According to price hipster it only went up yesterday so likely they will be getting some stock soon. But in saying that I ordered a Galax 3080 on 12 Dec and I’m still waiting with no eta.
[Pre Order] MSI Radeon RX 6800 XT 16GB Graphics Card $1069 + Delivery/Pickup @ Harvey Norman » All Comments
Good luck to anyone who wants to pre order PC hardware with Hardly Normal, maybe you'll get it in a week or a month or perhaps a year. But it's still not really a bargain just because they started listing it at RRP on their site. If it were "in stock" i'd be more excited… :P
Can rewards has 3% cashback on HN. Does that count?
Also agreed if in stock, then Def a + from me
Deal says "great price that you cant find anywhere else" find me somewhere else that let you preorder for "RRP"
Don't take it personally, more stores listing 6800XT is good news.
But it's still not bargain worthy IMO, especially as you cant actually get this in your hands and it's simply RRP. Lots of PC stores list the 6800XT for RRP and dont have stock either.
For someone will be a Good Bargain, i think
Because you CANT find anywhere to preorder at this price even without ETA
This is just same thing like PS5 deal yesterday from good guys
but they don't allow you to preorder it, so you have to check back every day in the hope you catch the 2 minute window when they are actually in stock.
RRP is the new bargain, inflated prices is the new RRP.
Waiting for your reputable "PC store" link for RRP 6800XT
@InternetExplorer: I asked Skramit for link when he is claiming " Lots of PC stores list the 6800XT for RRP" and all I get is negs for that. wtf
@InternetExplorer: I didn't neg you but I'll explain their reasoning. Traditionally this community is not impressed by RRP deals unless it's an Apple product ("this should be in the forums"). Combine this with the fact that the RRP of the card is $649 USD which is $831 AUD. Add 10% GST and you're looking at $914. That's about $173 in ozzie tax for the privilege of living in the arse end of the world.
But it's been a strange year and perspectives are in need of change given how hard it is to buy anything anymore even at RRP.
RRP has become the new bargain. Jacked up prices are the new RRP. An actual bargain on tech products might be a thing of the past until the world returns to normal which could take years.
@lostn: "Official" RRP, from AMD themselves, is $1049 (
The US RRP's mean nothing in Australia as we are just willing to pay more (as it was determined in a Parliament enquiry a few years back involving Apple, Microsoft and Adobe).@not4us: i'm aware that's the official AU price. I'm talking about US pricing for the same item.
We normally pay more for the same thing (aussie tax). How much more depends on the manufacturer. When they charge a lot more, that's when we get pissed off.
Amazed a store like Harvey Norman is selling PC hardware like GPUs
They've done it before for really popular stuff if they think they can make money out of it.
Back in the 90s I'm pretty sure they were selling the 3DFX Voodoo series graphics cards.
for huge shortages like this, its worth it to them to bulk buy for cheap cuz they know it will sell. And there's no cheaper price than RRP so no chance of a price match loss.
OTherwise, HN don't do pc parts cuz they don't sell well at the usual inflated prices they sell since everyone price matches it with better pc retailers, they always have to price match below cost.
I don't know how many are aware many many moons ago, Officeworks used to sell computer hardware from CPUs to GPUs before they found out they were losing money and got out.
There's a reason none of the big PC retailers do price matching. If OW wanted to keep that, they had to drop the ineffective departments.
Shit, Megabuy comes to mind but they really became absolutely useless when their price match excluded sales.
Like wtf is even the point when you exclude sales???
Will this fit into Asus Z390 plus gaming wifi ?
what do you mean "fit"? Thats just a motherboard.
I mean't to say is this gpu compatible with asus z390 plus gaming wifi as i don't have much knowledfe about gpus
Thanks in advance
Yes it is.
FYI - Any mainstream consumer graphic card released in the last decade or two will be compatible with any mainstream consumer motherboard released in the last decade or two.
@vaskothefrog: This… but might not be able to take full advantage of the card due to other bottlenecks, but you would know this if you are spending 1k on a gfx card
It depends on your RGB levels, if RGB>10 probably not
you should be checking if your case has enough space (check the length of the card (~325mm versus the space in the case), and whether you have a strong enough power supply (650-700w or more)
is it cancellable if a better deal is found elsewhere by then? I hate prepayment with no ETA.
