This was posted 4 years 3 months 17 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[PS4, XB1, PC] Cyberpunk 2077 $58 @ Harvey Norman


Saw an ad from Harvey Norman that shows this price. Good for those that missed out on the Latitude Pay deal as it makes it around the same price. XB1/PS4 version has free upgrade to the PS5/XSX/XSS. Hopefully they can sort out the bugs and glitches if you want to add this to your pile of shame and play it later.

Here's the ad
Note: Currently the site is not updated with the pricing.

Mod: Printing error, some users were able to have the deal honoured in store regardless. See discussion.

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closed Comments

  • +66

    Probably want to avoid purchasing the game on last gen console due to bugs and performance issues.

    • +5

      CDPR have announced some big patches to come, primarily to address last gen console poor optimisation. They said to expect release within the next week (pre-holidays), January, and February.

      Probably always going to be a game that should be played on PC, but you probably want PS4 Pro or XBone X as a minimum if you're on console.

      And, again, probably a game better played in about 6 months after release. No doubt development problems led to this being released too early.

      • +24

        CDPR also promised tonnes of things before the game released. Honestly, the game won't run better no matter how much they patch it, it will still dip to 15 FPS in some scenes on previous generation consoles.

        I'm not here to hate on them, the rank and file devs got owned by the corpos who want the game to come out during Christmas for all the money and sales figures to be through the roof and the regular developer had to crunch the game to push it out.

        But it really does run terribly and clearly the game is built for next generation consoles in mind and they allowed it to run on PS4 and Xbox One to cash in on sales. I would love to be wrong, but no matter how many patches they push… the engine is just built for higher performant CPUs than what's on the PS4/Xbox One consoles.

        Even some decent PCs are struggling to push this game at 1080p above 60 FPS and I'm talking 20 series GPUs with Intel i7+ that are 10th gen, unless you enable DLSS you're gonna have a bad time.

        • +3

          my friend has a 4+ year old pc with 1060 gpu and he says runs all good with mix of high / ultra settings on 1080p.

          • +9

            @kaleidoscope: I mean, I hate to be that guy that is skeptical of your friend, but I guess he thinks 30 FPS is fine?

            I mean an RX 580 or 1650 Super is around a 1060's performance, it's right on 30 FPS on ultra:

            Even something like the 1080 Ti is barely close to 70 FPS at 1080p. I really wouldn't say it's running "good" when even RDR2 which is notorious for eating up rigs performs better.

            • +2

              @KARMAAA: i have the rx580 8gb and ryzen 2600 and 8 gig ram, ive seen other peoples vids with my spec and they get 30 fps for 1080p on high settings. 35-40fps on med settings

            • +21

              @KARMAAA: For many people, 30FPS is fine. We played games for 20+ years @ 30fps (or less) before 60fps+ became the norm. Yes, it looks nicer and feels more responsive at higher framerates, but if the story is good, the world is immersive and the framerate is a predictable 30fps… I can work with that.

              • +2

                @Psomaggi: Yeah, look I played FC3 on Xbox 360 and it ran at 25 FPS basically. 30 FPS is fine if you shut off your brain and immerse yourself, but this game has huge frame stutters too. It's not even about average FPS at that point. All fun and games till your game crashes because of a memory leak or your game becomes a slideshow in a gun fight which has happened to me a few times.

                • +2

                  @KARMAAA: That's disappointing… I'll wait 6 months I think. Would rather my first experience a good one.

            • +3

              @KARMAAA: I'm running a 1700x, 1070, 16GB RAM and I'm getting 75FPS at High/1080p with dips down to 45FPS. Still very much playable

            • +1

              @KARMAAA: It runs good considering how good it looks, RDR2 doesn't really hold a candle to this given the density of the open world

            • @KARMAAA: 30fps yes. as long as it’s about constant around that mark its fully playable.

              • +2

                @kaleidoscope: Game has huge frame stutters too. I've been in slideshow gunfights or had my game freeze for a few seconds only to see it catch up and show the death screen seconds later. I'm not the only one experiencing this by the way and my rig isn't exactly chump change.

