This was posted 13 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EB Games Mad Monday Sale - Parrot AR Drone $199 Free Delivery + Other Deals


I think this deserves a repost since a few of the deals have been activated. Use the above code for free shipping. The Monday refers to this Monday the 12th.

So far…

Zelda: Skyward Sword $58
Available between 12am - 1am (Sydney Time) on Mad Monday. Online only

Xbox 360 250GB + 6 Games $348
Available between 10am - 11am (Sydney Time) on Mad Monday. Online only

Assassin's Creed Revelations $54
Available between 12pm - 1pm (Sydney Time) on Mad Monday. Online only

Please click 'like' on the Facebook button so we can unlock more deals!

Other deals:

Parrot AR Drone $199
Starcraft II $48
Deus Ex HR $28

Full list on the website.

Related Stores

EB Games Australia
EB Games Australia

closed Comments

    • for me.
      thanks for letting me know.
  • +1

    They are mad alright.

  • I'll +vote if I find something good in the full list it should come around arvo

  • +9

    Please click 'like' on the Facebook button so we can unlock more deals!

    Sorry kheob, it should be the other way around. You put up good deals, and you'll get the "Likes" without having to ask for them. I wish Mods would not allow people from doing this kind of stuff. Its getting ridiculous. This is a bargains site. Put up your bargains if you have one (or many) rather than trying to generate more hits and Likes on your website while dangling a carrot in front of ozbargainers. I'm tempted to neg this deal (and any others in future) just for stupid comments like that.

    • +1

      I did put up bargains (e.g. Zelda). Obviously the likes are to unlock the extra deals, and I don't see how it can possibly disadvantage us at all. Neg ahead, but I think you're just complaining because you're actively seeking something to complain about.

      More likes = more deals for us. But I guess that's promoting corporate greed and whatnot and a big no no for you, right?

      Besides, the likes go towards the specific deal, not towards EB's Facebook page.

      Yes - this is a bargains website. But is it so hard for a company to ask for a little support in return for providing better deals? It's not like they're taking your money or spamming your inboxes with crap.

    • +1

      You can pretend to like them

      • +11

        or just blow them off and buy from the cheapest place, likely the UK.

        • +1

          Gamecafe confirms you are correct for Zelda (RE: UK prices), EB bargain price for AS:R only better by a couple of dollars, and you can buy at anytime. Delivery time may be longer, though.

          EB, you have ripped off the gaming public for long enough, time to change your business model or change businesses.

          Only reason I'm not negging is technically they are good game prices, but only available for 1 hour, seriously?

    • +6

      Agreed, plus seriously - only available 12am - 1am? Is it a GOAL to make the sale conditions as obnoxious as possible?

      • +16

        And also to use the current Gears of War 'unlock' example- 448 more 'likes' required before it unlocks, but only 48 units available nation wide?
        Very dodgy.

        • -3

          Would you prefer it if they didn't tell you how many they had, and went out of stock in the first couple of seconds?

          I think you'd complain either way. ;)

        • Yep - at least they're being honest and telling you the stock levels unlike a certain other website.

        • +18

          So am I the only one that sees the problem with saying "500 people have to like this deal before we even offer it, and we'll only offer it to 50 of you"?

        • +1

          Well, the likes aren't exactly an expression of interest for that specific deal. As they are cumulative, I think people are clicking like to see what other deals they are offering, hence why I asked people to click it.

    • +1

      I think you miss the point. OP just saying deals are ulocked by liking the EB Games deal site on FriendFace.

      • +2


        I love Cuke!

  • Gears 3 is $44 at GAME instore only. Still waiting on the full list of deals. If it is anything like last years mainly cheap old collectors ed e.g. Batman Arkham Asylum CE $30

  • +2

    EB's doing ANOTHER dumb non sale. wait for post xmas and save some money. its like 2 weeks away

  • +5

    If you want 20K worth of Likes, Atlest have 20k copies of the Game to sell. This is poor marketing, Backfired

  • Eb games continues its decline. what happenned to its christmas return period - not that your're allowed to return anything anymore despite the published seven day return statement.

    • +1

      You've got until the 15th of January to return pretty much any games. PC usually isn't included because of all the DRM these days.

  • +1

    Deus Ex HR: $28
    Just Cause 2 $18
    Lego Pirates $28
    Portal 2 $36
    Sonic Generations $48
    RAGE $38
    Assassin's Creed Rev $64
    Mario Kart/Mario 3d hat editions $48

    • "Mario Kart/Mario 3d hat editions $48"

      The problem is not currently listed on the website…

  • +5

    ah so thats the date - unfortunately youré sadly misinforming the community about returns. any console game with a download code included is no longer allowed to be returned within the seven day period regardless of whether the code has been used. Official eb policy - seen it - heard it - repeatedly in many stores - reason - they can't tell if its been used or not……….