The only place I can select for click n collect is Auburn NSW. That's the wrong state for one. The only other option is $18 delivery.
Yes they are fine about cancellations
I'm confused now, are they continuing production of reference models? I thought they stopped it…
I guess that's good news then
I heard that someone talked to mwave(or another store) , and they said they won’t get more reference cards, the continuing production will only be supplied to US market, due to low profit.
Not sure if it’s reliable.Bummer if true. Wonder how Harvey Norman will get more then if that is accurate…
@InternetExplorer: Last batch of reference cards due to logistics they've been delayed to arrive in Oz.
@Dhpongelc: A head of AMD said last week that they are going to continue making reference cards because of demand
@InternetExplorer: Only if they sell under AMD banner. Reference cards are ordered by AMD through an unknown OEM.
The margin for reference cards is way too low, therefore those partners don't want sell them. On the other hand, do you think ASUS would like to sell something probably manufactured by the PowerColor factory?
So pay 1k1 but has no clue when we are going to get it…
how to get $50k-$100k (conservative guess) from consumers without any actual products.
nice job
Waiting for "what to do with 100k?" /thread, post
well. probably 10k of that is profit - without an actual product.
Conservative: into their loan offset at ~3%pa.
Aggressive: buy a few bitcoins.
Shame about the no ETA but otherwise a very good price/performance card given the current situation.
I called for eta but they couldn't provide it, last time I bough from them wan 1080ti just before the price went up, took them 2 months to deliver but by the time I got it the card was $300 more expansive everywhere else so I didn't mind
Where's my Red Devil at??
Can't order 😢
That's what I want to buy. Guess I'll be waiting a couple of months though and I funny thing is they will probably have a refresh of these cards by the time you can actually buy them. Lol
the refresh will be just as hard to get a hold of. This cycle will repeat forever.
Quick question. Please forgive my ignorance.
What are the advantages of the higher end 6800xt's ($1350-$1600) that would justify paying 30-50% more than this reference design card? Obviously they will not provide anywhere even close to a 30-50% performance boost, so why would people stump up so much extra cash?overclocked a little, fans might be quieter or temps could be cooler. The board might look nicer with more LEDs and logos. Reference cards are intended to look plain.
Seems like a hell of a price increase for that. $100 I could understand but $200-$500 seems crazy!
It’s like 7% increase for 20% price.
Coz gamerz gotta game and are somehow rich and don't give a shite about that peasant thing called 'money'.
Curse my peasant brain!
It's aesthetics, people are willing to pay a lot for that, for example, sleeved psu cables are generally upwards of $100 and provide no performance gain lol
For 6800x, there is no difference at all. in terms of performance, thermal, power consumption etc.
Mostly noise and looks
Reference cards are quiet plain by design, PC players now buiding colour coded rigs with big glass windows will pay a premium for a nicer looking card.
Thermals are generally better as they have a different cooling setup 2 fan or 3 fan or just better design fans.
Reference cards historically were very loud as they just crank the fan to manage heat.Some manufacturers may also package the card in different lengths making it suitable for small form factor builds.
Inpatient and fear of missing out.
There is no good reason, the performance increase right now is absolutely NOT worth price-wise.
because people play benchmark more than games. They are satisfied by seeing 5 more FPS rather than playing a real game
I think you should update the post to add +$18 delivery, unless you live near Auburn NSW because that's the only place you can pickup from.
Just buy a card that is in stock now, and crypto mine with it to offset the cost, you may not be 100% better off money wise, but at least you get to enjoy a card now
3060 ti is the ideal card, great hash rate and relatively cheap so when the gpu you want is available, you shouldn't make a loss selling it, also great gaming performance as well
I just started with my 3070 on Eth and am only getting 50 MH/S at best… I think it's a profit of like $5 a day? This all seems too slow.
3070 and 3060 ti has the same hash rate, 50 sounds about right for stock settings, to get 60 you need to overclock your memory to about 7800-8000, also downclock the core to be more power efficient
I think it's a profit of like $5 a day? This all seems too slow.
So $1825 a year then? A profit. The more you buy, the more you make.
