Found in Berwick Coles, not sure if its nationwide.
Lifestyles Party Mix Condoms 20pack $0.55
Found in Berwick Coles, not sure if its nationwide.
Lifestyles Party Mix Condoms 20pack $0.55
Liberal party?
It comes with mace?
Here for the comments to come
Pun intended?
How do I buy correct size?
Measure length, width and girth.
So am I…people are hilarious..
While it's a great bargain, I'm not sure I want to put much faith in a condom that costs me 2-3c.
Put all 20 on at once.
I've seen that video of the elastic bands on the watermelon
Still only a 55c condom(s). What's 52.5c between friends…
I guess "reduced to clear" beats "down down" when it comes to condoms
🎵 "Down down, they're staying down"
"When you need a helping hand" 🎶
Groovy marketing that worked well for 99% of products in store, but this is the 1% with hilariously disastrous results
this pack would last me…
20 years!
Married ah? I feel you brother.
You run out?
Only common reason a married man would wear a condom is because of side piece.
Yea same, just wash them out and ready for next use
Is that an expiry date of 19/06? 20 condoms.. Somebody is optimistic.
Challenge accepted.
It won't count if you attempt this challenge going solo.
That’s the pricing end date
Dude, how many stores are you associated with? Coles, Bunnings, Silly Sollys, Eeet5p, Coffeelista… do you just just click associated for everything?
Huh, seems like he does just that.
Association is such a broad concept..if I am a customer, am I associated with a seller? Probably has.
Association is such a broad concept..if I am a customer, am I associated with a seller? Probably yes.
Déjà vu
Was going to post this, but pulled out at the last minute.
lol. classic.
Good for 18th birthday waterbomb fight.
'Here it cums', 'Do they do XXL size?', 'This will last me 20 years', 'That's a lifetime supply', 'Cheapest balloon supply', 'Decided to pull out' etc. etc.
Water bombs.
You missed my hum dings on the 20 on at once
Thanks OP, perfect timing for my grandpa’s birthday!
Just give him slippers
No leak party 🎈
Use for 2nd purpose afterwards.
I'll buy it and put it in my son's time capsule with a message "Lucky you're out before this is in sale"
I’d put it in with a copy of the invoice and the note ‘never skimp on condoms’
The deal is great but don't the coles chicks go down down anyway?
I don’t think condoms are something you want to skimp on. The price of failure is high.
It really is a party mix in the comments section
Bang for your buck
I cleaned out my local Coles last week - the thing that amuses me ever time I went down that aisle is that their next to the pregnancy tests.
Well if you miss the first one, you can pick up the second
Lifetime supply
Cheaper than a Call of Duty T-Shirt
I had to come in.. but decided to pull out at the very end..
Cheaper than cling-wrap…
i wonder if they will keep my salad as fresh
Seriously? Right in front of my salad?
It's cheaper to just not use these things
For the first 9 months
I take it, u get penicillin for free..
Thanks great stocking filler.
How do these compare with Allen's party mix?
Bit chewier
Pretty bold of you to assume that anyone on OzBargain is having sex
Your mum says ‘thanks for the deal’
I bought pack of extra large 12 for 30c at my local Coles.
Just sayin'.
For your wife's boyfriend?
Good point. I assumed he was a big boy like me.
lol, very thoughtful
Cappucino flavour???? Read as a 1950s commercial
Hmmm.. i dont like the smell or taste of latex in me..
Why not cappucino?
Nothing beats the smell of morning fresh coffee emanating from my genitals..
Caffeine is a known performance enhancer. Makes sense!
Thanks OP. Do they come in XXXXS?
Tried those; length is about right but they've got too much girth
Makeshift finger gloves
But you know for me I can use it all in 20 nights just gotta call up me mate Bruce
100% recycled
Swingers party?