1 Year Digital Subscription (10 Issues) to Animation Magazine (RRP US$25) - Free with Promo Code @ Animation Magazine


NOTE: this promo code may not last for very long, as December 2024 has already gone past …

Instructions on claiming a 1 year (10 issues) subscription to Animation Magazine (RRP US$25) for free using promo code AMHOL24
  1. Use a web browser to navigate to https://www.animationmagazine.net/subscribe-now/
  2. Type and enter AMHOL24 into the text field next to the button 'Validate Promo Code', then click the button
  3. On the pricing list table, click-select the radio button on the table row labelled "Digital Only > 1 year (10 issues)". NOTE: the pricing should be displayed as $25.00 Free
  4. NOTE: Do NOT click on the checkbox labelled First class mail upgrade - this will add an additional US$70 (International shipping) to the subscription rate per year
  5. On the Subscriber Information section, fill out all required fields
  6. On the Please answer the following questions section, specify Primary business interest? to be "Trade Shows"
  7. On the Please answer the following questions section, specify Job title? to be "Modeler/Sculptor"
  8. Click the 'SUBMIT' button

There should be a congratulatory message indicating that the subscription submission was successful, and there will be an email sent to the supplied email address/account with the subscription order details - this first email message will contain a direct download link to 1 digitized magazine issue.

If your subscription includes the digital edition, you will receive an emailed notification with your login information prior to the next issue's publication. While you are waiting, please enjoy our recent issue with the link below.

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Animation Magazine
Animation Magazine


  • +10
  • +1

    “Trade shows” + “Modeler/ Sculptor”

    Tried again after reading through your post and it worked with the above.

    Curious OP, why such a specific combo?

  • +1

    Thanks !!!

    I like reading cartoons…

    • +1

      I like reading ’about animation and industry of’ cartoons…


  • Thanks
    it works

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