Personal Injury from Poorly Designed/Made Appliances

We have a new dishwasher and microwave from a reputable brand in the unit we recently rented. In the first week of our tenancy my wife injured her ankle and finger from the very sharp edges on the dishwasher door.

Then just tonight I suffered a deep cut to my leg from the sharp metal corner in on the dishwasher door, as well as a cut to my finger from the microwave door.

The cuts are deep and the ones sustained from the dishwasher resulted in more bleeding than a simple cut.

What would you do?

Just gauging whether it’s worth involving a personal injury lawyer from the outset, because I want the manufacturer to not just compensate for the injuries but also issue a nationwide recall/resolution that could potentially affect thousands if not tens of thousands of users.

Just imagine your child getting a nasty cut that may result in a lifelong scar because they happen to pass by the dishwasher while the parent is loading/unloading the dishwasher.


Update: pictures with the sharp edges/cuts, sorry for the bloody scene

Poll Options

  • 21
    Contact landlord/builder
  • 20
    Seek resolution with manufacturer
  • 101
    Just get a personal injury lawyer


        • +1

          I feel like some heavier moderation needs to be done. Even just below this top level comment there's a comment just calling OP "Pathetic".

      • +4

        yes i agree, it wasnt always this way but last couple of years, i have had to start blocking some people. I would come on and ask for advice or thank someone for their advice and there will be some trolls with snarky replies. Strangely some of them even comment quite often and are normal some of the time and rude as F other times. Its almost like a maturity level, its like they get triggered and change from jekyll to hyde.

      • +1

        Whirlpool = way better.

        • +1

          The comments on Whirlpool would have been worse for the OP. If the thread was about changing unsafe products it would be different, but the overly litigious approach being mentioned by the OP 100% would have been called out similarly to here. They won't suffer fools as much as OzBargain will.

        • Purely because it is strongly moderated

      • Woo, I love being memorable

        I remember the first time realizing this entire site was toxic


  • +1

    Put some rubber on the edges and move on.

    • +4

      OP might be better covering himself in rubber to protect himself from the world

  • +1


    a) don't walk into things, particularly metal things. It will hurt!

    b) microwaves have a handle, use it rather than some random part of the door.

    And I wonder where the Human Race is going…

    • -7

      The microwave door accident happened as follows: opened the door (gently, but all the way), turned to grab two mugs, but did not know the door had a bounce to it and by the time I turned again the door had closed half way through but was too close to react quickly enough, my finger went into the sharp edge.

      It was pretty painful, especially that I was carrying a full mug so finger curled around the handle. Would not be wish this to happen to anyone. Sure I should have been more careful, but also the microwave door shouldn’t have a notoriously sharp edge to it (it’s the stainless steel wrap/trim by the way that’s sharp)

      • +8

        it’s not ‘notoriously’ sharp otherwise you’d be aware of it - due to the notoriety.

  • Just take responsbility and watch where you are going. Should I sue BigW because I cut my finger when closing the microwave? No I take resonsiblity for my actions.

    • But but OP is a “doctor” so apparently it can’t possibly be his fault

  • +2

    Reminds me a bit of those metal stools that sliced toes off.

    OP feel free to look up the story from 2016, but is still making news this year……

  • +4

    Being a European appliance it should have been compliant to EN60950 (or the replacement EN62368) which includes a clause related to handling safety not having sharp edges.
    A lot of people here seem to buy poor quality products and accept it. Assuming it is non-compliant, if you lived in the EU you would have an avenue to complain. For something relatively minor like this it's probably most effective to contact the manufacturer and get a bit short with them. I doubt the effort, time and cost for you to to persue legally in Australia would be worth it.

    • Thank you, my thoughts exactly

  • +3

    There was this one day, in the office, I sustained a paper cut so I contacted Reflex and they sent me a replacement ream of paper.

    • +7

      Sounds like they're tricking you into a death by 1000 cuts.

  • +1

    How did you both cut your ankles on a built in dishwasher.. those things are designed to be completely flush with the cabinetry. Only way is if the door is open, which is on you to make sure you don't run into it..

    Secondly, you're getting ridiculed by the humble ozbargain community over your carelessness and completely baseless claims of psychological damage / near critical injuries.. Imagine what a blood-hungry lawyer paid by a giant corporation with almost endless resources will do to you in court.

