Wearing a Mask When Not Mandatory to Set a Good Example to Your Own Community?

Just wondering what you guys think of wearing a mask not because you think you need one in a state where there are no community cases, but just to help normalise mask wearing. Lots of kids in the community could live in households where the adults are skeptics about the science of stopping a pandemic and where a mask is seen as silly or pointless, or an affront to their liberty to show off their pretty lips maybe. So if those kids and adults see other adults wearing a mask like it's nothing at all then it could help noramlise it in their minds. Even though the state still recommends masks and the supermarkets have signs out front recommending masks, most people don't wear them. In some other countries masks are normal, if you're sick, or if there is flu about, or you're just worried about getting sick then you put on a mask and it's totally normal, no one thinks it's any stranger than putting socks and shoes on your feet before leaving the house.

Covid probably would kill my very heavyset parents so I would wear one while out anyway.


          • +3

            @AustriaBargain: I am not talking about flu, I am talking about covid.

            But you know, whatever argument you want to change the subject to feel free.

            How about we talk about cheese next. That might be interesting

            • +2

              @mdavant: I specifically mentioned flu in my original post.

              But you know, whatever argument you want to change the subject to feel free.

              How about we talk about cheese next. That might be interesting

              • @AustriaBargain: No I responded to your response to my post which was clearly about covid and masks. Stop trying to strawman me.

            • +4

              @mdavant: This is a silly argument. In most of developed Asia they wear masks when they're unwell to prevent spreading whatever they have to others. It's not mandatory by any means, but it's become the social norm - it's not hard to respect your fellow neighbours by having some decency to not spread your germs.

              The argument here is to normalise preventative action, not just in relation to covid.

              • @xvalkyria: That is a different argument. I clearly mentioned covid

        • +1

          I wonder what the arguments were when seatbelts were introduced?
          I've worn a seat belt for 40 years and never needed it. That would be defined as me as negligible risk but I'm happy doing it.

          • +1

            @DarwinBoy: I have attended to patients with severe head injuries post MVA.

            I demand you wear a helmet when driving.

            I also think you should have reinforced steel doors and roof as I have seen car bombs. If you do not reinforce your car, someone could be injured by a car bomb.

            Whilst you are at it, I have seen that people drown if their car goes into a lake. Your car should have oxygen tanks for passengers and drivers.

            Leaving Ng the silly suggestions

            How about you take aspirin every day to prevent heart attack risk.

            You must exercise 30 minutes 5 days per week and only consume up to ten standard drinks of alcohol per week and eat as per health guidelines or you will be fined 500 dollars if you don't

            But those are silly to, though hold far greater risk to population health than people in areas of negligible covid risk not wearing masks.

            • +1

              @mdavant: So what you need is a OHS specialist to run a risk matrix and decide when the risk reaches a threshold you are happy then with mask wearing.
              So far this post is very much opinion versus opinions which always goes nowhere similar to what's happening in the US.
              It would be good if there was someone willing to run the numbers on COVId risk and compare that to other known risks like all of the examples you raised above and see if mask wearing is something that is plain stupid or an appropriate.
              See how the numbers stack up rather then beliefs.

            • @mdavant:

              The origins of the crash helmet date back to the Brooklands race track in early 1914 where a medical officer, Dr. Eric Gardner, noticed he was seeing a motor cyclist with head injuries about every 2 weeks. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Motorcycle_helmet#Origins

              Doctors see patients with flu more than just once every 2 weeks. And it took decades to even start convincing people, it took the unnecessary death of England's most famous man for the existence of crash helmets became a serious topic

              In May 1935, T. E. Lawrence (known as Lawrence of Arabia) had a crash on a Brough Superior SS100 on a narrow road near his cottage near Wareham. The accident occurred because a dip in the road obstructed his view of two boys on bicycles. Swerving to avoid them, Lawrence lost control and was thrown over the handlebars.[2] He was not wearing a helmet, and suffered serious head injuries which left him in a coma; he died after six days in the hospital. One of the doctors attending him was Hugh Cairns, a neurosurgeon, who after Lawrence's death began a long study of what he saw as the unnecessary loss of life by motorcycle despatch riders through head injuries. Cairns' research led to the increased use of crash helmets by both military and civilian motorcyclists.

              But in Australia if you have the flu it's normal to go to the shops and chemist to buy your tissues and comfort food and medicine, even without a mask. Wiping your dripping nose, cough into your hands, touch everything, stand close to people. Spreading and just living with the flu is so normal that most people won't even bother going to the doctor at all, so the true numbers aren't even recorded in the government's lab confirmed flu infection database.

