This was posted 4 years 2 months 3 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • out of stock

Breville Smart Grinder Pro BCG820BSS $179.10 Delivered/Pickup @ David Jones


Breville Smart Grinder Pro BCG820BSS $179.10 (Free delivery or pickup in store) at David Jones.

Advertised for $199, and there is a further 10% off already reduced items, bringing it to $179.10 when you checkout. The 10% off is valid until 10/1/21 I believe

Was able to get both Myer & JB Hifi to match the David Jones price. And you can use discounted giftcards to buy it from there instead! :)

Screenshot of $199 price (Plus further 10% discount when you checkout) which was previously on website:…

In-store DJ Perth city markdown price to $199 (there is also further 10% off on reduced items In-store):…

Jb hifi price match tax invoice:…

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David Jones

closed Comments

  • +1

    What is an appropriate budget friendly coffee machine to pair with this grinder?

    • +3…

      Breville infuser was $399 during black Friday sale, its down to $449 now.
      Bought this combo for a relative and its great.

      • +1

        yeah I'm thinking the same

        • I also have this grinder with the Breville infuser as well during the whole of last year during COVID and it was a blessing working from home. I also have a Moka pot for the stove and a coffee plunger and you can adjust the grinder for that too if you like to use those too!

      • I have this combo too and agree. It can be a little tricky to get the ideal grind setting for a particular batch of beans but the results are pretty good.

      • been using this combo for maybe 2 years now. going very well, no issues yet after having so much trouble with my Sunbeam previously

    • +4

      I like to use a stovetop moka pot, I find it much easier to use and clean than an espresso machine. It also takes up less space in the kitchen.

      They come in different sizes from 1 cup to 18 cups.

      For example:…

      There are also induction stovetop versions as well.

      • I'm also looking at one that can froth milk as well, and not too comfortable using the stovetop pot one

        • +2

          I’ve done Moka Pot coffee ever since my Nonna taught me as a kid, it’s super easy to use and clean.

          For milk froth, I also use this Bialetti hand pump frother (on sale, $55.97) - it’s fantastic and produces really creamy milk! Only downside to it, is that the non-stick coating will flake and peel if you overheat for too long (forget to turn off) or use abrasive scourers.

          • +2

            @Dealhunter967671: Nonnas have saved us all many hard earned dollars by passing on moka skills.

            Those bialetti frothers are decent but don't work on induction :(

        • +2

          Stovetop pot is extremely easy and almost impossible to get wrong once you know how to do it.

          Then just get a little milk frothed from Aldi or whoever. Set that to go while you sort out your moka pot and you have fantastic coffee (better than an espresso machine under ~$750 imo) in five minutes flat.

          I do this every single morning with the smart grinder pro and my moka pot. Happy to share details on method if you're interested. Oh also, moka pot + beans + grinder + frother is still cheaper than an entry level espresso machine.

          • +2

            @[Deactivated]: Plenty of decent espresso machines under $500. Even the cheaper Breville Bambino/Infuser models will make better espresso than a moka pot. That said, Moka pots are ideal for entertaining because you can brew in bulk.

            • @Cyb3rGlitch: I don't agree. They will of course make better espresso than a moka pot because a moka pot does not make espresso.

              A cheap espresso machine may brew an ok cup sometimes but if you like coffee more than say nespresso pods you won't be able to get something you're consistently happy with from a cheapo espresso machine. The components just aren't up to the job at that price range. I think the cheapest machines I see thrown around in coffee circles are the Rancilio Silvia or Gaggia Classic at under $1000.

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: You really don't need a Silvia or Classic to make a good espresso or coffee. Nothing wrong with the Breville machines. They put out the appropriate pressure and have PID temp control. The Silvia/Classic are popular because they're easier to tinker with and mod, which is what enthusiasts tend to prefer. Both the Breville and fancier Italian machines will make shit coffee if you don't put the time into learning the skill, and they'll both make great coffee if you do. You can't cheap out, but you can absolutely do it for under $500.

                I've had my Infuser for 8 years and it consistently makes better coffee than any moka pot I or my family have made. But, again, that doesn't mean moka pot coffee isn't good, it's just not as good IMO. It also requires similar fiddly diligence in my experience (pre boiling the water, weighing the grind for consistency, watching it to avoid overheating the coffee, etc.)

                If you want cheap, a V60 is worlds better.

            • @Cyb3rGlitch: Agree. I've got a moka pot and a cheap delonghi espresso machine (and this grinder oddly enough!) and I'd take the espresso anyday.
              Like you say though, I need to use it properly.

    • +1

      Depends if you want espresso/pour over, etc.
      Pour over go for some basic v60 setup.
      Espresso, you'll need to spend like $3-400 for something average. Alternative is a manual espresso maker like Flair neo/classic or Rok espresso maker.

