Not sure why it’s free but grab it while you can! All the DLCs also appear to be free.
Credit to Mydealz.
Not sure why it’s free but grab it while you can! All the DLCs also appear to be free.
Credit to Mydealz.
Thanks mate! Must be a mistake lol
Wow, amazing, thank you OP!!
Legend. Thanks
Sure. Why not?
Nice find!
Don't forget to grab the free DLC too.
Grabbed on my AU account, checked my US and it’s $12. So looks like a region thing
Can't argue with free, cheers OP!
Even better than afterpay…
Get now don't pay later…
thank you.
Link to DLC?
it's in the OP…
Thanks OP
I've spent more time on the PS Store claiming this free DLC than I'll ever spend playing this game.
Such is OzBargaining.
This is the way
Thanks both, can't believe I missed it! Added to library.
Yes, has been for a little while as part of the 'Play at Home' thing Sony have got going on.
Cheers! Not sure how much I'd enjoy this compared to the original strategy titles but there's no complaining at free :)
Thanks OP!
So should we install the game too in case?
I personally wasn't a fan of this one compared to the other valkyria games in the series, but regardless nothing is free now days so this is still amazing and a good time sink! Thanks for sharing OP
I missed out on the free ebay stuff earlier today. So this is a good consolation for me 😆 I claimed all the dlcs to make the most out of it. Thank you op, you made my day!
Free eBay stuff? I think the items started from $2.
Free items for a few items and guess what it was posted by the same op who posted this one. Btw I have eBay plus so I could have got it if I saw it before the code expired.
Oh wow!
Thanks! Not sure if I'll ever play it but free is always worth a claim.
The PS4 version has much better graphics than the PSV version, which was really bad at the time when I read the review a few years ago…
Good find!
Added to the library, not gonna play ever.
damn her scythe is huge !
Yes. If you haven’t noticed she also has something else that is just as huge. 😍
A following of virgins?
Thanks OP. now my email filled with so many "Thank you for your purchase"
Do I have any intention of ever playing this game? No.
Did I claim it and all the DLC? Of course 😎
Hahaha it's free mate who cares
They do offer refund on freebies, no question asked, and you don't even have to contact them about it.
"but muh time, I want my time back"
No idea what this game is….but I like free stuff :)
No interest at all in this game or series,
But free is free, cheers.
that'd be bloody right… just bought it on xbox after looking at it for years… oh well… now i have 2 copies… lol
Noice thanks OP
Thank you :)
This will be classified as retro by the time I get to play it.
The store page brings up an error now and it doesn't show as Purchased for me
dead link?
Yep, just now. I literally finished claiming it all about 5 minutes ago. Tried to go back to the game link to find out what I'd "bought" and doesn't work any more.
Try this page
Has a download button for me still thankfully
It's over already. You can't search for it on PSN on PC, and on PS4 (dunno about PS5), the download/add to cart for it is missing (though still exists for the DLC).
This is a bad game if you've played other Valkyria games. I reviewed it for a now defunct website a few years back.
I wouldn't give it any time, but free is free I guess. Give it a go? 🙂
I just missed it, only got the DLC, game is removed from store
Someone at sony is gonna get their ass whooped.
Dunno about that. This game is several years old, is seen as a pretty mediocre game in general, and considered the worst game in its series after all. Might actually get some people to play it where before they wouldn't have even considered the game in the first place haha.
But how much money is Sony going to make from people playing this for free though?
Obviously none, but I have a feeling it wasn't making much in the first place anyway. Anyone who wants to play a Valkyria game would've got the first game or 4, not this one.
Probably not as hard as when they made Knack 2 free on quite literally the day it released
Looks like they plugged the hole and nuked the store page entirely.
I signed in the app and remote downloaded while at work earlier, thankfully it seems to be playable and working if already downloaded :D
No, it was paid when it was the only episode released. All telltale games have first episode for free as a trial thing to rope you into the story and at the end of ep1 they hope you buy the season pass to complete the story.
Damn can’t download game on PS4 atm despite already claimed. That’ll teach me…
Good chance they'll revoke the license from the people who downloaded it, anyway.
That’s why I’ll always be a traditionalist and buy physical over digital
Is it really worth the effort for them to revoke the license of a 4 year old game with mixed reviews and priced at $24.95 though?
I'd say no, but if the publisher think the game still has a chance to sell more copies I could see Sony doing it
They never did with Knack 2. I downloaded that straight away and was able to play it for ages afterwards.
that's strange. worked for me. it under purchase/library
Yeah seems like it's back now, yesterday there was no option to download the game once they removed the page
Damn, it's not in my history anymore?
Anyone else confirm?
Yeah, I used that link and pushed it through to my PS4 (PS5 is the default console), but it didn't start downloading until I went to the checkout of the PSN Store on the PS4 itself, then the download started. I think it was like 10Gb and then a 17Gb gamedata download. All of the DLC downloaded fine too (there were 24 add-ons right?).
I thought the demo was alright, but heard the game was pretty bad.
For free, may as well give it a proper go!
Thanks OP.