Wearing a Mask When Not Mandatory to Set a Good Example to Your Own Community?

Just wondering what you guys think of wearing a mask not because you think you need one in a state where there are no community cases, but just to help normalise mask wearing. Lots of kids in the community could live in households where the adults are skeptics about the science of stopping a pandemic and where a mask is seen as silly or pointless, or an affront to their liberty to show off their pretty lips maybe. So if those kids and adults see other adults wearing a mask like it's nothing at all then it could help noramlise it in their minds. Even though the state still recommends masks and the supermarkets have signs out front recommending masks, most people don't wear them. In some other countries masks are normal, if you're sick, or if there is flu about, or you're just worried about getting sick then you put on a mask and it's totally normal, no one thinks it's any stranger than putting socks and shoes on your feet before leaving the house.

Covid probably would kill my very heavyset parents so I would wear one while out anyway.


      • You’re one of those ‘all lives matter’ types, aren’t you?

        • +2

          Sure am. The only thing black lives matter has done is burn and loot, and set back race relations about 100 years by dividing people even more. Also, the highest number of black deaths in the us are caused by other black people. The number of black people killed per capita by cop, is actually lower than the number of white people killed by cop per capita.

          But we shouldn't let facts get in the way of a good looting and dividing.

          • +2

            @brendanm: Well i guess that explains everything we need to know about you.

            • +2

              @Vote for Pedro: Sure does. I think people should be treated equally regardless of the colour of their skin.

          • +2

            @brendanm: 'Sadly, the trend of fatal police shootings in the United States seems to only be increasing, with a total 999 civilians having been shot, 226 of whom were Black, in 2020. In 2018, there were 996 fatal police shootings, and in 2019 this figure increased to 1,004. Additionally, the rate of fatal police shootings among Black Americans was much higher than that for any other ethnicity, standing at 34 fatal shootings per million of the population as of December 2020. '

            • @petry: That's my mistake, I was using the stats from mid year still. 22% of all people killed by cops were black, assuming the "unknown" people weren't black.

              If Bob goes base jumping 200 times a year, and Jim goes base jumping 100 times a year, who do you think would be likely to have more base jumping related injuries/death?

              Why aren't people talking about why a disproportionate amount of crime is being committed. Possibly because it requires a bit of self reflection, rather that just being able to blame the popo?

              Why not try to break the cycle of crime and violence instead?

      • no reason? lol
        what could possibly be a better reason than an airborne transmissable disease?

        • +1

          How many cases of this disease so we have out in the wild at the moment? Do you wear a helmet whenever you go out in case a tree branch falls on your head?

          • +1

            @brendanm: How many MVAs have you been? Why do you have to wear a seat belt? It's so tight and uncomfortable!

            • +2


              How many MVAs have you been?

              Can I get this in English?

              Why do you have to wear a seat belt?

              The odds of a car crash are relatively high, and the odds of serious injury or death can be quite high. There were more road deaths last year than death from the highly dangerous covid.

              • +3

                @brendanm: What a stupid argument. Lets not do anything and we end up with 100,000 deaths. Our successes have been because of our measures.

                We implement measures saving lives, then the freedom fighters/alan jones fanbois come out and say what a waste of time, more people died from cows falling on them. Why aren’t we doing anything about cows.

                Whatabout whatabout whatabout meh. Sad.

            • @May4th: I'm already in an enclosed vehicle moving at high speeds where movement is restricted.

          • +2

            @brendanm: If you look at the countries that haven't taken the measures we have, then there's a very high chance of contracting covid. No point being complacent until we have a vaccine. We've seen how quickly it can get out of control which not only affects people with covid. Once the hospital's are overrun, then people with all sorts of conditions can't get the help they normally would.

            • +1

              @crazyhor77: there is no point in replying to those who routinely post fake news and fake statistics.

            • @crazyhor77: How are masks working out for the UK currently?

              • +2

                @brendanm: My understanding is the UK has only just made masks compulsory this week so you wouldn't expect to see any immediate change in the statistics yet.

                • @crazyhor77: Ok, how did masks go in Austria? Or turkey? Or any of the other places where masks have been compulsory since the beginning/mid 2020?

                  • +1

                    @brendanm: and if i research this for you are you going to list more countries? lol

                    • -1

                      @crazyhor77: No, I've already looked them up, that's why I'm mentioning them. Hint - masks don't seem to have helped.

                      You can look yourself. The list of countries where masks are mandatory are readily available, as are their covid cases.

