How Expensive Is Yumcha?

So I like Yumcha, not love, have it a few times per year some places it's hard if they don't speak English but that usually means it's better!

Went yesterday to a place that's apparently mid priced we had only the ones in the bamboo containers, none of those large plate specialties.

2 @$7.50
4 @8.50
1@ $9.50
2@ 12.50
=$83.50 for 3 people, (2 of them a small eaters)

We got free tea for some reason, the waitress kept telling us it was free in Chinese/English, 'twas pretty funny. That's almost $30 per head for lunch.

The Chinese place a few doors down, that sells BBQ pork/duck on rice/noodles for $12, looks like a mighty better option!


  • +21

    $83 is pretty cheap for 3. But it also depends on what food you pick. On average cost are around $150-200 for 4 ppl.

    • +6

      i personally wouldnt spend $200 for 4 people for lunch where he had to leave after an hour or so due to the next session

      • +49

        Yumcha is pretty expensive. If you don't want to spend that much you can do it yourself (buy frozen versions of what you'd order, or make from scratch if you're keen) or you can pick another cuisine.

        • What about chickens feet…

          • +5

            @82norm: You can buy fresh chicken feet from some Asian butchers.

            • +10

              @dust: You can buy fresh chicken feet from some Asian butchers.

              Chicken feet can be frozen for half a century and still look fresh šŸ˜‚

              • @down-under: i've seen chicken feet at coles/worths too

          • @82norm: lol wow troll post to the highest level. Love it dude

          • @82norm: You can buy frozen chicken feet which is already flavoured, just steam it and eat. Ho's Dim Sum is one of the companies that do this.

          • @82norm: Bbq shops also sell these. Check the counter. Theres usually also ducks wings, pigs ears, tongues and cow intestines. Sounds gross but all very tasty.

        • +2

          If you dont want to spend that much, eat beforehand.

          • +1

            @ATangk: Then why even go?

            • +7

              @Nananananana: To yum cha (drink tea).

              Its a social gathering to have a little bite, drink tea and chat. Its not a buffet.

      • +1

        which yum cha did you go?

    • +15

      I was gonna say, $83 to feed 3 people is fairly inexpensive for eating actual Chinese cuisine, especially because I kind of associate Yumcha with the kind of place you visit on valued occasions where you are happy to spend money.

      It is better than going to somewhere like a sushi train, spending $5 a plate for a few bites of rice and meat, plus whatever your preferred McDonald's meal costs on the way home.

      • If <$30 a head is too expensive, OP shouldn't be eating out. Stores need to turn a profit and there's an immense benefit to having someone prepare a meal for you and handle all the cooking and cleaning. $30 for a meal (from a popular establishment with a large following no less) is not only not expensive, it's cheap.

    • +2

      That sounds like city/CBD yum cha along with beers

      That's the only time i see Yumcha past $30 each

      Suburbs without beer range from $12-$20 each when I go

      • The place I normally go to is in Springvale Victoria. Pretty popular place and always requires booking.

    • -1

      its bad luck to go to yumcha with four people

  • Ask for menu

    • -1

      Thereā€™s no menu at yum Cha..

      • +1

        There is at The Dynasty at Canterbury Leagues but that might be due to COVID-19

        • +2

          I reckon Dynasty is the best Yum cha I've had in Aus.

          • +1

            @[Deactivated]: Food was indeed good, however $5.30 for a Coke is ridiculous

            • +1

              @kerfuffle: Yeah, an absolute rort

            • +2

              @kerfuffle: Its yum cha not yum coke. The tea is free.

              • @Nananananana: Not at The Dynasty or at the Phoenix chain of restaurants.

                • +2

                  @kerfuffle: Pretty sure tea isn't usually free at most places. There's a special box in the bill they usually reserve for managers to offer free tea though (e.g. if you know the manager and they give you face by offering tea). This is why if you're going to be there for a while and drinking heaps, ask for new leaves once the tea gets too watered down.

            • +1

              @kerfuffle: The food shop in local shopping center charges $5 for a 600ml bottle of water…

          • @[Deactivated]: RSL's are altered for Australian taste.

            RSL yum cha's are also have heavy stereotyped Chinese decor

            • @Baghern: Yeah, I lived on HK for 7 years… the home of real Yum Cha

      • +19

        Usually there is the special menu they keep aside only for when the gwa low ask

        • gwa low ask

          Chicken feet :)

          • +7

            @SF3: gwei lo

            • +2

              @capslock janitor: Lol just looked up what gweilo means. I always just thought of it as an awesome craft brewery :)

          • @SF3: Chicken feet for gwai lols?
            That's new to me.

            I know them to like BBQ pork buns and the like more

            • @berry580: for the progressive gwei lo or initiation into yum cha cuisine :)

              For the old school, spring roll, bbq buns and those steam dumplings.

        • +4

          I've been to a few chinese restaurants where the gwei lo menu is more expensive lol

      • There is, itā€™s usually the same menu they provide for dinner time, so you could order the same dishes.

        • Sweet and sour pork and special fried rice. lol

      • They'll often have specials or larger plates. Salt and pepper squid normally isn't on the trolley, but on the specials menu.

        • Deep fried squid tentacles are usually found on trolleys. So good.

    • Ask for mei nu instead.

      • -1

        Ah yes, those are the most succulent indeed

  • +41

    $25-$30 is about right.

    Not sure why you're comparing one type of meal to another…oh they're both Chinese. Try replacing that logic with any meal, dunno, a burger meal with a sit down at a restaurant.

    • +75

      Don't view it as racist, just assume that OP would also post "how much for dining at Italian? I can get Domino's for $5".

      • +18

        Not racist. More along the line of stereotype, ignorance. Perhaps they think all Chinese food is cheap, and it's not worth more. Dunno.