              Flu costs business owners over 7 billion dollars annually https://thesector.com.au/2019/02/27/flu-costs-australian-emp…
              Flu harms the economy as a whole, it costs the government revenue, it costs workers their income, and it causes what most people would agree is a physical agony that can last for days. And that's just the flu, there's all the colds, and other nasty stuff that people can become infected with periodically, which they will happily spread around.

              • +1

                @AustriaBargain: You have convinced me.

                Now let's ban sugar, alcohol, sun exposure, fats, stress, manual labour, childbirth, socialising, handstands, trampolines, sexual intercourse and any other thing that carries a health risk.

                The sky is falling, the sky is falling

              • +1

                @AustriaBargain: Plus you have fallen for marketing / false reporting

                Can you please show me in the report where influenza results in 7 billion dollars lost.

                It says absenteeism.

                See, there are vested interests ( pharmacists wanting to make money from flu shots) and shonky representation of statistics.

                Some people fall for it, others read the article

  • One thing is certain friends regardless of which side of the mask wearing fence you fall… Covid has been a great thing for our planet.

    • +3

      Covid has been a great thing for our planet.

      I disagree with you. It may have not been the worst thing for our planet if we learn from it. But history has taught us (pun intended) that we don't learn.
      So, unfortunately, i disagree with you. Would have loved to have had the opportunity to say goodbye to my grandmother as she died of covid, or support my mom during the funeral service. But alas, covid stopped this as well.

      • Diseases are natural population control and pandemics are the only way to mass reduce a species numbers.

        • So millions of deaths to a disease is a good thing? I'm sure there are other more modern methods to prevent human overpopulation..

        • +1

          But population reduction is bad for profits!

  • I only wear a mask if I have to

    I had to wear one when I went to the shops during the S.A lockdown

  • +1

    I wonder if this sort of conversation comes from the quality of advice from Aust Gov during the pandemic, particularly wrt mask wearing.
    Many suspect that the initial mask advice had more to do with mask supply rather than individual health alone. Once supplies were plentiful they suddenly became a good idea, sometimes mandatory.
    We have all been learning as we go (ScoMo has trouble focussing and this inhibits his learning ……though Mike Pompeo and other US political figures have been ‘helping’ him…..)
    Many now make their own decisions on masks etc,
    Wearing a mask as an example to others though OP is probably ultimately futile. Diving folk talk of pi$$ing in your wetsuit - you get a nice warm feeling but no one else knows or cares.
    IMO For your sake do what you think is right based on circumstances and credible health advice from a reputable source.

    • Many suspect that the initial mask advice had more to do with mask supply rather than individual health alone

      It was. Kept it for front line workers. Because people didn't only panic buy toilet paper. During bush fires people bought out stocks of masks.

      It is possible to make or buy reuseable masks which is almost as effective as N95 and surgical masks. Look at this article

      Look at the table compared to no mask.

  • +5

    What about wearing a condom on your head to promote safe s*x in your community?

    • I suppose you hate the Spice Girls song Become 1 when you hear it on the radio in public, because it encourages couples to use condoms when having sex. You can’t even bring yourself to say the word sex.

    • You wouldn't be writing that if you did it. You would have died of asphyxiation. Putting a hole in the condom runs the risk of infection or unplanned birth which would not be right signally to the community.

      Also it is exactly why safe intercourse doesn't happen, misuse. You're meant to put it on your s3x organ not your head and wear it properly. Save you a fortune in time (medicare will pick up the cost if you get disease) and money (if you have an unplanned birth).

      • +2

        Do you breathe through your head?

        • +1

          I breathe through my head, but have adopted the US habit of talking through another orifice, or Twitter when they let me back on it……

        • You don't? You are a unicorn with a condom over your horn to promote safe s3x

  • +1

    I find it interesting that some of women of the islamic faith copped a lot of abuse for wearing a niqab or burka. Commentary was passed about others feeling intimidated, can't see their facial expression etc. Now that we are required to wear masks occasionally or even considering voluntarily wear a mask I hear nothing of those former comments from both politicians and the media alike. The silence is deafening. I don't hear a call for the production of transparent masks. What a bunch of hypocrites.

