• long running

Digital Membership: 1-Yr Single City/Multi $55/$95, 2-Yr Multi $185 (Save $15/$25/$45) @ KFC Partnership with Entertainment


KFC (VIC, TAS, ACT) exclusive partnership discount pricing for Entertainment digital membership, previously known as the Entertainment Book.

Stacks with the bonus $10/$20 Wish or JB Hi-Fi gift card.

While it may be app only now (no voucher swaps), I'm sure you could find $45+ value in it (only need to dine out more than once and you'd make that back).

Credit to past deals previously

Mod note: Users reported problems activating their digital memberships for WA and Sydney. Presumably this problem occurs only for the 1-year single city memberships.

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  • +1

    It's also $25 off multi-city with $20 voucher or $45 off 2 year membership with $20 voucher :)

    • +1

      Cheers, updated :) I think that title summarises it best lol

      • Nailed it, love your work

    • Doesn't seem to work anymore?

  • +2

    Check out the reviews for their recent app update. Everyone hates it and with good reason. Their Android score is now 1.1*.

    • Oh I'd agree, it's far from brilliant, however it's still usable

      • +1

        Barely usable. You have to use map view to find anything.

        • +2

          But then when you tap a place on the map you can’t see the offer?

          • @AaronR: You can, its very time consuming pressing every single icon to see what the offer/restaurant is, instead of just scrolling like you could before.

          • +1

            @AaronR: There's also no way to hide offers anymore.

            Previously you could hide redeemed offers. Now redeemed offers still appear, which means in any busy place, your screen is spammed by mcdonalds offers and for a shopping center, it becomes annoying to click other offers.

    • Well, there's always the iOS app :-)

    • Had no idea because I was using the NZ app without realising. Think I'll stay on that one!

    • +1

      You can still install and use the old app as of today. I just keep a copy of the latest apk, so it still works until they decide to make some changes on their server to cut out the old version completely. Alternatively the NZ version works with AU accounts too.
      The most important change of the new app is now you have to be online in order to redeem a voucher. No data = no deal.

      • Yeah they've probably cottoned onto that.. you could "redeem" the voucher and reuse several times.

      • I thought you always had to be online to redeem? I remember once not having reception and not being able to bring up the voucher or maybe that was when I went to Android 10 and the app stopped working.

    • +1

      I was able to find a copy of the old APK and install that. Works like a charm.

  • nice I was going to get this too

  • The app is so bad at the moment. Won't even start for me. I has to use a workaround which is to install it under ssug secure folder to get it launched.

  • Does it expire on 30th of June? or do they now expire after 1 year from purchase?

  • is there a way to check out on the offer? i have a 2yo wanted to check if they offer BOGOF on zoo’s ticker or any other entry tickets

    • Download the entertainment book app, you can search for offers without an active membership (so cannot redeem)

      • The old app you could, not sure about the new one?

    • You can search online - 25% off at Taronga

      If you think you might go a couple of times, you might want to consider getting an Annual Pass (direct, no Entertainment Book deal) - but pretty good. Kids under 4 are free anyhow, and you can add 2 kids 4-15 per pass.

      We got one named pass and one guest pass which you can let anyone use (you have to get one named pass, and can only get max 2 guest passes) - which was good could let Grandma go, or take friends in (one at a time!)


  • +2

    Does anyone know if you have an existing membership and buy another year, does it add a year to your previous expiry or is the expiry a year from today?

    • +2

      I just ordered and the confirmation email says "Please note, if activated within the first 90 days, your Membership is valid for 12 months from the activation date. After the first 90 days, your Membership will automatically be assigned an expiry date 15 months from the purchase date."

      • So if your existing expires in 3 months or less, it's a buy.. Mine doesn't expire till August, so no buy?

  • Can anyone in SA confirm if the Modbury Plaza or Mawson Lakes Hotels are in the subscription?

    • +1

      Mawson Lakes is 25% off up to $40 and Modbury Plaza is 25% off up to $30 However you can get 20% off at Modbury with a seniors card or 25% using shopadocket monday to wednesday (this condition does not show on the phone though and they have always honored it anyway) The Clovercrest nearby is 2 for 1 on shopadocket with a drink purchase monday to wednesday. https://www.shopadocket.com.au/coupon/modbury-plaza-hotel-25…

      • I should also mention that the Clovercrest is also 25% off up to $30 in the Entertainment Book.

  • KFC link does not apply to WA.

    • Sure does, despite the heading

      • Tried on Sydney. Won't activate even though I paid

    • +1

      Just downloaded in wa. Works.

      • Yeap, it worked with WA for me too. Thanks OP and The Frugal One!

        • does this give you all cities as per their current promo?

