This was posted 13 years 1 month 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sony Blu-Ray Player (BDP-S185) and Star Wars Blu-Ray Trilogy IV, V, and VI. $98 Big W

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Sony blu-ray player (BDP-S185) and Star Wars Blu-Ray trilogy IV, V, and VI box set bundle $98 at Big W. Was $148. Save $50
* Available from January 12th, 2012…

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closed Comments

  • What's the BDP-S185? The cheapest player listed on Sony's Australian website is the BDP-S380.

  • Wow thats cheap. I just looked at the specs and this Bluray player does play mkv files as well. A quick search on the net, the Star wars bluray trilogy is selling for $50, so you get the bluray player for $50. That's a very good purchase to me. Hopefully I remember to get this on the 12th.

    • +3

      Hopefully I remember to get this on the 12th

      You can use the reminder feature "Add Reminder" which will list out all the reminder deals on the home page for you.

      I do agree that it's quite a nice deal with Star Wars trilogy thrown in. The better trilogy as well not the crappy prequel.

      • Thanks, I tried to click on the Add Reminder but it doesnt give me the option to select the 12th.

        • Yeah because deals on OzBargain does not yet have a field for starting date so all the available reminder dates are based on expiry date and current date. You might want to add a closest date.

  • Also no HDMI cable included. Not sure if Big W will include one? Assume that the Australian model will stream all online services, same as BDP-s380. The bdp-s185 also being an internet TV player.

    Strange that Sony Australia does not list this model, although they do provide firmware updates for it.

  • The region free hack appears to be just for DVD playback, not Blu-ray. :(

    • no this page states that the BDP-S480 DVD hack works on the bdp-s185. videohelp is fairly good at keeping their lists up to date. Besides for the price I would be happy even without a region hack as I get most of my BR's from the UK anyway.

      • says it WORKS, but doesn't state WHAT it works for.

        the other hack appears to be for regioan free DVD payback (NOT blu-ray), so one would assume the same would apply for this model.…

      • I believe the region hack is for DVD only, I don't think it makes this player zone free for Blu-ray.

        • So do we need this 'OneForAll' remote to make it DVD region free? If so, I guess there's no point for me, since I don't have one…

        • If it's not region free out of the box yeah then the 'OneForAll' remote is needed to unlock afaik.

          Am not sure if this one is region free or locked for DVD out of the box, would need someone to confirm either.

  • Does anyone know what type of port the single rear digital output is?

    [Edit: It's Coaxial.]

    • CRAP - I need optical out ! ! ! !

      • CRAP AGAIN - I need 3D. But i discovered i can do without the optical. Got digital coax connection.

        Whats the cheapest, decent 3D BluRay Player ?

  • Damn, if only it played RMVB :(

  • +2

    wow, plus 1 for having the original trilogy included, might pick 1 up for the spare room & offload the trilogy as a late chrissie pressie :)

    • … and I get to play that awesome Oscar nominated film currently on special "Maid in Manhattan".

      • Why is everyone recommending this movie? Its shit and IMDB agrees with 4.7/10
        must surely be an inside joke im not a part of.

        • I think someone needs their sarcasm detector recalibrated. As easy on the eyes as she may be, Jennifer Lopez is notorious for starring in crap films.

  • DLNA streaming or WIFI?

    i might swap my philips then

  • This seems a fitting deal for me

  • +3

    Neither Lord Vader nor Master Yoda look impressed by this deal.

    I trust their judgement.

    • +1

      Hmmm, assumption you make! Careful you should be! Hmmm

  • Great deal, not a bad price at all for a sony blu ray player and DVDs :-)

  • +1


  • can this player play uk bluray disks? and also is the player alot better than the soniq player? because i need a 2nd player as a gift, cheers.

    • +1

      Yep it will play UK Blu-ray discs fine as they are zone B for Blu-ray, the same as us in Australia.
      And yes it is a better quality player the the Soniq.

    • UK and Aussie are same region :)
      i got heaps of UK Blurays from amazondotuk

  • -2

    This is the FIRST standalone Blu-Ray player Sony released on the market - the reviews are all dated around 2007. Given that Kogan will sell you a 1080p Blu-Ray player with Wi-Fi and USB in for and extra $40, I don't think this one bears a look.

    • +3

      No idea where you got this information from. The first Sony blu-ray player released was model BDP-S1 in December 2006.

      The BDP-s185 was released mid 2011. So is much newer and considered a great budget blu-ray player for those who don't need all the features of the higher end models.

      Compared to the more expensive Sony BDP model. The S185 does not have a front panel display. Other features missing that are more significant than the display included DLNA support, 3D playback, WI-FI options and SACD playback support.

  • as in quality for this sony bluray player how is it better than the Soniq player?

    • -1

      Soniq is a no brand name, there is no comparison between that and Sony. It's a no brainer.

    • thanks mate!

  • +1

    Just picked 1 up from Highpoint-VIC, they had at least 12 more left.
    Thanks OP.

  • +1

    hi i got the last one from warringah mall so dont bother doing to that big w

  • Anyone know if this one does ABC iView?

    • It does! (got one…)

  • While it's a great deal, I can only scratch my head at the lack of response for a IMO better deal from Myer that has since expired -

    That model had Allshare, which is insanely usefull. 9 movies that I actually wanted, and a Blu-ray player for $129.95. /sighs

    • no offence, but there was only 1 movie out of 9 (2 at a stretch) that i would actually want, which i have already. and allshare is not that "insanely" useful to me, as i don't run a desktop computer or NAS, and instead play everything off a WDTV Live.

  • is this the whole 9 diskset movie trilogy?

  • hey guys, does anyone know if this will let me hook up a mass media device (ie. external harddrive) and read off that???

    • +1

      yes it will

      • Does it have a limit on what size to plug in??

  • Thanks, but got myself Sony BDP-S380 at JB for $88, extra component output, front display and also plays SACD.

  • +1

    got one from QV Melbourne store, none on shelf so had to ask. They have 20 out the back if you are looking for one

  • +1

    8 Available at Karrinyup W.A.
    there are no sale signs on the display unit or the shelf unit or the units that are locked up in the glass display cabinet, but they are still only $98 .

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