    Now please tell us all how that return anything but pc games works again…..

    • Where does it say this?
      Can't seem to find it in their returns policy, Although I think MW3 Hardened they told me I could not return it because of Elite - which makes sense since it's a $65~ membership.

      If they don't accept a return, you can always point them to the terms and conditions that you have obviously agreed to (and read ;]) and it doesn't say anything about codes.

      If they still don't accept it, take it up with the ACCC.

    • Don't know if policy has changed, but I returned an unopened, sealed PC game late last year.

  • +1

    The 1 hour deals are more of a bonus for the likes. If you have a look at the items for sale at the bottom of the page, there are actually some really good prices.

  • +1

    useless sale so far

  • +1

    If they didn't price match real stores, I'd never buy from them.

  • Got an email some locked deals include
    Kinect $99 32 units only
    Blacks Ops mini fridge + MW3 Hardedened ed 8 per console
    PS3 160gb + BF3 + 3 old games $348

    • I can't see the MW3 + Fridge in the email. How much is it?

      • $299

        when i click on it im not even taken to it.

        • Pricey. This is the email I got:…

          And it's not there. Can you link your email?

        • It was were Parrot AR Drone was.
          Odd that its missing on your one. Very strange, perhaps they are changing what they are sending to each individual. Maybe they are advertisements based upon what you ask in store, they are monitoring your questions and making a data base to advertise to you more accurately.


        • Maybe they're only willing to ship the fridge to certain areas as it may be too costly to ship elsewhere.

  • +3

    I just received my email from ebay games and read it. Really terrible stuff. Dangles stuff in front of you and then when you click them to actually get more info, it tells you that they are locked and you have to click the like button (i hate being pointed to something and told "clicky clickly" by a company thats advertising something but not making it available). The idea that they advertise a good at a price and then state "you need to wait for another 2000 people to like this which means you might not even know when its available and despite the fact you clicked it before them they will probably know before you that they can buy it and our low stock will run out before you knows" really seems like a shit move by them.

    It is no deal, its just a carrot on a stick.

    • +4

      Well, the new loyalty program IS all about carrots.

      • :D

  • I'll post the same thing I did for the Game 'sale' - bbbboooorrrriiiinnnngggg

    Sorry EB, but some people do actually like playing PC and Wii games. Get back to me when you're prepared to be reasonable. Until then, I'll be chatting to Game UK.

    • $54 for BF3 on PC is an absolute steal.

      It's worth noting EB doesn't sell the standard edition, so I'm assuming $54 is LTD, which includes Back to Karkand.

      Even on g2play, the cd key shop, bf3 ltd is $52.70.
      Even Game UK, the standard edition shipped is $53.

      sure, there may not be as many games for sale on PC, but it's all about volume buying and selling - while there may be still people playing wii and PC games, there's just not enough to justify the costs.

      Don't get me wrong, I don't even own any consoles, and would love more PC specials, but I think the deals are pretty good.

      • So it's a good special because it matches Game UK's normal price?? I get what you're saying, but it's not a good deal unless they are beating the price of a competitor.

        • Game in the UK shouldn't count as a competitor as they are selling different products. Ones Aussie version the others not.

        • you arent new to ozbargain, emptypocket, you should know ideals like that dont work here

        • …so? They still work perfectly well, particularly for PC, so essentially it IS the same product with a slightly different cover.

  • FIFA12 $58 is good

  • +1

    Infamous 2 at $34 is good

    Forza 4 $48

  • Y.U.Mad?

  • +4

    Personally don't understand what everyone's bitching about.
    Who cares about the "Mega-Madness Deals" or how many likes you need to get for how little stock there is of each 'deal'… They're a bonus to the other deals you can see at the bottom of the page, which tbh are pretty darned cheap.

    I mean, why bother comparing these prices against that of overseas imports?
    Of course, no matter what price any Australian retailer offers, you're probably going to be able to find it cheaper as an import.

    The fact of the matter is that at the moment, the mad monday prices with free delivery are most likely on par if not better than any australian retailler, with the exception of ozgameshop… But they're all UK imports anyway.

    +pos from me, haters gtfo.

    • Exactly. There are plenty of great prices, but some of you are complaining about EB's marketing strategy.

    • Let's go with…it's not a bargain if it's not cheaper than other sources?

  • I'm considering on buying Skyward Sword then wait for a deal on the console..

    • Dick smith is selling a console + mariokart for 148 atm.

  • NBA 2k12 for $44, that's just what I wanted. So that's in the full list, does that mean tomorrow morning I can go on their website, search it and it'll be $44? Or do we use the link?

