• expired

Samsung Galaxy S21 5G 128GB $1,099, 256GB $1,199 + $500 Trade in Bonus @ Samsung

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New price updated

S21: 128GB $1,099 | 256GB $1,199

S21+: 128GB $1,299 | 256GB $1,399

S21 Ultra: 128GB $1,599 | 256GB $1,699 | 512GB $1,899

All before $500 trade in bonus

Phone price - $500 trade bonus - phone trade in value - $50 promo voucher

Previous deal

$50 voucher link - https://shop.samsung.com/au/sign-up but it may take some time to arrive or may not arrive.

How to trade in https://www.samsung.com/au/tradeup/

If you received this error with the trade code "Sorry, due to an error, trade-in service is unavailable at the moment"

As mentioned in the last deal, you have to enter your credit card details first before the code will work online.

Need a code? Giving away a code? Please use the

Code Request Megathread

Do not ask for (or sell) codes in the comment section of deals.

************ Samsung updated the promo end date to 8 April 2021 *******************

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closed Comments

    • Same thing happend to me yesterday. The tracking says its been delivered, but they are asking for the device. (eyeroll…)
      Emaild back with the tracking straight away. I hope they sort it out soon.

      • Yeah Samsung promo always hopeless, like the SSD promo, serial number won't verify, some took very very long still didn't receive their cash back. In my case my two SSDs cash back claim I received four cash back XD.

        • So I wasn't the only one with that problem :)

      • Same happened with me, returned the phone and auspost is showing it was delivered but received an email on 1st April which I responded with the details; no response and received another one today that if I don't return the device within 48 hours, I will be charged the non-return fee. Spoke to Samsung, they said can't do anything as it is 3rd party. Should have just kept the phone. They don't even have a number, just email.

        • Thats really annoying. I hope they resolve this asap. If they charge me, i guess i will have to dispute this through credit card.

          • @Summoner: yeah, let's hope so. I am documenting everything, in case get asked. Got the emails, tracking no, photos of phone in the box, chat transcript with Samsung and even got the reference number from the Samsung galaxy concierge I spoke to today.

    • I returned my old device using it’s original box placed it inside the box that came with the new phone and delivered at Regents Park, NSW. I received the second email remainder to return the old device just before the tracking status changed to delivered. Hope they processed it quickly.

  • So now everyone is loaded up with s21/+/ultra.

    What's the best cheap deal for 5g network!

    Cheapest I could find was spintel and it seems the El cheapo boost, kogan, tpg moba are only covering 4g.

    Cant go back to $30-50 plans after doing the one year aim only plans now.

    • +2

      Wait for the $59 JB with $500 voucher. Spend the $500 toward the next Samsung smartwatch release… That's what I'm doing with mine I obtained a few months ago

  • I haven’t returned the device and it’s day 9. But I couldn’t send the device in for 4 days because of the Easter holidays. Would they not count the 4 days? Planning on doing it tommorow.

  • My s9 passed the trade in test, $75 trade in. I've just noticed the tiniest hairline crack, can barely see it, in the top right corner. Anyone know what happens if I were to send it in, and they say it was not in the condition advised, do they just charge me the $75 back? would they even bother? Would they ever charge me the $500 trade in deal?

  • Anyone else receive the email to return phone but no eParcel label attached?

    • yes, I just received today, dunno what I should do as no address or label attached to the email

      • I emailed them, waiting for a reply.

  • need some help, accidently used someone else's tradeup ID…. what should i do?

  • +1

    Can you trade in your old phone @samsung store??

    • Yes you can but you should hand over your phone then and there…

    • The $500 bonus is only if you buy online.

      You can choose to take it to a store instead of mailing it back if you want to…is that what you mean?

      • Yes generate code from the trade up app and get your credit from the store and order your phone online. But to get the credit you need to hand over your phone for assessment, I'm not sure if they send it to asurion or they do it on their behalf.
        Also, I had a long conversation with the store rep regarding physical handing over of my phone right away, whereas the Samsung site asks us to post it to asurion. I even showed him the instructions from the Samsung site. He read that and was still insisting I hand over the phone if I want the credit from the store. I even called up samsung e-commerce and even he be believed that is the quickest way.

        • There is a huge communication gap between asurion and Samsung. It's so messed up.

        • Pretty sure I read they just act as a collection point for Asurion.

          • @John Kimble: True. I should also be able to send it via post as well (as per their website-check "return your old device, it's the same for both online and in-store ) for the convenience of transferring data after I get the new device. I explained it to the rep but he din seem to bother, he is probably following the protocol. This is why I said there is a communication gap.

