• expired

$600 off Any iPhone/Android on Telstra $99/M 12M Plan (Min Cost $1188, Requires Port-in) @ JB Hi-Fi


Listed in JB Hi-Fi New Mobile Madness Catalogue. Doesn't appear to be listed in the usual spot - https://www.jbhifi.com.au/pages/jb-mobile-instore
$99/month for 150GB/month for 12 months duration.
New services.

Not as good as $800 off iphone deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/584475 but still better than usual long running $500 off deal.

Anyone can avail 5% off TCN Giftt cards via Shopback to sweeten the deal. You can choose to receive digital gift cards, you will get an email link leading to sms, follow the prompts and it will give the option to load the cards in google or Samsung pay, which you can use as usual debit cards in store for tap and pay. Better to get HOME TCN cards are they are the onlyone to work in both JB HI-FI and The Good Guys, if you are after tech only.

Don't forget to ask to price match with https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/600669 if you are after this model or ask for discount, i got $40 discount from JB HI-FI store manager, though he refused to price match Costco.

$10/month credit is expected, to make it $89/month but depends on case to case basis, IMHO.

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JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +1

    How do we know if the $10 credit applies?

    • Telstra Guy instore can confirm this. Just call Jb hifi and ask i need to talk to Telstra Guy.

  • +3

    So $1889 + $1188 - $600. $2477 for an iPhone and 12 month plan. Ouch.

  • +5

    The $500 gift card on $59/month 12 month plan is better value. However if you really need the 150gbs it would be worth it

    • -5

      There ain't any such deal. Its $300 off for $69/m without credit.

      • +4

        Maybe not right now, but they do it pretty often. Many have got it before, and it seems to come every couple of months (only for a limited time of 2-3 days, and not advertised). It is much better value for most people. For reference: https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/568934, https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/569958

      • I believe until end of today is $400 GC with $59 per month. Signed up on the weekend, couldn’t wait for a five hundred unfortunately

        • I've been waiting for a deal like this. I called JB and they only mentioned the $69 + $300 GC and $99 + $500 GC.. Where is the $400 GC?

          • +1

            @pyramidpirl0: JB at Tuggerah on Tuesday, we asked when it ended for a friend and rep said 28th. Also has it at Lake Haven.

      • Just a little behind jv.

    • Correct, Wife got this last month. $500 GC, $59 a month with 80GB data.

      • was that on site or offered instore ?

        • I saw it here and we went in store for it.

    • Currently waiting for the next itiration of that deal…

  • Can you get a Galaxy S8 equivalent phone for $600 these days?

    • Unfortunately not. Flagship phones are just going higher and higher. I get previous flagships instead.

      However even 'midrange' phones are still pretty good these days.

      • Surely there's something that can match the S8 these days for that price then? I'm not looking for a current flagship, but similar pixel density and performance and preferably longer battery life.

        • +1

          Google Pixel 4a.

        • +1

          Ohhh, I thought you meant a flagship for 600.

          From a brick and mortar store, probably the pixel 4a at that price. You're guaranteed updates for a while. Plus google has better support than a Chinese brand.

          It doesn't have wide angle camera though.

          Otherwise the Chinese brands (oppo, realme) gives you multiple cameras with relatively good software processing. Updates are a bit meh (had an oppo r11 years ago, only ever got a handful of security updates).

          • @mbck: Yeah the 4A looks like a winner. I'll steer clear of the Chinese stuff for now but they do seem pretty good.

            • @locknuts: Look into the Pixel 4A 5G too, different specs despite the similar name. It's bigger, has a better chipset, bigger battery and an extra lens on the camera (and more software features for the camera). $699 at JB at the moment and has gone lower. You might prefer the smaller size of the standard 4A though.

              • @yourmindisfancy: Cool thanks. I'll check it out and see if it's worth the extra $$.

              • @yourmindisfancy: 4a 5G is where it is at. Great value phone. Decent size screen with good camera/software processing.

  • +7

    Given that telstra is currently doing sim only plan for $65/m with 180GB Data, we are paying extra $408 to get that $600 voucher, with 30gb less data per month. Not sure if this deal is as good as it sounds.

    • Plus with the $65pm plan you're not locked in for 12 months.

  • -6

    TGG is giving $750 credit with their $69/80gb per mon (it's actually only $59pm) Telstra plan.

    • +1

      Is it instore or … or can you share the link ? on Iphone or Android or Both ?

    • Share link please

      • Just usual $300 off as per current catalogue ..

        • +1

          yeah i aint seeing any $750 credit, BOGUS POST ALERT

      • +2

        It's this previously listed deal from TGG, that has decent votes:


        Nb. I've ported in and out of Telstra annually for 4 years, and the last two years I have essentially not paid for my phone bill.

        Re: Telstra $69pm
        - they give $10 credit for porting and I didn't even ask for it, making it $59pm. YMMV, it's definately not every store, for example Tempe, NSW doesn't offer it.
        - $59*12 = $708

        Re: $750 credit
        - The Samsung s21 is $1249 RRP, but TGG is charging $499
        - They do this by taking $750 store credit off the RRP. I asked, and they were happy to apply to other phones and for me pay the difference off RRP. So yeah unofficially $750 credit, YMMV.

        $708+$499 = $1207 total for plan + phone

        Resell s21 new, maybe $900-1000
        Resell pre-order buds new, maybe $100-150

        Therefore final cost should (conservatively) not be more than $200 over 12 months, or ~ $17/m for a Telstra 80gb plan. Might even make money if you sell the phone + buds at a ridiculous price.

        I claim tax off the cost of my phone bill ($59pm) so I'm expecting to at least break even if not make money back.

        • -1

          Thats hell of the info here … Gona use it next time … You sure they were happy to take $750 off any phone including iphone ?

    • $750 is a great deal. 12 months contract?

      • +1


    • Has anyone been able to confirm if this is true?

    • it would be strange for this to be true because JB and GG always have the same deal.

      • you would think so since JB owns TGG

    • Username checks out. BS to the Max!

      • -1

        Seems like attention seeker.

  • +1

    $800 is much better….need to wait for that to come back.

  • So the $10 monthly credit on the plan is now done at JB when you sign up or do you have to contact Telstra after signing up to organise this?

    • +1

      At Jb … when you are signing up … They will call telstra office for signup and offered at same time.

      • +1

        Thanks for confirming

  • +1

    average deal. I wouldn't recommend this to anyone unless you genuinely need 150gb of data.

  • just port over to get the s21 ultra 256gb for $1099 plus 99 per months. so about 850 off the phone

    • thought this was price for the 128GB not 256GB where did you find it?

      • epping vic

        • 999 for the 128gb

  • -1

    Signal is not as good as Optus although it uses Telstra network. It doesn’t include international call. Beware.

    • Ymmv. My area is an Optus blank spot. Cant even receive voice call over 3G if I am in the middle of the house.

      Talked to Optus and they can only guarantee outdoor reception in my area even though I am 4km away from their campus :/

  • When can we expect this deal again?

    Telstra $59/Month 80GB/Month (12 Months) + $500 JB Hi-Fi Gift Card (12 Month Contract - New & Port-in Customers Only) @ JB Hi-Fi

    This was a better deal right?

    • Think everyone is hanging out for the next go at that one

    • My JB contact said they have $59pm (80GB) with $400 jb gc deal atm.

      • Until when?

        • Didnt ask as I supposed to sign up new plan on the weekend.

  • +1

    They are also offering $700 off any Samsung Galaxy S21 handset on the $69 plan over 12 months

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