It wouldn't be that much, since he's consuming a lot more energy than necessary, need to some tweaking if you mine
@lostn: You don't understand my point, there's just a lot of room for improvement with a few slider moves
Just buy bitcoin directly without mining, better returns lol
Youre speculating if buying directly, mining has less risk
wait… HN does pc parts now???
Since when did Harvey Norman sell computer parts?
somebody said above they sell anything that they can make money out of. perhaps in future we’ll see rice / pastas and tp deals from HN
How long are we talking about here 1 month , 2 months, 3 months , 6 months ?
Reports of their 3080 preorders taking 1-2 months, but who knows.
This is the only version of the 6800 they have listed, and they only just put it up, so they must have some stock on the way.
For those worried about these cards, they are very silent and draw less power to 3080
Perfect card for 1440p, for higher you should go 3080 or if you want full rtx go nvidia as well
Also if you buy this card on 60 months interest free you get $50 Harvey Norman gift card…. You can always just pay off the card asap and still get it
So after all this plus a promo they were runing last month where you get $100 if you spend over $1000 on the card, you can say I bough this card for close to $900
Bargaini am confused how to apply for the 60month, i can see it working, but how do you apply for it?
So i am buy online, add cart, check out, whats next?You need to have go mastercard, when you proceed to payment there will be a drop down menu you chose from
Not on first proceed to payment option but 2nd I thinkThat’s if you apply for go MasterCard now, I already had it so I don’t pay that
So after all this plus a promo they were runing last month where you get $100 if you spend over $1000 on the card
Is this still available?
You might want to check with them, it might be …to end of January but I am no rep
I have the MSI 6800 reference card and highly recommend it if anyone is thinking of pre-ordering it with HN
Need some more opinions on this VS RTX 3080. I'm planning on putting this in a custom loop so hopefully that'll match/beat the non-reference cards and I'm gaming at 3440x1440 on ozb's favourite monitor ;)
How much of a difference does VRAM make, especially in the long term? I normally keep my gpus for 3 to 4 years+ as hand-me-downs. Would the 16GB matter a lot VS the 10GB?
In terms of features, the only thing really swaying me to green team is Ray tracing - but that becomes mute if the 10GB's strangles the card, reducing performance more. DLSS is kinda meh? I heard draw distance tanks a bit + I think AMDs raw horse power can kind of bridge the gap in terms of performance and 'pure' image quality. Happy to hear any thoughts about this - not locked in anyways since we won't be seeing either cards for a long while :)
From what I read at 1440p this is a better card, 3080 only beats it at 4k with rtx on and games like control and cyberpunk that are not tuned to it
I would think when amd gets their drivers updated in few months this will be a much better card, just in time for you to get itI think driver optimization will come pretty rapidly.
AMD managed to get there cards in both consoles so we will see a lot of new games optimised for the RDNA2 architecture.Undoubtedly Nvidia has got amazing software at the moment, but the physical hardware will become more important in a years time when they have solved all the software bugs.
i can't comment on 10GB vs 16GB but even nvidia acknowledges 10GB is not ideal. They are coming out with 3080S and 3080Ti which will have more VRAM. 3080 is just an appetizer that nvidia thought would be more than enough to crush AMD who will be no competition. Now they realize they have to quickly rush out the actually good cards that can beat them.
Ray tracing is only worth using in conjunction with DLSS. At native res, the performance hit you take does not justify the better reflections and shadows of RT.
Right now they are very similar, Rtx 3080 might be slightly better right now because of its software features but 3 years from now Rx 6800 xt will always come out on top with newer titles compared to rtx 3080 10gb because of that 16 GB ram
On pure rasterization performance, they're about even however ampere is second gen ray tracing whereas this is first gen RT for RDNA2. NVIDIA has DLSS as well which greatly improves RT performance in supported games, which is quite limited for now. AMD is working on an equivalent, but not much info on how that will look (rumours are that it doesn't use AI like DLSS).
So imo it comes down to RT - if this is really important to you then go an ampere card, if not then consider RDNA2. This is the first time I've owned an AMD GPU since the early 2000s and I'm really impressed with the 6800 reference card. I am using a 9.5L SFF case and target 1440p, which is why I specifically chose this card - it's 2 slot and runs cool and quiet, has one of the best performance per watt ratios, and the 16GB vRAM will help in future titles.