                • @KARMAAA: which exact scene/fight are you getting frame stutters at? i'm using msi gtx 1060 6gb and not getting any frame stutters or game freezes at med/high 1080p
                  Still managing to frequently land headshots

          • @kaleidoscope: this game barely runs at 60fps on a 1080 and 4790k on medium mate.

            its average at best.

        • Is the game really that graphic intensive? I haven't really follow the scene much but I had the last of us 2 on my PS4 and that game already look stellar and yet still run pretty smoothly.

          Couldn't they just set graphical fidelity to around TLOU2 level and get alright FPS ? Or is it also CPU intensive|| poorly optimised at this stage?

          (I'm still going to play on my PC though, but just curious since nearly everyone's saying PS4's spec is too low to handle despite it being performant enough to handle TLOU2)

          • -1
            • +1

              @KARMAAA: Yea, that's the thing. what you linked look worse than TLOU2 so doesn't that mean the game is still very unoptimised instead of the fact that PS4 couldn't handle something at lowered graphical fidelity while maintaining frame rate?

              It kinda irk me when people(not you, mostly /pcmasterace) are saying the game company did nothing wrong, and blame console's spec instead of game's horrible optimisation.

              • +1

                @paradoxez: 1st - you cant compare the sony exclusive that is made for ps4 to a game that is made for PC
                if you follow CDPR you will know they are PC developers
                they got big with The Witcher 2 then 3 and I think from W3 started to release games on consoles too to get more $$ as anyone would
                This game runs perfectly fine on 3+ year old computer - I have 1080ti and play at 1440 p even and i get 50-60 FPS no prob - no stuter , no fps drops
                If it was up to CPDR they wouldn't release this for old xbox and ps's but both of those companies make you release games that can run on original consoles or you cant release it at all on their platform - this is where it gets tricky now
                I don't think their preference was to release to them but had no choice - still they did it and took the money and for that I think they did the wrong thing and should be called out for - the fact they didnt release footage of how it runs on these consoles before launch was a dog move for a company who is consumer friendly as they are
                I guess they have their own board and shareholders to answer to now
                for me, I love the game and have no issues with it - few minor bugs they will patch up but no bigie - this game for $59 is worth it on PC

          • +2

            @paradoxez: tlou2 is a sony first party title made from the ground up exclusively for the ps4. 2077 aims to take advantage of the latest pc hardware and is then cut down to run on consoles.

        • Game will struggle on ultra with RT on and DLSS off but there are a tonne of settings that can be tweaked. Game looks amazing on even non RTX cards on ultra but then again I'm not going to spend $3k on an RTX 3090 either so for those wiling to compromise and spend time tweaking will find a good balance.

          For older cards you can set textures to medium - I cannot tell the difference between high and medium textures at 1440p … Most of my settings are high.

        • onestly, the game won't run better no matter how much they patch it, it will still dip to 15 FPS in some scenes on previous generation consoles.

          Just patch 1.04 greatly increased performance on ps4, so not sure why you would think that

      • +3

        Hmm, yeah. I have a PC and there are bugs, but no deal breaker for me. I love RPG's and this is one with fun hacking mechanics and you and your skills are very upgradeable when you're in.

        Poor form to release a buggy game. I have and RX580, amd something or other, and 16gb ram. Ultra settings but slow rates - then I found a reddit thread on the game NOT being optimised for multicore AMD processors. I ended up following unkonwn instructions and downloading a hex editor - now it's smooth and loads very fast.

        This site says it better than scrolling in reddit.…

      • +2

        cdpr: game is not ready.
        players: release the game already!
        *game released
        players: game is not ready.

      • +27

        "I really think the press is just eager to do click bait negative articles along with too many people trying to play an ambitious game on 2 gen old consoles released 7 years ago (yes, I consider the PS4Pro / OneX it’s own generation)"

        The problem is that CDPR made the decision to release the game for this hardware. They've had 7 years to get an understanding of what it's capabilities are - if it's not up to the job then they shouldn't have made it for those machines and just focus on PC and next gen consoles. Once you make the decision to release it, then you're responsible for the quality of what you release.

