This was posted 4 years 14 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Ocean Chef Salmon Portions Skin On 1KG Bag Frozen $20 (Was $30) @ Woolworths (Online Only)


$10 off 1KG bag of frozen salmon fillets, 8 in a bag. Each fillet (~125g) is individually vac packed.

Mediterranean Style also available in certain locations.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    It says “Online only”.

    • Noted, cheers.

  • +8

    "The extremely deep, cold waters of the Norwegian fjords provide naturally favourable conditions for Atlantic Salmon, so it's from these sea farms we source these rich, "moist fillets.:"

    These are farmed.

    I found these to be pretty tasteless. Good texture but yeah… you need to season.

    • +1

      Product of Norway, packed in Poland.

    • same quality as cheap supermarket salmon?

      • +51

        so sad, saw this comment on that video:
        I'm from Hardanger in Norway. The river in my hometown used to be one of the best salmon rivers in the country and it has been completely destroyed by fish farms. The vast majority of salmon are now escaped farm fish full of parasites. A few years ago me and my father spotted a fish in the river that was almost completely white from fish lice and totally blind, he walked into the river with a spear and stabbed it, it was too frail to resist and didn't even seem aware that anyone was near. For years we have petitioned and protested to no avail, the farm companies act like they own the fjords. Please don't buy farmed salmon, when you do you're helping to destroy a fjord that is a UNESCO world heritage site.

    • Don't the Norwegians currently have a stoush with China causing them to cut off salmon imports?


      Sux to be them! Oh wait…

      • +1

        Who doesn’t have a stoush with China at the moment lol

  • Is the skin eatable?

    • +1

      Absolutely & delicious!

      • i am asking cause some with the scales still on, and have to remove it before eating.

    • definitely, very nice and crispy if you fry them :), create a mixed and balanced texture with the flesh.

    • +1

      Deep fried the skin or toss it in air fryer.

      • The best eh! I have been removing the skin when fish is cooked, then let it fry/crisp up even more….as good as the best pork belly :)

    • Yes, the skin is edible.

    • +1

      The skin is the best part. Why would anyone buy skinless?

      ( Same for chicken! )

    • Probably the only healthy skin to eat.

  • +6

    should keep away from atlantic salmon usually means farmed: ATLANTIC VS. PACIFIC VS. NORWEGIAN VS. WILD SALMON

    • Worth saying that "Tasmanian" salmon is just rebranded Atlantic salmon, too.

  • +3

    Id also stay away from the flavoured versions. They taste bloody awful.

  • -4

    Can you use that for Sashimi?

    • +4

      nope. you'd always want to make sure you get specifically sashimi-grade stuff to be safe.

      • -2

        Sorry i forgot, woolworths doesn't sell sashimi grade salmon.

      • nope. you'd always want to make sure you get specifically sashimi-grade stuff to be safe.

        You know that is just a marketing term right? There is no-one going around grading fish anywhere…

  • What's the expiry date?

  • Is aussie farmed salmon much better than this Norwegian stuff?

    • +2

      I've seen a doco on Tassal years ago and it likely worse. They even feed salmon synthetic dyes to get the right colour.

        • Huh?

      • +5

        Tassal and Huon also use explosives to deter seals, which can blind and deafen them.

        • What a horrible thing to do.

      • +1

        i saw that documentary, the practices were shocking, Australian Salmon definately wont be known for its quality. i havent had any because of that documentary

        • i eat coles and woolies salmon all the time… im sure im fine … i better get that growth on my back checked though…

          • +1

            @hippyhippy: it was more the practices that were shocking for a country like australia, maybe the fish tastes fine but some of the ethics were a little stale

            for similar reasons i was the sort of young adult that boycotted nestle for 5 years (including the sub brands), one tough boycott at least i was poor and couldnt affort much. this time it was related to nestles behaviour in africa

            (no i wasnt the sort of teen flunking school in dreadlocks, even if a lot of friends were hippies)

            • @juki: It's not a crime to want child slavery free chocolate tho.

      • +2

        "even"? There is colouring/dye in a lot of what you eat I'd wager. The "dye" that use here is actually the same chemical that naturally dyes salmon flesh colour that they get from their diet, rather than some random chemical that produces that colour.

        The options are either, white farmed salmon that people don't want, coloured salmon, collapsing wild salmon populations, or not eating salmon. I kinda feel we've picked the "least bad" at this point.

        • +1

          At the very least, these should be clearly labelled as "farmed", so that the buying public could make an informed the decision. "Atlantic" and "Ocean" on the packaging misleads the average consumer into believing that this the fish was wild caught, and is as dodgy a marking practice as the farming itself.

          • +1

            @elektron: Oh yeah I'd never buy this. Designed to mislead, and that's crap. Unfortunately it's the way of the world - but I won't support it with my bucks!

  • -3

    Buy local and make sure its ASC certified - this stuff is absolute rubbish.

    • +3
      • +1

        There is no ethical consumption under capitalism, nor any other form of economic system so far.

        • oh no…its too hot to argue about the definitions and whether there is or not

      • That article doesn't have much at all about environmental damage. Really talks about fish stress levels.

        • It's a video, not an article? And basically the whole thing is about the impact salmon farming is having on Tasmanian waterways?

          • -1


            It's a video, not an article?