What case are you running?
formd t1
Dont think so, this thing is bad at 4k, and only at 4k where you would need so much vram that 10gb maybe insufficient so kinda a catch 22
Finally I've got this! Order placed. Bought some gift cards and got myself a little 5% save. Better than nothing😜 And of course, thanks OP!
I had an order placed with them for this, then a card came in stock at pccasegear which I managed to get, HN cancelled my pre-order without issue
what card did you get at PCCG?
Sapphire Radeon RX 6800 XT Nitro+ 16GB
I'm on a discord group that auto posts when stock becomes available
how much did you pay?
How do I get in on this discord group? Or is it a secret?
How did you cancel with HN? Options for communication seem limited :/
Facebook messenger
if anyone is after 6800 reference cards now, PCCG just got stock!…
I rather wait and pay a little bit more and get the XT version.
1k for non xt version, ppl pls wait
Copped thanks OP
I had a 3080 order with HN last year - zero communication, zero idea of when it was coming. Went through Computer Alliance and got it in 3 weeks. It was a nightmare trying to cancel and communicate with HN online - no phone number, they do everything through whatsapp and take 24 hours to respond to a message.
Yeah I have heard about 3080 delays with them. No one should buy this if they need a card in next 2 months. But this is a great deal for the people who are happy to wait
I decided to pull the trigger and preorder. I don't want a reference board but I can cancel if I find it available somewhere else before it ships. I'm a bit miffed about not having the option to pick up. No store has stock except Auburn so they can't be selected for pick up, but it's a preorder.. no store is supposed to have stock, including Auburn. They should still have given the option to have it delivered to the store of your choice. $18 to ship is a bit expensive.
Also, it's rumored that GPUs are going up in price due to supply shortages and demand from mining.
Tariff exemption for GPUs has now ended in USA too, so if they decide to reflect their new pricing globally we'll also see price hikes.
who is charging the tariffs and on which country? US or AUS? Or rather, who is paying the tariffs?
@reloxation: Those tariffs apply to US residents only.
if they're smart, the cards ship directly from place of manufacturer to country of purchase, instead of from POM -> US -> AU. Then we bypass US tariffs.
@lostn: Obviously. What I'm saying is that if they can hike prices over there, they may increase them here too to have "globally consistent pricing" while taking higher margins on sales here.
EDIT: While still shipping them from POM straight to AU
@reloxation: yes, you're most likely right. We'll all pay the tariffs, and they'll pocket the difference. And there will be nothing anyone can do because they'll still sell out instantly.
bought 100 hope mining market still steady that time
cyka bliet
I,ve ordered a 3080 at harvery Norman and i waited for 2 and a half months, i still couldn't get my card and i cancelled preorder… They seem unclear about their stock anyway so you don't know how long you'll wait
Is this the sign that price is about to come down?
good joke.
Prices will come down when they can be freely purchased in a store. When they no longer sell out (supply > demand) then you get discounts. As long as demand outstrips supply, you have to pay at minimum RRP.
No its a sign that price is going to go up.
I don't recall amds cards ever losing value, even Vegas are still pricey, they must mine OK
The 3080s and nvidia will go down as they are around 30% over rrpCrypto mining is going to keep the prices up for probably months. Look at the used market over the past week has sky rocketed in price for cards with over 4gb vram. You need over 4gb to mine.
This card will knock your socks off, surely a deal.
HN claims that their supplier will no longer stock this item or be able to supply it.
Where do they claim this?
I have spoken to a couple of CSR's and they are waiting for the supplier to give them an ETA, nothing about them not stocking it.I asked my HN manager friend to ask supplier.
Hope I am wrong.
The 3x 3080's HN has online are apparently 9 to 11weeks away.
Dunno what to do.
Hope this 6800 XT still comes through and my sources are wrong.Well, I 'd trust a HN Manager more than a CSR so my doubts about ever getting this card are growing…
If I manage to get a well priced Nitro+ I'll cancel this.
Contacted them through livechat this morning and they said no ETA can be given at this point.
Nothing about unable to fulfill or cancellations.
