This was posted 3 years 9 months 29 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

MSI GeForce RTX 3070 SUPRIM X 8G $1549 + Delivery @ Scorptec


Decent price for a well-reviewed in stock 3070 in comparison to this popular deal if you don't want a last gen CPU with no iGPU and proprietary parts. Three fan design vs two on the Dell OEM 3070 too.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Lol love the PCPP list that got shot down in a techfast deal the other day showing these cards are 1800 dollars retail.

    • +5

      Not to mention the month wait for that Techfast deal. Should have taken one of the PLE prices near 1k.

  • +5

    This whole gen seems to be a wash if you don't want to pay far more than RRP. Regret not waking up for the midnight launch and snagging a 3080 at less than this price, even with the 4 month wait to actually get the card.

    • +11

      Ordered from PLE for 3080 at lunch, still not delivered

      • +30

        Lunch time wasn't that long ago

        • LOL, someone is being inpatient.

          • +1

            @edfoo: Not surprising, the only way to get a GPU these days is to sell a kidney ;)

          • +2

            @edfoo: Are you threatening him with hospitalisation?

            • +4

              @AMrMister: Yep, he will be inpatient if he is impatient.

          • @edfoo: they dont deliver to hospitals is why

            EDIT: Above poster ruined the joke by correcting the misspelling of impatient (Inpatient).

            Joke was good, Rip joke

      • What % of your 3080 has been delivered ? When i got mine about 6 months ago, they were at 35%.

      • ordered 3080 PLE 3 weeks after launch for $1259, received it 1.5 months ago……

        • Depends on the model

        • dont know how i got so lucky ordered a gigabyte aorus master 3080 $1640 from ple at launch and got it 3 weeks later must have been one of the 1st to preorder when this particular model became available for preorder gotta be happy about that :)

          • @BargainWizard: Did you even get a 3080 if you haven't spent the last 18 months negging every deal that comes up saying "omg 3080 isn't a deal unless its under $900, cards from the 30 series are so easy to get. Once crypto crashes in 2018 cards will be even less"

            • +1

              @DealSnake: Think you got me mixed up with someone else mate.

              I've got a 3080 and a 3070.

              I think up to $1000 is a decent buy for 3070 and $1500 for 3080.

              I do feel RRP is not a deal and I'll neg whatever I feel isn't a deal. Feel free to upvote it. Buy from scumtec if you like, I don't care lol.

              Never mentioned anything about easy to get or anything about crypto.

              • @lawyerz: even at $2100 that the 3080s are up for preorder for now i would still buy one but only because i was planing to get the asus strix oc 2080 ti and that was at the same $2100 price so obviously the 3080 is better
                glad i got in quick for the cheaper prices that they were though :)

                • @BargainWizard: Mm yeah the Asus strix is a diff story, it's always had a premium on the strix range.

                  But if your budget is $2100 you probably could get an EVGA 3080ti for around that price. Not Asus strix but it is a tier up card.

                  I'm speculating of course, no prices have been announced.

                  Value wise (cost per frame) the 3080 is probably still better - again depending on what prices the TI card launches at.

                  You might even get the TI cards faster than if you placed an order for 3080.

                  • @lawyerz: you miss read i was planning on getting the asus strix oc "2080" ti at $2100 so anyway i held out to see the 3000 series prices so glad i did cause the aorus master at $1640 was cheaper and better seemed too good to be true worked out great :)

                    • @BargainWizard: Oops!! Sorry I did misread.

                      Nice! I'm glad I skipped the 20series too, they were shockingly expensive.

                      I also just realised there's something funny on ple looks like they're not taking any more orders .. shrug

            • @DealSnake: i think you mixed me up with lawyerz like lawyerz said or someone else i have done no such negging or posting of those sort of comments that you imply lol not even one comment like that do you have even one link where i made such a comment ? no of course not because there is not even one
              obviously got me mixed up with someone else

              • +1

                @BargainWizard: oops didnt realise the @ wasn't even referring to me haha.

              • @BargainWizard: It was sarcasm that you're the only one not saying "buying a 3080 for less than 1000 isn't a deal" (I.e anyone else on these who already has a 3080) and acknowledged the early order for $1600 was lucky

                • @DealSnake: now you tell me but it didnt sound that way to me it looked like an attack well we all make mistakes i wish you had said it was sarcasm sorry i reported the comment i messaged mods to unreport it :D

      • Which one? Hope it wasn't any of the EVGA ones apart from the FTW Ultra, because I think that's the only one they're making right now

      • Same, ordered a 3080 FTW3 from PLE on launch day. Still haven't received it.

