This was posted 4 years 2 months 25 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PC] Unlimited Free $15 Coupon to Spend on Purchases over $22.99 @ Epic Games (Star Wars Squadrons $14.97)


US$10 / A$15 coupon with Min Spend US$14.99 / A$22.99

Sign in to your Epic Games account, then click the ‘GET MY EPIC COUPON’ button to claim one $10 Epic Coupon (to use on eligible games of $14.99 or above or local currency equivalent). The $10 Epic Coupon will be applied automatically at checkout. If you make your first purchase or place an order for your first free game during the Holiday Sale before clicking on the button, you will automatically receive your first $10 Epic Coupon. Coupons expire on Thursday January 7, 2021 at 11:00am Eastern Standard Time.

Here are the confirmed upcoming freebies (subject to change) -

21-Dec Alien Isolation (Found - awaiting confirmation)
23-Dec Tropico 5
24-Dec Inside
25-Dec Darkest Dungeon
26-Dec My Time At Portia
31-Dec Jurassic World Evolution

Oddworld: New'n'Tasty will also be free. Just waiting on confirmation on date.

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closed Comments

  • +4

    Torn between Hades and Disco Elysium, both for a twenty.

    • +5

      You won't go wrong with either. Should be said that Disco is getting a final cut sometime next year that has more quests and makes the game fully voiced - you're probably better off playing that version whereas with Hades you can start right now.

      • +4

        I did actually go with Hades! Looks a blast. Thanks guys.

      • +3

        I just bought Disco Elysium in the Steam sales, should I refund it and wait until next year? It was going to stay in the backlog for a little while anyway.

        Edit: Nevermind, looks like it's free for owners

        • +3

          Yeah, it's a free upgrade (s/o to ZA/UM for that) so you should be ok. I'm in the middle of a playthrough myself and wondering whether to finish it or wait for the final cut haha.

    • +1

      Hades is very addictive, story is fine but the gameplay is nearly infinite.

    • +1

      Disco Elysium is absolutely amazing. One of my favourite games of recent years.

  • +2

    Gonna do indian vPN trick. Horizon zero dawn for $7 here I come.

    • +1


    • (incomplete) list of Indian VPN Trick games eligible for coupon:
      (USD, before applying $10 coupon)

      MW5 DDX $15
      Just Cause 4 $15
      SW squadrons $20
      Watchdogs Legion $27
      RDR2 $29
      AC Valhalla $34
      Anno 1800 CE $34
      Cyberpunk 2077 $40
      Outriders $40

  • +5

    Might be time to get Tony Hawks 1+2

  • Remember that if there's a ubisoft game you're after you can use the coupon and redeem it on uplay and never have to use egs again

    • +2

      Yeah but uplay is ew.

      • +2

        it's the second best launcher outside of steam

        • This surprised me recently. I remember Uplay being total donkey butt.

    • +8

      At this point Epic matter more to me. Theres more AAA titles that I somehow got for free on Epic.

  • +12

    No, i will not buy another game just to not to ever play it! I will not! Someone please stop me

    • +5

      Don't do it! Just think of all the other games in your library that you could be playing first. You got this!

    • +1

      Aah go for it… more money spent on games means less money spent on other addictions… 😋

    • +3

      A digital library is not as bad as a pile of shame in hard copies.

      • Library being the key word - it should never be shameful to have a collection of quality assets!

        • +3

          I caved guys :( Nostalgia here I come with Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2! :)

  • -1

    Mine says coupon is already claimed zzz

    • That means it is in your account already…

    • +5

      If you redeem a free game (cities skyline), you get the coupon automatically.

      You can confirm the coupon by clicking on your username, theres a tab to check out the coupons you have.

      • +3

        Oh right, so 'claimed' means I've claimed it and it's in my account waiting to be used. Cool!

  • +1

    Shame you can only purchase one title at a time and not add multiple titles to the value of $22.99+ like DLC packs for some of the previous free giveraways.

  • +4

    The Grand Theft Auto V: Premium Edition includes the complete GTAV story, Grand Theft Auto Online and all existing gameplay upgrades and content. You’ll also get the Criminal Enterprise Starter Pack, the fastest way to jumpstart your criminal empire in GTA Online.

    8.99 after coupon discount

  • thanks dealbot, got Squadrons - cheers

  • +3

    RDR2 at $45 after coupon is pretty good. I think this is the lowest price for PC at the moment.

  • "You do not have any coupons!" Hmmm

  • can anyone confirm that you get a new coupon after each purchase like usual? i feel the wording on the site was clearer last time, wondering if they're only doing a 1 off code this time round… if so i want to pick my purchase carefully lol

    • -3

      Seems to be one off this time.

    • +5

      The banner on the main screen contains the following text:

      "Tis the season for savings! Unwrap deals up to 75% off and limitless $10 Coupons! Promotion ends January 7 at 11am ET"

      The use of the word "limitless $10 Coupons" implies that it is in fact the usual new coupon after each purchase.

      • Thanks, I must have missed that while sleepily reading this morning, haha

    • They are renewing coupons.

    • +1

      can confirm you get a new coupon after using one

    • Yes, I just bought subnautica below zero, and got another $15 coupon.

  • +2

    Cyberpunk 2077 [PC] is $24.27 with the coupon, on the Russian store (Use Russian VPN)

    • Russian VPN, Russian store, price is right - but reverts to the Aus 90 when I sign in to purchase.. am I missing a trick?

