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It's a shorter weekend. They lose an hour this weekend due to daylight savings

down-under commented on Sudden Collapse of Another US Bank
Had a look at my account, the $50 life saving is still there, I'm good.

As someone who has paid cash for property, I think investing in properties without mortgage performs worse than say, investing into a sp500…

down-under commented on Are You a Mac or Windows Person? and Why
I use all 3. Surface Book for work, MacBook for personal use, CentOS for personal websites.

Reading through all the comments... Am I the only weirdo that does not use heaters? I.e. 0 energy cost on heating (In Sydney area)…

Monthly repayment has gone up by $42 for me. So far I’m kind of ok, just eat less cabbages.

down-under replied to
ddonn on Do You Boycott Companies over Unethical or Otherwise 'dodgy' Behaviour? if So - Which Ones?

I’m vegan, I also eat meat.

Right, remember to tip cops and dentists

That's me LOL, I don't tip anywhere except full service restaurants (which I do not go to very often partly because of the mandatory…

It doesn't work that way, some employers tried that and the workers left. People working for tips make much more than minimum wage (more…

LOL, never heard about this exception... (I'm in Seattle)

Who licks my fingers did you say?

down-under commented on How Much Do You Make Annually?
My first job was $9000/year (in China). First job here was $40000.

No HDMI support though

down-under commented on What to Buy in The USA?
Just FYI the ozb equivalent here is, you might want to check it out.

down-under commented on LUNA and UST Coins
I don't know what it is but just bought 12885.94851106 units of this thing LOL

down-under replied to
foxmulder on What Would Be an Interesting Challenge for Doing a Reality TV Show?

Thanks for the input!

down-under replied to
holdenmg on What Would Be an Interesting Challenge for Doing a Reality TV Show?

Hahaha, Ok, felt that

down-under replied to
Hybroid on What Would Be an Interesting Challenge for Doing a Reality TV Show?

Agreed with both of your points. Yes reality tv show was never real, but I did enjoy the one mentioned in the op, and actually learned a…

down-under posted a forum topic What Would Be an Interesting Challenge for Doing a Reality TV Show?
Got really bored and thinking about doing something crazy. By interesting I mean it's fun to watch and meanwhile it's challenging so that I…

Yeah, last time I checked the employer was paying US$17000+/year for me (family of 4)

I wouldn’t call them experts if they’re wrong for 70%~80% of the times… An uneducated person can make it 50-50

Sorry I misread it as you had to sell your wife, and I was thinking damn that’s a good wife

Thanks, and glad it worked out for you in the end, I can imagine how stressful that must be...

Thanks, so my case is still kind of in the normal time range… will call them tomorrow

Yeah, the appraisal was done 2 days after signing the contract, and application was completed on the same day. How long did it take after…

2-3 weeks for getting a full approval after relationship manager submitting application to the credit team?

Thanks! Looks like there’s no time to waste


I waived the inspection (I’m reasonably confident about what I’m doing) and we had a 7-day cool off period, but apparently it was not…