          • +1

            @DealSa: Nope, just single city and just 1 year without any extra months.

  • +1

    Thanks OP, will probably get this.

  • Can I browse the offers on the iOS app without an account?

    (I have tried, but when I open the app it asks for a phone number, then says that no such account exists)

  • How did people select the 2 year single city? I can't seem to find it

    • It's 2 year multi city

  • +1

    Can somebody confirm the following.

    Does the 2 year single city membership allow you to use each "voucher" once in the 1st year and then again in the second year.

    Or just it just provide 2 years of access, with only 1 usage per voucher.

    • The offers renew after the first year to be used again the second year

  • +32

    I have been buying the entertainment book for years and years, originally the physical book and then the app version.

    I would not recommend anyone buy it now. You'd be hard pressed to even get your $45 of value back, unless you really like BOGOF McDonalds deals and you are willing to waste petrol driving around for them.

    The first problem is that since COVID hit, so many places have dropped off the EB program. This isn't EB's fault, COVID sucked for businesses sure. However, it does mean unless you live near a city center, you have a LOT less offers near you than in previous years. This is especially true for non food offers (e.g. there used to be a LOT more offers for things like car wash, beauty treatments, massages, dry cleaning etc. Now there are a lot fewer so it's a lot less likely you will have any in your local area).

    In addition to places dropping off the EB program, there are restaurants now that just flat out refuse to accept it. This happened a lot more in Melbourne when Melbourne was first opening up (post lockdown), but it still does happen. I've emailed EB about it several times with receipts and a suggestion that they remove non-complaint businesses, but EB support staff always reply with the stock standard "we're very sorry, let us restore 1 offer for you". They also suggest that you tell restaurants before you sit down that you want to use an EB voucher. I don't like this at all because one of the benefits of the EB program was always that you didn't need to tell businesses before hand.

    The second problem is the new app, it is so horrible.
    - Offers are now for individual stores. For example, instead of 3 crust vouchers that you can use on any crust you want (e.g. your local crust), there is now 1 crust voucher for each individual crust store. So chances are, you will only get 1 voucher unless you want to drive around.
    - The filters are incredibly un-intuitive. Previously, all food places fell into one of four categories: contemporary, cafe, casual, or take away. Now, some food places only appear whne you select a specific filter. e.g. the "Seafood" filter shows a grand total of 3 places in the entire melbourne book, and two of those places do not appear under any of the previously mentioned four categories.
    - The BIGGEST problem, there is no way to hide offers. Previously you could hide redeemed offers. Now, the 'take away' and "casual" categories are next to useless because there is no way to hide offers from the big chains like McDonalds, Subway, etc. You can pan around the map, but you will see so many icons and you have to click each one to see whether or not it's a "One standard hot beverage" offer which appears for every single McDonalds store. Often icons will be stacked on each other and clicking is incredibly fustrating.

    Oh, and when the app upgraded, you lost all of your old favourites.

    • true, can't believe that in this time of pandemic people still got sucked into buying these, I still have restaurant voucher and flight vouchers that I've yet find way to use them.

    • I used it plenty since March last year and easily got my value worth. As an estimate I would say I saved at least $300, probably more. I used it at least once a week. Perhaps it's different in WA since we haven't been as badly affected by COVID as other states, but not once was the voucher knocked back.

      I agree about the app being worse but like someone else said it's still usable.

    • I agree it's not as good, but I still got my annual fee back in one weekend away when used wisely across accommodation, restaurant and theme park. The rest is upside now…

    • Agreed this was a good thing until COVID hit. Now even if a have a voucher I feel bad using it at a restaurant or small business since COVID. Some business have been better off but some have been doing it tough. Just not enough opportunities to use it and also the value and practicality of the offers has dwindled in the past couple of years.

    • I would agree with the programme being crap value now. Most of the good offers we used in years past have dropped off altogether or gone from BOGOF to 25% off. Our current membership will be our last one. We won’t buy it again.

    • Always was intrigued by the offers and the Gift card portal rates that they have. Guess ill stay clear of it now.

    • I agree with everything but I still think its very easy to get the value of the book back, at least in Brisbane.

      Also there is no excuse not to accept a digital edition voucher as you can remove yourself from it, but I think after things opened back up after covid you have to give them some slack, restaurants can easily forget to cancel the vouchers and considering they were bleeding money for so long while closed, its rude to use it just after opening.

      At this point there is no excuse not to accept a voucher.

      • Can we use this in Brisbane. My entertainment book expires in a month

        • Entertainment book is available in Brisbane…. yes.

  • cannot activate in the last step
    error: Sorry your request failed. Please refresh the page and try again.

    • Same. Tried Sydney. Maybe website overloaded?