They are now out of stock, so they must have known what number of cards they are getting. Hopefully not to long till they are shipped.
Nooooo I was umming and uhhing about putting an order in (bought an NCase M1 but haven't planned out the rest of the components, but this would have been great). Dammit!
Damn, although there seems to be more and more stock popping up over the last few weeks hopefully you can get a good deal somewhere
I ordered on the 9th and they were already out of stock then if that makes you feel any better.
That does make feel tremendously better haha. So did they let orders go through and then cancel (as the HN page only went available yesterday)?
@Kotchi: Yep I ordered twice and an hour after I ordered both times they sent back an automated generic email saying 'your order has not been accepted'.
I guess this was one of the most sensible buys if you weren't looking to fork out hundreds of dollars for customised cards with 2% increased performance?
Contacted support and they claim to fulfill all orders that have been made, but they still don't have an ETA. Sounds dodgy af but I guess worst case scenario everyone gets their money back and no card.
And from seeing how sh*t things are going for the AMD6800, 6800XT, RTX3080, 3080Ti (postponed), it doesn't feel like this 'retailers turning into scalpers' situation is clearing up anytime soon…
Hopefully I'm wrong and a better offer pops up before these get shipped.
Thanks for this comment it was helpful.
Hey guys, does anyone got anything on the pre-orders of this card from Harvey Norman? I pre-ordered mine on the 9th of last month and still haven't gotten a hint of an ETA and I'm afraid that my card will get sold out to someone else because of a such a short supply, or am I secure since my pre-order went through?
I don't know myself, but you could try speaking to HN live chat
Or give your order to me you lucky SOB
lmao, you can have my 750 ti when I, maybe… probably won't be getting the 6800 XT.
Fingers crossed. So mad I wasn't actively looking to buy a 6800xt when this came out. I just want a reference 6800xt for under 1100. All you can get is AIBs for like 1500+
@knobbs: Sapphire and Powercolor are under $1400, but still too expensive…
I'm also in this HN queue, but don't expect to get until May, or at all…
@Hellcrusher3304: May? :(
Live chat couldn't give me an ETA the other day.
Was hoping OP's guess of end of Feb or March would be close.
Do you feel it could be as late as May?
@Hellcrusher3304: I feel like May might be a bit too far, maybe March. AMD is realising new reference cards in Q1 of 2021 so hopefully HN can fulfill our orders by then.
@FitzyWitz: Just my guess. There's no sign that other retailers are taking orders for the ref cards, not even PLE. It's also CNY soon which menas production will be on haul for around a month. AMD did announce that they're reopening the production line for ref cards back in Dec, but they didn't specify it was for AU. At least in AU, all the ref cards are manufactured by AIB partners. There is very little incentive for them to make the ref models as profit margin is extremely low. That's why there're so little ref cards around in AU. But yeah, I too hope HN will fulfill our orders soon.
I asked a Harvey Norman rep on Facebook Messenger if there's a chance my order won't be fulfilled and they replied with "It will be fulfilled, we just do not know when stock will arrive unfortunately".
I'd say if you have received a confirmation of your order you are secured, unless the supplier runs into issues.
Let's keep this comment section alive if anyone gets a call from Harvey Norman or knows any updates on the ETA post it here. Thanks.
Yeah, I'll try to come back with any updates I get. No ETA still but if I do get it, I'll inform people.
Yep I ordered this card back in Jan as well, I'll let people know if my order gets filled as well.
But after March I may look elsewhere.If you do end up giving up on hardly normal send me a PM please.
Where else will you look ? Today's pricing is significantly more expensive than this deal !
At this rate we’ll get this card when the next generation is announced
I honestly wouldn't be surprised that Harvey Norman overshot on how much stock they could get and are now just silently waiting on customers to cancel their pre-orders so they won't get in trouble for not holding up their end of the sale because it's been well over a damn month now. Has anyone got anything from Harvey Norman??
I got in contact with Harvey Norman again, still no ETA. However, the worker I was talking to told me with her own personal experience, the supplier they're in cooperation with is rather reliable. So, take that information as you wish guys.
Hmm good to know, thanks for sharing
Did she sounded genuine ? or did she just say just to get rid off you?
