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$0 Free Course - Automate The Boring Stuff with Python @ Udemy

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Code works until the 4th, then possibly replaced by FEB2021FREE2.

The author's announcement on reddit

A practical programming course for office workers, academics, and administrators who want to improve their productivity.

Rating: 4.6 out of 5 (79,897 ratings) 797,750 students

What you'll learn

  • Automate tasks on their computer by writing simple Python programs.
  • Write programs that can do text pattern recognition with "regular expressions".
  • Programmatically generate and update Excel spreadsheets.
  • Parse PDFs and Word documents.
  • Crawl web sites and pull information from online sources.
  • Write programs that send out email notifications.
  • Use Python's debugging tools to quickly figure out bugs in your code.
  • Programmatically control the mouse and keyboard to click and type for you.

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closed Comments

  • +14

    Oh, already purchased last year…
    …I'll get around to it one day.

    • "You purchased this course on Jun. 03, 2020" … one day!

      • +6

        You purchased this course on Nov. 27, 2017 - one day.


        • You purchased this course on Sep. 25, 2015. Do I win?

          • @petestrash: Gold.
            Not sure if that is cool that the content hasnt changed in that long or not.

            • @b00r0wa: Like the over 4000 courses I have collected and never started, I have not started this one.

              I did just take a look though to see if there is any date showing updated content, but there is no date that I can see. Neither for updates or when the course was originally created.

              • @petestrash: 4000? damn! I've got to bump my rookie numbers up… im sitting at a sad and lonley 93 courses.

                Well it is at least about 6 years old.
                I mean the fundementals of python wont change, so i suppose if the course is solid, there isnt any need.

                As long as it remains clear and coherant, i suppose it will be ok.

    • +2

      You purchased this course on Jun. 12, 2019…
      One day (who am I kidding)

    • +2

      September 24th, 2015.

      I'm on the second module.

    • You purchased this course on Nov. 05, 2019 …..one day!

    • think I've pretty much subscribed to all the free udemy courses, we're just reposting the same courses now.

  • That's cool! I will find time for that one for sure. OP please edit your link, it doesn't work.

    • +2

      It seems to work for me? I tried it out in a private tab

      • -4

        Yeah can confirm works now for me too. I guess OP fixed it.

    • The link works for me

  • better than autohotkey for simple stuffs?

    • +1

      Infinitely more advanced than autohotkey.

      You're comparing a tool for running automations based off user input against an entire programming language.

    • +2

      To answer the question: It depends, but generally AHK is better AHK was designed for keyboard / mouse / Windows automation. Generally, Python is better for anything involving files or data processing. Both languages are worth learning, but if I only had time to learn one I'd choose Python as it is more for general purpose scripting (vs. AHK, which is pretty domain specific for automation) and is very widely used.

      Contrary to what some people believe, AHK is a programming language and is as Turing complete as Python is (i.e. Turing complete modulo infinite memory).

      • just adding to this, AHK can work easily without admins rights(portable) , python could require them and don't think works portable.

        I point this out cause I bumped into AHK while looking for alternatives not having admins. In my case the automation is for browser mostly, so I'm testing UI.vision RPA with the Chrome extension right now.

  • Well reviewed course.

  • +10

    I need to automate myself in reading all of my Udemy free courses.

    • +1

      Me too

    • +1

      for course in free_courses :

      • +4
        my_udemy_course_list = []
        # automate course enrolment
        for course in ozBargainUdemyPost:
          if course not in my_udemy_course_list:
            if course.cost == 0: # check if the course is free
        # automate course study
        for course in my_udemy_course_list :
        • Damn bois. I need to get my object orientation on. I am still stuck with C without objects.

  • +1

    The course follows the book, which is available for free on his site. https://automatetheboringstuff.com/2e/
    Consider buying the physical version if you want to support the dev.

  • -2

    Can I automate my wife? she is boring :(

    • +1

      I'm not a programmer, but would this code work?

