After dropping a small amount of stock online and in-store today, EB Games is set to reopen PS5 pre-orders in store tomorrow for both the PS5 Disc Edition and PS5 Digital Edition. If you pre-order a console in store, you’re guaranteed to get it before the end of July (likely before hand if you get a pre-order in early). As with the September round of pre-orders, you will have to drop down a $200 deposit. If you’ve been missing out on stock drops, and aren’t in a mega rush, this will be the best way to ensure that your name is down to get a PS5.
Just like there was at launch, trade deals will also continue for PS4 consoles. If you’re buying a PS5 disc edition, you can get it for $499 by trading in a PS4 Pro + 1 game ($449 if you’re a level 4 member). If you’re buying a PS5 digital edition, you can get it for $399 by trading in a 500GB PS4 slim + 1 game ($359 if you’re a level 4 member).
[Pre Order] PlayStation 5 Disc Version $749, Digital Version $599 ($200 Deposit Required) @ EB Games

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OzPreorder :P
You aren't wrong. I understand that it is a highly sought after item, but it isn't a bargain.
it's good enough when you can actually get these for their RRP nowadays
In rare cases like this, the bargain isn't in monetary value, but time.
I never thought about it this way. Time is money. But yes still not a bargain.
Absolutely this. It's also a bargain when your PS4 is slowly dying and you want to get a PS5 so you don't end up buying new old hardware.
RRP is the new bargain for these technically
When graphics card prices are being institutionally jacked by retailers RRP for a hard to get console is now a bargain
It is a bargain at RRP cause it has a RDNA+ graphics card worth at least 500 as well as a 3700x ryzen. Sony losing money at the rrp
Deal seems worse than at launch. Previously you didn't need to be a level 4 to only have to pay $449 + PS4 Pro for a PS5. But now you do plus you need to trade an additional PS4 game too.
Why would you trade in PS4 for 270 plus a game when you can sell it on gumtree for 400 ez
Because it's effort and you have to deal with lowballers/scammers?
Anyway besides the point that it's worse than at launch.
Yes true but it's not hard to get more for PS4 now then at launch…if you wanted a good deal that is with a bit of an effort
List a ps4 on Facebook MP for $270 and you will be inundated with messages and sell it within an hour. A quick look on eBay shows they are still selling for approx $350-$400 BIN. Not hard to ignore lowballers.
Because they don't check quality. I traded in my PS4 with a dodgy Bluray drive and the PS4 continuously beeped. Doubt I would have gotten as much on gumtree as I got for trade in
Dreaming, none pays 400 for it anymore
What? No way in hell are you selling a PS4 for $400 on Gumtree. I had mine up with 4 controllers, 13 games for like $250 and had very little interest.
Think they're talking about the Pro. But yeah, I struggled to sell mine for $400 late last year.
Tech looses value over time. 1.5k flagship worth 1.2k 6 months later.
Nov 2020 ps4 worth more than May 2021 ps4
That's why people are upset, ps5 looses value over time aswell since it's also tech
A person must have rocks for brains if they paid 1.5k for a PS5 let alone 1.2k.
They are out there. I know at least one person who paid $1,500 for their PS5 in early December last year. I believe their reasoning was that it saved fighting with the masses trying to get one and probably didn't want to disappoint their kids at Christmas. Still agree with rocks for brains though!
I got $400 for my ps4 pro on market place 6 months ago. I guess $300 not bad.
I’m guessing nationwide? Regardless, my local always seems to be sold out…
This or wait for the PS5 remodel next year?
Yes , just wait for new super duper ps5 +
I heard it will have twice the performance and will be made out of a new component that doesn't require silicone or superconductor so they will readily available for under RRPElectronic component that doesn't require a semiconductor. Keep dreaming.
Did you hear it from your ass?
Seems like a fairly minor revision to a 6nm chip due to supply shortages. Exterior will more than likely be identical. Not expecting any major performance upgrades
Must be fart Morse code
you talk like you know what you are talking about
how will 6nm chip help with anything pls?@botchie: Smaller 'chips' means greater yields on the same wafer. So you can physically produce more of them. Think of it like a holepuncher. The smaller the holepunch circle size, the more of them you can take out of an A4 piece of paper.
Second, with smaller chips, there's generally higher quality with less imperfections and therefore less and less 'chips' get binned as not good enough and recycled. So again, producing more of them first time.
That's the whole point really. It's exactly the same for the desktop CPUs and even GPU dies. They're all shrinking for similar reasons (as well as reduced heat and efficiency).
Saw you on another PS5 post. Why are you spreading so much misinformation?
you are funny af :)
even funnier when drones dont get it ha ha
nice work
Name checks out.