    • +3

      Fear of the unknown makes sense. A pub near me got robbed last year by a guy wearing a medical mask. Cameras are useless when people cover their faces

    • +2

      I am against forced face covering for women as it is an act of subjugation in the name of a made up sky fairy

      • Now we know why you are so against masks but who do you feel subjugated to when wearing a mask?

        • Haha nice one. If we had a million cases of covid, I would wear a mask. We don't, so I won't. It's a simple as that. The only thing masks do at this point, is to make people feel better if they are frightened.

    • Where is Pauline Hanson when Australians need her?

  • +5

    Yes we should all wear masks all the time.
    Also, baaaaa.

    • -1

      But if everyone listens to you and doesn't wear masks they aren't sheep for following the herd?

      • +3

        I'm not telling everyone to listen to me, that's up to them.

        • it's up to them to tell them to listen to you?

    • stay away from those 5G towers!

      • Well, I was going to laugh at that, but then I saw your name - you must know about these things!

        • I'm safe in my TARDIS ;)

          • @May4th: Well, it's functional, not exactly stylish though…

  • I was actually thinking about this during the Winter of 2019 because I was sick of getting the common cold (most of which come from my children via childcare/school but some of which come from goobers on the bus/jerks at work). I was considering beginning the practice of wearing a mask 'asian style' as a means of normalising it. I hadn't particularly considered the 'when' in definitive detail nor come to a definitive conclusion via research in terms of their effectiveness. Mostly it was the musing of a desperate man at the end of his pitiful rope.

    Funnily enough, I haven't been particularly moved by Covid to advance this project. Probably because quite selfishly my area where I live has been relatively unaffected.

    I'm curious at this point to see what effect Covid will have on normalising mask wearing 'post-Covid'.

    • not sure why you were negged…..i have been thinking the same. Ignoring covid, wearing a mask when in an indoor space/crowded area when you have a cold/cough/flu may help others. I and my kids have been sick wayyyy less this year and its been great!

    • Everytime i took the kids on a plane the first week of the holiday was spent with them sick and passing it around to each other.
      I said the next time we catch a plane they are wearing masks.
      November 2019 we were some of the few on the plane wearing masks. Didn't look totally out of place though.

  • +7

    To set a good example… who do you think you are? What example?
    Clean shoe example? Proper grammar example?
    No one has designated you to be the "example police" they are stressed enough as it it is.

    I can see your eyes rolling, and hear your cuss from here.

    Society does not need people like you with your self-righteous smug demeanour… we are all simply trying to cope as it is.

    • +1

      "Don't be the change you wish to see in the world, it might offend snowflakes"… said no one ever.

  • +1

    This day and age why wouldn't you wear a mask when you leave home. Nearly everyone in Mildura wears a mask whilst shopping, it's just a few ''special'' people from across the boarder who don't. I believe that while everyone is at potential risk, just cover up. Just like the flu, if everyone got immunized and wore masks for a period of time, it would be eradicated, but then again just like covidiots, there's anti-vaxxers.

    • +3

      and a federal government that does very little to health check international travellers upon arrival - never has never will.

      • A federal government that isn't even rebuking its own members for idiocy?
        Craig Kelly on his facebook page: COMPLUSORY MASK MANDATES : CHILD ABUSE
        (Yes, his spelling error).

        • well they support fascism so what do you expect?

          • +5

            @petry: How do Craig Kelly and others support Fascism?

            • +6

              @Bullion78: He's not a Socialist, therefore he is the enemy of all humanity past, present, and future.
              It's all downhill from here over the next 4 years (at least)…

              • -1

                @McFly: he's an enemy of democracy by his own statements, so your soundbite is amusing since you believe socialist's defend it….

                • +4

                  @petry: Enemy of democracy lol

                  Leave some Kool Aid for your fellow comrades!

                  • @McFly: you like to drink kool aid then, and you are recommending it to others?

                    must be the go to drink drink of murderous fascists who think killing people because of fake news is somehow justifiable….

                    • +2

                      @petry: I said leave some, not drink some!

                      • @McFly: no you thought you were being clever by implying i should stop drinking it .

                        again you think you're being clever by indirectly mocking the deaths of people directly caused by fascist ideologies, you laughed out loud about it 'Enemy of democracy lol'…

                        • +3

                          @petry: I'm not directly or even indirectly mocking the death of anyone.
                          What I'm mocking is useful idiots.

                          • -1

                            @McFly: ahhh the dead cop? maybe you should be clearer or are you worried about copping a ban for personal attacks?