  • Sounds like they struggling to sell phone for stupid Apple pricing and hopefully soon will reduce the prices

  • +1

    Still haven't got my $50 sign up code yet…did it yesterday :(

    • $50 sign up code yet…did it yesterday :(

      Their $50 code is like lucky draw XD

    • +1

      I always send follow up email to [email protected] after submitting the coupon request on their website ( Asking nicely that i requested the code to purchase an item in the cart and waiting for the code), they then send the code manually. The manual code usually arrived in 1 to 2 working days for me. Which is a lot faster as i usually received the automatically generated code in about 2 weeks.

    • +1

      Get on the chat. I signed up a week ago and got no code so I got on the chat and the rep gave me a code then and there…once he confirmed I had signed up.

      • Yep, just did that now! 👍

        First time I did it yesterday they said they couldn't help me.

  • +2

    Hi Guys
    Here is the latest camera comparison between snapdragon vs exynos after April major update. Bith looks good and the Exynos is getting better but still not as good as Snapdragon. But, now we can say that Exynos camera is not bad at all.

  • Hey guys, for someone like myself with no eligible device (Oneplus) - whats the best way to take advantage of this trade-in?

    • +1

      Not much you can do if you dont have an eligible device. I have a OnePlus 6 myself, but luckily I had my wife's old iPhone 6s+ sitting on my desk for last 6 months, so I used it to trade up.

      There are some on here, who purchased used phones from FB marketplace and gumtree etc to trade them in. The challenge with buying the used devices is that one does not know if the devices have been repaired/tempered, and Asurion may reject the device, if they are not satisfied.

    • I bought one iphone 6s for $100 on gumtree for this deal.

      • is the oneplus 6s the best bang for buck for this deal? what trade-up value were you offered?

        • $25

          • @jimojr: Sorry I meant iPhone 6s

            What do you mean $25?

            • +2

              @inasero: Original device Trade-Up value is
              $25. I got S21 128GB for $324. $1099-$50-$200-$500-$25=$324

    • If you are after s21 Ultra https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/615754

  • Hi guys,

    Received my phone on 1st April, however I still haven't received the email with the postage details to send my phone in, after numerous emails to and from Asurion, Akshit has requested my trade up iD, however I can't find it anywhere. I went back into the app and it has said it is no longer valid and to generate a new code, but this will be different to the code I used when purchasing my phone. I have checked my clip board on my phone and found a couple of codes but not sure if they are trade up I'd codes or not, does anyone have a sample code I can compare them to? Apart from that not sure what to do, I tried Samsung help line but the can see it applied but can't see the code itself. Just don't want to be charged for not returning the phone on time because of their crap systems.


    • I received an email from Asurion ([email protected]), email subject (OTP - SamsungTrade), which has the 5 digit Trade Up code. They emailed me the code, when I ran the Trade Up app on my older phone.

      • I never got that email. This should be fun…

      • That is just to verify email and isn't the actual code you input during the order process. They don't email me the trade ID.

        • Just checked again. I did get the Trade up ID.
          The subject of that email is (Your Samsung Trade-Up Confirmation).

          This email contains:

          The details of your Samsung Trade-Up order are:
          Samsung Trade ID ******************
          Original device Trade-Up value $95
          Original device APPLE IPHONE 6S PLUS 128GB
          Original device IMEI **************

          • @DonaldJTrump: did you get that before you ordered an S21 (after you did the trade up app process) or after you received your phone and gives you details to send your phone back?

            • +1

              @8azinga: Checked my emails for you. So this email was sent out one day after I placed the order.

      • I got that email also but am still waiting on details on how to send in the device. Got phone on the 29th and nothing since the email code for verification. Samsung site still has my order as dispatched not delivered. Also cant find trade in code used, they should really have emailed to everyone.
        Hope when they finish maintenance it does not kick in to Asurion that it was delivered on 29th March and has been over 14 days so their automated charge comes through.

        • Came to write a similar comment. Logged into the account link from my invoice and says dispatched (not delivered) and I've had phone for over a week already. Guess that explains not receiving a follow up email yet.

      • I received the email with the OTP but not the next one with the Trade-UP ID..

    • Code should be 8 digits SAxxxxxx. The x's are numbers.

      • Searched my emails even deleted and no emails from Asurion. Will see what happens I guess.

        • I didn't get emailed the trade ID. It seems some did but i didn't. Or it comes in the email they send you to send the phone back. I only ordered yesterday so have not received the email to send the phone back yet. You have to write down the trade ID and the instructions told you to do so during the process.

