Wondering if anyone is working for uber/deliveroo or the works, as a second job and how this has worked out for you when tax time comes around.
My current job pays well but it's never enough in Sydney so looking at getting a second income.
Was it worth it at end of financial year or a waste of time/did it mostly go to tax.
I own a 6cyl Aurion so petrol might end up also being an issue.
Also wanted to get some insight into what you guys do as a second source of income?
Any help is appreciated
I can't imagine there is a lot of money in it - these kind of 'gig' jobs dont work to well in Australia because we dont have a 'tipping culture'
Thus in the US you might tip your Uber eats guy $1-10 this doesnt sound like a lot but you do 25-30 deliveries a night and it adds up and can make the job worth doing
Recently in the UK the drivers won the 'min wage' law battle which will make the job pay better but far less viable - i dont think this has happened yet in Australia
I'd be curious to know what the deliverers are average earning p/h here in Aus