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Nintendo Wii + Mario Kart + Wheel for $138, Free Shipping (New Version with MotionPlus)


Looks like another step in the slowly sliding price of the Wii - $138 beats the previous cheapest new Wii deal by $10 (was $148 at JB) and comes with the console, new Wiimote with MotionPlus, nunchuk, Mario Kart and a wheel.

Note this is the newest version of the Wii, which does not support GameCube controllers

Also available in white: http://dicksmith.com.au/product/YG4167/wii-console-white-mar…

Don't forget Moneybackco\StartHere for an extra 3.5% cashback

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Dick Smith / Kogan

closed Comments

  • +2


    Smells like….. the "new" Wii must be almost ready for release, or else these prices wouldn't be coming down so quickly

    • I agree! I wish they'd announce something, date or price wise, for the Wii U… but in any case its sure to cost way more than this. EBGames estimated it at $600 which is kind of absurd, but even if its $300 that's more than twice as much as this.

    • I think it miiiiight have something to do with no Gamecube backwards compatibility as well. Not a big deal for MOST people, but my partner said he never would've bought a Wii if he couldn't play GC games on it.

      But yeah, that's just a thought. Oops, just noticed Maxamillion21 said something similar below me.

      • -1

        PLEASE READ:
        The only Wii that loses GameCube backwards compatibility is the blue-coloured Wii currently being bundled at EB Games with Donkey Kong for $168. Black & white Wii consoles did not change. The only difference is they come loaded with the latest Wii operating system (also known as the Wii Menu) that enables support for Wii Motion Plus.

        • This is incorrect, the new stock of the black and white wii's do not support gamecube compatibility.

          If you go and look at one it is written on the side of the box.

          That being said it is very possible that they still have older stock with gamecube compatibility as it was a very recent change.

  • -3

    The French call it 'yes'. Couldn't help myself…SO CHEAP. But so crap unless for little kids who aren't fussy.

    • There are some gems in there though like Super Mario\Donkey Kong\Zelda. Haven't had a good dose of Nintendo since the N64 myself.

  • +4

    A number of sites have noted that the "new version" lacks the Gamecube backwards compatibility (including GC controller ports). Might not matter to most but the GC controllers are good for Brawl and some of the older classics.
    Source: http://goo.gl/35hKq

    • Thanks for that. Could've made a huge mistake!

    • Good spot! So you get integrated MotionPlus but lose the GC controller support.

      • The integrated MotionPlus is related to the controllers only - they can be purchased separately.

        • Yeah, I meant that vs the old Wii packages they bundle a MotionPlus controller but take away the GC controller support.

          So they take some and they give some, in short.

        • Mmm, to be fair there are Wiis with motion plus & gamecube ports.

    • -1


      My response above. It even mentions in the description of the item that Mario Kart Wii supports the GameCube controller, a description Nintendo would not be using if the console didn't support it. Nintendo created this bundle, it's not a retailer-designed configuration, the actual game and controllers are all housed in the same packaging.

  • -4

    dick does

    • lol could have gone either way haha

  • +3

    Back when I had a Wii the controller I used most was a GB Wavebird… No way i'd buy one without GC support.

  • +1

    nice price, but hope it goes down to $100 this xmas.

  • +1

    The Wii U will be backward compatible with Wii games? I want Zelda but I also want Nintendo HD

    • My thoughts exactly.. I sold my wii ages ago and my Xbox, ps3 gets all the time
      However I want to play skyward sword so bad… Thinking I might pick a wii up for this price or less on boxing day and play it.

    • Yes it will.
      I'm not sure personally if it's worth waiting for the Wii U for Wii games though.
      For one you'd have to buy the controllers separately, that's about $75 if you buy local & first party.
      Considering you'd have to get those, this Wii is a mere $68. Plus you get Mario Kart.
      So I'd say it's worth it getting this one. (The Wii U will cost about

  • +1

    Tempted to get this just for Skyward Sword, argh!

    • me too. Might try finding a cheap(er) Wii on ebay/gumtree just for a zelda fix.

  • Good price! I bought the $168 blue one from EB, for me it's a better deal, more kiddy games xD

  • just ordered and picked one up in store today. wasnt there a cash back offer if ordering online with paypal or amex? are game cube cd games cheap and still sold and playable in the older wii consoles?

    • $25 off over $200 with coupon code. $20 off over $200 with paypal. Search will find links.

    • Where is the option to pick up in store?

  • good price

  • Nice one ! Our Wii broke this week and with games coming through the post for Chrissy this is a lifesaver :)

  • definitely need the gc controller for brawl! … or can u use those wii classic controllers??

    • +1

      Yeah, basically everything that you can use the GC controllers with you can use the Classic conrollers with instead.

    • +1

      You can go instore and buy the old wii (black) at $138. I asked myself but ended up with a slim on instead.

  • The $20 paypal cash back ended on the 14th Dec is their any other cashbacks at the moment?

  • This is not a new best price for a Wii with these inclusions. Big W was selling this kit in white or black (albeit not the new smaller variant) back in March for the same price.

    I picked one up for part of my son's birthday pressie at the time (which wasn't until August).

    So good deal, but not the cheapest the Wii has ever been.


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