        • +7

          They got witcher 3 to work on a switch, they can get cyberpunk to work on an xbox one - it's just going to take some more time. It's a shame it wasn't ready out of the box - but that's one reason why most people recommend you don't preorder games.

          • +3

            @whiskeyjack89: CDPR didn't do the Switch port. Saber Interactive did.

            • @KARMAAA: Should've outsourced previous gen this time

            • +1

              @KARMAAA: And they got it working BEFORE they released it.

            • +1

              @KARMAAA: And they deserve a medal for it. Apart from being super blurry it really does play pretty well even handheld

      • +7

        Well considering they developed it for the PS4/Xbox one to begin with, that's a bullshit excuse

      • +1

        “yes, I consider the PS4Pro / OneX it’s own generation”

        Well that’s wrong.

        • Maybe it's wrong, but the gaming experiences were quite different on those consoles to the base models.

          Couldn't even play monster hunter on a base PS4 without severe frame rate drops

      • +3

        This game was announced on "2 gen old" (lol) consoles. Imagine taking 7 years to make a game and then blaming the system you're making it on. If it wasn't ready for previous gen they should have canned it. It's hard to give them a pass considering gta was made on the ps3 and rdr2 look and play so much better.

        • ppl need to stop saying they took 7 years to make this game, they started working on the game AFTER the finished with all Witcher 3 DLCS PPL - before that it was just a concept with no ACTUAL WORK DONE TO IT
          stop copy and past other ppls dump quotes
          and YES 4 years is still long but for the scale of the world they build from scratch its actually not that bad

          • -1

            @botchie: No it took 7 years to make the game. They announced it in 2012. You don't just magically start making a game out of thin air. Designing the concepts and foundations are absolutely part of the development cycle. You don't announce a multimillion dollar investment to the world with just an idea and then go back to finishing off your other game DLC. I'm so sick of "dump ppl" having absolutely no idea how game or software development work.

            • +2

              @nomoneynoproblems: Cyberpunk 2077 entered pre-production with approximately fifty staff members when developer CD Projekt Red had finished The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt – Blood and Wine in 2016
              They later devoted a team larger than that of The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt (2015),[55][c] and after it was released, began upgrading their REDengine 3 to complement Cyberpunk 2077.[59] CD Projekt Red was granted subventions of US$7 million by the Polish government.[13] In March 2018, a new studio opened in Wrocław to aid the production.[

              they announced the game in 2012 but if you just use simple logic…you will see that studio makes one game at a time and they always wanted to finish with w3 before starting a new game - hence no way was it in production for 7 years? and where do you get 7years from if its 2012 anyway?
              should be 8
              anyhow - they could have announced it 20 years ago but production only started in 2016/17

      • yes, I consider the PS4Pro / OneX it’s own generation

        You're on your own there; they both have the same CPU as the PS4/XB1

      • +1

        Its not open world?

        • +7

          I haven't played but it seems a lot of complaints are that there's no real substance to the world. It's pretty AF but you can't really interact with anything that isn't scripted in a mission.

          To be fair though people have been liking this game to the second coming of christ. It was never going to live up although I don't think the marketing did itself any favours to manage peoples expectations. I'll personally be getting it but in 6 months or so when the dust settles and there's more work gone into polishing it.

        • +2

          It is open world.

        • -1

          Ah yes you’re right it is open world. The thing is it’s just a very shitty one. Which would be ok if they didn’t praise it as the new standard in open worlds with sentences like this (quoting)
          "wE’Ve gReAtLy eNhAnCeD OuR CrOwD AnD CoMmUnItY SyStEm tO CrEaTe tHe mOsT BeLiEvAbLe cItY In aNy oPeN WoRlD GaMe tO DaTe"
          Yeah right..

      • +9

        I've played about 5 hours of it so far and have found it an absolute blast, but each to their own I guess. It seems open world to me, with the only exception being areas I can't enter due to lack of story progression.

