Today's daily freebie from Epic games. As usual, available from 3am AEDT.
Note - I confirmed this game before the new list was leaked.
Tropico 5 is already in your Steam library.
Have a +1 though for staying up past midnight as always.
Nice, i got this as a bonus with ps+, big fan of the series but I can't bring myself to play it on console.
FYI the rest of the list is supposed to be as below - apparently sourced from German site before the event began and has been accurate so far.
24-Dec Inside
25-Dec Darkest Dungeon
26-Dec My Time At Portia
27-Dec Night in the Woods
28-Dec Stranded Deep
29-Dec Solitairica
30-Dec Torchlight II
31-Dec Jurassic World Evolution
Awesome, thanks DealBot! 😄
I was literally just considering buying Tropico 5 or 6 on Steam last night!
I'm never going to save enough for my motorcycle lol - thanks dealbot
Thanks op.
Out of curiosity who is actually playing these free games from the epic giveaway? (wonder if it’s like the udemy list …)
Been playing Abe's odd world since I played it on the PS1 as a kid.
Most of the games in my Epic library haven't even been installed yet..
However, I did have a lot of fun with Little Inferno, and played a bit of Slime Rancher.
Haven't played any yet directly from Epic's giveaway, most of the games I want to play/play I have on steam already.
Will actually play some of them one day
I did say that about those Udemy courses… which I still haven't started…
Yeah just what I was thinking too… It’s likely to get backfired later on when you get targeted deals because you have these freebies in library. :-/
I am playing Into the Breach right now. And I absolutely love it. :)
Just wanted to say It's been an amazing journey being part of this epic community for last two years. Never paid for any games and never played any free games.
sucks I missed this :(
upvote dealbot as always and mostly for this "Note - I confirmed this game before the new list was leaked."