First forum post, hope I do this right. So I was just interested in who should give way in this scenario. I have attached pics here to try to visualise the intersection here: https://imgur.com/a/vhO5o4z. No accidents with this one so hopefully less drama than your typical OZB driving discussion.
If anyone wants to see it better 3D on Google maps link here.
Anyway, so obviously Green always goes first before Red and Blue. If Red and Blue were the only cars there waiting and if we are going by round-about customs, Blue should let Red go I think.
Another thing, if Green goes, blocking Red for a second or so, should Blue be allowed to go (while Green is blocking Red giving Blue a second or so to start going)?
The dotted lines mean give way.
That is not a roundabout, so those rules (give way to vehicles already in the r/b) obviously don't apply.
If you are at a dotted line, you give way. So there is no "such and such car goes first" as that would imply a 'right of way', which doesn't exist.