            • @Bullion78: why do you believe that killing people working in pursuit of a democratic vote can be viewed in any other way?

              • +3

                @petry: Can you enlighten me how exactly Craig Kelly is killing people? I follow him regularly and everything he posts he tends to support with attached evidence from peer reviewed science and studies.

                • -3

                  @Bullion78: you don't answer questions, you defend australian government representatives making us all look stupid, and you have the nerve to ask more questions.

                  'Q-Anon banners were unfurled and hoisted high last week as the US Capitol was breached by a violent mob that left five people dead.
                  Several prominent supporters of the extremist movement were spotted inside the building.'

                  You appear to be a member….

                  • +4

                    @petry: Get some help mate, you have forfeited your capacity to reason and think independently if you are willingly ignorant of scientific peer reviewed papers and the esteemed opinion and analysis of professors of immunology and virologists.

                    This is what Craig Kelly is sharing. The views of these people that are being widely censored. If you support these actions of blacking out scientific information, you are simply making a rod for your own back.

                    • -4

                      @Bullion78: This is what Craig Kelly is sharing.

                      'Former Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull has urged senior government figures to publicly call out Liberal MP Craig Kelly for sharing misleading information about COVID-19, as the controversial backbencher denied spreading misinformation.

                      Acting Prime Minister Michael McCormack and Health Minister Greg Hunt on Tuesday refused to criticise Mr Kelly after he posted the results of a study that said forcing children to wear face masks was akin to "child abuse" on Facebook, with Mr McCormack stating: "facts are sometimes contentious".

                      The German study, which has not been peer-reviewed'

                      Clearly you prefer alternative facts since 'The German study, has NOT been peer-reviewed' as you have repeatedly and deliberately falsely claimed.

                      What does that make you mate?

    • +2


      You forgot to call them Karen's as well.

      • +5

        They seem to resort to calling names when individuals disagree to their collective mindset.

  • +2

    You are free to do as you please as long as you aren't enforcing it on others. I personally don't mind masking. I especially like the fact that now I can walk into any store or servo wearing my full-face helmet and a face shield.

    • +1

      as long as you aren't enforcing it

      Guess you're not in Victoria then.

      • +1

        My comment was more directed at individuals "encouraging" others to wear masks. I still remember when it was the other way around back in February - March 2020, when every man and his dog thought it was their duty to educate me Not to wear a mask on the train, cos "Masks don't work".
        And yes I'm not in Victoria. :)

  • +1

    morally it is a good thing to normalise. some people have to wear masks due to compromised immune systems, regardless of the conditions of pandemics. it doesn't hurt anyone, so why not?

    • Masks are worn by "normal" people to protect "frail" people, not the other way around.

  • +2

    Not sure about other Melbournians, but after a tough first couple of weeks, im kinda used to wearing a mask now and wouldnt really care if we were told to wear one when indoors for another year. It actually make me want to be outside more (a good thing). Now, whether or not its stopping the spread or not, who knows. But it really doesnt bother me one bit now….

    • +7

      Also in Melbourne and frankly I hate it, its awful. I'll wear one in settings where it is the law, but other than that I will not wear a mask. Before they introduced fines and made it mandatory I feel like maybe 30% of people were wearing one, I reckon that is where it will go back to if they removed mask mandates (which frankly seem ridiculous with minimal spread of Covid in Australia atm).

      Monday I had to go to Bunnings, 38 degrees so its already an unpleasant trip as it is as Bunnings is a big hot box, but then add a mask to your face and you are instantly hotter breathing all that air all over your face. I also reckon I touch my face significantly more because of the mask, putting it on, taking it off, adjusting it etc - all these are new actions that require touching your face whereas previously you wouldn't need to and it doesn't prevent all the other times I would normally touch my face anyway (i.e. scratch my nose, something in my eye etc).

      Some of the mask rules don't even make a whole lot of sense either, like walk into a cafe from the outside, mask on, sit down, mask off. What did that achieve? Who did that protect with no cases?

      I know a lot of people feel the same way.

      So yeah, not trying to discredit your feelings or point of view, just offering the view of someone else in Melbourne.

      • +3

        yep, loads of the rules are stupid (the cafe one for instance, also when i went to the pools the other day and you wore one going in, took it off when swimming or near the pool deck, and back on after) but they needed to make it black and white so its easy for idiots - "are you inside - mask on. are you eating/drinking - ok to be mask off". Ive found the surgical style must more comfortable when the full cloth ones which breathing was harder to do when wearing. I found wearing the masks outside very difficult, but inside no real issue.

