NSW roundabout rule - special scenario

Hi all,
want to get your expert opinion on rules at round about - I have a special scenario at a round about near my house(Sydney). While I'm clear on the round about rules, it happened many times that there were conflicts and people honking at each other when 2 cars are nearby…
Please have a look at the roundabout picture link below.


Who has preference - A or B?

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  • 17
    Car B has 1st Preference
  • 249
    Car A has 1st Preference


        • Neither of those pages are the legislation, the are just the dumbed down information page.

          Despite that, The NSW link mentions ‘give way’ or ‘giving way’ about 5 times, including ‘must give way’. The VicRoads page is full of ‘giving way’ references.

          • @Euphemistic: It doesn't say "obligation to give way" in the legislation too…?
            Legal wording is important, can't add things like "right of way" and "obligation to give way" when not mentioned in the legislation.

            • @Ughhh: The legislation will not use the word ‘obligation’ but will use ‘must’ or ‘shall’ which legally define your obligation.

  • Well I am not sure about giving preference on a roundabout but B should be be giving way to cars on the roundabout. But why on earth is A changing lanes right in that spot on the round about? Its not unreasonable to expect that B might try to squeeze in as they would assume A would stay in their lane.

    • +1

      Drivers shouldn't assume. They should anticipate.

      • True that.

        I guess what I was trying to say is that car A is not driving defensively by changing lanes right in front of cars trying to enter the roundabout. Given the history of the honking at the roundabout, car A should anticipate that car B might be trying to enter the roundabout and may not expect car A to change lanes.

  • I used to live right near this roundabout and while (in my experience) it wasn't common for a car to perform the manouver of car A, car B definitely has to give way. A lot of cars turn right at this roundabout (like car A) and then want to turn left at the set of lights not far away so it's not unreasonable for them to make the lane change within the roundabout to guarantee a gap.

    My neighbour complained to council about the line markings here but was just told it's under RMS jurisdiction so that didn't really get anywhere.

  • +1

    A is already in the roundabout (assuming you have marked the A & B positions where the cars are located) and therefore B must give was to A

  • This reminds me of the "private lane" guy

  • If they collide, both drivers are at fault.

    Car B must give way to cars already in the roundabout, so should be ticketed.

    Car A must exit from the right lane, but changed lanes without due care, so should be ticketed.

    • Car A must exit from the right lane

      No it must not

      but changed lanes without due care

      Says who?

      so should be ticketed


    • Thought about applying for Trumps legal team !
      You're that wrong !

      • Here are the rules from NSW RMS.

        Turning right: On your approach, to a roundabout you must select the right lane, signal right, stay in the right lane and signal left before exiting into the right lane.

        So it's quite clear that it is wrong to change to the left lane. That still does not absolve Car B's responsibility to give way to any car already in the roundabout.

        • And here is the ACTUAL legislation that says you are wrong (as I don't trust "pamphlets")…

          Road Rule 117 Giving a change of direction signal when changing marked lanes or lines of traffic in a roundabout

          A is allowed to move that lane as the road rules say they are allowed to move into that lane providing they give way to any car in that lane and give the correct indicator signal.

          B should not be in that roundabout at all, as they need to give way to A

          • @pegaxs: Interesting that the legislation is silent on the road rule to exit in the right lane.

            Whatever…. you have agreed with me that changing lanes requires giving way. So my original statement that both would be at fault still stands.

            • +1


              So my original statement that both would be at fault still stands.

              No, your original statement is also erroneous. B is at fault because of road rule 114, give way to other drivers already on the round about. B needs to give way to A, as A is already on the roundabout. A does not need to give way to B, because B should not even be on the round about at that point.

              • @pegaxs: It also shows that car A is crossing a solid line so will be partially at fault if an accident occurs as it should stay in the right lane until it had completely exited the roundabout. B does need to slow as it needs to see what car A is doing if car A has entered the roundabout first.

  • Simple rule unless stated otherwise. Always give way to oncoming traffic.

  • +1

    NSW RMS should remove that white lane markings until after the roundabout, not in it, then it's problem solved, then car A has right to choose which lane he exits into, but then car B has two lanes of traffic to enter into roundabout, so again it's all confusing.

    Have you thought of going into the RMS and asking for a professional opinion on this subject?

  • +4

    Here's a game changer LIFE HACK:

    If you zoom in to street view, see how that roundabout symbol is within an upside-down triangular sign? Does that triangular sign look familiar? Now where have you seen that sign before… ??

    Yup! That's the "Give Way" sign and it's not a coincidence that the roundabout symbol is within the Give Way sign.

    Hope I've enlightened some people today and to all those that thought B had the right of way/preference for whatever reason you thought it was, please keep the rest of us safe on the road and hand your driver's license back!

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