Good deal for some cheap Vans with most popular sizes still available.
***Size 5 and 11 back in stock
Good deal for some cheap Vans with most popular sizes still available.
***Size 5 and 11 back in stock
Thanks, got a pair. $10 express shipping was the only option for me
Grabbed two for $30, thanks OP!
got 3 pairs thanks
Thanks AfroAndy for a paair
no worries buddy, always got you
My boy helped me out. Thanks!
just to save myself some dignity, I bought one pair for myself and two pair for friends so pls don't downvote, my feels are hurt
Thats why I couldn’t get even 1 pair!
Thanks OP! 10$ Delivery only available. Seems to still have plenty of sizes.
What a ringhole
Have a cry
Great find OP. Great price!
I bought my friends 2 pairs. Didn't have my size in stock but still, great price 👍
Hahah you making some peeps mad already lol
If I can't grab a bargain, I try my best to grab it for my friends. Yeyyy
Yeah I get ya. Doesn’t bother me. Some people on here like to act entitled and put down people for something they would 100% do themselves given the chance. That’s what makes it so funny.
Hey can we be friends?
But thanks anyway OP.
Looks like only size 8 left.
Your cash is on its way!
surely there was someone that bought as many pairs as they could just to try and flip it for whatever $. lol.
Yes it was me
I could have. Easily. I had 10 in the cart ready to go out of pure curiosity to see if it would work. Thought about it then I didn’t pull the trigger. I got enough shoes as it is.
All gone. Shame, I was just complaining about my foot calluses and needing shoes. Missed it by that much…would've tried 'em for a tenner.
You might be able to get a pair off the person who bought seven pairs haha
This is ozbargain, not ;p
One for each day of the week
Missed it by that much
Oops….missed out another $10 bucks collection…
lockon87 back at it again with the black Vans.
Can anyone please share a screenshot for my price protection on my credit card?
Crazy! It said out of stock, I clicked on the link and my size 44.5eu was the only one left in stock! Ordered 2 pairs, cheers OP!!!!!
Size 5 and 11 back in stock.
My order for size 10 got cancelled and refunded. They provided a 20% off code for the inconvenience
Thx brought 500 pairs of every size, for all of my many, many friends….
ordered mine pretty much as soon as I saw the deal size 10 and it got cancelled and refunded with a 20% off code. Did anybody get confirmation?
Ordered mine a little while after the deal was posted. Size 9 US. Just got message from startrack it's being delivered today.
Thanks OP by the way.
Same here, ordered size 11 after they showed back in stock
Nice! Ordered a pair. $10 shipping for me.