      • No idea. Gonna call them tomorrow

        • Tried today directly through updated app. Works

  • +8

    Given how horrible the recent app update is, that businesses were given no warning so often refuse the vouchers, and as well how poor their customer service was when I tried to get support about app issues before the update, I don’t see this as a bargain. Would caution anyone from getting this, and don’t expect any chance of a refund if you’re not happy with the app experience or can’t redeem offers, they just stop replying and unfortunately app usability isn’t something the office of fair trading will do anything about.

    • Business's were given no warning about what? Why did they refuse the voucher?

  • Thanks - just ordered one.

  • +18

    This company is rubbish - didn't even offer to extend memberships of existing customers by a few months when basically the whole world shut down. Just kept saying 'we are working on an update' for months and started censoring any social media comments criticising the company etc. Then when the new 'post lockdown' version came out they included restaurants/companies in their discounts without asking them which led to multiple people having their vouchers rejected. It felt like they had maybe 2 staff members running the show…..avoid, avoid, avoid.

  • +1

    alternative to this, if you have kids is small ideas

  • Can you share this with a family member i.e. share on different devices?

    • Yes and they are no longer enforcing the limit on the number of devices.

      • Thanks.

      • +1

        So 55 Ozbs from the same city could all chip in $1 each and share a login?!

  • Ironically you can still get BOGOF zinger burgers on EB. Just used it today after realising the app trick stopped working.

    • The trick where you turned your network/data off before redeeming? That has stopped working?

      • +1

        I was actually referring to the KFC app trick. And yes with the new app you have to be online to redeem a voucher so I think you can draw your own conclusion:)

  • +1

    I used to buy the Entertainment Book every year (often two copies), however Entertainment is now terrible. The app is awful, and many of the good offers now no longer exist. I've also had too many offers not accepted by the Vendor. After contacting Entertainment about the rejected offers, Entertainment do nothing other than state that the vendor is supposed to honour the voucher.

    Not buying these anymore.

    • Were you using the digital edition?

      The vender rejecting a voucher is completely stupid because a quick call to Entertainment Book can have them removed from everyone's digital edition.

      • It was the digital edition. I was using the voucher at a restaurant for dinner so was not really in a position to call them. They gave me some lame excuse because we ordered the special set meal, they didn't have to honour the 25% off voucher.

        • Did the voucher have terms or did the 25% voucher specify what the discount was on? for example main meals.

          Just curious because I've never had an issue.

          • @samfisher5986: There were no special terms and conditions. Entertainment said that they should have accepted the voucher, but they didn't.

    • What were they misleading or deceptive about?

  • Can anyone confirm they have received the Wish card? It doesn’t mention it in the KFC link and latest comments on the other link indicate some people haven’t received it.

    • Nope still waiting

    • Got mine

    • Never received mine.
      EB said the URL is for KFC staff, and the price is already discounted.

  • Looks like they have removed the reference to the gift cards in the KFC link when you go through to the book selection

  • doesn't stack with the bonus gift card anymore the jerks removed it

  • does the single city give you multi city discounts as per the entertainment book current offer?. Im in SA and have used the KFC deal in previous years and have received the SA digital. Now it is not including SA

  • Does this still work guys? Couldn't seem to put through payment

  • +1

    works for WA now

    • How do you know you will get the Wish card as well? Just checking for WA.

      • I don't think there are extra gift card any more

  • Can anyone confirm if this link works to purchase the NSW 2022 entertainment book? (as the link states KFC - ACT / VIC / TAS) Thank you

  • Same question - Works for a single city in NSW?

    • Mod note: Users reported problems activating their digital memberships for WA and Sydney. Presumably this problem occurs only for the 1-year single city memberships.

      So unless something has changed. No - don't buy for NSW single city.

  • Seems the Laurent link back from 2018 is working again which seems to be multi city

  • Does anyone know what are the limited bonus offers mentioned on the website when we click this deal link?

  • Still works for WA. Just purchased one and no issues with activation. No additional offers however, just straight 12 month membership.

  • KFC has dissapeared from my app :(

    Had a good run…

  • Is it 100% confirmed that NSW / Sydney cannot be used under this promotion?

  • +1

    Still working in WA. Thanks OP.

  • Do you have to be kfc staff

  • Can you choose brisbane?

    • I chose adelaide and it’s not on the list .

      I suggest signing up for the normal $69.95 non kfc partnership as you receive a $20 wish gift card , not sure if you get it with this offer

  • Does it stack with other promotion? Bonus eGift Card over Mother's day weekend

  • just bumping this still works and can use NSW (sydney) if you wanted.

    $55 for single city so not as good as the $70 with $20 egift card promo. Maybe the current multi city for $70 is better but I dont really use this elsewhere.

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