      • +1

        Thanks Mate that gave me an idea. I went back on the Samsung site and where I entered my original trade I'd I typed SA and it remembered my I'd in the bar just above my keyboard on my phone.

        • Thought of doing that too, but sadly it didn't remember mine.

  • +1

    No email for return despite having the phone since last week. Getting juicyyyy

    • +1

      It's insane when Akshit doesn't bother doing his job properly and copies and pastes the generic e-mail then ignore your further e-mails.

      • lol

        • +1

          Not sure why you lol but his name is really Akshit

      • Yeah same here.

  • It seems the $200 code doesn't stack with $500 trade in?

    • +1

      They closed that loophole a few days ago unfortunately.

  • +1

    Customised S21 Ultra. Going to be a loooooooooooog wait……

    Ordered 29/3, Order Status: Processing…..

    • Same here. Ordered on the same day for navy 512 gb and still showing processing. I am happy to wait if samsung will offer snapdragon on customised phones.

      • +1

        Aren't all Australian S21s Exynos, even exclusive colours?

      • How do you know that the customised colours come with Snapdragon?

        • +2

          It won't be Snapdragon

      • +2

        I think it will be Exynos. I will be more happy to wait, if it will be physical dual sim…rather than 1 esim + 1 physical sim.

        • +3

          All Australian phones are Exynos. The 2100 is great this year and the gap has closed considerably. Not worth grey imports for a 0.03 second better app opening time

          • @Exec-Matrix: Yes all European, UK, Asian except China, Korean, are Exynos chip. In term of a long waiting time, I said earlier that, IF they give us an snapdragon version for customised phone, we will be more than happy to wait.

            • @Donask: Saw someone from Whirlpool ordered at 29/March, navy.
              Status changed to preparing dispatch. Looks like it skipped the customising step.

              • +1

                @j00828: Yes, mine has moved to the same.

                • @gadgetguy: Mine still on processing….

                  • +1

                    @j00828: I ordered on 26th. Not sure if it matters.

                    I am assuming Samsung got a bulk delivery of the non-standard colours and models but maybe not all.

    • +2

      Same here.
      Phantom navy 256gb
      Order date: 22nd march
      Status: Processing………….

      • update: received a text on friday. the delivery will be on 12/4/21

    • +1

      I ordered 15/3 and im still processing…

    • +1

      ordered on 29th night and status changed to "Preparing Dispatch" today morning..

      ordered Phantom Brown..

      • +1

        Oooh me too, looks like a chocolate bar :P

  • are there any cash back websites one can use? i could onlyfind samsung on Rakuten but thats for the USA ver website i think? also can you stack this promo with the education and government partner sites cheaper rrp but trade in is only $300 off

  • no 128gb left for s21 5g so got 256gb and used afterpay got $30 more off.

  • +1

    Do we still have people awaiting the consignment note from Samsung to return the phone? I have chatted and called a couple of numbers and no one seems to know who's is the best department to talk to.. they keep giving me other numbers to ring? I have not emailed them.

    • I am waiting too. Which numbers have you called?

      I called asurion plus and they basically told me its my problem and they can't help. I asked for a generic number and she told me no.

      • I am in the same boat, got the phone on the 1st of April.

        but still no email on how to send the trade up phone.

  • -1

    what happened if you cancel your credit card for trade in? how can they charge you then?

    • They probably send you a bill by email or mail.

    • +1

      Hopefully, they will send you an e-mail with instructions on how to pay.

      Otherwise, they will just report this to credit report agencies. Next time you try to apply for loan or credit card, it will come up in your credit check report. Good luck trying to get Asurion to wipe that clean later on (considering how hard it is to get an e-mail reply from them currently for a lot of OZBers).

      • I thought it has to be at least $100 for commercial and A consumer payment default is debt of $150 or more that is 60 days or more overdue before they are allowed to report debt to a credit agency? ref https://www.mycreditfile.com.au/news/understanding-your-equi….

        • For phones which are getting under $150, I really doubt OZBers would be very attached to them. As if an iPhone 6S would be something you wouldn't want to send in for the trade in.

          Also, we are assuming the $500 trade in bonus won't be taken back.

    • +2

      You'll probably just get referred straight to a debt collector

  • Price just went up (or $150 discount is gone)

    • Every other retailer has increased the price as well.

  • +3

    Finally party over.

  • So has anyone had any luck getting a response from Samsung or Asurion for how to return our trade-in device. Received my phone 2 days ago an no email instructions yet.

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