                      • +1

                        @brendanm: did you also notice that Austria relaxed its initial enforcement of masks after a month then reintroduced the policy after things got out of control? your research is obviously lacking sorry bud

                        • @crazyhor77: fake stats , fake news don't bother

                          • +1

                            @petry: 50c has been deposited to your account.

                            • -1

                              @brendanm: your usual abuse for being called out for selling fake news and fake facts.

                              • @petry: I'm not selling anything, that's the difference.

                                • @brendanm: you sell by deliberately posting false facts and fake news every thread you post in, and when anyone corrects you and points out the truth you deride them.

                                  You sell racism and fascism quite deliberately as being justified which is about as un-Australian as it gets

                        • @crazyhor77: They still had to wear them, just loosen d the restrictions. They had reintroduced strict wearing before the large increases. Masks are not the reason Australia is at the point it is. It is that we are on a remote island, that is sparsely populated, and international borders were shut.

                      • +1

                        @brendanm: What about Taiwan?

                        • @[Deactivated]: There is research that says 99%<, there is research that says 1%. As I've said, with basically zero cases here, masks are completely pointless. If every second person had covid, you would wear a mask just in case it did something.

                          If we want to stick with the seat belt analogy mentioned before, wearing masks in Australia is like wearing your seatbelt with your car not running in the garage.

                        • @[Deactivated]: There is no love lost here. They're calling it as they see it.

                          TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Face masks are a significant factor in reducing the spread of Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19),

  • +1

    Wearing a mask protects others from you. I think it's great that you want to wear one.

    For those who don't want to wear one, that's okay. What's not okay is being uncomfortable enough with your private reasons that you have to make up things that might misinform others. It's better to say "I'm not comfortable wearing a mask" and leaving it there - you owe no one an explanation.

    For those who shame non-mask wearers, don't. There is a LOT of undisclosed trauma in the community, and mask wearing can activate that trauma, particularly around suffocation. 1/4 of all men aged 18 and under in the US have been sexually assaulted. God knows what the numbers are above that age. Undisclosed trauma can present quite unconsciously so people may be railing against masks without realising that a trauma history is driving that. Shaming makes it worse. Shaming has never worked and will never work. Lead by example, not with shame.

    I'm wearing a mask indoors at the moment because that's the current guidance. And after (if) this is over, I'll likely always wear one when sick from now on. These measures have driven down the common cold and seasonal influenza which costs the health budget millions of dollars a year - I'm on board with keeping those rates low.

    • +1

      1/4 of all men aged 18 and under in the US have been sexually assaulted.


      • sounds made up hey, got a source missg?

        • 'Between 2010 and 2018, rates of sexual assault victimisation recorded by police for Australians aged 15 and over rose by more than 30% (from 66.8 to 90.2 per 100,000) (based on ABS 2019).'

          the more american we get….

          • @petry: agree about us becoming Americanised :(
            this stat specifically about males being assaulted?

            • +1

              @crazyhor77: i did find this

              'These victims are often assaulted multiple times over the course of the year. The Justice Department now seems to be saying that prison rape accounted for the majority of all rapes committed in the US in 2008, likely making the United States the first country in the history of the world to count more rapes for men than for women.'

              also 'news of Johnson’s physical availability had spread throughout the complex—after you’re raped once, you’re marked—and he was soon enslaved by a gang. In addition to passing Johnson around among themselves, Johnson’s new overseers sold his ass and mouth to a variety of clients for $3 to $7, a competitive enough price that it resulted in multiple rapes every day for the eighteen months that Johnson spent in prison. When he went to the authorities, they laughed and told him to “fight or (profanity).”'

              one of those wonderful American attitudes we so identify with…

              'From 1980 to 2007, the number of prisoners held in the United States quadrupled to 2.3 million, with an additional 5 million on probation or parole. What Ayn Rand once called the “freest, noblest country in the history of the world” is now the most incarcerated, and the second-most incarcerated country in history, just barely edged out by Stalin’s Soviet Union. '

              this is what the liberal party has worked so hard to achieve to make us a vassal state to…

    • These measures have driven down the common cold and seasonal influenza which costs the health budget millions of dollars a year - I'm on board with keeping those rates low.

      Wearing a mask outdoors would drive them even lower. Would you be happy to wear a mask outdoors too? If everyone continued to stay 6 feet away from each other, wait a few extra minutes for elevators and a few hours for reservations to cater for venue capacity limits, they'd be driven down even lower. Where is the line drawn?

  • It will be great if someone can show a mask manufacturer that claims their product is effective for preventing viral transmission.

