This was posted 4 years 4 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[Switch] Witcher 3 (VIC & SA), Borderlands, Xenoblade & More $30 Each + Delivery (C&C/ in-Store) @ BIG W

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Nintendo on clearance

Other games at $30 direct links:

Shipping is $3.90 for me, or click and collect if you can find stock

Seems that Amazon is price matching at least Borderlands


I've been advised you may need to enter your postcode for the clearance prices to show

Some people might have luck with:
- Fire Emblem Three Houses.
- Moving Out
Not showing at all in VIC

Related Stores


closed Comments

  • In store only?

    • +1

      No, delivery available too. I just picked up the Witcher and Borderlands

      • +1

        Strange, they’re all coming up as full price for me.

        • That's strange, what does the link to clearance games show?

          • +1

            @AnonyL: Just clicked on Xenoblade and it's coming up as 30 dollars for me.

        • +3

          When you enter your postcode it should update the prices

        • +2

          is there a promo code? none come up at 30 bucks for me

  • +3

    Digimon for $10! I just bought 7 so I can finally have that family I've been wanting!

  • +1

    The Switcher 3 seems to be out of stock everywhere and even delivery is unavailable.

    • +1

      I've got delivery available + 'low stock' at Doncaster, VIC

      • +1

        Ah, I should have mentioned I just checked around in Sydney and Sydney Region…

        • +1

          Winston Hills, Merrylands, Campsie, Bonnyrigg, Liverpool and Carnes Hills all have 2 stock left as of 1:28PM. I suggest calling up first and ask to put on hold.

  • +2

    I'm only seeing full priced games here.

    • +1

      Full price here too!

    • doesn't seem to work on mobile

      • Have you entered your postcode?

  • +1

    Full price showing in all the links.

  • +1

    All games the OP linked are coming up at $30 for me.
    I'm on mobile also

    • What's your postcode?

      • +1

        Didn't need to put in a postcode. Though the 4 BigW stores closest to me in Perth have stock for all except the Witcher.

  • +1

    Winds are howlin "Sold out" for Witcher

    • +1

      Witcher stock is still available in VIC & SA.

      • +1

        Lucky 😊

        Sold out in NSW

    • +1

      Sold out for me too, pickup and delivery.

      So is Dragon quest

  • +2

    Place order - order gets cancelled straight away

    • What did you order?

      • +3

        dragon quest. both times order got cancelled

    • I got an order confirmation… fingers crossed!

  • +1

    The Witcher 3 ozbargained already. Dragon Quest as well.

    • thanks!

    • +1

      DQ is still available instore in VIC & SA.

  • +3

    I just got Dragon Quest and Xenoblade Chronicles now for pick-up even though people are saying it's Ozbargained already?

    • Thanks - seems like the Big W website has a mind of its own

    • +1

      Delivery available before but pickup only now.

  • +1

    BigW in Mandurah WA was still showing stock couple mins ago for The Witcher

  • +4

    Dude, gotta include Fire Emblem Three Houses for $30, probably the pick of the bunch.

  • +1

    I love Necrodancer.
    I love Zelda.

    I don't like Cadence of Hyrule, because it is too middle-of-the-road. It isn't either game, really, and it just doesn't work right for me.

    • Yeah it was such a shame, seemed like such a mish-mash of game styles, and of top of that there are achievements for completing the game more than once??

  • +1

    Thanks! Bought Xenoblade delivered and Dragon Quest for pickup instore. Also noticed the Digimon tamagotchis are $10 each so snagged one of them as well.

  • +3

    Highly recommend Dragon Quest XI S it is one of the best JRPG games I have played.

    • Might have to grab it on PS4 since they cancelled my Switch order

  • +1

    Looks like outer worlds is included too. At least in Sydney it is.

  • Even with post code still get full price. What am I doing wrong?

    • Are you setting your click + collect and local store?

      • Yep

  • +4

    Moving out is also $20, not bad.

    • +1

      Holy crap, cheers mate, purchased

    • Thanks, have added it to the post!

  • +4

    Word of warning: if you get Borderlands or Bioshock, make sure you have sufficient space on your Switch, as, despite being a physical cartridge, each game requires a 30+GB download.

    • +3

      Yep, and Borderlands 2 & 3 are actually download codes whereas Bioshock unlocks all games using the cart (apparently)

      • +1

        Correct, Bioshock requires the cart inserted to play all games (despite the download) whereas you can sell the Borderlands cart if you don't care for Borderlands 1 because it's literally just a Borderlands 1 cart (says so on the sticker, no mention of the other games)

        • +1

          ahh so you only need the borderlands SD card to play borderlands 1?