  • Parrot AR Drone good price from what I can see.

  • Does not let me purchase the AR drone for $199 - code only gives free shipping

    • It's a Mad Monday sale. Try again tomorrow.

      Or in a couple of hours…

  • Mariokart 7 with a hat for $48 is quite good!

  • Well.. I'm waiting for sale prices to take effect….. unfortunately the sale has begun but price hasn't changed!!

  • Anyone managed to buy anything yet? Is taking several minutes to load each page and just as I was about to order the first time around Skyward Sword magically disappeared from my cart.

    EDIT: Worked second time around.

    I definitely consider this a bargain. Skyward sword is $6 cheaper at ozgameshop but EB are offering much faster shipping. Australia stock generally beats UK stock as well because you have peace of mind with dlc or any online features and higher resale value.

  • +1

    damn, cant you use EB gift cards online ?

    Edit: From FAQ….crap and goodnight EB

    In what ways can I pay for my order?

    Currently we only accept MasterCard and VISA credit card payments for products purchased online. Unfortunately we do not accept Paypal, BPay, livestock or first born children as payment. EB Games Gift Cards are not currently supported payment types either.

    • I suspect this is because they're technically different arms of the same company. Just like when Game had Gears of War on PC for about $9 sold out online, but when I went in-store they had it for $44 and refused to match their own company.

  • +1

    Kinect for $98 delivered is a bargain IMHO.

  • "18. The first valid entr\ drawn from each
    participating EB Games store (including the online
    EB Games store) will each win a Call of Dut:
    Black Ops branded 52L bar fridge and a 24 carton
    of 250ml V energ\ drinks, to a total pri]e value of

    There you have it. The fridge is apparently worth it.

  • -2

    In summary - you stand a chance of winning a rebranded bar fridge if you buy from a eb store - 1 for the online store as well.

    you can't use eb games gift cards online.

    you can't return console games with dlc codes in the box and if you think Eb are not cheap enough you will be abused by some other posters because some people support eb vociferously, as seen by multiple duplicate posts of this Mad monday sale.

    oh and many of the cheaper items advertised are limited to 30 odd units for the whole of Australia according to some posters.

    Personally I think I'll sit this madness out…

    • +3

      umad bro?

  • Why is everything back to it's original price. Time to neg

  • +1

    According to the EB Facebook page, the AR Drone is $150 for between 11am-12pm.

    • Interesting - they're saying that it's 11-12am (midnight), which may be a typo.

  • +1

    Well I grabbed a black ops fridge w a hardened copy and a halo warthog for about $324, so thanks kheob for the reminder before I got to work

  • -3

    Pretty shitty deal seriously

    • Oh really? That serious, huh?

      Uncharted 3 - $58
      Gears of War 3 - $48
      Pokemon Black + White - $38
      FIFA 12 (PS3/360) - $48
      BF3 (PS3/360) - $54
      Skyrim - $64
      MW3 (PS3/360) - $64
      Batman: Arkham City - $47

      Those seem pretty damn good in anyone's books. But I guess you're the authority when it comes to shitty deals.

  • Been two days and order status is still listed as 'Processing'.

    • dont expect lightning quick postage, their warehouse is in qld, and then there is a backlog of orders to get out, I wouldnt expect anything until next week unless your in qld

  • +1

    Received my games today. MW3, Dead Island, Sonic Generations & AC: Brotherhood. All imports rather than local stock.

    • Really? From EB? Didn't see that one coming.

      • +1

        Yup. Silly considering they don't accept import trade-ins or price match.

        • Im in the same boat, I bought Battlefield 3 forr PS3, got it in the mail yesterday and open it up to realise its an import with AUS stickers on the case.

          VERY poor form.
          I wouldnt mind if one day when I want to trade it in they wouldnt care, but they will flat-out refuse it because its an import…. YET THEY SOLD IT TO ME (with no mention of it being an import)

          I will kick up a storm when that day comes, dont doubt it :)

    • lol, that's hilarious given what the Game rep in the other thread is saying about being able to compete with foreign retailers etc

      • +1

        I wonder how they rationalise that? That said, am I the only one get got imports? No one else came back to this thread to whinge about it.

        • is it possible to see some pics of these imports?

        • I think its because You and I are the only ones with brains.
          Most people would be too oblivious to the fact, or possibly bought them and wrapped them up straight away for xmas presents.

          this import shit is EB Games at its dodgiest!!

        • +1

          No photos, sorry. I already exchanged them for local copies in a store. When I asked the clerk behind the counter if he's aware that the online store is doing this, he said yes and he's not too impressed either. "You paid local prices and you should get local copies." Glad I got them swapped relatively hassle free.

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