    • +2

      Door was open, were loading the dishwasher. A slight rub into that sharp edge is sufficient to cause a cut. We are more careful around it, but still that thing shouldn’t be sharp at all to begin with

  • +1

    My favourite OP go get a legal team they will encourage you to go all the way filling their pockets with $$$ .
    If you wanted to go no win no fee they would show you the door quick smart .

  • that's really bad - u got hurt by the dishwasher and the microwave oven simultaneously in tandem one after another over and over.

    • +2

      The dishwasher and microwave are clearly working together to overthrew their human overlords.

      • +2

        Next update…. Fridge attacked me in my sleep.

  • What a silly topic for a poll. It is like buying a knife and complaining it wasn't sharp.

    • -2

      Read the comment above about product standard re safety. You’re welcome

  • -1

    A file, sandpaper, a stone or rock would fix those sharp edges.

    I opened up a stainless steel toaster once, the metal edges on the inside was razor sharp. Beware of cut sheet metal that has not been deburred.

  • By now I would have fixed it myself.

  • You're those ppl in the info commercial that hurt themselves, drop/break things and generally make a mess. Luckily we have the perfect solution for you, if you call right now we will not only give you the protective door frame for the dishwasher we'll throw in the microwave frame for just $1 + p/h

    • -1

      I’ll bite, how much will be the p/h? Are you still doing the garlic mincer saucer with a shamwow and dead skin grater as added bonus?

  • +9

    Where is the poll option before "quit my bitching and become a responsible adult"?

  • +2

    Why OP in my eyes didn't you add to your poll the winner : 4) No action or 5) buy a band aid at your local chemist ?

  • +2

    You sound a bit soft like all systems engineers, process engineers and OH&S. xD

    Just get some really thick duck tape with some rubber beeding and cover the edges. yolo
    I like my appliances sharp. Looks s1k

    Can I suggest you visit a mechanic's workshop or a construction site or a busy industrial kitchen or a boxing match? Just do something to get the man back into you. Maybe avoid your wife for a bit too. She probably works in HR.

    You live in the Sydney CBD, find a new place. #richpeopleproblems

    • I worked as a mechanic ages ago back in early uni days among other things. Always wore protective gloves/ear plugs/dust mask when needed. So while I understand your perception, am afraid it is not valid

  • +1

    Where is the 'Do nothing' option in the poll? Kinda bias OP, clearly don't want to hear people disagreeing with you.

    Can we not turn into America where they try to sue/get compensation for anything. No fault of the appliances here, accidents happen, you don't deserve compensation every time something happens in life.

    • I agree. I posted in sort of a haste thinking I could reedit it. The last option would have been: something else.

  • +4

    OP's children: the birds were chirping really loudly this morning, i think i have ptsd, depression and will drop out of school.

    OP: trips on his dishwasher again, dies. Op kid is now fatherless. Blames the system. Becomes a junkie.

    Dishwashers are serious business people!

  • +3

    Lol. Just wow. I really hope the OP is just bored and trolling. Such a delicate petal.

  • +12

    You lost everyone's respect here the moment you talked about compensation for such trivial injuries. If you're genuinely interested in "fixing/idiot proofing" this appliance, then contact the manufacturer and do so.

    • +1

      Fk someone with common sense.

      • +12

        This sounds like you have experience dealing with how to report these things.

        So I kind of don’t see the point of the thread except to make you feel entitled to escalate it further and sue the manufacturer?

        You’re also either extremely unlucky, have professional bias and keep finding product manufacturing mistakes in instances where most of us would not or you’re trolling.

        • +2

          make you feel entitled


          • +3

            @jv: OP is probably the reason a knife has to have a warning label saying "Sharp".

            • +1


              OP is probably the reason a knife has to have a warning label saying "Sharp".

              Or a bag of peanuts at the supermarket says "May contain nuts."

      • +1

        Wow… not all heroes wear capes hey OP!!

      • +4

        In other words, you are a serial pest when it comes to these sort of things…

        Take responsibility, and give yourself and whole family a lecture on being more self aware and less clumsy.

        • +3

          being more self aware and less clumsy.