    • +4

      DeLonghi Dedica can often be picked up for $199. Great machine for the price.

    • +1

      I use this grinder pared with the Breville Bambino Plus. RRP is about $550, but it is currently on sale at Good Guys Commercial for $361 (has been as low as about $320).…

      I am very happy with the setup.

      • I really want to get this but dont have a commercial membership. Is there any way someone would be able to help? Thanks

        • I got my TGG commercial account though my superannuation company, Sunsuper.

          I recall a thread on here somewhere about the easiest way to get an account.

    • 2nd hand Rancilio Silvia off gumtree/ebay. It's the Toyota Corolla of coffee machines, will go forever and every shop knows how to work on them.

      There's a bit of a learning curve, as they're completely manual, but there's less to go wrong and once you get the knack off it you have complete control over what you're doing. Heaps of guides out there about getting the most out of them.

  • +2

    I'm a novice looking to start. I heard this was a good grinder to pair with the Breville bambino express for novices.

    Just so happens this is one of the cheapest prices for this grinder and I have DJ gift cards. Win!

    • +1

      You might also want to consider the Breville Infuser that Wickadz mentions above.

    • I use this grinder with the bambino express plus and am really happy with the results.

    • Bambino doesn't come with unpressurised baskets. You would have to buy one separately. Infuser is a good option if you have the space.

      • Why do you want the unpressurised baskets? I am a novice looking to start as well.

        • +2

          If you use fresh beans you'll get the pressure you need from the resistance in the coffee puck. Adjusting grind size and amount of coffee will allow you to tweak this. Cheaper machines come with pressurised baskets to make up for people using stale beans that will likely cause low pressure and high flow rate.

  • +1

    Any reason to upgrade to this if you have Barista Express with built in grinder?

    I figure the next thing is to upgrade grinder but maybe need a proper upgrade to something in the $500-600 range?

    • Check out hoons coffee on YouTube. He gets markedly better coffee from his BE with built in grinder when he uses a separate, high quality grinder.

      It lets you list your BE for sale on gumtree or whatever too, and when it sells you can just pick up a more pure coffee machine.

      That said…I think if you've dialed your BE in well and use fresh beans… You're not going to get much better from upgrading - perhaps just better workflow / quicker coffees.

      • Yes I know a better grinder is the way to go. Question is should I buy this grinder as any upgrade or is it not enough of an upgrade?

    • +1

      Honestly I'm not sure there will be a noticeable difference between this and the built in grinder, considering they are both Brevilles.

      I would say if you want an upgrade, then you would need to spend $600+ or go 2nd hand to notice any improvements. In saying that, if the built in grinder works fine, then I would just keep it. Upgrade-itis is a wallet killer!

    • I have a BE and picked up this grinder 2 weeks ago.

      Very happy so far. 2 major benefits for me:

      1. Much easier to dial in a perfect espresso. With the built-in grinder, the same settings that worked perfectly well one day, would completely choke the espresso the next day. Doesn't happen with this grinder, same result every time. I'm now getting sweet espresso - something I couldn't achieve with the built-in one.

      2. I can try all the other methods of brewing coffee. Even though some say this grinder doesn't go coarse enough for a French press, James Hoffman says you don't really need to grind super coarse for a French press. I'm setting it to 60 (the max) and it seems to work perfectly well.

      Will try moka pot soon, too.

      • +1

        I generally go around 30 - 40 for french press, 30 for aeropress, 9 - 11 for espresso, changes due to to beans but as a guide it makes coffee taste how i want it to taste.

        +1 for James Hoffman, that bloke knows his beans.

  • Is there any real benefit to grinding your own beans as opposed to just buying pre ground beans from places like manna beans or airjo

    • +2

      I would say fresh beans, freshly ground is the easiest way to upgrade any setup. In saying that, if the beans you buy have an expiry date (rather than a roast date) the benefit is less

      • -1

        I've found that roast date is usually one year before expiry date. That rule has worked for me when in a pinch and need beans between orders.

        • +3

          Some roasters are using 15 months expiry and others use 18 months expiry.
          I feel like if roaster is reluctant to put roast date on the bag I am asking myself if they have any reason to hide it from me. :)

    • +2

      I personally think it makes a lot difference to the coffee yes - Google “ground coffee oxidation” for a read on how quick coffee goes stale after grinding

    • Short answer - no comparison!

    • If you talk to any barista/coffee snob, they will tell you that you need to grind your beans as close to brewing as possible.

      But if you just want a caffine hit and you're not going to be tasting the notes etc, pre-ground will be ok. But if you want the best coffee, need to grind just prior to brewing.