        Surely no one thinks French and cheap. It's similar.

        • +25

          I think you are reading too much into it, it's like saying "I went to an Italian restaurant for lunch last week and paid $30 for a pizza, why would I do that when I can pay $5 at domino's down the road?"

          It's not racist or a stereotype, it's just comparing two different qualities of similar food which is not a good comparison to make.

          • +6

            @onetwothreefour: Racist/not racist call it whatever you like but OP is definitely suggesting all Chinese food should be cheap as comparing Yum Cha to Chinese Noodles place 'down the road'. They are not cheap pizza vs italian pizza as per your example, clearly a different type of food altogether. Yet suggesting it should be similarly priced. Just ignorant I guess.

        • +7

          How about he thinks all Chinese food tastes good? As in i could have had a $12 plate and been just as satisfied.

        • +8

          Lol. It's amazing what passes for racism these days. I don't think anyone knows what it means anymore.

          • -1

            @pufffdragon: I hate political correctness. Bring back the real straya where you say what you think and if it wasn't what the other person wanted to hear you sorted it in the parking lot with the victor pushing the plug of his fight winning thongs back through.

          • -1

            @pufffdragon: Usain Bolt is the fastest racist on this planet

        • More likely they've been told its cheap.

          But without the detail, ie suburban yum cha, not city yum cha, not RSL yum Cha.and no alcohol

          I've see people surprised by a bill, and point out to how many beer bottles they've had

      • -2

        Pizza is not traditionally Italian.

  • +9

    Mate that is cheap for 3 people normally it's 50pp on average.

    • +1

      Not sure if it is still offered, some places in Ashfield offered unlimited Yum Cha food for $50 per person.

  • +26

    Had yumcha after church today, and I haven't had one for yonks. For my family of 4 (2 adult + 2 teens) we ended up paying ~$100 and we are no where near "full". Used to go to yumcha once or twice a month 15-20 years ago, but these days it's too much a luxury for us.

    • yumcha definitely not something you get "full" on, unless you're baller / showing off to extended relatives/friends lol

      ~70% full should suffice.. similar to many other eatings

    • +2

      Yes, 20 years ago, price is reasonable, although more than 20 years ago, pork roll only 2 bucks, now have to search for places that offers real discount for Yum Cha. So Scotty, which yum cha did you go?

      • Treasures at the Juniors (3F on South Juniors).

    • -3

      @scotty, sure you can get full at yum cha, just order pork Har gow and nothing else.

      • +7

        Har gow means prawn dumpling.

        Do you mean siu mai?

        • correct sir

  • -2

    Tea is free with unlimited refills at yum cha lunch time. Have to pay for it at dinner.

    • +1

      Not all places offer free tea e.g. Canterbury Leaguesā€™ the Dynasty, Phoenix chain restaurants

      • +1

        Phoenix chain restaurants

        Not many links left in that chain. Most of them have closed.

        • Thereā€™s still three in Sydney and one in Brisbane (to my surprise)

    • +5

      when you having yum cha in HK, tea is to wash your chopsticks ;)

      • +2

        And fill the bowl with tea to wash your tea cup.

        • What do you do with the tea in the bowl?

      • I still do that in all Chinese restaurant.

  • -6

    much prefer the local hatted restaurant that has 2 courses and a glass of wine for $35 at lunch time,

    plus we can have a relaxed meal without a next session waiting

    • +13

      Probably best you go there. How are their Har gow? Good?
      I would find $105 for 3 for lunch a bit over the top.

      • +13

        Lmao complains about yumcha, as well as the price.

        Talks about some western restaurant (no one drinks wine at a chinese restaurant) and paying more.

        Logic out the windowwww

        • no one drinks wine at a chinese restaurant

          I do at the Flower Drum…

          They do a nice yum cha.

          • +1

            @jv: show off

            • +2


              show off

              I only go when I have a 50% off Groupon voucher.

              • @jv: Quit showing off your group on voucher!

              • +2

                @jv: I assume that you meant Groupon voucher.

      • I usually buy har gow from woolworths, when they are on special, like Mr. Chen. I usually get stuff in yum cha that you can't buy from super market. So unlikely I will get siu mai, also available in woolworths, you will get more bang for your buck this way.

  • +35

    Mate its worth it when the lady old lady pushing the cart gives you a wink and asks you what you want, leng jai? (Handsome boy)

      • +12

        When in doubt, just point and indicate with hands the number of baskets - that's how I survived my hk work trip in 2017 lmfao

    • +2

      Similar service at the last yumcha I went to with my wife. Except the lady was young and kept commenting on my ā€œbeautiful long hairā€ and touching it. Weird part was that it was an all you can eat set price menu so itā€™s not like I was going to be buying extra food.

    • +1

      oh man.. that's the bit that makes me laugh so hard - every.single.time!

    • It gets a little awkward when I get called that when I'm 40+ ā˜ŗļø

    • would it be leng jay?

    • Just remember to call them lang jeh (pretty big sis) back to be polite.

  • +2

    Haven't been for a long time but with my friends we'd average $40 - $50 a head with several big eaters. It is expensive IMO but that's due to the popularity. Places are always packed and usually have a long wait to get in.

  • +8

    2 different types of dishes. You can't compare them.

    Yumcha are usually hand made one by one (the good ones). So you can't really compare that with roast duck or fried rice or whatever.

    Would you compare pasta from the packet with a handmade one?

    • +2

      Yumcha are usually hand made one by one (the good ones).

      There aren't very many that are handmade on the day anymore. Most yum cha places get their staple items, such as prawn dumplings, frozen now and they're stored in the freezer. Although they're probably more of the "higher quality" frozen goods.

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