      • +2

        Some of the mask rules don't even make a whole lot of sense either, like walk into a cafe from the outside, mask on, sit down, mask off. What did that achieve? Who did that protect with no cases?

        Because the mask mandate is not meant to be 100% effective, but it's to increase mask usage. There will always be instances where people are incorrectly using their mask but the goal of increasing mask usage has been achieved. You don't even need to wear masks in most places now anyway. All large supermarket chains don't strictly enforce it, and many small businesses probably don't want to lose a customer for no reason. If a small business didn't allow me into their store because I had no mask in a city with 0 local cases then I'd shop elsewhere, and I think businesses are catching onto that so they don't bother to enforce mask laws.

      • -1

        Also in Melbourne and frankly I hate it, its awful.

        Don't worry no COVID in North Korea plus they will give you a job in the propaganda department.

        • +3

          If you don't like wearing a mask you love evil dictatorships

          Do you even read back what you write.

  • +1

    In 2019 we stay away from people who wear masks (re: HK), and in 2020 we stay away from people who do not wear masks.

    • In 2022 we go back to the True Blue way of life. 👍 🇦🇺

    • You may not have noticed, but in 2020 people who do not wear a mask, tend to stay away from the unwashed mask wearers.

    • Only if you are paranoid about a threat that is mostly only in the mind of people who do not understand statistics and risks.

      Masks should be worn if there is a genuine risk of covid, and not worn when the risk is so low it is stupid to do so.

  • Mask should ok in western just like they are in Asia. i have very sick with cancer and immunocompromised she basic has unit that part of her house as her kids and husband still need go about there day. she only go out key doc appointment she mask up and rest it hard people look at her.

  • +2

    i really never understood why wearing a mask is not acceptable to 'western culture' unless, by western culture you define it as being one of being 'a selfish prick because i don't give two hoots about other people and i value my freedom to do stupid things above your right to live'. so if it's recommended i wear them. obviously if you are on a beach alone there's no need but sometimes rules are made because it's too confusing if you have too many 'exceptions' (like how NSW fared with their christmas lockdown rules) which seems stupid in certain cases

    • +1

      why wearing a mask is not acceptable to 'western culture'

      Not masculine enough. Survival of the fittest. Dead people don't protest and don't talk back, imagine if they did, all hell would break loose. "History is written by the victors" in this case all those who survive preach their good genes and belief they are the fittest. They just don't look around and think they got lucky for all the pills and medical machines.

      Like I said before, during pandemics it is those who get to the ICU first then take up valuable space. If you come later you don't survive.

    • really never understood why wearing a mask is not acceptable

      It does nothing, is pointless, and is uncomfortable. Pretty obvious why no one wants to do it.

      • +2

        Wearing a mask is pointless?

        You should inform all of the health authorities that they're wrong.

        • +2

          The vast majority of the time, yes.

          • @brendanm: So did mask do anything, or did it do nothing to help Aust not become the next US?

            • -2

              @Ughhh: Likely nothing.

              • +4

                @brendanm: Thanks. Your response says everything. No amount of science can change your mind if you only want to believe what you want to hear.

                • @Ughhh: Where is the science that says masks are what helped in Australia? I'll wait patiently for you to, yet again, provide a reference to a country that has many cases of covid, in a small country, with people living packed in like sardines.

                  • @brendanm: You gotta be trolling.

                    • @Ughhh: So I take it you have no evidence, just feelings?

                      • @brendanm: You've based your opinions on feelings rather than science. You "feel" mask does nothing with contagious viruses, therefore it is pointless.

                        There's plenty of evidence to show how mask helps in flattening the curve, as pointed out by many others. But you only want to believe in what you feel.

                        • @Ughhh:

                          You "feel" mask does nothing with contagious viruses, therefore it is pointless

                          Where have I said that?

                          flattening the curve,

                          If we "flatten the curve" any more, it will be inverse.

    • +1

      Asian cultures are streets ahead in pandemic management, always have been. They've born the brunt of many pandemics over the centuries and understand that a collective approach ensures success against an enemy like this. I don't think masks are unacceptable in Western culture, I'd use the word unfamiliar and the normal resistance that comes with that, but mostly people have been wearing them.

  • +4

    Well this has certainly brought out the d*ckheads

    • +2

      Tell me about it, imagine trying to guilt people into wearing masks for no reason.

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