  • -1

    The good old NOT IN MY NAME!! comes to mind.

    Wear a mask to protect yourslef.

    Ask others first if they prefer you to wear a mask to protect them.

  • +2

    Reminds of this dumb idea a bunch of bureaucrats had in an American Local government.

    Staff were required to wear masks in online Zoom calls with local residents to set a good example, we are all in this together? 🤔🙄

    Like seriously, how stupid and it makes you wonder….

  • +1

    Sad to see so many anti-maskers in this thread. Of course they work, of course there are tons of evidence that says they work. It is easy to find, but not worth linking to because it won't matter.

    I know you all know that masks work. I know you know that wearing them even with low community transmission helps keep us that way. But you're not really here to discuss masks. You're here to have your opinions validated by others like you so you don't have to be personally inconvenienced. If you all share in this lie you can make it feel like it's true.

    • +5

      I doubt there are many antimaskers

      I do believe there are a lot of people who are wearing masks when there is no need to.

      They are definitely reasonable to wear in certain hotspots and definitely pointless and even have health ramifications if they are worn in areas where they are not needed.

      Promask zealots do not get the above.

    • +4

      Telling someone you know how they think is usually the wrong way to try to convince someone in an argument.

      Your argument applies to some pro maskers who shame others for not wearing masks just so they can feel better about themselves.

      Eye protection works against COVID too, so where is your eye protection if there is evidence to suggest it prevents the spread of the virus? It's not much of a personal inconvenience, right? You could have vulnerable peoples blood on your hands because you feel too inconvenienced to use eye protection.

      Can't force people to wear something they don't want, and it's even worse when the thing you're protecting against doesn't even exist in just about every city.

      • -1

        My point is you're not here to even entertain the idea of being convinced, and therefore there's no point in anyone trying. You're here for validation.

        This thread isn't about eye protection or face shields, and there's been no advice yet to wear them by the public. We both know this. Masks are cheap, available and effective and help mitigate the primary route of transmission, which is respiratory. You just don't want to wear one.

        • +1

          Nah, I lived in Asia for years and wore a face mask every day. I'm not against masks, but I'm against people being forced or shamed into wearing them by do-gooders and the government when the risk is non existent, or negligible at worst. Eye protection clearly does work, else doctors wouldn't wear protective goggles when treating COVID patients. Seems like a pretty small inconvenience to save plenty more lives.

          I can't help that you don't like your arguments being challenged. People against mask use are not posting for validation. What kind of thread would this be if it were full of pro maskers kissing each others asses and telling each other how fantastic they are?

          • @Mysterious: But thats exactly what they do….see the buttton for a plus - pathetic people selling fake news and fake news get validated by the upvote supplied by this site.

            They run in packs to sell garbage in threads like this and if you state the truth they personally attack using a variety of methods which poorly admin'd sites like these actively encourage.

      • aerosol/eye protection is usually only relevant in high risk setting eg. Covid ward so irrelevant to most people, if you want to protect yourself, sure but not wearing it does not put other people at risk. The analogy is a poor one you don't breathe through your eyes and don't emit aerosols/droplets through your eyes.

        • +2

          Makes no sense. Eye protection prevents the spread of COVID.. but only in COVID wards now? If you claim that eye protection does "protect yourself" then it must protect others, because if you can contract it yourself through the eye then you can then be able to transmit to someone else by coughing, sneezing or touching.

          • +1

            @Mysterious: the science is quite basic, not sure what's to be confused about. surgical mask prevent you from giving covids to others because you breathe out aersol/droplets which others can touch/inhale to pickup covid if you were infectious. your eyes do not spit out aerosol, it's an eye.

            you cannot pass on covid from your exposed eye unless you are rubbing your eye and then touching a surface which someone else touches. the point about covid ward is the risk. you are unlikely to be in an environment with high concentration of aersols unless you are in a ward setting or in situations where people may cough in your face, so it's up to you for managing your risk exposure, it's not necessary for most people in casual settings outside of healthcare

            the point about the difference between wearing a mask and eyeshield is that it not only protects you more importantly it stops you from passing it onto others if you are infected. eye shields are irrelevant because it's only for protecting yourself so whether you wear eye shields or not does not affect others but you are putting others at risk if you don't wear a mask, simple?

