New lowest ever price. With 5% off eBay gift cards it comes to $239.4
Edit: March 18th 12:23pm. OOS
Edit 2: 3 in stock as of March 19th 4:00pm
Edit 3: OOS again
New lowest ever price. With 5% off eBay gift cards it comes to $239.4
Edit: March 18th 12:23pm. OOS
Edit 2: 3 in stock as of March 19th 4:00pm
Edit 3: OOS again
To be clear: you need to use Afterpay via ebay to get the extra discount via code, otherwise it's AUD 315. Or ebay giftcards work-around (which I haven't tried out).
Good price, However, waiting for more Xbox games and hopefully by then this SSD is sub $200.
That's ambitious. This type of specific custom SSD i doubt will ever get that low.
If you can get it right now, in this deal for $239.4, I'm 100% positive we'll see a deal here at some point where the price is sub $200. These items are always expensive, to begin with and then they drop over time.
It’ll be sub 200 by Black Friday. I’m waiting for $150 probably next year for that.
Holding out for 2tb cards
Which will probably be about $500 each. That's quite expensive for a 2TB SSD. I'm only being realistic with this.
Quite possibly, if they are going for pcie 4 speeds of around 6-7000MB/s. I just paid $500 for a 2TB 980 Pro. You can get others like adata sx8200 pro for around $350.So I guess it depends what speed they determine is required as well as how many competing products emerge.
Yes it's a PCIe Gen4 SSD in an expansion enclosure. You can only run Xbox Series X optimised games on a Gen4 SSD. A 2TB expansion card if it comes out will be super expensive. Just like the current 1TB card is super expensive compared to a bare bones 1TB M.2 SSD.
@Geoff-bargain: Yeah i'm guessing that there's a custom Seagate Gen4 SSD inside these expansion cards. But don't quote me on it. May not be totally comparable to say a Samsung 980 Pro Gen4 SSD in performance but it obviously still met up to Microsoft's performance requirement.
@hollykryten: Just had a look for a teardown and it looks like the speed is around 4000MB/s. I'd say there is a good chance they will be able to get the price down on 2TB once there are a few other manufacturers and not just Seagate.…
Damn that's a ripper deal. I still haven't opened mine from the last deal… maybe time to use the free returns!
Another $100 to go and they will sell :) Good price OP
now that is tempting…
Better off getting the Samsung 2TB SSD instead. There aren't enough Series X/S optimised games to warrant paying this much for 1TB of storage.
It's super quick to move games around between the internal storage and SSD anyway.
Is the Samsung 2TB SSD equivalent to this in terms of transfer rates/speed though? People keep pointing out cheaper SSDs and then someone will point out that these are priced competitively with equivalent storage.
you can't run Series X|S optimised games from any other storage except the internal or one of these Seagate cards… so you'd have to move games between another SSD and this… for other Xbox One games, they will run just as well from a Samsung SSD as it would from the internal or Seagate
so he's not wrong, there aren't a huge amount of optimised games yet, but that will grow and unless you want to spend your time moving games between storage or redownloading (which is what i do as i'm on 400mbit fibre) then you should go for the seagate card
But it ain't bad when it takes less than 5 minutes to copy 50gb to an external SSD, and only 2 minutes to copy it back…
Won't see any speed difference for last gen. games. The only thing is, having one of these might extend the number of games that stay in quick resume.
Well that's not true. Plenty of last gen games loaded quicker on external SSD's. Plenty of last gen games load quicker on the Series X|S SSD.
The point is 1TB isn't much and how many people do you reckon will be playing multiple Xbox S/X optimised games at the same time to fill the original 1TB internal storage? Not many I don't think. If you don't care about the cost then I guess it doesn't matter, but for the vast majority of people it makes a lot more sense to get more storage at less cost by going the SSD option given you can run previous gen titles from the SSD with hardly any penalty in terms of loading times.
There are enough X|S optimised games to fill 1TB. So the card itself could be useful if:
However, external SSD storage costs around half the current price of this card for the same amount of storage. External storage is a good choice if:
I'm in the second basket and it works well for my usage scenario. I pulled an ssd out of my PC before selling it and plopped it in a $15 case from Amazon, but the Samsung T1 is also a great choice. With an external ssd the transfer speeds are really quite fast, so the wait to free up space on your internal drive is palatable. To give a rough idea, I was able to transfer the entire Halo Master Chief Collection (around 120GB) to the external ssd in about 7 minutes. That freed up space for 1-3 more optimised games in a reasonable space of time.
I'm not gonna lie, eventually I will get the expansion card but it'll be further down the track when there are more X|S optimised games around. In any case, this price for the expansion card is still a great find!
You won't be saying that in a years time that there aren't enough Series X/S optimised games. The game developers would be working on those games right now. But then again these SSD expansion cards are likely to be cheaper by then too.
But how many games can you really play all at the same time? Personally, I can't play anymore than 2-3 games concurrently as it starts to get too distracting switching between multiple games.
