PGee » user profile

Member Since | 04/11/2014 |
Last Seen | 29/06/2023 |
Recent Activities

PGee commented on Telstra Day: Samsung - Galaxy S21 128GB $624, 256GB $672 | S20 FE 5G $699.30 | A32 $336 (Account Req.)
Just called telstra today. Next expected stock replinshment is 14 October....

PGee replied to
Commander Shepard on Best Petrol/Diesel Cars to Own before The Full Shift to Electric

nice choices indeed. How is the Cayman 987.2? I currenly have manual 135i and an ND mx-5. Have a deposit for tesla but strongly considering…

PGee replied to
[Deactivated] on Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus from $61,425 Delivered + On Road Costs (Was $64,425 + On Road Costs) @ Tesla

If you keep reposting this, does it become more true?

PGee replied to
Wing Nut on Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus from $61,425 Delivered + On Road Costs (Was $64,425 + On Road Costs) @ Tesla

It's hard to convince people of things they have already decided on. Unfortunately electric cars are in the same realm as anti-vaxxers and…

PGee replied to
alphaoasis on Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus from $61,425 Delivered + On Road Costs (Was $64,425 + On Road Costs) @ Tesla

not really, look up how superchargers work. do some research before saying stuff like this. electric cars arn't for everyone, see if they…

PGee replied to
[Deactivated] on [NSW] Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus $59,473 (Was $62,473) Delivered after $3000 NSW Rebate and $0 Stamp Duty @ Tesla

they do sell the demo stock for discounts but otherwise you are correct, no haggling

PGee replied to
nightqueen on [NSW] Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus $59,473 (Was $62,473) Delivered after $3000 NSW Rebate and $0 Stamp Duty @ Tesla

They are happy to just hold my order until 1st September to get the benefit. In fact Tesla sent all the NSW people who had orders in a text…

PGee commented on [NSW] Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus $59,473 (Was $62,473) Delivered after $3000 NSW Rebate and $0 Stamp Duty @ Tesla
I'm likely going to cancel my order and re-order in September for this.. Wonder how many of us will do the same. Only an extra 6 weeks wait…

PGee replied to
silverrat23 on Samsung Galaxy S21 128GB $449, S21+ $649, Ultra $949 (after $400 Trade-in and Stackable $200 & $50 Discounts) @ Samsung Store

I used the 400 and 200. I never received the 50 sign up bonus

PGee commented on Samsung Galaxy S21 128GB $449, S21+ $649, Ultra $949 (after $400 Trade-in and Stackable $200 & $50 Discounts) @ Samsung Store
Just did it now with a new 200 promo code, got the same warnings it wouldnt stack but it did. total $644 after trade in of an old samsung…

just got one in blacktown as well, seems to be stock around if you call

same boat. my p20 pro just died all of a sudden and I had to get an s20 FE :(

PGee replied to
infraredshell on [Afterpay] Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G 128GB $759.19 (AU Stock) Delivered @ Mobileciti eBay

5g.. had to get the orange one from JBHIFI deal last week as my old phone suddenly died

PGee commented on [Afterpay] Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 5G 128GB $759.19 (AU Stock) Delivered @ Mobileciti eBay
missed out, had to buy in a hurry last week. had touchscreen problem as well using the testing app, but it went away after the phone updated

PGee commented on Samsung Galaxy S20 FE 128GB $699, S20 FE 5G 128GB $849 + Delivery (C&C/ in-Store) @ JB Hi-Fi
thanks OP. had to pull trigger on the 5g as my p20 pro suddenly died this morning (was my favourite phone ever), would have tried to find a…

PGee replied to
djvkool on [eBay Plus] Huawei P30 Pro (4G, 256GB/8GB, AU Stock) $679.14 Delivered @ Mobileciti eBay

mine is holding up too well. battery easily lasts entire day to 50-60% and no lag still.... easily the best phone I've had

unfortunately the gearbox gives no warnings. Will just suddenly die. They have revised it many times, and less issues in newer cars, but…

I bought my ND in April just before the Covid tax. paid 22k for a 2015 with 60k km. I daily it (have a 135i which I rarely use also). Its a…

PGee replied to
mnc on Electrolux EDV605HQWA 6kg Vented Dryer $350 (Was $649) + Delivery @ David Jones

thankyou I managed to get the same over the phone using the generic hotline instead of calling the actual stores

PGee replied to
pkr123 on Electrolux EDV605HQWA 6kg Vented Dryer $350 (Was $649) + Delivery @ David Jones

called 3 stores in Sydney and they wouldn't do it, said below cost

PGee replied to
pkr123 on Electrolux EDV605HQWA 6kg Vented Dryer $350 (Was $649) + Delivery @ David Jones

did they match with the DJs delivery price to 429 or to 350

Harvey Norman and Bing lee will not pricematch on livechat. Applianceonline will go down to 429 with free delivery

PGee replied to
simulacrum on Joolz - Day2 Studio Collection Pram Complete Set $799.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

fingers crossed the Geo2 also made in Europe as well. Thanks for the feedback, hard to know what is actually real on the net, only thing I…

PGee replied to
squarepants on Joolz - Day2 Studio Collection Pram Complete Set $799.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU just have one. uppababy vista is likely better in…

PGee replied to
chickenchipsgravy on Joolz - Day2 Studio Collection Pram Complete Set $799.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

no accessories, just by itself. Was tossing between this and the Redsbaby for same cost, however Im not sure I can trust the online…

PGee replied to
dstar012 on Joolz - Day2 Studio Collection Pram Complete Set $799.99 Delivered @ Amazon AU

just recently in the market for one. Ended up with a Joolz Geo2 from a store near Woolongong for 990. They have a day3 in stock for 990 if…

PGee replied to
Wickadz on Breville Smart Grinder Pro BCG820BSS $179.10 Delivered/Pickup @ David Jones

been using this combo for maybe 2 years now. going very well, no issues yet after having so much trouble with my Sunbeam previously

just for context, we paid 17k for a 2015 facelifted 2WD Maxx Sport 2.0L with 80k Km earlier this year.

PGee commented on Second Hand Car - CX-5 v RAV4
both equally reliable. if you want a CX-5 get at least 2015 as the screen got updated. I would pick the Cx-5 as its much more comfy and…