        • EVGA completely abandoned the non-ultra series it seems - I think only the XC3 Ultra and FTW3 Ultra are being fulfilled :(

          I actually ordered the ftw3 on launch night and thought I'd get it FASTER because other people would order the ultra… And I wanted to save $30. I can adjust the oc slider myself, no thanks EVGA, so I thought. but once PLE had the buying guide up I was clearly mistaken and did a card swap and got kicked right back at the end of the line 3 weeks after launch. took 7 months in total to finally arrive…

          in Dec 2020, there was a tonne of in-stock 3070s for $899 (XC3) - and its now all gone…

          This whole GPU shortage is maddening.

    • oh wow, I pre ordered 6800 xt for 1k and still waiting as well, bought AIB model in Jan anyway for what I thought was overpriced $1400 thinking I'll sell the FE model for $1200-300 which will make it right
      now I am not so sure I will ever get it?

  • Who on earth can react to this sale…. 7mins sold out
    how did you know beforehand…?

    • +1

      Set up notifications for page changes. These get restocked often but don't last long.

      • Thanks mate!
        Never tried before, any tool recommended…?
        possibly good as i got a few things on my watchlist

        • +2

 works but it's a bit of trial and error to get it setup without false notifications.

    • Bots.

      • +1

        Scorptec seems to have some sort of captcha system in place to defeat bots. Umart on the other hand sells out instantly even in the middle of the night.

        • +1

          I more meant bots that monitor stock availability. I joined a free Discord community that had bots monitoring Centrecom, Umart, PCCG and others, that's how I was able to nab my 3080.

          • +1

            @evanjd: Yeah I'm a member of Aus InStock and another paid Discord too. Both seem to have trouble with Scorptec though and the bots miss a lot of restocks on there (with most being posted manually by members). I've found my own page change notifications to be more reliable for Scorptec..

    • Bots….

    • I'm amazed it lasted long enough to be posted on OzBargain. It was posted in an stock tracking discord at 4:40pm yesterday.

  • +11

    Even if this might be the cheapest available Suprim X 3070, this is far from being an OzBargain-worthy deal.

    • Feel free to post your source for 3070s mate.

      This isn't just the cheapest available Suprim X 3070 - it's the cheapest 3070 of any model. There's a reason this sold out as soon as I posted it.

      At this price, you could build a similar spec PC to this deal for about $200 more. I think that's worth it to not have to deal with the Dell's cooling issues, proprietary parts, and warranty process. Plus many people won't use CPUs without dedicated graphics due to the issues it causes with troubleshooting.

      • +2

        I bought my 3070 FTW3 Ultra from PLE, ordered 3 weeks ago and delivered this week Monday.

        $1,103 delivered.

        FTW3 is one of the best designs - rivals the Suprim X.

        • -1

          I highly doubt that's true considering there are orders for that model from as late as 10/04 that don't even have an ETA, let alone delivered. If you're not lying then you've somehow jumped the queue.

          I have an order at PLE for an eVGA 3070 from 11/04 and there's no ETA. Plus PLE isn't taking orders anymore.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Let me clarify.

            I ordered an XC3 on 5 April. Changed my order to FTW3 on 10 April.

            I'm more than happy to share a screenshot of the dates. Or I can also share a photo of the FTW3 in my NR200.

            You missed out by one day.

            • @CrushJelly: So not 3 weeks ago and from somewhere that isn't even taking orders anymore. That's great you got it for that price, but people it isn't available. The market has changed in a month.

          • @[Deactivated]: turn around time between 3070 orders on ple is 2-4 weeks since awhile already

            • @ln28909: Yet my card ordered almost 4 weeks ago doesn't even have an ETA.

              • @[Deactivated]: just don't order the cheapest one, check the eta page and choose from there

                • @ln28909: It wasn't, it was a card that people were saying they were getting in a few weeks after ordering. The market has changed.

                  PLE has stopped taking preorders for these cards anyway.

                  • @[Deactivated]: if you are struggling to buy a 3070 below $1399 then you're not in the know, every few days i could buy one from a retailer, PLE is just the easy way if you're happy to wait 2-4 weeks

                    • @ln28909: You don't know what you're talking about. That was true last week but prices have increased across the board.

