Pulled the trigger on this after missing the last deal ($9.09 on Boxing Day). Note that it's also currently being sold by "Techo Greek" for the same price.
ARCTIC MX-4 2019 Edition - Thermal Compound Paste $9 + Delivery ($0 with Prime/ $39 Spend) @ Harris Technology via Amazon AU

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Thermal compound is for PC component, for CPU before installing cooler.
For laptop, try to play in the freezer, that would help with thermal issue.
You could try open it up and repaste the CPU and GPU, but it will probably need some technical skill and knowledge of pc/laptop components.
Might not necessarily help though, but poor factory thermal paste application could be causing your issues.
Define runs hot. If it doesn’t crash it’s probably just working within its normal thermal range.
84 degrees while playing MFS. Laptop sounds like a jet engine taking off but it hasn't crashed yet.
keep as is for that MFS immersion
@l3eroy: haha the fan noise is good for MFS immersion for sure. Although may not be appropriate for some other games…
That's just part of the immersion.
I get temps around that as well on high graphics. I'm not too bothered by it.
Pulling apart your laptop and applying a bit of thermal paste is not going to help. You're better off getting a laptop fan pad they're about $20 from officeworks but I am sure you could find cheaper on ebay or amazon if you waited for promo periods.
I got a similar cooler like that from amazon.
It makes NO difference at all, the fans are so weak it can barely even lift a peice toilet paper
Wasted my money :(
They're not meant to be strong enough to lift toilet paper, just to pull in non-heated air. I got a $15 one from Deepcool and it drops temps from 75+ to 50-60
Helped with my Alienware m15. CPU runs a bit cooler and GPU fan is usually off during non-gaming tasks instead of on low.
how much degrees cooler? I noticed no difference using my Dell Vostro 5490
The fans are weak and can barely even blow away toilet paper
@Homr: I’d say about 5, maybe 10 degrees cooler. It’s a bit hard to say since the fans don’t run as fast since it’s cooler.
Edit: I also cleaned out the fans at the same time@Homr: I use this one.
I just realised you meant the effectiveness of the cooler rather than the thermal repaste.
I’m unsure of how effective the actual cooler is but I think the extra clearance between the desk and laptop helps quite a bit.
The one you bought sounds pretty ineffective. Mine is decent when put on highest speed. Can feel the air pushing out the sides of the laptop from the cooler fans
Does your laptop have the air intake underneath it?@FireRunner: Your laptop cooler seems bigger and more powerful than mine.
My cooler has 2 fans and can't even feel the air blowing at all.
I would assume my laptop does have a fan underneath it, I can see it gathers dust at that particular area
I haven't tried repasting thermal paste on my laptop CPU and I wouldn't dare either. Last time I try repasting my cpu I screwed up the pins on the CPU motherboard and had to buy another motherboard :(
@WhyAmICommenting: Yup, a $20 CPU repaste ended up costing me $150. And my temperature stayed the same hahahaha
On the contrary - it's a bit trickier, but can be well worth doing if your laptop is running hotter than it used to. Just repasted mine yesterday as it was running noticeably hotter - turned out the factory paste had dried into a crusty layer on the VRAM chips, dropped almost 20 degrees by cleaning it off and reapplying a new layer of thermal paste
If it's been running for 2 years or more, it will definitely help. Pump out effect of thermal paste is a real issue for PCs and laptops alike and is one reason for performance degradation due to poor thermals.
Agree, although op says 'recently got', in which case it would be a bet if reapplying paste would help. But like you say 2 years, probably a good candidate for replacement. I did this on a 3yo lenovo, the thermal paste was cake like, improved thermals by about 6 degrees.
There are quite a few videos on youtube floating around that definitely suggest doing so.
This one from Dave2D is probably the best:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QBNP5I2y668I believe that the theory is that the thermal paste applied in factory is often not very efficient or applied poorly. Would suggest looking up videos for your specific laptop before attempting to do so, as sometimes laptops can be quite tricky with hard to find screws or even clips that need to be undone.
Give undervolting a go. If you're on an Intel CPU download intel XTU and it'll be a few clicks here and there to get things right. That should help out with CPU thermals and fan noise too.
Edit: also this is an easier option before going ahead and taking your machine apart. I'd recommend doing this first (look up some YouTube tutorials to get a feel of what's involved). If you really feel thermals aren't what they should be after undervolting then you could look into disassembly and reposting.
