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LG Optimus 7 E900 Windows Phone 7 No Locks $174 + Free Express Shipping @ Unique Mobiles

  • 1 Week offer - Available whilst stocks last *

Brand New LG E900 Windows Phone 7 $174 + Free Express Shipping

  • No network software or settings
  • Not locked to any Network
  • 3G and Yes G Compatible
  • Free Express Shipping
  • Australian Stock
  • Manufacture Warranty

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Unique Mobiles
Unique Mobiles

closed Comments

  • +5

    Yes!$5 less than this http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/58629
    I knew waiting a month would pay off :D

  • +1

    It has free express delivery compared to COTD.

    Hi Rep,

    Can you do a deal for the Xoom 32GB Wifi? How does $299 sound?

    • +10

      Hi Orange123,

      Thanks for pointing out the Free Express delivery, At this stage I can't get that low for the Xoom however knowing that its something you would like to see I will work on it. Would appreciate everyone's + votes so we can continue to post deals for our customers :)

      • +11

        @uniquemobiles — People would vote +1 if they find it a good deal — as it's the case here. There is no need to ask for them and it would be breaking the rules here for merchants to ask for votes in exchange of deals.

  • Great deal. Windows phones are like diamonds in the rough.

  • Very nice phone. I bought my wife this through the COTD deal.

  • Hi Rep, any chance of giving us a deal on the Samsung Omnia 7? I want something different to my wifes phone as she already has this.

  • Rep - can you offer a deal on HTC Mozart?
    Same like http://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/55671

    • +5

      Hi, We don't actually stock the Mozart or Omnia 7. Keep throwing your suggestions at me as wherever possible we will post a deal

      • Hi Rep,

        Can't you do some sort of online survey where you can list the possible phones that you could do great deals on? So the one with the highest vote will be the next unique mobile deal?

        This will make it easier as you will know more about your suppliers than us.

        Like this one http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/N3YKGYW

        But obviously one with more range. Also if you can put the potential price near the selection that would be also great.

        • Sure, Great idea, I will ask the IT Team to look at doing something like this and possibly posting the link up with our next couple of deals

      • +8

        … Or do a poll in the forums, like the Logitech Rep had done here.


  • +1

    Great phone. I've been using one for almost a month and love it.
    Especially the price. I saw it still selling at an Optus store for $79 per month for 24 months.

    • +5

      Optus and Telstra are in a world of their own.

  • +4

    With the mango update, this is a pretty awesome phone at a pretty awesome price.

  • I'm currently using an old Windows 6.1 phone, an XDA Orbit II. It's not a bad phone, but way way outclassed by the iPhone 4 I had up until recently. How does the Windows 7 mobile platform compare to Android? Also, is this phone only considered decent because it's available for <$200, or would it still be a good buy at $400?

    • I want to know this too. I currently have a Galaxy S, but the gf won't leave it alone so I was thinking about giving it to her and then buying myself a new phone (i.e. the Optimus 7).

    • +2

      Windows Phone 7 blows Windows Mobile 6.1 out of the water. The possibilities with android are virtually limitless. That being said, android might not be your thing if you were used to iphones. Also for a smooth android experience, you would need a high end phone easily costing upwards from 500.

      Windows Phone 7 (wp7) are great phones because they simply work. You take it out of the box and everything is as it is. Smooth. Functional. It is everything that you like in iOS and more. WP7 is so impressive that even apple had to copy several features from them. In a nutshell, if you're looking for smooth, virtually lag-free and ease-of-use in a phone, look no further. I know because I've owned an Omnia7 which I unfortunately had to sell because they did not have whatsapp at that time.

      • Yeah, they should be pretty smooth. Android can vary a lot because the OS can be put on nearly anything. WP7 has a heap of restrictions on what te hardware has to have. While this does mean a lot of the phones are very similar it does also mean some guaranteed performance. It's about as close as you can get to the closed environment of Apple without having an iPhone.

    • My wife reaches for the wp7 htc as she finds it smoother and more responsive then her iPhone 4.
      Wp7 deserves alot of credit…

  • -5

    It is called a "Windows Phone 7" not "Windows 7 Phone". Please take some care in getting the name of the product correct.

    It is almost like you put "Apple MacOS 4S iPhone".

  • Veryy old phone but as I said above, it will work well and be enjoyable to use. If I had the option I would have gotten this over my iP4, but since it was Optus only I think and like 60 bucks a month I really couldn't justify it.

  • +2

    what future updates (if any) will this likely get?

    • Well it has already got nodo and Mango (the 2 main updates). I would imagine it will get the wp8 update(apollo) too. Not sure about any further after wp8

  • Any chance of a deal on the Motorola Razr?

  • No UMTS 850 (NextG) :(

    • Damn! I was just about to go check that out. No good for me without it.

  • +1

    I ordered 2 last Friday when it was 179 and I had to pay postage. Any chance of a store credit Unique Mobile?

  • Can anyone comment on the battery life of this phone? I had had two dissapointments with new phones where the battery does not last a full day. (nokia and sonny ericsson)

    • 4 days standby with no 3g or wifi and light use, not even a day with 3g, data and wifi on and moderate use.

  • time to dip my toes on WP7.
    Thanks OP!

  • rep - any deals coming out on the galaxy s2?

