Cheap subscription to National Geographic. No student ID, voucher codes etc required
National Geographic- US$22 for 12 Month International Subscription
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Uhh dumb question, but is this for the physical paper copy of the NatGeo Mag or is it a digital format?
$895 for Lifetime membership!!!!!!
Buy it for your child when they are born - $10 a year if they live to 90 and if NG doesn't go bust!!! ;PBut in the meantime, they have your money and even at 2%, they are covering the cost of your subscription.
It's a nice idea (for NG and grandparents / parents who are into that kind of I'm not sure what to call it) and it saves sending out those annoying renewal letters which you start getting almost as soon as you subscribe!
I don't know anyone who would take it up though…..
I don't think it works that way. You're forgetting interest rates from the bank. From my 1 sem of engineering economics;
- the lifetime membership has a Future Worth of $72253 (assuming 5% interest rate p.a. for 90 periods)
- while the $22 per year option has a Future Worth of $36,835.
So technically this method is half the price AND less risky.
5% perpetual interest and 100+ yrs life expectancy (assuming subscribers age from 10+)?
That's assuming one lives in a Utopia and drinking not just lime juice!
And I almost forgot, caeteris paribus.The 100 years was an over estimate to further prove my point! A shorter life span would favor $22p.a. even more!
I'd rework it with 3% interest rate with 70 periods (i.e. 80 years old) FW1 = $7086 and Fw2 = $5073,which means you still pay less with $22p.a.
I'm just saying that paying a lump sum of money up front is dangerously misleading.
Not that it interests me, but if you want it for a lifetime theres probably more risk of the $22 option not being offered in the future or the price going up well before the magazine goes out of print.
Theres also probably a cost inherit with keeping the subscription active each year, looking for that special prices etc.
At c.1.77% constant inflation both options would be c. the same.
Sorry a combination of geekiness and boredom
where is that membership?
I honestly doubt they'll be physically printing mass market magazines like National Geographic in another 10-15 years. You'd probably want some guarantees that you'd get access to whatever digital format of the magazine is around in the future before spending that kind of money. :P
good point.
Lifetime subscruption….ummm so when do they know when to stop?
When they have received no personal reply from you for their annual renewal notice, I should think ;)
i just got a subscription in may, and currently enjoying the mags. But how do you renew? Do you just purchase another year??
Same here, would appreciate any hints!
Yes, you have to kind of guess when to renew, because you can't do it through any channel I have found. You may get two of one issue or miss an issue (I think I'll be getting a double issue after being told by one department that yes, they could tell the sub department when to start the issue and after I resubscribed I was told no, that was not possible). I figure as long as i don't get 6 or more double issues (which I won't), I'll be ahead of the Australian price.
You can both find out when you subscription expires, and renew it; it's just a little bit tricky to find for some reason. This is the page:
Wow that's less than half the price from real bargain. Is it renewable at this sort of prices after a year?
Its a great price as are many other US subscriptions, the issue ive personally had though is the reliability of the service, many times magazines do not arrive or are delayed. This was not National Geographic, it was How Design.
An NG subscription should be able to be renewed at a price lower than the Aussie Newsagents price.
Yes, renewable but you've got to work out the date yourself if possible. The renewals you will be send will be from Australia and at the normal Australian price, so you've got to go to the link from the year before and try to work out when to hit the buy button to try to avoid a double issue or missing an issue.
If you don't want to find out, you don't have to worry if you purchase subs from the website, the 12 months is just added to the end of your current subscription, I've done it about three years in a row.
@paddy567 — does that mean that I can order one subscription, then order another (both at the $22 rate), and get two years' worth of magazines, and so on?
An issue for less than the price of a coffee, what's there not to love. I'm in!
ordered. Thanks for sharing.
How come it says "Allow 8-12 weeks for delivery of first issue."?
Nevertheless, thanks OP :)Because it's coming from the US and it's a magazine.
Great value but I wish they had a digital subscription for this price
Got mine - thx
good one. snapped it up.
Thank you, got mine.
Thanks a lot OP
Wish I'd seen this before I lost $44.25 with a dodgy Groupon voucher with codes that can't be redeemed :(
Yeah I also subscribed for the groupon deal :(
However, their deal said the voucher code would be valid after the 28th of December…
Sweet - just signed up - many thanks theodosius.
Thank you, a great last minute xmas gift for my dad. Bargain!
ha ha… same here…
Great chrissie present at a nice price too…
Been looking for this for my daughter. Great price, thanks.
nice deal love these mags
Is there any way this can be used for Australian Geo subscription, been thinking of doing that for a while now…
Anyone know when this deal ends?
It seems this is their normal price?
are these the same magazines you would get with australian subscription??
Yes - National Geographic is National Geographic. One version. Might have to snap it up even though I probably won't have time to read them!
There is a fantastic Australian magazine you can subscribe to, but its not the same company as Nat Geo…
great deal. love it.
btw a little bit off topic… I have been looking at mag subscriptions for Popular Mechanics and Popular Science at a good price for a while now. The cheapest I found for Popular Mechanics is $40 from… . Which is an unbelievable great price. but I cant find any reliable info about this website.
Anyone used them before?This may be a silly question but if I buy 2 quantities at the checkout would it be a 24 months subscription or 2 12 month subscriptions?
What a good price as compared to the exact same deal by Groupon Australia . They had it for $44.25 and for some reason my order didn't go through ( Am i glad !) . Anyway about 900+ people had already bagged it thinking it was a good deal . . Many thanks Theodosisususus.
great deal, ordered, thanks
I gave this deal a tick. But people should also consider where you can subscribe digitally.
I recently subscribed in zinio for Reader's Digest - 12 issues for $9.95 and paid through Paypal . It is digital and can be used to read your magazine from iphone, PC etc (download a reader). For this subscription, they sent me a gift of $25 in zinio bucks to be used on other subscriptions. I think I will take the National Geographic one here, - at $44 (after accounting my $25 in credit, it will be $19 ). They also have a huge promotion going on all kinds of magazines.I prefer to get the actual magazines, dont like e-readers. I really hope books and mags will be around for many years.
Many thanks - At this price it was hard to resist - Order placed.
Lifetime membership? Does anyone think paper media will be dead in 30-40 years?
I'm not a fan of the National Geo since they sell your details to third parties. I misspelled my suburb and then I had all these ads addressed to the same place. :(
Just bought 3 of these 1 for me and 2 for gifts. national geographic is a great magazine and my favourite channel on foxtel so i will enjoy reading these.
"State/Province" = "INTERNATIONAL"? Is that really enough info?
Just use the suburb box and put the state in there after your suburb.
I already put it through without the state, but I figured that country, capital city and suburb should be enough.
yeah I just put international
Got one nice :)
does it really take 8 weeks to arrive?? that would mean the issues might be from the previous month or later when you get them?
Is anyone else still waiting for their copy to arrive?
Yes. Delivery is 8 - 12 weeks.
Yep, have been wondering where it is! It usually only takes about 7-10 business days for something to arrive from the US.
Lol same here, even my deal extreme parcel arrived quicker… now that's saying something!
It works. I've done it two years in a row. They always send you half a dozen renew at A$45 letters before your subscription expires though.