There seem to be a lot of malfunctioning sarcasm detectors around here.
Different spec but I got the Xbox on launch. Barely played it. Only traded in due to the deal. I'd definitely wait a year if they have an upgraded model coupled with real next gen games and possibly a cheaper price tag in a year's time.
I've hardly touched either my PS5 nor XSX.
So what have you touched lately? Yourself doesn’t count
How do you know there is going to be a remodel next year?
there's always a remodel - might 2 more years though
any idea when the new model is supposed to be released over here?
Its not a remodel or change in product. They are moving to a 6nm chip as the current chip 7nm can only fit around 135 semiconductors per wafer. Move to 6nm you can fit around 165 SC per wafer. Sony pay for the entire wafer so same price wafer with more chips output per wafer: Lowers costs by increases yield per wafer. This will assist by increasing consoles produced and ease the supply demand isues. To remodel the external form factor of PS5 would cost millions in production line refabrication and automation. The changes will all be internal and will not increase power or performance, until 2024 when a PS5 Pro (8K 120hz0 is estimated to release. The PS4 had the same thing when SIE moved from a launch PS4 to a C-Chassis PS4. Took away the gloss panel and lowered power cosumption so used less energy, and therefore ran quieter than launch console with no need to change the production line.
That is the question.
Hard to say really.
At this rate the ps6 will be out soon enough to replace it haha ! I myself still haven't thought about the ps5 just yet still in ps4 land which is fine for the average person I say
the ps5 pro is rumored to come out next year you might as well wait for that since it will be better and have none of all the issues the ps5 currently has.
i don't think that's true
The only reason the pro and x exist is because TV’s jumped from 1080p being the standard to wide 4K adoption. This required both to adapt and upgrade mid cycle. The ps5 and series x can both do 8K so I can’t see any reason for a pro. Slim maybe but not anytime soon. In 4 years with large 5G adoption streaming will probably be next thing they need to react to. We may not see another gen.
I could think of reasons for a Pro
double the ssd storage for one
eg 2tb or more
more usb ports@kungfuman: Pretty sure they’re just called PS4 500GB/1TB/2TB not Pro, slim or short maybe but not a pro.
Does the ps4 have to be working? My PSU is broken and I can't be bothered fixing it
Maybe, but I doubt they would trade it at normal price
They will give you a reduced rate - I traded my ps4 in for a ps4 pro at the time and was honest about the disk drive not working. Was still worth it for me
So only PS trade-in for ps? Can we do Xbox for ps? Or the other way?
And can you trade a normal PS4?
AND not be level 4?EB takes anything as a trade in.
Just to warn people I preordered a console with EB on the 17th of September 2020, I received it on the 27th of April 2021. Their customer service was appallingly terrible. Will never use them again for anything.
Wow that's ridiculous, why would they sell stock in store when there's still preorders to fulfill?
Yeah they were still taking pre-orders, in the hope of eventually getting stock in. Traded in PS4 console and told we could only get store credit for it or wait, would only refund $50 deposit. So got 1 from JB in January and sold (for cost) the one we eventually got from EB.
Did u get i refund through online emails? Or u arranged it in store?
@Nananananana: Waited until it arrived as I didn't want store credit for a store that I won't use again. They won't refund trade ins only cash deposits
Wait … they take a trade-in device of you in September, but don’t give you the replacement device for 6 months?
You are left console-less for 6 months?That’s pretty crap.
I pre-ordered (was on the last batch - $50 deposit). ETA was 31/12/2021. Received 1/12/2020.
With all the trade-in bonus (PS4 Pro console, extra controller, games), ended up paying just the $50.I did recall receiving a call and the staff basically indicated pick up the console soon as they wouldn't hold it for too long (which was weird since I already paid for the whole thing in full).
You sure you ordered on the 9th? I'm pretty sure first wave for EB was 16th or 17th?
17th… I was on the final wave.
That's extremely unlucky. Most of us that pre-ordered on 17th Sept got it at launch day 12th Nov.
Not really. You were on the launch day shipment pre-order batch (batch 1). A lot of people either didn't make it to that batch (batch 3), or waited till the 2021 batch (because that batch has no official ETA and the deposit is only $50).
I was on the final batch coz I thought $50 deposit, why not… The official ETA was 31/12/2021. I was surprised to get it on 1st Dec 2020.
I ordered the minute preorders went live and got it on launch. One of my friends preordered the same day but roughly 6 hours later, and his is still yet to arrive (Got shipped Friday and should arrive any day now). I would avoid preordering with EB, they have handled his entire preorder very poorly.
6 hours later. That means quite late in batch 3 (2021 batch), which is really luck of the draw. I understand the frustration. However, depending on how much trade in bonuses he received. For example, I only paid $50 for PS5, rest is all via trading in old console, controllers and games.