Can you describe the tone on the way she said it ?
she sounded professional and genuine?
Or did she sound unprofessional with a alcaholic crack junkie voice?I wish there was an up vote for funny.
the rather reliable supplier is the Australian's AMD distributer called Tec****a.
FYI all Australian computer store who sells AMD CPU and reference AMD GPU get stock from them.
Reliable? Yes.
Stock? No.Tec****a
Tech Data ?
How do you know this ?
@CheapOjoe: been working in one of the large computer store before. All AMD CPU and AMD reference card should be coming from them. what makes people think HN can get stock when every other computer store can't?
I'm losing more and more hope that any of us will get our cards. I've been in contact with Harvey Norman again and they still have nothing.
The only information they gave me is that the reason why pre-orders went up at all was because their knowledge was:
"suppliers had stock allocations to take up for the next shipment but there aren't any ETAs for these".
I mean, it's obvious we paid for nothing since we have nothing, it's just stupid to even put up pre-orders when they had NO stock and just wanting to get orders in without anything solid to stand on.
They also told me that customers that pre-ordered a 3070 or a 3080 have been waiting since last year…
The "customer support specialist" gave herself the nickname of "Queen Bee 💅🐝" so now I have a sense of the level of professionalism Harvey Norman has….
On the other hand, when you eventually get the card you only paid $1K and they're now priced at $1500 at other sellers who also don't have any stock 🤷🏼♂️
Ref cards are pretty much non-existent.
Kinda glad I pulled the trigger on a Red Devil 6800xt for $1399 back in Jan, even though it was $1249 two weeks before my purchase. Who would imagine these "MSRPs" would only continue to increase 🤦♂️. The same card goes for $1699 now….
Still holding onto my HN pre-order though.
There was news of AMD resupplying retailers with my reference models but I have no clue if that carries over to our country.
That's not good.
Nothing will come back to normal until probably next year where supply can finally meet up with demand.
So, I've been wondering about the legalities about this, holding our money for only god knows how long. Shouldn't the product been on backorder not pre-order?
A pre-order is for the item that has not been released till now and will be released in the future or after some time. Backorder is an item that was once in stock, but currently out of stock and will be available in future.
Stock wasn't available in January, otherwise they would have stock, but they didn't have anything and the specifically told us that they don't have an ETA and to pay for the card but we paid for something that has been out of stock for a while even before the pre-orders went up right? And they surely would of known about supply issues with current global shortages amongst other things.
We paid to join a virtual queue, correct? "Coming Soon! Pre-order with payment today to join the virtual queue and be the first to know when an ETA is confirmed. You’ll receive a call as soon as your order is being prepared." as they said in the email sent to you if you were able to put your pre-order in. Wouldn't a queue also have indications that even for the people that did pre-order it would be still whoever was the firsts to act get their card in the queue so we may not all get our order in anyway or am I wrong on this?
They had to be joking when they told us it will be coming soon, we're all coming up on three months, they knew, their supplier even knew that there was no stock. As I said before the customer support specialist told me "suppliers had stock allocations to take up for the next shipment but there aren't any ETAs for these". Three months is a joke and if they continue to hold our money for even another two months they should of given us all refunds if they cannot supply us with the products within a reasonable time frame.
According to the ACCC for non-delivery & services:
"When a business accepts your payment for products or services they must supply them to you within the time frame they have indicated or if no time was specified, within a reasonable time.
Under the Australian Consumer Law, businesses must not accept payment for products or services if:
they do not intend to supply them they intend to supply materially different products or services
This part of the law is not intended to cover businesses who genuinely try to meet supply agreements, for example, if:
the failure to supply was due to something beyond their control, including the act or omission by another person they exercised due diligence and took reasonable precautions."
They know, or should have known, they would not be able to supply the products or services within the time frame indicated or if no time frame was provided, within a reasonable time.
Arguably, they might stick to the part that things were out of their control but if that was so, they shouldn't of open up pre-orders for non-existent cards knowing of the extreme supply issues that was happening well before the pre-orders went up in early January and they would of known, surely would of known about the issues prior to the backorders/ pre-orders.