                      I have 12 GPUs on hand or on order.

                      • +1

                        @[Deactivated]: lol I have 20 gpus and none on order cause if i want to buy, i get it in a week

                        • @ln28909: Where from then? All the Discord groups show prices are increasing. You must know better than everyone else?

                          • @[Deactivated]: scorptec, and pccg

                            scorptec has a drop for 3070 ventus x3 oc for $1349 and inno3d ichill x3 for $1399 at 5pm yesterday

                            pccg drops 3080 regularly and sometimes cheap 3060 ti

                            I literally have to turn off scorptec cause it pings me everyday and I don't need any more card

                            • @ln28909: Mate I'm scraping all those sites and getting notifications instantly of any changes. The cheapest Inno3D at Scorptec is $1449.

                              PCCG has only had 3080 bundles recently - they're not releasing them separately anymore. I just checked and the only non-bundled 3080 in the past two weeks was the Gigabyte Aorus GeForce RTX 3080 Xtreme Waterforce WB 10GB for $2299. Before that was the MSI GeForce RTX 3080 Sea Hawk X 10GB on 16/04 also for $2299. There hasn't been a 3060 Ti at PCCG in stock for at least a month.

                              • @[Deactivated]: like I said you're not in the know


                                the inno3d went up today, but yesterday it was still $1399

                                • @ln28909: Agree. Anyone complaining about not finding a 3070 for a decent price is either not capable of waiting the 2-4 weeks from PLE, or simply looking at the wrong places.

                                  I have 1x3070XC3, 3x3070FTW3, 1xTUF3080 and 1xGAMINGZTRIO3080.

                                  I also bought a perfectly functional repaired/RMA'd 3070GAMINGOC a couple of weeks ago for $1129 which I gave to my cousin (who sold his 5700XT for $1k lol).

                                  • @CrushJelly: Who's complaining? I posted this to help people so they don't have to buy a Dell. And again, PLE is not taking preorders anymore. Posting that you got one from there weeks ago doesn't help people now.

                                    • -1

                                      @[Deactivated]: They can get a Galax 3070 build from Techfast for $2k. You don't need an oversized cooler for the 3070. Barely hits 60 degrees in an SFFPC case.

                                      This isn't a deal.

                                      • -1

                                        @CrushJelly: You don't know what you're talking mate. You could build that Techfast deal with this GPU and it turns out to be almost the same price. But with this deal you don't have to wait four weeks and get parts nobody wanted.

        • I ordered on the 10th of April and have no ETA for that card. Either you're full of it (highly likely) or you jumped the queue.

        • @bargainwizard this could be you!

          • @DealSnake: what ? who could be me what the frock are you on about bro

          • @DealSnake: dont call me a freakin liar and stop trolling me with judgment attacks it all comes back around here is a pic of the invoice dated 24/09/20
            and a pic of the gigabyte registration with 4 year warranty starting 14/10/20 which is 6 weeks after i ordered it and it had just been delivered just like i said
            real magic wizards dont tell lies the magic mirror wont let them up there higher true self with a lower self to watch out for so that it doesnt get you into any trouble


            • @BargainWizard: Lol nvm….read my other comment i.e you the only one saying it was lucky. Now this guy says the typical 3080 is never a deal if not under $1000

              • @DealSnake: now you tell me but it didnt sound that way to me it looked like an attack well we all make mistakes i wish you had said it was sarcasm sorry i reported the comment i messaged mods to unreport it :D

            • @BargainWizard: actually i got the card 3 weeks after preordering it not 6 weeks that was a typo got it in 3 weeks like i said before and as shown in the pics

    • +3

      Safe to say any Scorptec listings should not be posted, stock or not. We shouldn't be directing traffic to scalpers.

  • +3

    I got my 3080 cheaper than this price….(back in Nov)
    This is bonkers

    • +1

      Some people don't mind to get screwed left, right and centre XD

    • You snooze you loose…

    • that's like saying I bought this house for $750k in 2015 - its now worth 1.5 MIL….
      if everyone is buying houses for 1.5mil around you does that mean you got screwed?
      unfortunately its the reality of todays market and with DOGECOIN now worth $1 dollar for a joke of crypto its just showing you how much of a joke the rest of that market is like
      no wonder ppl will buy these cards at 2k even to mine something on it as it will be worth twice that much in few months time

  • actually no one expected the shortage could make a price rise after…
    I guess a lot of people didnt preorder at that moment, and try to wait for the cool down…
    but it never come :(

  • That sweet wow factor, that amazing immersive, responsive experience, the thing that people are really after when they spend money on a new GPU…

    Is it really worth 1500 dollars?