The main problem is that EB kept on taking pre-orders for batch 3 and kept on extending it. The ETA for batch 3 was before 31/12/2021. It's possible to cancel the order.
@netsurfer: No trade in bonuses, he doesn't as far as I'm aware have anything he could have traded (I guess i do but I can't bring myself to sell consoles or games). I think the bigger issue was the severe lack of communication and zero answers when asked and just sitting on the $200 deposit for months. If it had been no cash down or $50 down it would be a lot more reasonable.
@witheredcouch: So he wasn't an EB World member? I recalled due to Sony not clearing setting the pre-order date in advance and retailers all jumped the gun, the PS5 pre-order wasn't very difficult to get initially. So, he was on the 6 hours later batch (batch 4).
The main attractive part of EB's deal is the trade in bonus. If your friend didn't want to do that, then the deal isn't that attractive (would have been better to go with another retailer - i.e. JB and get discount vouchers). I thought the deposit is refundable.
Yes, the lack of proper communication was bad. I was initially told 2021 is when I will get my PS5. Then, all of the sudden, I got a called from my local EB store to pick it up that day (I think the store was only willing to hold it for me for a day or two, otherwise they will re-allocate to someone else).
Both batch 3 and batch 4 carried risks since there was no set date for them. Batch 1 is launch day, and batch 2 is before end of 2020.
@netsurfer: I believe his said by end of 2020 when he ordered. But he ordered from EB as they were the ones with an open preorder at the time, theothers had ceased i believe.
@witheredcouch: That doesn't make sense (if it is 6 hours later). I was on batch 3, that was basically 10 minutes after you. That batch has an official ETA 31/12/2021 (yes, end of 2021).
If EB later opened another 2021 pre-order and charges people $200 instead of $50, that would have been mean and nasty.
@netsurfer: I don't know for certain, I just remember initially seeing a screenshot from him saying end of 2020, and then a few weeks later it was changed to end of 2021. Ah well, it doesn't matter as he has it/will soon, i just think EB handled the whole situation very poorly.
Pre-order now to receive it on May 2022
I want my old Ozbargain back. Is there a website which actually displays bargains (genuine question) so I can go there instead?
You didn't answer my question. And as someone whose been a member longer than me, you must remember what OzBargain used to be like when it was better. Is there any other websites that are good?
No. I personally believe this is the best bargain site in AU. Peaks and troughs man. Like hanging with your buddies, I'm just speaking for myself here. Sometimes in can be ultra enjoyable - sometimes it can be less than that, kinda like life itself. There are ways to set things up here so you are only seeing what you really want to see. That's also why the Front Page is so useful - just scan your eye down and only click on what is of interest. I hope you don't leave. The number and variation in member opinions is what makes this site so interesting. The bye was just some low level lazy messing about on my part.
Some of these items that are harder to get are really appreciated by the masses.. Personally I think something is a bargain if I cannot readily buy it in my local shopping centre. Having confirmed stock, no price jacking can make someone's day here - the rest of us can ignore.
@seamonkey: That's okay mate, my original comment was out of frustration, so I didn't phrase it well either. Good to hear your opinion.
If u dont think this is a deal u should neg it. Put money where mouth is.
That's not my point. OzBargain is no longer for me. I can never find stuff that I want, it's usually the same crap. I don't need to get into a philosophical discussion as to whether it's a neg or not. I'm asking people on OzBargain if there are any similar websites they'd recommend because this one isn't doing it for me anymore.
Sure let me help you. What items/services do you normally buy/use?
@Nananananana: Usually:
- kitchen appliances
- groceries (which tbf OzBargain is still okay for).
- homewares (paint, renovation etc).
- and occasionally furniture.
Thanks in advance.
i blame the shitshow that is the forums
The bargain is that there is actually stock coming. Think of this like a notification of a concert ticket drop. It’s $179 from tickettek and full price or $250-300 from scalpers. The bargain is the saving of not paying the scalper and getting the stock normally.
This is getting more and more common lately. Sneakers, technology, perfumes, Pokémon cards, clothing collectables all have this even at full price buy it right now requirement to actually get anything good.
The effort to scroll past stuff you don't care about is way less than the effort you took to climb into this post and have a whinge.
If you find yourself scrolling more than clicking, be a grown up and stop coming. Nobody's making you come here.
What if you're not level 4? I'm level 2 so does that just mean I'll need to pay more?
And any idea if you need to bring in your PS4 when you preorder or do you bring it in when you pick up your PS5?
That will be up to you. I trade my PS4 PRO before I get my PS5.
Cheers - I'll just trade it in as it's collecting dust anyway 🤣
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