Honestly, as I said beforehand, I wouldn't be surprised that Harvey Norman overshot on how much stock they could get and are now just silently waiting on customers to cancel their pre-orders so they won't get in trouble for not holding up their end of the sale. Or, they just simply wanted to fill up another list of potential shipments to get your money first and making you wait and wait and wait because they know there's a very minor chance of you cancelling your order because there's nothing out there that's in stock or if so, the prices would be HEAVILY inflated.
I pre-orderd on the 7th of January and all I have is complete silence from Harvey Norman. I agree the way Harvey Norman is handling this this pre-orders is wrong some might even say illegal, I'm not happy at Harvey but I won't be cancelling my pre-order. Not yet. This is the very last time Harvey will get any money from me ever again.
I've already a got refund, it looks like it's going to 3 to 4 quarters from what I'm reading from GPU chip manufactures until cards are in stock at normal retail pricing.
How long was it until you got your refund back?
Pretty quick about a day.
I brought a 6900xt for 2k, used the HN money and selling my RTX 2070 to weather the damage. I should come out even.
It is what it is.
How did you go about cancelling your order and getting a refund? Harvey Norman isn't particularly good with customer communication, I don't damn know who to contact lmao.
You go to your order and use the live chat
Thanks mate
I might cancel myself, a relative of mine is possibly buying a pre-built with an ASUS 6800XT inside, I can possibly buy it off him and give him a RX 580 in replacement as well since he doesn't need the XT. He doesn't game that much anyway lol.
Yeah sorry gamers, I'm cancelling my order too, buying a RX 6800 XT ASUS TUF for the same from a relative. Sorry for the guys still waiting on the card and I hope things will improve for you guys in the near future.
I'll be cancelling my order soon too.
Got a Red Devil 6800XT 2 months ago for $1399 so don't really need this order now.
The extra $300 is well worth over this Hardly Normal perpetual pre-order…
At this point, even if they fulfill the order, I'll be reticent to buy from their store again. It's about the complete lack of a **** given. No communication. Certainly no updates and from where I'm standing, no remorse.
No company should be able to put up false preorders, then simply hope for the best.
This experience has left a disgusting taste in my mouth towards Harvey Norman, the way they handle this is very unorganised and unprofessional. They will never see not even $1 from me or my family ever again.
you all know all will be forgiven when the cards arrive & now you'll be able to flip these [if you wanted too or already have another card] for an instant profit of about $500 - $600 on top of the price we paid.
Asked for a refund a week ago, I still have nothing from them, they sure love to take your money then take forever to f***ing give it back to you. It was supposed to take up to 72 hours, wtf??? Like, I even asked online support and they just said sorry for delays and told me just wait a bit longer for the store to cancel it…
Let us know when you get it back
I finally got the refund a week ago, forgot to tell you guys, but still took a damn week to even get the refund apparently the store didn't receive a refund request so the guy I talked to on the phone about refunding my order didn't do his damn job…
I'll be getting a RX 6800 XT ASUS TUF edition next week for the same price though, thank goodness.
I guess that's what they want people to do… cancel. All orders / stock not fulfilled from the pre-orders will be sold at a much higher price.
Crazy to be cancelling now, unless you really need the money.
What bothers me the most is that in the pre order page it said "ETA coming soon" and after pre-order they send a email saying "ETA coming soon" someone needs to tell Harvey Norman what the definition of "coming soon" is.
Its been 3 months my guess is that many cancellation requests are happening right about now.
Looks like HN are refunding all pre-orders they opened for the 5600x. Not looking good for us considering there hasn't even been a mention of reference cards coming to any store in Aus in months. HN definitely acting illegally taking orders that they have no capability of fulfilling, but I guess its an easy way to get a free six or seven digit loan for 3 months or so.
Where did you hear this from? I just picked up my 5600x preorder from HN.
Yep that was bad info on my part. They did actually partially fulfil their pre-orders and then refunded those people they didn't fulfil. Not sure what proportion of orders were fulfilled though. How quickly did you place your pre-order once it opened?
Any updates from anyone
Assume not, I'm also waiting & haven't heard a peep
I highly doubt anything will happen, you got better luck with Linus Tech Tip's verified gamer program lol.
Sorry but RRP and an unknown ETA pre order is not really a bargain.