Not the cheapest but good enough for me to bite.
Inflated RRP irrelevant but price before code is $314.
The knives should be OK too.
[eBay Plus] Global Ikasu Knife Block Set 7pce $266.90 Delivered @ Peter's of Kensington eBay

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I think it's the ugliest of the Global blocks but paying that much extra seemed silly
Really like hours, even the little knives get used.
I chose it for the knives in that set. Not buying for prettiness factor
Yeah that's fair, didn't notice how different the included blades were.
How low do you want it?
$301.75 + postage with Ebay Plus looks pretty good
Edit: Postage depends on location.
ive got the 5 pc global set anyone know the best sharpener to keep them sharp?
Ive been using minosharp for like 15 years… works pretty well
ok will check it out thanks. will it still work if ive let the globals get pretty blunt?
yes but you need to put a new edge on them. Sharpening knives is easy once you learn how. Check out various devices including this one.…
I agree. Though have heard from others that results vary… some say not impressed at all.
Your words are best… works pretty well… but that's about it IMO.
Let's face it… sharpening knives (let alone other stuff) is not rocket science but many/most can't do it consistently well.
minosharp for beginners.
so no to minosharp??
definitely yes! I still have mine from 17 years ago. It's kinda worn out a little. I need to replace those wheels.
I use the Anysharp for my basic knives and works pretty well for minimal skill or effort
The regular Anysharp is 20° where Globals are 10-15° so it's not suitable and will not get the knife as sharp as original….The XBlade version supposedly does 12.5-20°
For touching them up or fixing the edge? Global's ceramic steel is good for daily touch ups, their diamond steel if they require a bit more work but they're also quite pricey to just have around.
For a full sharpen, a combination of whet stones (King or Minosharp are good and a fraction of Global ones) with their clip on guides if you're unfamiliar with using stones.
Just bought the Global Kyoto set from these guys too. $322 + $11 shipping've had my Global chef knife for 17 years. A knife sharpener at the mall ruined the edge on it but it still gets sharp with the minosharp despite dishwashing it for years.
I got a stainless knife from Big W ($2!) and this seems to be a global copy. A casual user might not notice the difference!
A professional knife sharpener ruined the edge but you put it in the dishwasher?
Errrrrrr ok…..
Global are good knives, but I would suggest avoiding knife sets in general. You only need 3-4 knives. The rest just take up space.
I need up to 6 chef knives as I dishwash some, use others. If you love knives, never dishwash em. I am not a lover; just a user.
I would like to know why shouldn't they go in dishwasher?
I believe the detergent is much harsher than regular dishwashing liquid and can damage the knives.
I don't know whether this is true.
@Naigrabzo: One of them says they sharpen their knives with a steel (honer), which doesn't actually sharpen a knife. Sounds like a whole lot of guesses.
It's part myth, part truth. The myth was that if you dishwash knives then they blunten and you can never sharpen them.
In reality, it depends how you put them in. If you put them in blade down, then they'll usually bounce a bit which can blunten the knives. Also if you don't immediately dry them then they could rust. Other than that it's not really an issue.
Also depends on the hilt used. Wood warps. A full metal knife like the Global lives shouldn't have that issue.
There's a few things going on inside the dishwasher that causes a knife to go blunt
*High temperature/moisture/humidity which will cause rust (and ruin wooden handles if fitted)
*Water jetting which can cause the knife to move about and knock in to dishes, utensils, glasses, metal racks etc
*Detergents, salts etc in the washing liquid/powder/tablet that can leave deposits on the blade making it rougher which is in turn blunterDr Karl broke it down a while ago and the study found that after 15 cycles thru the dishwasher, it took 50% more effort to cut the same item however most of the effort increased after the first cycle.
@whitelie: Why can't we have simple AUTOMATIC electronic sharpener that takes the guess out of the issue
@Naigrabzo: You can but you'll pay for it….
The 316 is a good compromise for features vs price if you have 15° blades@whitelie: Those are just dumb sharpeners though. I was talking about an automatic one that detects the knife edge and adjusts accordingly.
How do I know whether I have 15 degree blades?
@Naigrabzo: Check the manufacturer's details. Most Japanese knives like Global are generally 15 for most of the range, some go down to 10 but it's very rare. Their Sai range of knives are 12.5° for example.
European knives tend to be 20°.It's listed in the details for the set in the OP
The acute 15-degree angle cutting edge provides unsurpassed performance and superior edge retention
What's with all the knife deals lately?
Are they the new eneloops?
People are getting sharper with these deals.
Finally got one. Thanks
Had our Global knives for 7 years so far, get a good sharpener wand thingy.
Good knives. We dishwasher them no problems. If they become blunt, we just sharpen them.
How do these compare with the baccarat Mizo set?
Would be night and day to anything Baccarat
Can someone recommend me something reasonably close for a tighter budget?
Eyeing up Furi Pro but there seems to be tonnes of fakes on FB Marketplace…but they seem closer to our budget than anything Global. I just don't have a feel for the quality options available closer to $100 than $300.
This is a pretty good deal really and essentially all you need as a home cook….Obviously not at the $100 end but these will last you for your life if you look after them (ie don't put them in the dishwasher like comments above). I've had my Globals since I was an apprentice chef 20 years ago, still going strong.
If you don't mind the looks then Victorinox is the budget king. For about $120 you can get a Chef's, bread and paring knife which should cover 99% of you knifing needs.
I bought some Furi knives from Everten. I also bought an Ikea 365+ knife from Ikea. I think they are very reasonably priced.
Bring back Shun deals :(
got 4 Global knives set, same stand. Utility and veggie knives are good. Chef knife's handle is bit too narrow and small, Victorinox feels better in the arm with its bulkier handle.
Nevertheless, these knives are great and were a huge upgrade over Kmart shitty ones I had before.
I always found the same with Global's G series knives. The GF (Forged) ones have a much better handle design as seen here
well, given how long the ones I got projected to last… I'll have to get used to it :)
Just bought the 5 set one from Peters. Good deal
I use the Ikea 365 knife set I got for $50 (3pcs) which is already very sharp. I'm assuming the global ones are definitely a cut above?
:) For the home cook you may not notice. Maybe buy one on sale (not the set) and compare.
This block always seems to be on special. Been waiting for a good deal on the Takumi block specifically for a while now