            • +1

              @May4th: The point you are missing is that if you are not wearing eye protection and contract COVID, and then you happen to not be wearing a mask outdoors and come into close contact with someone, or rub your eyes and touch a surface then you're at risk of infecting someone. In other words, by not wearing eye protection, you put yourself at risk of contracting COVID, and as a result you could put others at risk by transmitting it to them in other ways than through your eyes.

              it's up to you for managing your risk exposure

              Then it's up to the individual whether they want to wear a mask in a country with 0 locally acquired cases today. If people deeply cared about zero transmission they'd wear masks outdoors and goggles, not only indoors so they can protect their ego instead of the virus. They'd probably also encourage and promote a healthier and active lifestyle considering COVID discriminates against those with existing medical conditions, but that's too much of a personal inconvenience than simply putting on a mask indoors for a few minutes, right?

              • +1

                @Mysterious: that not the point i'm missing, in fact that's exactly what I just wrote in the post above re: the transmission route. it's about risk management. how many people walks around rubbing their eyes and touching everything vs how many cough when they are unwell and spread aersols? it's also spread via faeces, if you want to go that route i suppose you can say we need to wear air tight diapers too because you can scratch your arse and touch handles too!

                a lot of people don't realise 0 new cases does not mean 0 community transmission, there's plenty of articles on this which is why i rely on the public health who have access to all the data and sewrage data to tell me when we should wear a mask. i don't decide whether or not risk is high or low depending on how i feel today and what pete evans tweeted.

                look i don't think you are unreasonable, i think you just have a poor background understanding of the complex risk assessment when policies are made regarding social distancing/masks, and that's the challenge for getting the population to follow public health directives.

                • +1

                  @May4th: To be completely honest I think a lot more people touch their face and eyes and then touch things, rather than cough in public. Maybe I don't get out and about enough but I can't remember the last time someone coughed near me.

                  it's also spread via faeces, if you want to go that route i suppose you can say we need to wear air tight diapers too because you can scratch your arse and touch handles too!

                  I'm just challenging the logic in this thread about masks being a minor inconvenience to prevent COVID. If a mask is a minor inconvenience, then eye protection and elbow bumps should be a minor inconvenience too considering people contract COVID from touching surfaces, right? Why should the do-gooders define what a reasonable level of personal inconvenience is? A mask is within reason, but goggles are not? For some people, a mask is inconvenient, for others not. For some people, goggles are inconvenient, for others not. For me, a mask is unreasonable because where I live COVID is not in the community.

    • You're here to have your opinions validated by others like you so you don't have to be personally inconvenienced.

      Not at all, I don't like to be personally inconvenienced, and don't need my opinion validated.

      If we were somewhere with covid everywhere, sure, where a mask. But we aren't.

      • +2

        If we were somewhere with covid everywhere, sure, where a mask. But we aren't.

        That is what they said at the start of the pandemic until plenty of people started getting symptoms and whole villages are over run with it. It would pay to read up how Italy was over run.

        The virus doesn't come with flashing lights and sirens. Ambulance that come to try to save you and end up sitting in the cold for hours trying to get you to a hospital bed does.

  • +1

    The problem with masks is that most people don't know how to use or remove them properly so it comes back down to their main purpose in the first place which is to stop an infected person from spreading. They are not useless in the proper hands but for the way most people use them they are useless.

    • You know bad DIY job ends with blaming the tools not the users.

  • +1

    I'm pro mask and hope people start wearing them more after COVID is over, like how some Asian countries do. I like that extra caution I believe it would reduce the flu and other airborne viruses as well.

    But discussing trying to normalise it is weird, its going to happen or its not. Some will most won't, more might in future from seeing others. In the end trying to effect some normalisation would likely backfire, people don't like being manipulated

    • -1

      like how some Asian countries do

      Maybe we are just a little bit racist.

      Is it like we enjoy Chinese take away on a Friday then as kids go back to school on Monday and tell the Asian kids to go home.

      • +2

        What the fk is wrong with you….

        Somehow saying some Asian countries weak mask outside covid is racist?

        • "Australians don't like wearing masks because we don't do what Asians do" it is like we don't really want to get involved with Asia other than because we need to in order to defend our northern borders.

  • +4

    Life is risky, every time governments mandate laws that remove freedom from the individual to make their own choice and assume their own responsibility for their own lives all in the name of “keeping us safe’.. I become more determined to do exactly the opposite, despite being in the group that is supposedly highly vulnerable being immune suppressed. Some may think that’s foolish and that’s ok, it’s my life and I’ll live it on my terms without being dictated to by authoritarians. So no mask for me, unless I absolutely must ie: going into hospitals etc

    • if it only affected you id say go for it, but you greatly increase the spread to others who may be in your situation and want to stay healthy. we need to think of everyone, not just how it affects us directly

    • +1

      A lot of things are illegal..better get started!