    Would it upset too many people to point out that this "wow factor" you're chasing can be had with that recent Quest 2 deal instead, only much much greater, and for a third of the price?

  • I have one of these on order with ple
    Ordered a few weeks back. Have an eta of 17/05

    It was meant to be this week but shipment was delayed. Paid $1300 delivered

  • +1

    paid $410 less, for a 3080 at launch. market's gone apesh*t.

  • I bought the 3080 SUPRIM X for $1500 like 7 months ago, crazy stuff

  • Bought an entire pc from virco for $1799 with an asus strix 3070, I think the best thing to do is go prebuilt. These prices are a joke when you have prebuilt for the same price roughly.

    • +1

      Prices keep going up, not down. Techfast mentioned there has been a $200 jump in 3070 prices this past week alone and they're now up around $2200 for a system. That said, for an extra $600 getting an entire new system is just common sense for anyone who needs an upgrade on that front too.

      I just wish ray tracing and DLSS weren't so good on the nvidia front. Otherwise I'd just buy a 6900XT and be done with all this digging around for a cheap card and be happy with normal, 4K/60hz gaming for the next several years.

      • +2

        Yeh amd screwed us tbh

      • 4k 60hz gamin will cost you $850 for the new xbox

  • Ordered 3080 TUF OC in November at PLE. Received in February.

  • I ordered my 3080 evga ftw3 ultra for $1259 on launch night and recieved it at the start of November. Its crazy to think that they are selling for double the price now!

  • Can you still pre-order any of these 3070s, 3080s from PLE right now, or is it too late/too long of a wait?

    Like most people, I should have pre-ordered in November, but since I knew I wouldn't game much (due to not having time in December/January), I thought I'd wait. I even sold my RX 5700XT and bought a GTX 1070 to use an as interim card (I made a big mistake selling the RX 5700XT), but I had no idea stock shortages would be this bad.

    Buying a pre-built system is no good to me as I put together a system based around an AM4 3900XT and high-end Asus X570 MB. I haven't gamed much the past few years, but this system was built also with the purpose (not the only reason for the system) to try and get back into gaming. The only thing missing right now is a video card and gaming monitor.

    I haven't really looked for months on graphics carda (until late last week) when I started looking to try and buy a second hand Nvidia or AMD card, as I knew you still couldn't get current gen cards and was shocked to see the prices of second hand cards go through the roof too (I didn't realize the shortages were this bad).

    Can you still pre-order current listed cards, and if so, is it a waste of time as I'd assume the queue would be too long? Should I wait for the next releases such as the 3070Ti or 3080Ti (depending on the price) and try and pre-order those on launch? Any idea when those would be getting launched?

    • +1

      It looks like PLE are no longer accepting pre-orders on a lot of their RTX cards.

    • Just get a 3060 or 6700xt

      • I don't like the looks of the 3060 (if you mean the non-Ti model?), but I feel the 6700XT would be an OK card if the price was right.

  • +1

    Man this sucks I can't believe how expensive the RTX 3000 series is. I bought my MSI RTX 2070 SUPER Gaming Trio X for $730 during black Friday 2019. The card was retailing around $1200 at that time and you could get the low end 2070super for around $800.

    Now I saw mwave selling the 3070 gaming trio x for $2000, almost double previous gen prices. I could prob sell my card for same or more than what I paid for it in November 2019

  • Wait for a Dell ebay sales, or Alienware sales
    Get the prebuilt.

    The last 3070 I saw was a Dell XPS 8940 like $2139, with a strong 11700k CPU, 16G ram, ssd… the premium for the video card is just $180 over the MSRP (using pcpartpicker with the same parts as a comparison base). Of course the parts quality may be less than DIY, but at least you get the GPU At a decent price

    • I got a 3070 with 8940 XPS and 10700k for under $2k Deal recently. I find it incredible this card alone is most of that cost

    • It's more than a two month wait an 8940 and a PC built with this card works out to be marginally more expensive. Personally I'd pay a couple of hundred more for a better system and not have to wait until July.

  • reminds me of paying 500ish AUD for a X70 cards.

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