I did, I also asked him not to apply any discount to the coffee because I’ve had this issue in the past. It’s always been solved as soon as I let them know about the 1 discount per transaction.

      • +3

        There is your mistake right there. Your knew about this issue. They made the mistake, and you still paid for the transaction???

        • I knew about 1 promotion per transaction. I have never had someone null the fuel lock because its obviously the best promo.

      • Given the 1 discount per transaction limit, wouldn't it make the most OzB sense to pay for the coffee and the fuel in separate transactions anyway?

        EDIT: Just read below that there is currently a $1 coffee with fuel purchase promo. I guess that's why you paid for them in the same transaction.

        • Anyways lesson learnt, gift card is sent to be here in 10-15 days. Will pay separately for fuel up from now on

          • @asafasr: You might wanna consider going to a different 7-11 in your area (if possible) since your local doesn't seem to want to play fair.

  • -5

    Engaging in fraudulent activity I’ve got PROFANITY all sympathy for you soz

    • are you high on meth or something

  • +3

    Would simply be fixed by saying; "That is not the price I get. Can you please cancel that transaction and put it through again at the correct amount?"

    You knew it was the wrong total and then still went and paid for it?? Sounds like a little bit of (mod: language) on both sides of the counter…

    • I did do that, he played dumb and said he has no idea what was happening.
      I told him it's because he had put through the coffee discount. Once he found out I knew why it wasn't applying the discount he said it would be easier to contact hq for a remedy. His action show he knew exactly why it wasn't applying the discount he was just hoping the customer wouldn't know the reason.

      • +1

        And yet you still went ahead and paid for it…

        "Yeah, sorry mate, that's not the price I'm getting here. You need to fix it before I can pay…"

        Sounds like a little bit of (mod: removed personal attack) on both sides of the counter…

        • I was in a hurry and didn’t want to hold up others trying to pay after fill up.

          • +4


            hold up others

            That’s perfect, you should have making a scene so others in the queue can side with you! The cashier should be made to feel embarrassed not you!

            You shouldn’t have been taken advantage of twice!

            All that anger in your post, you have should have been directed at the 7-11 cashier.

  • There is something strange about that $1 discounted or free coffee. I noticed the other day a 7-11 employee doing the same thing with my fuel purchase. I used a fuel lock, I noticed he registered a coffee for me, did something on the register, then charged me for the fuel. Although I was using a fuel lock, the locked price was higher than the posted price, so I paid the posted price anyway. ($1.27 at Emu Heights.) My receipt didn't have the coffee on it, but I was wondering if registering a coffee somehow gained the employee some sort of incentive bonus.

    • +1

      They have been giving away a free coffee with fill ups for a while now.

      • +1

        most likely the franchisee gets something back from head office in a rebate for every coffee….

        had it happen to me the other day. i asked for a receipt because i saw them put the coffee in. After they did the transaction they said i could have a free coffee as she had already rung it up. The free coffee did not effect my lock in any way

        • I pay for fuel with a motorpass card that only works for fuel. Have never had a 7-11 employee attempt to add a coffee on when not asked for, over many different servos. If they did, the card would decline.

        • Should always get receipts for fuel in case of contamination anyway

    • Kpi. No bonus

  • -2

    Always ask for a receipt to be sure, and pay in cash (if it is easy for you) to ensure they don't secretly charge you a different sum.


  • +3

    I've recently started seeing the attendant ask me before I pay if I want a receipt or not. Is that them trying to suss out whether they can do their dodge on me or not. I always ask for a receipt; cause I like taking it home to the better half and showing her how much our helicopter is saving us.

    • They want to add the coffee for free but not give you the coffee.
      They have kpi

    • It's so that they can add extra stuff onto the invoice without you noticing (slurpees, coffees etc)

      Massive scam, but not unexpected from one of the dodgiest companies around.


  • +3

    voided because he discounted my coffee.

    Used a fuel lock today and got a $1 'free' coffee as part of the transaction, no issue for me.

    • I have never been given a free coffee when using fuel lock.
      Guess your 7-11 are much better than vic south eastern suburbs. Always got told it’s 1 promo limit per visit.

      • I have never been given a free coffee when using fuel lock.

        Its a current promo running Australia wide….. "FREE regular Coffee with any fuel purchase"


        I had no issues using my locked in fuel price and getting a free regular coffee in one transaction. YMMV

        • Yeah I’ve asked about the promo b4, they said I either get the fuel lock or free coffee not both

          • @asafasr:

            they said I either get the fuel lock or free coffee not both


            Mine seems to be able to do both without a problem.

            • @JimmyF: Plot twist, they got the fuel discount, just the coffee was $28… 😂

  • +2

    They've burnt you twice, dont go back

  • Sounds to me like the guy on the counter wasn’t trained properly. I’ve struck that with other things where you want something out of the ordinary. They are in a pressure situation in a busy period and faced with something they don’t know how to do. So their response is of no real help to you. I find checking with them before they touch the register can often avoid the heated results.

  • I always do the fuel transaction first as I have always been concerned that the fuel discount could otherwise disappear.

    • There is a current promo on, buy fuel and get a $1 coffee for free, so you have to do them as one to get this.

      • So you do the fuel transaction, wait for the price to kick in from the fuel lock then add the coffee. Always works for me.

  • That’s the problem with the cashier, they are part timers and know next to nothing when issues crop up. I have seen this attitude in many sales/government departments. Usual answer it’s not “my department” and refers you to somebody else, somewhere else and make you go round a round with no resolution!

  • I've had similar issues, and I no longer add anything to the purchase. always pay for fuel separately.

  • Coffee free with fuel. Why did the staff void?
    I don’t think void will delete the fuel discount.
    You can contact 7-Eleven within the app.

    • Already have, they’re sending out a gift card with the difference

  • -1

    It sounds more like you forgot to tell them that you have a fuel lock or check before you paid. The discount doesn't come up every now and then especially when I use another voucher in conjunction with the fuel lock, but I always check before I pay.

    You seriously can't expect people to believe you chose th $1 coffee over the like $20+ in fuel discount right….

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