This was posted 4 years 1 month 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Double ($10) Referral on Spaceship Voyager (Minimum $5 Deposit) for February 2021


Looking to diversify your GME, AMC, NOK, and BB yolo call options? Look no further with double the normal spaceship bonus ($10) till Feb 13th when you sign up via the referral link below - you'll be investing in a diversified portfolio of stonks.

Note that referral codes need to be added to your account after you sign up (within 14 days of sign up).

No fees on the first $5,000 invested, and 0.1% on balances above $5,000. I'd recommend the universe portfolio.

Terms and conditions

Mod Edit 14/2: New Terms and conditions and Version in the app. Extended to at least 21/2 (likely 28/2).

Referral Links

Referral: random (168)

$10 referral bonus for both referrer and referee

Referee must add a referral code and deposit a minimum of $5 within 14 days of sign up.

(Referrer must have already deposited a minimum of $5 to qualify.)

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Cool. Stuff when will they have the option to have multiple portfolios for one account.

    • +6

      Sometime in 2021 supposedly

      • -3

        u dont own your shares

        • I can, but that's because I'm not a penniless hippiešŸ˜…

    • You can just open another account under different email & you can use a new referral (CS told me this).

    • I know, wish I picked the Universe a couple of years ago :(

    • they said itā€™s in their pipeline, it will be sometime when this feature gets delivered. for now itā€™s have to do with multiple accounts

  • +6

    Wonder if i should just stop bothering putting all the details in these posts until after I get the post in first…

    Its not until end of Feb, only 13th.

    • +4

      Bad luck. It happens.

      At least someone new got to post spaceship.

      I tried to post for Stake and was declined 10 seconds after posting. Seems the mod was trigger happy.

      Spent so much time with a detailed description would have been a great benefit to the community.

      Think content / description is also important but early bird gets the worm

      Even though the post expired and like the ones before it expired and new ones were created.

      I am going to lose it if I see a new post in the coming days.

      • +1

        Stake is screwing people over left, right and centre. Take a look at their Twitter. They are ruined.

        • It's all the people are like

          omg I can't use the app. Need to make a trade now. Could have bought at x and sold at x.

          Fu Stake you lost me money.

    • +1

      Why do people care who posts first?

      • +12

        Because he posted. Money making machine for some hogs, especially if the poster referral link is posted near the randomised ones.

        Honestly I think the unique ones should be outlawed but anyway. This is a community right?

        • Agreed..

        • I questioned this in the last post

      • +1

        Because this post was originally one line, when I went and searched the T&C's for end time and fixed it all up nice and neat. And then it just gets deleted.

        • +1

          Aren't the referral codes above completely random? It's not like OP gets a special preference over others when people utilise the SpaceShip referral codes.

          • @hotdogwater22: If only the system was that fair. You'll find its not the case.

          • +11

            @hotdogwater22: I think if the deal gets a certain amount of up votes they put a the OP referral link next to the randomised ones. Click the information icon for more info.

        • +7

          Ozbargain should have a 5-10minute window where they also factor in the most accurate and detailed information in the submitted post instead of rewarding sloppy 1-liners

          • +2

            @Blitzfx: And there it is. Rewarded the OP referral link after 30 up votes.

  • Any fees?

    • No fees on the first $5k invested

      • +2

        So I could put $5 in, get $10 and take $15 out? (Excluding market volitility)

        • +3

          Literally free money yes. But honestly it makes good returns. Keep it in setup $20 a week or something

          • @Korban Dallas: Which one do you use

            • +2

              @deme: Spaceship Universe. Great list of companies. No GME omg if only. We would be at $10 but has holdings in Tesla

              • @Korban Dallas: N00b question: What is ā€œGME, AMC, NOK, and BB yolo call optionsā€?

                I used to trade shares on the ASX prior to 2009 but not since. Interested in setting up something like this for my kids.

                All this new trading stuff over the past couple of years is so different to the old school trading, is like a different language.

                Edit: ah GME is GameStop.

        • Correct. Though if someone is looking to get started in investing I can genuinely recommend (and have frequently recommended) this to them. You can set up a weekly or monthly deposit for spare change and watch that grow over the long run.

        • Yes.