I use throttlestop for my undervolt. I found Intel XTU to stop working after some OS or BIOS update
A quick search suggests it's a very thin paste, which you do not want for a laptop because it will "pump out" over a few months. Pump out occurs when the paste expands / becomes less viscous when it gets hot, which then squeezes out from between the cooler and the CPU, leaving you with not enough thermal paste left to do the job. It tends to affect laptops a lot more than desktops, so for a laptop you want a very thick paste that is harder to pump out.
I previously used Kryonaut on my laptop (i7-9750h / RTX2060) before I knew about pump out, which is a very thin paste, and it didn't even last 3 months before it was overheating again. I now use IC Diamond because it lasts forever due to being memeishly thick (it is honestly difficult to even squeeze out of the tube!). People will warn you that IC Diamond can scratch the CPU, which is true, but that's only if you rub it off when removing it instead of dabbing with a cotton bud with metho/IPA. That said, you shouldn't need to replace it for years, so it's a non-issue imo.
Edit: Thick paste also helps with uneven core temps due to the crappy warped heatsinks that often come with laptops.
It definitely helps laptops. Look for the relevant video on youtube to take your laptop apart. I had really poor thermal paste application/degradation on a 2 year old HP laptop, to the point of constantly maxing out and throttling at 100degC. Removed the old thermal paste with isopropyl alcohol and replaced it with massive improvements, not going above 80degC.
dude, his laptop is still listed on the site as a 2020 release. i'm pretty sure opening it up to change thermal paste shouldn't be the first thing to do.
does it have a docking station option? one of my ways of reducing heat is to turn off the screen and offload it to an external monitor.
and then get a laptop cooling pad, and play it off with an external keyboard and mouse.
thermal paste is for ensuring optimum heat transfer between a chip and a heat sink, this is usually for desktops or if you are going to replace the heat sink solution in your laptop (which will void warranty, and a risky thing if you dont know what you are doing)
unfortunately, in my opinion, majority of 'gaming' laptops are marketed with a lot of lies and embellishments, while gaming builds generally uses better parts than entry level, which is not bad in itself, but a lot have thermal issues because of poor chassis designs and cooling solutions (or lack of)
the ones i really think somehow have some 'logic' are the ones supporting external GPU enclosures, but at that point, might as well buy a new desktop.
Thought I'd reply, have seen some of the other comments too.
I have some experience in this subject, but want to begin with a warning.
What i did was risky, but if done with great care it works well.
AT YOUR OWN RISKSo recently used a thermal interface material called Conductonaut by Thermal Grizzly.
I had some left over after a delid i did on a desktop CPU.Theory…
Laptops are interesting as sometime they are even out of the factory unable to sustain sensible clocks within their cooling solution (particularly some macbooks!).
Has been a phenomena over the last 5 years, usual reasong is that for bursty loads the cooling is fine, and gives a snappy experience, whist maintaining small / compact nature of the machine.Background…
Without my desktop rig for an extended period.. Laptops are slowwww.Story..
I took my old Thinkpad Yoga with integrated graphics, and recalled that once i was able to kind of overclock it with Intel's XTU utility (it's a locked multi, but there were options for extending turbo limits and undervolting for temps and power savings.
Figured I'd have a go again now that this was going to be my primary rig for a few months.
Started with some blender + cine bench, CPU got into 90's and throttled a little, but did OK.
Opened her up, cleaned and carefully applied the liquid metal to both CPU and GPU dies.
Closed up again.. same tests.. 5% performance increase, 26 degree temp drop, no more throttling.
26 degrees.. dayum!
Into Intel XTU………… the options for extending turbo are no longer there, seems the ditched it many version back…
Sucks…. but 26 degrees!Your option..
1) Don't do it, you might break something.
2) Don't do it, see #1
3) If you're going to do it be aware of the risks.
Liquid metal TIM is usually an alloy of Indium and Gallium (it is literally metal that is liquid).
The issue is that this alloy can interact poorly with some other metals, solder and aluminium are 2 examples.
There are often tiny surface mount capacitors on the CPU substrate (the bit the die sits on), and liquid metal is tricky to apply.
Really tricky, easy to make a mess with it.
If you get it anywhere it shouldn't go you're in deep sh1t.
Also less is more, really really keep the amount to a bare bare minimum.
It's hard to remove excess, it doesn't really soak up into anything like water does.So my final advice, don't do it.
If you do it and get it wrong you're buggered.But….. if you do have a go, and get it right…..
Possibly quieter fans
Possibly less / no CPU / GPU throttling.
I won on both counts.
Damn heatsink was hot after the mod, but that's a good thing, means the heat is leaving the CPU.Before you do anything.. watch this..