          Some people find it easier to blame others than to take responsibility…

      • +6

        you are definitely a case of 'because i work in sometghing safety related, i constantly perceive everything in life as a safety issue.'

        to be honest man this sorta sounds like some borderline psych issue i hope you don't take offense.

        most of these companies gave you these things to just make you go away. [there is a phrase/term for such actions/convenient label but i just can't bring it up]

        i worked in customer service as a uni student so sorry i have a personal dislike for people like you who complain about the smallest of things and make it a big issue and need to feel important by raising up the trivialness of such small things in life. to be honest it's probably some kind of ptsd for me so excuse the hate.

        even on a perfect spring day, i assume you will actively go search for the cloud in the sky, and complain to the weatherman.

        this is the best troll post though lol.

  • +3

    I've seen product recalls advertised for far less in this country so if OP was genuine about making a difference they could do so there. But given the lack of dollars that would be involved, I doubt it.

    So in the interim until the agent does something about it, bit of duct tape … problem solved.

    • Yes thanks. I noticed there are multiple sharp edges, one of them plastic. A video and a report to manuf will happen soon

  • +5

    This is a troll post right?

    Maybe invest in some bubble wrap and cotton wool or live in a bubble.

    • -1

      I will be trying the former because I tried the latter and I accidentally made a rip in the bubble

      • +1

        Probably cut yourself on that too.

        • How did you know!

  • +5

    Have you tried to create a GoFundMe?

    • Geez, what do you think I am after? A million dollars?

      • +5

        Hard to say what you are after.

        You’ve said you have a background in systems safety and you’ve detailed how you’ve, on numerous occasions, approached companies about your product safety concerns

        So what was the point of posting here?

  • +2

    Why did you include the "injury" photos, zooming in 10x don't make it more dramatic, it probably didn't even need a bandaid….

    • Probably

  • +1

    Physical injury, psychological damage, future potential damage.
    Make this a class action lawsuit.
    Where looking at a multi billion dollar court case here, Jesus Christ!!!

  • +3

    Maybe stop walking in to inanimate objects.

  • +7

    Just imagine your child getting a nasty cut that may result in a lifelong scar because they happen to pass by the dishwasher while the parent is loading/unloading the dishwasher.

    I always hate it when people do this because it's completely disingenuous. Plenty of things can give a child a "nasty cut that may result in a lifelong scar". It completely ignores the probability of such injuries happening and is just a cheap "appeal to emotion" that makes people think certain issues are more serious than they actually are. How a person with a background in safety can make such nonsense arguments is beyond me, how a person making such arguments can receive a doctorate is even more beyond me.

    FWIW, before anyone asks, yes I am a parent. I just think that the "ohhhhh the children!!?!?!?!" arguments are all just logical fallacies.

    • You win today, have my up vote for logic arguments against the emotive ones used by the OP

  • Buy a deburring tool - if you aren't afraid to fix the problem yourself:
    13$ on eBay and a steady hand, just do it yourself and move on. Oh and wear some tough gloves and eye protection please!…

  • +3

    The poll questioned are biased…. There are a few extra options I can think of.

  • A divorce lawyer? No appliance sold that is actually unsafe!

  • This is a good thread. I too have a pet peeve for poorly designed unsafe consumer products. I also have the same problem as OP, my skin is very soft for a man and can get cut very easily (especially after a hot shower). Just a few weeks back, I went to drop off a package at my local post office and the edge on the acrylic counter guard gave me a pretty nasty cut when I was passing the package through it.

  • I cut my finger on a steak knife when I put other knives in the draw, what to do ?

    • +5

      Next time undertake a job hazard analysis (JHA) before attempting to undertake the dangerous task of putting knives in the draw.
      Place bollards and safety tape at the entry to the kitchen so no unauthorised person can enter the danger area or distract you from your task.
      Have a spotter present to watch out for danger and have an ambulance on standby just in case.
      Use tongs to handle the knives so you are not touching them directly.
      Wear protective gloves.

      Or just use common sense and be careful,

      • +1

        Thank you kind sir, you have alleviated all of my anxiety in injuring myself and turning my house into the house of plastic and bubbles with NO sharp objects anywhere.

        I shall use point 2 as the standard to live by.

        Take note op

  • Hey OP, Batman doesn't make a whiny forum post on how to approach Joker's discarded clown suits.

  • +1

    Over-exaggerating much? Are those cuts in the pictures even necessary? I can't tell which part of the appliances those are from because you must show your 'wounds' in the foreground.

    Seriously, cover the alleged sharp corners with tape, take more care around there and take your complaint to the REA.

