So, I'm by no means an expert in this, so I thought I'd come to this forum to get some opinions from people who hopefully know what they're talking about, people defending their own behaviour to make peace with their god, and people who don't know what they're talking about, but want to talk about it anyway.
So here goes: Isn't it kind of crappy to buy a bunch of investment properties? I get the feeling landlords feel like they're doing lower income households a solid by providing them with a roof over their head - but I've never understood that. If so many people didn't go out of their way to own so many more properties than they needed, housing would be a lot more affordable right? The supply would be so much higher, and the demand would be lower. The threshold for buying a house would be a lot lower, and people could enter into the market earlier.
It's just a rich get richer thing right? Buy investment properties, and it inadvertently pushes up the price of your own home. You make it harder for people to buy a home, and in doing so, can raise the rent you charge.
I currently don't own any home, but my savings are getting to a point (finally) where I can start to think about the longer-term future. And having been a renter my whole life, as were my parents, the thought of buying extra homes to line my own pockets at the expense of another just seems like a real jerk move.
Knowledgeable experts, unknowledgeable experts, and moral justifiers, please share your thoughts.
I do, I own a house and I'm going back to University to continue my studies. I'm not whinging for myself because to be honest, I'm set and if you read my previous comments, my parents keep trying to urge me to buy an investment property which I refuse. I just feel bloody terrible for the upcoming generations with people like you thinking houses now will be considered cheap in the future. Most mortgages are already 30 years, how many more years of people's lives do you want people to give up before they can own a home? How do you expect normal people who are currently renting to save up enough for a home when they rise faster than their wages?
I've never heard of that being a solution but sure, for your sake, let's assume our best solution is for people to give up netflix to afford a home. I'd hate to use the word but you're clearly a boomer and add nothing to your argument. It's just how you feel.