      IF wife=boring
      THEN delete wife
      MAKE new wife (*like "weird science" girl)

      How did I go?

      • -1

        WHILE (wife=boring)

        Then I will always have a new wife I get bored =)

        • Unless you want to end up with a lot of wives, try this one!

          while wife==boring:
              if NewWife() != boring:
                  wife = NewWife()
      • -1

        THEN delete wife

        Terminator = Hastalavista Baby!

      • How did I go?

        SyntaxError: invalid syntax

      • +1
        class Person:
          def __init__(self, description=""):
            self.description= description
        class Man(Person):
          def __init__(self, description=""):
          def setWife(self, wife):
            self.wife = wife
          def __str__(self):
            return self.description + "'s wife is " + self.wife.description
        class Woman(Person):
          def __init__(self, description=""):
          def isBoring(self):
            if(self.description=="normal housewife"):
              return True
              return False
        me = Man("tg")
        w = Woman("normal housewife")
          girl = Woman("werid science girl")
    • hmm you need to upgrade your OS buddy

    • I won't auto'mate' this scenario. ROI is poor.

  • +2

    Serious question… For someone with zero programming experience or knowledge, how easy would programming for these tasks be?

    • +4

      I'm in my late 30s, and I find that programming is a way of thinking that I didn't develop when I was younger. To master programming, we need to think more like a robot, to speak its language.

      This course doesn't try to make you a Python superstar. It gives you a sense of direction/end goal. In the process, you get to learn how to think like a programmer.

      • me = Person("supervigilante")
        print(me.isWayOfThinking("programming")) # returns False
        me.speak("programming language")
        print(me.master("programming)) # returns True
    • This is beginner stuff so it should be fairly easy. The author also has an eBook version that covers the basics of Python, you can read it for free on his website https://automatetheboringstuff.com

    • Hard for me to say definitively as I've had a bit of programming experience; but I would consider it easy for someone without programming experience to pickup.

      It starts with the fundamentals, and doesn't go at lightning speed.

    • Hard to say without knowing you.

      Think of it like you have an electronic genie.
      And a program is like a wish that you want granted. You know how in stories wishes always have unintended consequences because the character doesn't know how their wording translates into action, doesn't know what actions are required or doesn't think about the scope of their wish?

      Would you find it easy if you had a rough guide that showed you how to get specific wishes granted, but you still had to figure out some of those factors mentioned above to tweak it for your own use case?

    • +2

      I've completed this course and i have no background in programming/coding. The course is designed for those who have no background so it's relatively easy to follow. It teaches you very little on computer science theory and is entirely practical. For example, i created some code that moves my mouse every 5 seconds so i'm never idle and no one knows i'm fobbing off work. Is this code written optimally? probably not. Does it work? Yeah.. sorta - that's what this course teaches you, how to 'yeah it sorta works' your way through things.

      Coding is like having a dog. It knows a few words but you have to be very specific with it. For example, it knows 'fetch' but you need to tell it what to fetch specifically, you can't just throw a stick and say 'fetch' - it doesn't understand context, you need to tell it to 'fetch the stick that i just threw.' If you can get your head around that then it's just a matter of syntax and mucking around.

  • Thanks Ops. Great find

  • Pretty good course for beginners. The author also has an eBook version, you can read it for free on his website I believe.

  • +1

    "You purchased this course on Nov. 05, 2019"
    "I have a dream…"

  • Why am I not surprised…..
    You purchased this course on Nov. 05, 2019

  • Automate The Boring Stuff with Python

    Can I automate writing python programs though..

  • promotion not valid for location?

    Then purchased it in 2019… doh

  • You purchased this course on Sep. 24, 2015

  • +2

    Just enrolled.

    See you guys again in a few years.

  • Haha time to sign up to another course I won't use

  • I took a look at the content of the course. Most parts of the course are learning Python and the application of "Automating" stuff are few. I wish there were more lectures on the application side :)

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