      • +1

        Because your account is region bound to australia. Create a new account with email+tag@gmail trick while under VPN and it will work

    • Damnnnnnnnnn

  • +3

    Thanks! Got the Jackbox Party Pack 7 for $18 (normally $45)

    • It's been on sale for about $30 pretty consistently since launch (I have been waiting for a price drop) but yeah $18 is a very good price.

  • +2

    If anyone bought the base game of Control, you can get the season pass for $7.99 with the $15 off

    • It won't let me apply to coupon to the season pass.

      EDIT: See below.


      No, the $10 Epic Coupon can only be applied to purchases of qualifying games that have already been released on the Epic Games Store. It cannot be applied to pre-purchases or to any non-game purchase such as add-ons (like DLC or season passes) or in-game purchases (such as in-game currency, like V-Bucks in Fortnite, or upgrades like Save the World mode).

      • It worked for me

        Order Date:
        December 17, 2020

        Epic Games Store

        Description: Publisher: Price:
        Control Season Pass. 505 Games $ 7.99
        TOTAL [AUD]:
        $ 7.99

        • Dang didn't work for me either. Epic must've closed that loop. Has anyone else been able to apply the discount to the Control season pass?

          • @merajaan: Doesn't work for me either.. "No Eligible Coupons"

  • +1

    Immortals Fenyx Rising already on sale & stacks with the coupon to bring it down to $45 for the standard edition of the game.

    • +1

      A cheaper option is to sign up for 1 month of ubisoft connect (if you only want to play through it once, and will beat it in less than a month).

      • +1

        Good luck beating a ubisoft open world title in a month. I've been playing assassin's creed origins over the lockdown and I'm getting closer to finishing it but there is a lot to do in the game. If you can wait though immortals should be around $30 in a year.

        • I know exactly what you mean… However, I don't know how I managed to do it, in the sense that I don't know how I managed to get so much free time at the time, but when Uplay + was offering a free month, I managed to complete Starlink: Battle for Atlas and the Division 2! This is on top of me finishing the Division over the space of several years whenever they did free weekends.

          • +1

            @tebbybabes: I got division 2 for $5 and hated playing it, so repetitive. But my friend and I managed to get to the endgame as least. Endgame content is just repeating the same missions with spongier enemies. Good one Ubi.

        • depends on how often you and how much you want to complete in the games I suppose.
          I subscribed for a month on the 22nd of Nov, completed watch dogs legion (open world) in about a week, 22 hours of total playtime. Yeah, I didn't try to recruit any characters but they are repetitive and uninteresting so it was justified, got every upgrade and completed every mission that was available to me.
          then downloaded and played valhalla (open world, and like you alluded to AC games are big). I uninstalled the game on the 14th because I finished that game as well. 84 hours of total playtime, got every collectable, 3*19 mastery points (you get one of these per level after your 400 ability points cap).
          So shamowfski's suggestion for ubisoft+ ($20/month) is very much a better option. With the subscription, you get the ultimate version of the games as well, which costs upwards of $100 each. It's a good way to try the games, after completing these two, I tried Fenyx Rising, didn't like how it played so I just unsintalled it.

        • Assassin's Creed is the only one that's egregiously long. Watch Dogs Legion took me like 12 hours, Fenyx Rising should only be like 20-25.

  • Tempted to get the Borderlands 3 Season Pass 2 for $29.99 :/

    • Even though the first season pass for it was so disappointing? What have they got planned for pass 2?

      • Not much has been announced yet, I had a decent amount of fun with the first one playing with friends. Wouldn't buy either pass for full price though.

  • +2

    been waiting for Jedi Fallen Order to go sub $30, $21 and I think I'll finally pull the trigger

    • Same

    • Meanwhile still $90 on Steam. Nice!!

  • When I go into Coupons, nothing is appearing. The last free game I claimed with the GTAV deal.

    Should I still be getting a coupon?

  • +3

    Subnautica Below Zero is $15 with the coupon. It is increasing in price January 5th before the full release. I've bought it now to play after its fully released.

  • +2

    The one game I was interested in getting is $14.94. Unfortunate

  • Anno 1800 ~$15
    Far Cry New Dawn ~$8

    • +3

      Metro Exodus $8.50

  • What happened to the list that included hitman 2, witcher 3 etc?

    • +1

      fake news

  • AC Valhalla is $31 on Epic Games India with the coupon not a bad price.

  • Cheers OP, got Jackbox Party Pack 7 for $19.

  • +4

    FYI this the list I had, which was apparently sourced from the German site before the deals went live. I've been checking it off since the 17th, and it's been accurate so far.

    17-Dec Cities: Skylines
    18-Dec Oddword: New n Tasty
    19-Dec The Long Dark
    20-Dec Defense Grid 1
    21-Dec Alien: Isolation
    22-Dec Metro 2033
    23-Dec Tropico 5
    24-Dec Inside
    25-Dec Darkest Dungeon
    26-Dec My Time At Portia
    27-Dec Night in the Woods
    28-Dec Stranded Deep
    29-Dec Solitairica
    30-Dec Torchlight II
    31-Dec Jurassic World Evolution

  • I know this is going to seem like a stupid question but I can't redeem a game code from the epic store to be used on Steam, can I?

    Even for a $15 saving I rather stick to using one system.

    • +1

      Alas, it cannot be done

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