    • Life is risky, every time governments mandate laws that remove freedom from the individual to make their own choice and assume their own responsibility for their own lives all in the name of “keeping us safe’

      Non mask wearers pay their own COVID19 hospital bills?

  • Hmm… I advocated masks being used in pandemic. Its doesn't 'solve' the pandemic but its just another layer, including quarantine & lockdowns & contact tracing to slow down the spread.

    There's a ton of research on how wearing a mask can stop the spread of COVID by asymptomatic patients in a bus:

    "We report a typical case of cluster outbreak caused by public transportation exposure; during the outbreak of COVID‐19 epidemic, one patient from Chongqing, China, did not wear a face mask in the first vehicle while wore a face mask in the second vehicle he took. One male patient with COVID‐19 found himself coughing. Unaware of the fact that he might have been infected with COVID‐19 and in a hurry, he did not manage to get a face mask before he took the coach bus from the city back to his county. Many passengers did not wear face masks on the same coach bus. The duration of this bus was 2 hours and 10 minutes, and there were 39 other passengers on the same coach bus. According to epidemiological survey, 5 other passengers on the same coach bus were infected. Upon arrival in the county, this male patient bought a face mask and took a minibus to his final destination wearing the mask. The duration of minibus was 50 minutes, and there were 14 other passengers on the same minibus. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention conducted an epidemiological investigation and close contact tracing management. The passengers on the minibus were screened and treated as suspected cases. A 14‐day medical observation period was conducted. During the observation period, passengers were taken temperature twice a day and and were asked whether they had respiratory symptoms such as fever and dry cough, or digestive symptoms such as diarrhea. All the passengers did not have fever, cough, or other abnormal symptoms, and two quantitative reverse transcriptase–polymerase chain reaction (qRT‐PCR) test results were negative. No passengers were infected COVID‐19 in the same minibus."


    • I have caught hundreds of buses without ever wearing a mask over the past few decades and have never contracted covid 19.

      If I catch a bus in an area with no covid I can guarantee you that I can go and talk loudly and chant and lick the floors on the bus and definitely not get covid.

      But hey, go ahead and wear a mask every day for the rest of your life ;)

      • Reminds me of the social media 'influencer' who pulled stunts licking elevator buttons at the start of covid. the diversity of gene pool..

      • +2

        I have caught hundreds of buses without ever wearing a mask over the past few decades and have never contracted covid 19.

        It appeared in 2019 that is why it is COVID19. If you contracted COVID19 a decade ago did you travel to 2019 and bring it back? But then it might have been called COVID09. Did you cause SARS time traveller?

        You don't have to be a genius, not even basic arithmetic.

        • Yes u obviously didn't get my post.

          I do understand that covid 19 was first described in 2019.

          I am saying that when this is over, it is not necessary to keep wearing masks.

          • +1

            @mdavant: it ain't over by a long shot.

            • @petry: I know. Starting the year wearing masks. I think most people thought this would be over by now.

              I think the govt printed money too fast too early, but then again what is a lousy trillion here and there

              The economic effects could have more of a health impact going forward.

  • -1

    kudos to you for thinking of the community as a whole. if there were more people that thought this way, the world would be a much better place (y)

  • +5

    Guys, maybe we should wear two masks? https://www.dailywire.com/news/new-york-times-suggests-weari…

    I wonder when it's going to get to 3?

  • +2

    Still remember the days not long ago when Aussies made fun of Asians wearing face masks in the public.

    • That must have been in a few selected enclaves with only a handful of active users. It wasn't a common sight outside of those areas.

  • +2

    So much 50 cent posting.
    Gotta get that social credit score up somehow I guess.

    Masks have a use, time and place.
    I don't think we should normalise this as an ongoing thing after the bulk of the pandemic passes (year or two maybe?)
    I won't have issues if others wish to do so, but I won't be unless there is a clear need.
    I would be far more concerned with touching surfaces that others with COVID have touched and the spread in that way rather than via not wearing a mask.
    Also the amount of waste and then litter from masks if you are using them correctly (hygiene rule for touching them, single use or up to 4 hours and all the other things that come along with it) is not something we want to get use to.