With some games being 150-200gb+ you might only fit 4-6 games onto this and if you play multiplayer your friends could be asking you to play different things which is handy to have a few different games on-demand. If you went with the suggestion of getting the 2TB Samsung SSD instead you could just move the games back and forth though. 200GB at 400MB/s is around 8mins. I know most of the time getting friends together to play something normally takes 10-15min for everyone to be ready to actually queue for anything.
@Agret: And then after you've rolled the game back on to the internal drive from the external SSD. As soon as that's done you find that there's sudden been a new game update which takes 30 minutes or longer to perform through the internet. Don't you just love that.
@hollykryten: Yeah game updates always fun on next-gen consoles, always so big and slow to download.
PC gAmInG iS eXpENsIvE
I just bought a 1TB nvme drive that likely shits on this for $130. It's consoles that are expensive if you can even get one lol
Is it a M.2 PCIe Gen4 SSD. As the SSD drive inside this Xbox Series S|X expansion card is one of those.
I'm a PC gamer, so don't take this as taking sides.
But your graphics card was probably more expensive than the whole Series X.
Your cheap ass 1TB NVME is lower spec than the XSX drive.
Aren't these Xbox SSD's PCIE 4.0, which are about $290 for a 1tb for PC.
Yes they are.
Would someone be so kind to give me a quick rundown of afterpay.
As someone who doesn’t use credit cards unless it’s for an emergency I’d like to know how I can utilise the discounts without getting caught.
I’d be the type of person to purchase it, receive the discount/savings then pay it off in full the next day.
Could someone give me a quick rundown of fees and any tricks, loopholes or things to watch out for?
Thank you.
End of the day, Afterpay simply breaks the payment up in 4 blocks, if you have money on the CC it just charges it automatically, if a payment is missed (cuz your card is maxed for example) you get a $10 fee, thats where you get caught out, but you can always pay it all off via the website in one go avoiding the weeks of pay (if your worried about having to pay it off over multiple weeks)
Are AfterPay payments on the CC considered 'cash advance' or a normal transaction? My bank or my credit card plan charges a fee for cash advance transactions
I found my answer in a discussion on another deal. Some banks do and some don't charge cash advance on AfterPay transactions
you can pay it off right away if you want to, doesn't even need to wait till the next day.
Ok so is that what people are doing here with all the “afterpay” discount incentives?
Get the benefit then pay it off.
Does it affect your credit rating?
Afterpay doesn't hit your credit rating (why people like it so much)
The discount is like anything else, getting people to use the service so they hope to make money off missed charged but also the money from the merchants.
But yes as you said, get the benefits, then pay the whole thing off if your concerned and you can then close your account if its a worry having it,
@brent3000: Thank you.
How confident are you regarding your credit score? I can’t find any definitive information on that topic, just a lot of conflicting conversations.
Ok great, so afterpay get the savings then pay it off, so there isn’t really a “catch” if your on top of your finances?
@InLaymansTerms: I just got a credit review from the bank just this month (for a loan) and After Pay wasnt listed on it,
And yes, if you are ontop of your finance AP is great, i use it as it means i can get 1 transaction over two credit statements (meaning the true pay off is over 120 days in some instances depending on the card payment options)
@InLaymansTerms: Also use the refferal link via OZB and someone will get $10 along with you if you havent signed up before :)
Xbox noob here
Yes, ~800Mb is nowhere near enough when you have Warzone + Cold Ware which are like 140GB EACH for 90% the same game
Will the (amazing) Quick Resume feature work with this card?
Also, do I need to manage storage between two devices or does the XSX handle that for me?
Yes it will work (as like the internal storage)
Yes it will show as a seperate storage unit so if you take it to another Series S|X it will work with all the installed games
Its a simple 'install to x drive' or 'move to x drive' if you need to shift it around
Also it would be 920 GB (not mb) of usable storage
Thanks Brent!
Oh wow, so if I have a game on the drive installed then plug that into a friends XSX it will work on his?
I assume he needs to also have the game licensed to his own account? Or will it work regardless (if I sign in perhaps?)
e.g. I own Cyberpunk, my mate doesn't.
Provided he owns the game, yes.
If you sign in or have the disc, it will work
Fukn afterpay so hard to sign up. Still can't get it working now it has sold out.
No worries, let's just wait until it's on sale again soon. The price iwll only go in one direction over time… :)
This seems to be back in stock, I just ordered one with the discount and all.
Says 3 in stock. I’ve unexpired the deal but these will probably go quick
Showing "More than 10 available" now
Maybe it’s a limit of 3 per person then. Still in stock so I’ll leave it as an open deal
FWIW in the end I just connected an existing 4TB USB 3.0 HDD to it ($99)
Still faster loading times than my PS4 Pro, and I've downloaded literally EVERY game I'm interested in on Games Pass and it's only half full!
Just another option that's much cheaper and (real world) still very good.
$350 for 1TB is a joke, you can almost buy half a PS5 for that (which has a 1TB in it!)
This sale price of $252 should really be the normal price rather than $350…
Hoping that there will be a 500gb version
there's 2 in the picture… do i get 2 ? .. hahaha