  • +1

    While this is a great price for this grinder, only get it if you specifically intend to make espresso coffee or moka pot and nothing else. For brewing methods requiring more coarse grinds — french press, cold brew, pourover, drip, etc., get the Baratza Encore — it's a far superior grinder at approximately the same price point, it just can't do espresso.

    • +1

      Honestly don't see why anyone neg'd you. This is entirely correct.
      The Breville is the best all round grinder for this price, but if you aren't planning to do espresso at home, I'd be recommending the Baratza as well.

    • Suprisingly have been able to grind for espresso using the encore with the bambino plus. Usually the encore is set between 8-10 on grind setting for espresso with 20-22 for a v60 brew so it's incredibly versatile

      • With a single wall basket, right?

    • I use this for v60 and espresso grind, it can do both.

  • Finally got to get this, and clear out my spare DJs gift cards! Thanks OP!

  • -1

    Just coffee beans? Doesnt juice fruit?

    • Difference mechanisms. Liquidators like Nutribullet are blade based. The cold press juice extractors are mesh based (don't know the technical term). Coffee grinders are burr mills.

      Pretty sure these aren't water proof mechanisms either lol

    • Yeah just coffee beans.

    • +2

      Nah, just coffee juice. :)

  • Thanks, good price, bought one and returned my amazon order which hasn’t been shipped after 2 weeks.

  • Fab deal, great product. Thoroughly recommend.

  • I've been thinking for most of 2020 to finally upgrade my grinder and get this (long wait through high COVID prices).

    I just use the in-built grinder on my Barista Express. I'm satisfied with the espresso quality on freshly roasted beans so far, not sure I really want to hang the expense on a better grinder if the improvements are relatively marginal.

    More so I was thinking I just wanted a second grinder so that I could have some decaf beans in the BE for the odd late coffee and move over to this for my daily 1-2 coffees. But then I'm 2 months getting through a kilo of fresh beans anyway, so more beans is probably overkill and I can just skip the late decaf.

    I'm tempted to jump on this, but probably only if espresso quality makes a big leap??

    • +1

      If big leap is what you are going for, upgrade the grinder to something like a eureka atom or Baratza sette 270. Grind consistency will be far superior than what U would get out of this one which translates to far superior shots

    • Imo the smart grinder is good as a 2nd grinder like you said if you want to do decaf, or even do different brewing methods like pour over, manual brewing etc.

      • Exactly why I took a punt on this. I use a mazzer mini for espresso but can’t easily switch to decaf with beans in the hopper (eh I’ve moved on from pouring in just enough beans per shot - kids will do that to you).

        Hope it’s halfway decent.

  • +4

    I was about to buy it but it seems like the deal is no longer available?

    • same for me

      • Same

    • Same $399 ????

    • Have posted a few links above including in-store markdown. Hopefully it’s available in store or someone can pricematch for you

  • I have been using mine for almost 2 years now, never skipped a beat. Paired with the Bambino Plus, 4 cups of coffee per day minimum ( for myself and missus), and more when i have guests, i think this is one of the purchases to date.

  • +2

    Can you please post your receipt of the JB Hi Fi price match? Myer aren't doing it at that price anymore

    • +1

      Have updated with my tax invoice link of JB matching the price

  • Is this quieter or less messy than the Sunbeam EM grinders?

    • I have one and it is NOT quiet! But still very happy with it!!

  • Can this be used for grinding spices?

    • +3

      I don’t see why you would - it’s priced higher than usual grinders for the sake of being able to control (a wide range of) grind sizes for espresso making. For spices I’d just get a cheap K mart grinder - or just a pestle and mortar tbh.

  • Cant add to bag means out of stock as confirmed on live chat.

  • +2

    Amazon appears to have price matched the pre-10% off $199 price.…

  • Please post receipt so we can price match

    • +1

      Have updated with link above of JB hifi matching price of DJ

  • Had this grinder for.. Forever about 4 years. Goes awesome with my sunbeam Cafe series.

    Machines with a grinder built in are a no no. Sunbeam grinder no. Breville. Coffee machine no.

  • Just curious, how long can you keep the beans inside the Breville Smart Grinder Pro for before needing to throw them away?

    • +1

      I top mine off whenever it gets empty, which generally takes about a week. The top is air tight, but the base is open grinding mechanisms so I'm unsure on air tightness overall, but I don't notice any taste differences between freshly added and week or two old beans, but I do need to grind them finer to get the same result though the older they get.

      They aren't really going to go off, not unless its beens months and months (and even then it will still make coffee, just not as good).

    • That'll likely depend on the environment since the grinder isn't air tight. Ideally you'll use a seperate canister and weigh out beans as you need them.

  • +1

    Mine got refunded. Bought it before it even got popular on Ozb.

    Thanks for nothing I guess DJ's.

    Kinda wish I price matched it now, since their stock levels were misrepresented.

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