    • +1

      not sure what 50c got to do with it
      i don't think there's any question about wearing them when NOT required, the prevailing entitled complaints seems to come from people rebelling against wearing masks when it is clearly indicated based on medical advice, because it somehow infringes upon their God given right to do whatever they want.

      the reason asian countries like taiwan is doing well with covid is because they have faith in their governments, follow the guidelines and have been through multiple pandemics so they understand the need for making small sacrifices where a bit of inconvenience will contribute to protecting the community, something that a lot of us obviously don't understand

      • -1

        not sure what 50c got to do with it

        Maybe measures their own worth in 50c pieces so thinks of others too.

        I won't have issues if others wish to do so, but I won't be unless there is a clear need.

        Must have learnt something from the bush fires, unfortunately COVID19 doesn't smell or come as some grey over the horizon.

        I would be far more concerned with touching surfaces that others with COVID have touched and the spread in that way

        This person is a genius. Virus lands on surfaces of your body and enters the body. In reality, you don't touch COVID19. It touches you mate.

        • Found the 50 cent.

          The clear need would be as per government or health authority guidelines in designated places, airports, planes, shopping centres and such.
          If a business says no entry without a mask then sure I will comply with that, if it doesn't then I won't wear one unless I see it as higher risk.
          I won't be making masks a "normal" thing for everyday use once we're past the bulk of the threat, we don't have the same risks as parts of Asia so its not required.

          If surfaces have been touched by someone who is contagious or they've coughed in their hand and then touched a handrail or elevator button etc the virus has spread from them to the surface.
          The virus wont jump from that surface to me while I walk by, but if I touch that same surface then I have a greater risk of contracting the virus or would contract depending on how long it has been on the surface and the type of surface. Virus can linger in the air but this new UK\SA strain seems to be more about contact based spread from what I've read.

          I thought these things were clear by now, tell the CCP to update their scripts for what you guys post on foreign forums, its getting tiresome.

          • @91rs:

            I thought these things were clear by now, tell the CCP to update their scripts for what you guys post on foreign forums, its getting tiresome.

            Viruses don't go by ideologies. They thought at the beginning HIV was targeting gay men, until they found out it wasn't.

            It never ceases to amaze me people who have ideologies (race, politics, gender) about everything and try to apply it everything else.

            • @netjock: Ahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

              I'm not questioning the virus, we know where it came from, what it does to people and we know the propaganda machine has been flat out in 2020 to re-write history and censor information while the rest of the world struggles with the virus.

              Your posts and several others are very clearly part of the 50c crew, enjoy your day Tongzhi.

              • @91rs: are you ok? what on earth are you talking about. i thought this was a discussion about masks…

                • -1

                  @May4th: 91rs is the type of people who think they are smart by drawing correlation between two things. It is like saying a good avocado crop in Mexico (summer) causes the flu in Europe (winter), increased consumption of Avocados must make people more susceptible to the flu.

                  I believe China is probably trying to NOT get blamed by COVID19 but I am not sure what rewrite 91rs is talking about. I assume the history of Trump (which there was none anyways just him trying to do a rewrite of himself as some kind of successful businessman and everyone is just trying to take him down).

                  • @netjock: i suppose there's always one guy at the party who brings politics into everything.

                    although nowadays you can substitute 'politics' with 'tesla' or 'bitcoin'

                    or am i opening another can of worms..

                • @May4th: I'm fine, but thanks for asking?

                  • @91rs: since you seem to think that ' this new UK\SA strain' is the same mutation which is fake news not sure why anyone would be…

                    • @petry: At no time have I said its fake news or questioned the virus and the damage it has done. Not sure where you're going with that.

                      • @91rs: Well you wrote a fake fact so why are you squirming about why you did it?

                        Very different mutation is everywhere online on credible sources as opposed to channel 7's fake Brisbane's strain and murdochs agenda bollocks.

      • +3

        not sure what 50c got to do with it


        E.g. Paid-for online "influence operations" (IOs), information warfare, internet brigading and fake consensus-building via state actors and their cyber warfare branches/intelligence agencies to push a certain agenda or narrative. An all-pervasive reality on today's Internet that most people have zero awareness of.

        • i see, what's this gotta do with masks? genuinely confused

          • -1

            @May4th: "Wearing a Mask When Not Mandatory to Set a Good Example to Your Own Community"
            This has to be a CCP troll thread, I mean seriously read many of the other comments and it's clear as day.
            netjock's comments are classic CCP propaganda along with a few other users in this thread, its amusing to watch.

            • +2

              @91rs: and what would CCP gain from making a thread about wearing masks on a bargain website?? is CCP helping to prevent australians from contracting COVID? I can't see the logic in your assertions

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