I've noticed that my TPG NBN speeds for FTTP connection has more than doubled in the last couple of days on my 100/40mbps plan. I haven't changed anything with my account and I've been consistently getting 250-400mbps download speeds. I couldn't find any reference or article online and was hoping if someone knows what is happening…
TPG nbn FTTP Speeds More than Doubled

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The thing is TPG don't advertise 1000/50 or 250/25. Maybe they are testing it out before launch.
TPG appears to have a "My Account" area on their web site. Log into it and see what NBN tier it says that you are on.
Honestly doubt anyone on ozbargajn knows, everyone here is in bed with ABB and doesn’t care about lower priced ISPs like TPG even if you get great speeds.
Have you been able to clarify what's going on? According to this thread that you may have triggered https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/602315
TPG don't have these plans. I'm on TPG NBN50 plan and haven't gotten an upgrade. Neither have a lot of other TPG customers.iiNet and Internode are automatically giving existing customers with FTTP and HFC on <100/40Mbps
You're on the 50 plan so you won't get upgraded.
Contradiction, from what I read, there are already internode/iinet customers on 50/20 getting the free trial upgrade. But it's a big project and it's going to take awhile till July. And also it all depends on them if you are eligible, what ever that means??
Also I've seen people here with 100/40 getting the free trial upgrade. Again you have to be eligible.
If you become eligible you should get an email/txt.
Just make sure you are on either HFC or FTTP
Good Luck.
Not all of HFC is eligible for 250 and 1000Mbps. HFC upgrades will be done throughout the year.
I have a TPG50 plan and getting near 100 down speeds, up speeds remain 20
I have a TPG50 plan, on FTTP in an apartment. I was downloading a game today on my xbox app the speed shows 25MB/s and I was like "that can't be right…"
Then I did a speedtest and I got 260Mbps down and 18Mbps up. Amazing!Okay got an email from TPG saying this is a promotion for 6 months.
From 10/02/2021 to 10/08/2021, we are changing your internet plan to the nbn™ Home Superfast plan. You should experience faster speeds, and your monthly access fee will not change.
This change will start automatically and you’ll return to your current NBN50 Plan after 6 months, so you don’t need to do anything.
Does anyone know if I can downgrade to the 12Mbps plan to save $10 per month for 6 months?
12Mbps is not apart of the NBN promo.
Ok thanks, would have been good to pay $60 for 100 or even 50 down for 6 months
I'm on a 100/20 or 100/40 and I'm now getting 639 down/38 up. Crazy. Going to be hard going back in 6 months.
Maybe they upgraded you to get the new (6 month) rebate from NBN:-