  • +4

    had the same problem, diswasher door was fully open, I walked by and hit the sharp corner on my lower shin…deep scratch with some blood….just placed some duct tape around the sharp corners…but I agree, their safety inspection team should have picked up on those corners….mine was 10 month old Dishlex

  • +4

    I think I bumped into my tv cabinet once when I got up to get some chocolate and chips out of the fridge, I can’t remember the exact circumstances, I’m still too fragil, the thought of the noise it created was all too much to bear. The horror.

    I obtained a horrific bruise on my thigh, there was severe internal bleeding just under the skin and deformation of my skin for at least a week, if not longer.

    I think I might contact the manufacturer, complain and then get a personal injury lawyer as well.

    Thanks op for highlighting the severity of injury’s sustained around the home.
    I think we need a royal commission due to the psychological and severe disability caused by impacts around the house.

  • I'd raise it with the ACCC or office of fair trading first. Try and get a replacement of these items effected first and then leave the rest for someone else to deal with.

  • +4

    The fridge is trying to kill me and the toaster's been laughing at me!

  • +1

    You forgot the option "Get over it and get on with your life"

  • +1

    OP you have inspired me.
    I'm going after all the big dog companies who have given me PTSD from all the years of paper cuts, hell I'ma sue the trees too

  • +1

    Personal injury lawyers AKA ambulance chasers can only claim if there's been damages done as a result of negligence.
    These are damages that have a financial price attached.

    I.e. loss of function of limbs
    Ongoing Psychological stress - would have to go to a psychologist (they cover your ongoing psych bills and some extras)
    Impaired mobility.
    Loss of ability to work.

    All of the above would be realised damages

    Pardon the pun but cuts don't cut it

    You can't sue for punitive damages in Australia which you can do in the US if that's what you're trying to go for (cash grab)
    So it's not like you'll even get that much money out of it.

    • I'm not so sure this is right. I asked my guy and he told me that this a clear violation of your rights as a consumer. It's an infringement on your constitutional rights. It's outrageous, egregious, preposterous. He'll set you up an appointment with Dr Bison apparently.

      • +3


        Dishwashers don't kill people
        People kill People!

  • Tell the manufacturer, get evidence together etc, contact some kind of product safety authority etc.

    In the meantime, apply/fill some silicone inside and over that area and shape it over that section liberally, allow to dry and you'll have no more potential for cuts and scrapes.

  • What would you do?

    Sorry OP I forgot to answer your question . Open a gofundme account is my serious answer .

  • +5

    What an age we live in. Giving a grown adult advice on a paper cut. This is where we're at. Ffs

  • +7

    I can see OP filing another lawsuit for the psychological trauma caused by some of the responses here.

  • +1

    Just exactly how did you both end up cutting yourselves on the appliance ? Was the door open and then cut yourselves while walking into it somehow ? Seems a bit like carelessness on your part. Could always get those padded foam corners for babies and children to protect you. It seems a little OTT to be calling a lawyer in and expecting a total recall nationwide for it.

  • Clearly OP is clumsy. Even home appliances present a danger.

    Imagine the mortal pain keys and car doors will inflict to OP.

  • File it down?

    • +1

      Bruh, don't give OP any ideas… he will accidently end up sticking the filer up his toosh.
      Nek minut he is trying to sue ozbargain for suggesting it.

  • +1

    personal injury from poorly navigated kitchen area?
    News Headline
    Stationary object attacks gentlemen's leg in kitchen
    Westinghouse apologizes for rouge dishwasher attack
    Confusious says: watch where you walk

    • +1

      Westinghouse apologizes for rouge dishwasher attack

      If a dishwasher attacks you, does it matter what colour it is? :)

  • +3

    No offense but that is not even close to a deep cut

  • +1

    It is like the episode from Seinfeld where Cramer complained about the coffee was too hot and burnt himself. People wanted to self harm and make compensation claims…

  • +2

    is this a p*sstake?

    • One would think so…….

  • Take pictures of the sharp edges with dates on the pictures. Send them to the real estate agent showing them the sharp edges on the appliances.

    Go to Bunnings and buy (at of your own pocket) cheap no name brand duct tape and tape up the edges.

    Then see what happens.

  • Mate why are you even on here asking for advice? You seem like you have plenty of experience in these kind of complaints. Is this you?

    Exactly how much compensation are you after?

  • Just claim on property insurance, that's the easiest thing. Doesn't mean you'll get anything.

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