        • Yes

  • Where do I put the referral code?

    • In the app

      • Can you use the website or have to use the app?

        • Don't remember sorry

        • +1

          You can use the website.

          • @tajid: Stupid question where do you put it?

            • @deme: PMed you mate with the instruction.

              • @tajid: Can you please post the instructions publicly? I cannot find it too.

                • +4

                  @Mistredo: You can put in the app or site after sign up is completed.
                  In mobile app: Go to Account -> Referrals -> Enter Referral Code
                  On Website: Go to Account (bottom left) -> Referrals -> Click on "Click Here"

  • +2

    I was the 3rd person to enter my referral code and it hasn't even been generated once šŸ˜­

    • +4

      Robodebt 2.0

      They haven't cracked down on crypto. Just do the right thing. You don't need to report unless you sell and made loss / gain BTW 50% discount on capital gains tax if you sell after 12 months

      • You don't need to report unless you sell and made loss / gain

        Curious if you know, do you have to report if you sell shares for exactly what you paid for them?

      • You need to report any shares you bought to centrelink. It's still counted as an asset while you hold them.

      • The ATO is definitely watching Crypto and anyone who thinks it's an easy way to avoid CGT is in for a nasty surprise (if they haven't already had it). Even if someone got in early, at some point if you want to turn that Bitcoin into a tangible asset like a house (or a Lambo lol), you have to do it via a fiat currency, and it's going to end up on their radar.

        TLDR; Like you said, just do the right thing.ā€¦

    • +1

      Oh, so if my income rises above certain thresholds due to capital gains I might have to pay more tax / receive reduced benefits.

      Sounds fair to me.

      However, do be aware that certain types of investment can go down in value, as well as up - this will not be rewarded with extra payments from centerlink.

      • Calm against any loss in one year offsets for future gains in the next year.

    • +3

      This is such a strange comment. The asset test for AusStudy/JobSeeker is "$482,500" for a non-homeowner and "$268,000" for a home owner. I wouldn't be too concerned at all.

    • +2

      If you're on centrelink then you are doing bloody well to have the $250,000ish worth of assets you would need for this to affect you

    • You just update what liquid assets you have and any changes. If you have actual shares, you provide the asx code, and amount and the value is tracked. It gets treated the same way as any savings (yes, you can have SOME savings while on centrelink)

    • I dont give financial or legal advice

      You should have stopped there

  • +1

    Is it just me or is Spaceship's server down for uploading ID documents?

    • +2

      There has been so much interest/FOMO in both stonks and crypto in the past few days that one of the main companies that process KYC/ID documents for both have been under extreme load, causing down time. Even the NPP was affected by mass overload of people depositing funds via PayID.

      Interesting read here from the guy that heads up Binance Australia:

      So it wouldn't surprise me if the system is down atm.

      • +1

        I wouldn't be surprised if it was down for a brief moment, but it has been down for the entire weekend.
        I've been checking everyday on both the Android client and PC. Error 500 from their backend.

        Under normal circumstance this is a prod disaster and I'm shocked Spaceship doesn't have a single devops hired nor do they have a status page or to update this on their social media accounts (most recent social media updates were like mid-end last year).

        Edit: Interesting read! Thank you

        • +4

          There's all sorts of weird stuff going on. Commbank has been doing "maintenance" on their internet banking all weekend too. Whilst not directly related, it seems that there are various financial based systems under a lot of strain at the moment.

          I'm about to sign up to Spaceship so I'll see how it goes.

  • can we get US shares with this ?

    • +4

      Technically you are already. This is diversified portfolio.

      Use Stake for ETFs and stocks or selfweath

      • +2

        Or just use free commissions one like eToro or IG. Stake is free but their exchange rate is bad and you also pay when depositing money. Selfwealth is expensive for US when others is offering free or very little commissions.

        • +1

          But they have CFDs that can make you kill yourself due to leveraging

          • +3

            @Korban Dallas: Doesn't mean you have to use it. Use no leverage for etoro. IG has separate account for normal share trading.

        • Use direct deposit (via transferwise for example) to stake US bank account, you can save some money on exchange.