Shit… essay much?
Hoe the info is useful.just want to say conductonut is literally a conductor. get that onto surfaces accidentally, you would short something out. (Best case scenario, you'll lose a couple of cores or cache, worst case, magic smoke.)
it does not spread like normal thermal paste or clean up easily like normal thermal paste.
even in their site, it says for experienced thermal paste users only.
that said, i ordered a tube to try out. the IHS delidding is always a challenge.
In all the crap i posted it did fail to make it clear the it was literally an electrical conductor.
With the 6600K we borrowed a de-lidding tool.
Bonus for notebook CPUs is that they're naked, so no tool needed.
quick question would my cpu come with thermal paste? intel i710700
The stock HSF should have paste pre-applied.
Actually stock HSF come with a thermal pad pre applied. I've yet to see a brand new stock HSF come with thermal paste on it.
The 10700 (non-K) comes with a small cooler included which will have thermal paste pre-applied. Always recommend a beefier cooler for most PCs though which also come with their own thermal paste.
Stock coolers are perfectly fine for 99% of people. Aftermarket coolers are like red rgb lights that make your pc faster.
Nah not really. Stock cooler will thermal throttle a 10700 under max load so it is actually getting you better performance for less noise.
PS. "red RGB" would just be "R" lighting.@Gravy Train: do you have the video/review on this?
i was considering a 10700 build for a xpanlogy server. Just want to know what are the numbers for 'max load' meant.@slowmo: Not exactly a video of a 10700 + Intel stock cooler, but here is a video where the Intel cooler reaches 95 degrees on a Ryzen 5 3600, which is thermal throttle territory.
https://youtu.be/i-w5VcWe9p4?t=316@celery juice: just had a look, thanks. I am now switching back to the idea of building a small/cheaper ryzen gen 2 instead.
This comment right here officer.
More bullshit downvotes.
The stock cooler really is fine for the average Joe.
One would only need to beef it up for for extended all core loads.Outside of benchmarking to find throttling most people will never encounter it unless they're doing all core loads for extended periods.
If you are doing all core loads for extended periods then go buy a Ryzen CPU and drop a liquid freezer 2 on it.
We're talking an 8 core non K SKU guys, the included cooler is sufficient, not great but sufficient.
If you look for flaws in it you'll find them, but remember it's a cooler that cost $0 additional dollars, and given any half decent case airflow they are adequate with minor throttling when pushed to the extremes.What more do you want?
NT-H1 for the win
$15 at umart.
Thanks OP, about time I re-did the paste on an old PC and this is cheap as chips with delivery for a known product
Thanks OP just ran out of mine.
This or kryonaut? What will be better for an AIO?
Kryonaut will be a degree or 2 better, this is cheaper.
Does this come with the applicator spatula or not ?
I bought previous sale price for this item and it has an applicator spatula in the box.
i'm a tightarse, i kept all my used physical wish cards for these sort of things.
what do you need a spatula for
2 small beads. squish on cooler
thats it. it spreads itself
Yeah, I paid a couple of bucks extra for the paste with the spatula only to find out that you can use a pea sized blob in the centre which is much easier than trying to spread evenly yourself.
depends on the chip bruh.
do that on a threadripper and you'll pretty much regret it.
just use a credit card or more beads of paste spread out over such a large cpu
@furythree: just pointing out your initial advice can be misleading to people who are clueless…. it's not that simple for some (although for some CPUs it really is that simple). I err on the side of caution most times.
$10 in cart??!
Says $10 when i add to cart instead of $9
yep, seems to be $9.99 now :(
Looks like they raised the price to $9.99 in the last hour. Checked before and it was $9.
it's $9.99, not $9. Anyone compare this to Noctua nt-h1?
if you have ryzen cpu, go for this one. MX 4
Nth1 is bit more sticky causes cpu gets pulled out together when you remove the cooler
Harris Technology is back to $12.99 and now "Techno Geek", or $11.97 for the 4g tube + a tool.
Otherwise there is a 4g tube from Harris for $10.77 here on Amazon
Oh wow, I bought a tube of this about 15 years ago, used it heaps of times, and still threw out about a 1/3 of it when I cleaned out my office. A little bit definitely goes a long way!!
I bought the 8g tube back in October for $13.19
was annoyed that i missed out on this. Then I checked what is included with my Noctua cooler, and the stuff they pack in is slightly better than the MX-4, so all good.
Sorry noob here, is this recommended for laptops? I recently got a Asus ROG Strix G15 and it runs hot while gaming (Both CPU and GPU). Will this help much?