          • @nightqueen: Yes, the inside of the box is literally a Borderlands 1 card and a scratch card with keys for the other games.

  • +4

    I so wanted to get Fire Emblem three houses, but no delivery or any store with stocks near me in Sydney.. :(

    • +1

      Both merrylands or campsie has 2 stock if you're near there. But try calling up first and ask to put on hold.

      • +1

        Thanks mate! Will try my luck there!

      • +1

        Thanks, you are a legend! I managed to get hold a copy!

  • +1

    I wonder if this is a glitch?

    Seems like sometimes when you add to cart and try to checkout it bounces you right back when you try to pay.

    Seems like I got an order confirmation but I wonder…

  • Price went back up ? Xenoblade Chronicles: Definitive Edition is $69 for me

  • +1

    Nothing is on sale for me…

  • +1

    Everything is full price and out of stock for me :(

  • +1

    Checked all games, all are full price, none are in stock in gold coast, none have postage option…

    • Try Runaway Bay Big W, everything was marked regular price but when scanned were discounted. Got the last copy of Witcher 3 but decent stock of the other games and Digimon tamagotchis. There was one copy of Fire Emblem but I didn't check it since I already own it but there was a bunch of Xenoblade, Bioshock and Borderlands . No Dragon Quest unfortunately though.

      • Thanks for the info. Saved my trip to runaway bay.

  • +2

    Thanks OP, just got Xenoblade for 33.90 delivered in Vic. Not sure why they aren't showing up for other people. It's working for me.

    • +1

      Fantastic game and some real nice QoL improvements.

      You'll have a great time!

  • +1

    Worked for ACT as well, got Dragon Quest on pickup order and no cancellation yet…

    • Thanks for the comment. I was not going due to no stock but encouraged by your comment. Got xenoblade & outer worlds at airport. No witcher/dragon quest

      Which store did you buy from?

      • I ordered DQ from Tuggeranong

        Glad to help!

  • +1

    Got Witcher, Borderlands and Outer worlds for $30 each and Professor Layton was $20. Had a bunch of Tamagotchis at the tech counter of Runaway Bay, QLD. There was decent stock of Borderlands, Bioshock, Hyrule Cadence and Xenoblade but no dragon quest and I got the last Witcher.

  • +1

    Sweet, thanks OP! Works just fine for me in Newcastle NSW. What I did was set my store for delivery to an address in WA, add to cart, and then when checking out changed the delivery to pick up from my local Big W around the corner. Price stayed at $30. :)

    Got a confirmation email, so hopefully doesn't get cancelled?

  • +1

    My local also had $10 Labo sets down from $99

  • +1

    Thanks OP, bought Xenoblade and Outer Worlds.

  • +1

    Big W Doncaster in-store (as at 12:40pm):

    Borderlands Legendary Collection $30 (4 copies)
    Bioshock $30 (3 copies)
    Cadence of Hyrule $30 (4 copies)
    Xenoblade Chronicles $30 (1 copy)
    The Outer Worlds $30 (4 copies)

    I got the last copies of Witcher 3 and Tokyo Mirage FE.

    • Thank you! Was Tokyo Mirage also on sale?

      • +1

        Yeah $30.

    • 12:57pm Xenoblade gone.

  • -5

    Ah the Witcher 3, a classic developed by a one hit wonder developer

    • +1

      The entire Witcher trilogy is quite good.

      • +2

        I thought so too, I picked up tw3 at launch because tw2 was so good

    • If only they had followed it up with some kind of modern, or even futuristic game

      • I wouldve been happy with just more witcher (which I reckon they will after this debacle), instead, im guessing they tried to appeal to a wider audience with cp2077

  • Woah, Switch sales are rare, this is a good one. I paid $89 for The Witcher a year ago.

  • Am I missing something? They won't deliver anything even if it's in stock?

  • Couldn't get witcher, managed to get bioshock and borderlands delivered by picking DONCASTER VIC location, then paid for delivery to NSW

  • +3

    No clearance prices showing on website for Brisbane locations. But prices are all scanning at the discount prices in Brisbane.
    I just picked up xenoblade, fire emblem, moving out and bioshock at the clearance prices. Thanks.

    • +1

      Can you share the location as I am in Brisbane too chasing for few games. Thanks

      • +1

        Brisbane CBD has:
        1 x Bioshock
        2 x Borderlands
        4 x Layton's Mystery Journey at $20
        4 x Outer World's

        • Legend picked Witcher, Fire Emblem,Outerworlds and Professor Layton.

  • +1

    I managed to order 2 Dragon Quest for click and collect. It's showing out of stock now though so not sure if they've actually got 2 for me.

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