        • Stake is better even Stake as 0.7% fx fees than eToro.
          Stake fx rate is better that eToro (I compare both at the same time)
          Don't use the Express, instead select standard delivery to avoid getting additional fee with Stake.
          I also use Poli.

          eToro hide their fees on the fx rate (+100 pips).

          Try to test side by side sending same amount in eToro and Stake (regular delivery) and you end up more $ with Stake.

          If you are sending large amount, check out transferring via TransferWise USD to USD.

          I also notice, eToro has different price range from the market.
          Or it could be their apps is lagging or times when i cant buy / sell which is frequently than other brokers.

  • +1

    New to all this..

    Spaceship vs IG vs eToro?

    Are they all much the same?

    • +7

      Very different. IG & eToro are online brokers, you buy & sell yourself.

      Spaceship, you put your money with them & choose which portfolio to invest, they will do the investing.

    • +5

      Can't choose specific shares via Spaceship. They manage it all for you (similar way a superfund would do)

    • +2

      I wouldn't recommend eToro or IG as they've restricted trading on GME recently.ā€¦

      IG also told users to sell their cannabis stocks. If they didn't, IG would:ā€¦

      • Self Wealth didn't restrict gme

        • The ASX GME? šŸ˜‚

          • +1

            @dust: šŸ¤£ nah they do us market too

      • eToro was restricted on Thursday only, was unrestricted on Friday (but slow). They don't have AMC though

  • How's their super?

    • In one one word, spectacular.

      Platform is great, returns and growth easy to track.

      Only minor problem is that they don't bundle life insurance with it like many other super funds do, but the returns far outweigh this.

      • +2

        That's… not a problem, that's a bonus. If you want life insurance, buy life insurance.

  • thanks OP, seems a lot more straight forward then traditional managed funds.

  • +6

    My referral code has never changed for months. I'm not sure why the mods think that it changes every 14 days hence they reset it, seems to just be boosting the post.

    • +6

      Same. Getting tired of putting it back in every fortnight for 0 clicks.

    • Yeah the one for Spaceship tends to expire a lot faster than others.

  • Just curious, how does this differ to something like vanguard?
    Can you pull your money out at any point?

    • Can you pull your money out at any point?

      so can they

    • Vanguard is I think Min $5k. Most ppl reccomend this until you reach 5k when fees kick isln,and buy vanguard

      • Depends which Vanguard ETF you're referring to. But this has a higher risk profile.

      • OK, so what about if you were to buy VAS or VGS via commsec.. You have the brokerage fee each time, but able to withdraw at any point, but no management fees, right?

        • -1

          Yes that's correct but as I said before this has a higher risk profile so it's not just the fees that are the difference between the too. This is an actively managed fund as opposed to an VAS or VGS that have an entire basket of shares.

          • @dust: So more chance of losing your money?
            Also, with spaceship being a relatively new company compared to vanguard, I suppose that poses a risk in itself. Is there any protection if spaceship folds for some reason?

        • They still have management fees, should be 0.1 and 0.18% respectively for VAS and VGS. And yes brokerage fees each time so if you're dollar cost averaging then it will be worth waiting longer between investments with Vanguard compared to Spaceship.

          I do about $900 each purchase with Vanguard compared to smaller weekly investments with spaceship.

        • +1

          Not correct.

          VAS has a management fee / MER of 0.1% , on the whole balance.

          VGS has a MER of 0.18%, on the whole balance

      • If you're buying Vanguard through something like Commsec as an ETF then it's only minimum $500 for initial purchase and then $100 minimum after. Keep in mind brokerage fees each time. I have both, I keep VDHG for simplicity and Spaceship for its actively managed portfolio.

  • damn I just signed up yesterday

    • Can you still add a code?

      • yes but it still says $5, I think it has to do with when I created the account - not when I claim the referral

  • It still only shows $5 in the section you add referral codes. Is anyone else seeing this or am I doing something wrong?

    • Says they need to invest $5 then each receive $10.

      • Hmm… Strange, in my account when I go to add a referral code it still reads as this:

        Take flight with $5
        Once youā€™ve invested at least $5 into your chosen portfolio, youā€™ll receive $5 in your Spaceship Voyager account.

        By entering your code, you agree to the Terms & Conditions.

        • Did you signup today?

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