            An 'article' can be presented in written, audio, or video form…

            • @1st-Amendment: Every dictionary I can find says you're wrong but arguing about semantics is cool.


              article noun
              ar·​ti·​cle | \ ˈär-ti-kəl \
              plural articles
              Definition of article (Entry 1 of 2)
              1a: a distinct often numbered section of a writing
              an article of the constitution
              b: a separate clause
              c: a stipulation in a document (such as a contract or a creed)
              articles of indenture
              d: a nonfictional prose composition usually forming an independent part of a publication (such as a magazine)
              wrote an article for the newspaper
              e: a document setting forth the terms of an agreement —usually plural
              The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has approved the certificate of filing of the articles of merger and plan of merger …
              — Ruby Anne M. Rubio
              articles of consolidation
              articles of incorporation
              2: an item of business : MATTER
              3grammar : any of a small set of words or affixes (such as a, an, and the) used with nouns to limit or give definiteness to the application
              4: a member of a class of things
              especially : an item of goods
              articles of value
              5: a thing or person of a particular and distinctive kind or class
              the genuine article


              (ɑːʳtɪkəl )
              Word forms: plural articles
              1. COUNTABLE NOUN
              An article is a piece of writing that is published in a newspaper or magazine.
              …a newspaper article.
              …a travel article.
              According to an article in The Economist the drug could have side effects.
              …Canning's article about the Buxton Festival.
              Synonyms: feature, story, paper, piece More Synonyms of article
              2. COUNTABLE NOUN
              You can refer to objects as articles of some kind.
              …articles of clothing. [+ of]
              He had stripped the house of all articles of value.
              …household articles.
              3. See the genuine article
              4. COUNTABLE NOUN
              An article of a formal agreement or document is a section of it which deals with a particular point.
              The country appears to be violating several articles of the convention.
              …Article 50 of the U.N. charter.
              5. PLURAL NOUN
              Someone who is in articles is being trained as a lawyer or accountant by a firm with whom they have a written agreement.
              44 per cent of those admitted to articles were women.
              6. COUNTABLE NOUN
              In grammar, an article is a kind of determiner. In English, 'a' and 'an' are called the indefinite article, and 'the' is called the definite article.


              article noun
              article (on/about something) a piece of writing about a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine
              Have you seen that article about young fashion designers?
              (law) a separate item in an agreement or a contract
              Article 3 of the U.S. Constitution describes the American court system.
              (formal) a particular item or separate thing, especially one of a set
              synonym item
              articles of clothing
              You may bring one personal article on board, such as a handbag.
              The articles found in the car helped the police to identify the body.
              (grammar) the words a and an (the indefinite article) or the (the definite article)

  • Can this be used for Sashimi?

    • +2

      No! never use frozen fish for sashimi, or anything you get from colesworth. Wow. If you have to even ask..

      • +8

        That's like asking if you can fry used condoms as calamari rings.

        • +1

          Note to self, refuse all fried food from @tonyjzx.

      • Actually, for most species of fish it should be frozen and thawed before preparing sashimi, in order to kill parasites. Especially fish like wild salmon which are full of parasites. The US FDA recommends freezing for a week at household freezer temperatures to kill parasites. The sushi grade fish which restaurants use has either already been frozen, is frozen at the shop, or is sourced from fish farms with good parasite control.

  • Sodium content?

    • +2


  • If you can buy from the deli. Unless you have a lot of mouths to feed these are okay

  • Why would anybody pay $30 normally when fresh Tassie salmon is cheaper? (and freezes well, if you need to)
    At $20 it is worthwhile.

    These are farmed.

    Duh! 99.9% of Atlantic salmon is farmed. Wild salmon is mostly canned Pink Salmon.

      • Rubbish. The Tasmanian salmon is sold as fresh. Do you have evidence for your allegations?

        • -1

          All fish you didn't catch yourself is frozen at some point, usually on the boat/farm immediately after it is caught. 'Fresh' fish that you see in the supermarkets or fish markets is actually 'defrosted' fish. Even top-end sashimi Tuna is sold frozen in Japan.

          • +1

            @Keplaffintech: Seriously?
            Who told you such nonsense?
            Try asking at the fish shop. Some is fresh, some thawed, and they are required to label it.

            • @bargaino: No words is their! Some people are just plain dumb lemmings.

  • How do these compare with the Aldi frozen Australian salmon portions @ $24/kg?

  • +2

    If I want to eat salmon (fresh or frozen, not tinned), and also don't want to ruin the fjords in Norway or some other ecosystem, what do I do? Genuine question.

      • Have not seen it displayed… :(

          • @c64: That is sockeye salmon, a different fish to Atlantic salmon.
            You cannot buy wild Atlantic salmon, sorry.

            • @bargaino: Yep effectively all salmon marked as Atlantic is farmed.

    • Watch videos on another ozbargain discussion here

    • You can find them according to local articles and lots of wild salmon stock in Australia but no one bites them according to ABC

    • I just google “wild salmon Sydney” plenty ideas pop up.
      Personally, I eat wild caught salmon when visit restaurants. At home, I take wild salmon oil (Swisse). Smoked salmon I choose Huon (farmed but I trust Frances Bender and not Tassal).

    • Go to the Canadian or Alaskan wilderness and wait long enough near a river…

  • From experience, don't get the flavoured versions… Had to drink 4 cups of water to go with it.

    • Too salty?

  • Too much bloodline in these, way to fishy tasting. Returned 2 bags hoping first bag was a one off.

    • So you opened three bags in total and they were all bad?

      • Just 2, gave up after that

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