    • Hi, Would love to do a deal on this model though we find it hard to compete with grey imported stock. What would you consider a decent deal for Aussie stock?

      • Well I've seen mobileciti @ 548 over Christmas so somewhere between 500 and 550 seems doable? (hopefully closer to 500!). Thanks- let us know what you can do.

        • Let me get in contact with our Supplier and ask the question

  • Does this have wifi? what about Mango update? Can anyone please confirm this who have used this phone?

    • Of course it has wifi! What smartphone doesn't? :P Yes you can upgrade to the Mango update, as soon as you get it and plug it in (after downloading zune). A few other updates will come through too probably.

  • I'm curious Rep, Do you have much stock for this phone?. I might see if some family and friends are interested but just curious if you think you have enough stock to last the week just in case.

    • Hi There, We had 200 pcs at this price however stock remaining is now below 70.

  • Not the greatest phone, but for its price, it's great. You can also sync up your Xbox LIVE profile and play some Xbox LIVE Arcade games on the phone.

    The only problem I have with the phone is the standby time. The battery runs out rather quickly. Other than that, for $174 (I paid $180 last month), a great phone.

  • To those who asked, yes, it has Wifi and there is a Mango update for it. It could be an isolated case, but I'm on my second Optimus 7, first one was replaced (dead earpiece), and still experiencing problems with the replacement (screen problems).

    • mainboard had to replaced here

  • I think I'm going to order one, but I'm always incredibly indecisive! Did a bit of reading and it seems like a nice bit of kit.

    • good value at that price, as long as your cool with wp7

  • Purrr-chased! Nice price for a mid range that couldn't have come at a better time.

  • I just don't think it's good time to buy cellphone,for the latest phones will
    come one by one Q1 or Q2.I will wait and see,may some better phones are waiting
    for me in near future.

    • +1

      There's some better phones right now if you want to pay more than $174

    • +4

      There is always something else just around the corner - with a few extra GB's or higher resolution this, or faster that. Really there is never a good time to buy a cellphone, computer, or TV.

    • Where does it say NextG?
      Why did you vote neg?

      • I think he meant my comment above

    • +5

      Negged your comment because you're not Telstra NextG compatible as mentioned above!

  • +1

    had this phone for a month. all good until recently. i get random reboots. seems to be a problem with these phones (google search e900 random reboots). i have the latest mango OS. am considering flashing the firmware but this may void my warranty.

  • How loud are the speakers? Hopefully it's easy to use for someone who still uses an ancient nokia, but I do love my 6330's loudspeakers..

  • Wouldn't mind another WP7 handset, but not too fond of the design of Optimus 7

  • Wikipedia says this phone has an overheating problem. Is this issue still valid?

    • It does get a little warm, but nothing to be worried of. I charge until full battery and remove it right away. Longest I have used it is 3 hours straight and it was okay.

      • Thanks for sharing your experiences.

        The reviews I've read are a little inconsistent. Would appreciate if you can share more experiences. Can you sync with Outlook with this phone? And is there any turn by turn navigation?

        • There's a $5 app called Turn by Turn by GPS Tuner

          Yes you can sync Outlook. It takes a few steps:

        • I can't further comment on its uses, as I use the phone for the most basic of things. I haven't tried nor did I have any intention of using Outlook.


          There's a little discussion there about the device. Sorry I didn't bother to check each post, but if your answer is not there, I'm sure you will find it somewhere on that site.

        • +1

          Works really well with Outlook. It has to….it's Microsoft.

        • no heating probs here

  • Damn, i just bought this for my dad for $179 delivered from unique.
    My 1st phone came 2 days after order - it has that reboot problem so returned it asap (in few days) - this is christmas that just passed. within the week they sent out a new one - so bonus to unique for there service.
    Updated it to mango - for my dad. fine now - not as fast as my mozart but for 174 it is a very good entry level phone.
    WP7 software works so well on any phone.

  • Thanks for this - bought for my wife as I have an omnia 7 which I love. Just did a quick ebay check, compared it to my omnia 7 on phone arena - perfect deal for me.

  • Does this phone has the appS like whats app, and other bits and pieces?

    • you will need to download it on market place but yes it has whatsapp and most other popular apps like facebook, twitter, ebay etc

  • good things about this phone it has 16GB and it is a good size. My wife has this and it works fine - I have the Samsung Omnia 7 which is a bigger screen and harder to use - prefer the LG size. $174 for a 16GB Windows Phone is a great buy and I can say this LG does have a good build quality. Works fine/fast/smooth.

  • How long will you take to post once payment is made?

    • I ordered mine at 10am today, and by 2pm it was listed as posted.

  • I bit the bullet and ordered. Looking forward to playing with it!

    • +4

      what about the phone?

  • anyone know this phone's battery life on standby?
    Specs say 330 hours ~14 days, but what is it realistically?

    • My wife has one. It's more like 2-3 days standby

  • Are there lots of games you can play with on this phone?

  • OOS…any chance there will be more coming in stock?

  • Can you play facebook games on it?

  • isnt this the same thing for $4 more:


    • No Free Shipping

      Australian Air Express Express Service $14.80
      Australian Air Express UM Premium Boxed Packaging $19.90

  • For those interested… Unique Mobiles are still selling in on ebay at $179 with free shipping


  • Received the phone today - seems pretty good so far, apart from the fact that it arrived with a small scratch on the screen (well screen protector).

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