        • Same here. With all the delays, ESPECIALLY with the last one, I gave up on expecting the game to be anything more than an enjoyable "popcorn" game and so far it has met that expectations. That said if you can wait until March, I imagine it'll only be a better game when some of the frequent bugs are ironed out

        • Yeah I'm enjoying it too, just kind of hobbling along doing odd jobs and what not. I have found it fun thus far

    • -2

      Amen. They shipped a product that they knew was not fit for purpose in the hope that nobody would notice and/or the critical voices would not be heard.

      Clearly, that strategy failed. Yesterday they even issued a media statement( all but encouraging people to return the game for a refund.

      In terms of the console versions of this game, selling a known defective product - even at this discounted price - is bordering on unconscionable conduct. I'm looking at you, Harvey Norman, EB Games, JB HiFi, Amazon AU etc.

      Take your $58 and buy a basket full of other AAA-ZOMFG-GAME-OF-THE-DECADE titles (Last of Us 2, No Man's Sky, Fallout 76 etc) from EB Games or similar. They will be stacked-up in the bargain bin at the front of the store.

      • +3


        You can't blame the retailers for this. No fan of Harvey Norman but they just sell the titles, Also take the Xbox version that works on the Series X/S which also plays really well.

      • +2

        Last of Us 2, No Man's Sky, Fallout 76 etc

        What a weird selection..

        • Just a bunch of titles that people paid $80+ at launch and are now in $10 territory.

          • @[Deactivated]: Soo after having a go at Cyberpunk for bugs and performance at launch (which are mostly cosmetic and none game breaking performance issues), you mention No Man's Sky and Fallout 76!
            Oh the irony! 🤣🤣🤣

            Sounds like you just having a bad day, chin up man!

            • @Steakz: And you've missed the point. WHOOSH!

              • @[Deactivated]: Oh but I didn't!
                Basically what Merlict said, I just elaborated more. 😂

  • +17…

    Proceed with caution, better to wait on cheaper prices and patches on this one.

    • +2

      Thanks for that. What a shame! Was so close to buying it for my XB1S… glad I didn't… although now I'm gutted I didn't trade my XB1S in for the XBX/XBS when EB had their trade in deal!! Dammit!

      • +3

        The deal runs to the end of the month apparently.

      • +1

        I traded in my XB1S 500GB last week at EB and got close to $200 for it (I'm on EB World Level 3 membership though). You should still get a decent chunk of change to go towards a Series X/S if you do it soon, especially if you have a higher EB World membership level and/or the 1TB version.

        • Sweet. Thanks Guys, only Level 1, but I'll see what I can get

          • +1

            @mrsecrecy: No worries, good luck! Might be best to call your local store first and see what you could get so you don't bring your Xbox in for trade and get disappointed.

  • +16

    Incredible that the game looks so bad on old gen consoles - imagine if it had of shipped with the cyberpunk themed Xbox one!

    • It looks like shit on my 980ti too because I have to run it at 1080p and medium-high most things. Most games would look okay with those settings but everything looks grainy and low res to me. I see incredible screenshots but it requires really new hardware. Gonna have to wait til i can upgrade

      • Glad I haven't bothered then. I'm stuck on a 970 waiting until current gen prices aren't quite as insane.

        • I'm waiting for the 1080/2080 trickle down from the 3000 series being released.

          • +1

            @timtam-slam: I'll probably be hanging out until a triple fan 3070 is closer to the $809 RRP. Doubt it'll get all the way there in the near future, but I haven't upgrading my PC in 5+ years so it's in need of some TLC.

      • +1

        Have you tried turning off film grain / motion blur?

        I don't know why they're on by default in most games, 99% of the time it looks like ass

        • Yes all those visual effects are off.

          Just trying low crowd density now. But even high density feels like an empty city tbh

      • Thanks for this comment! I have a 980 ti I bought in 2015 and I don't really game ever so don't want to upgrade my PC. I was curious about whether this can run Cyberpunk (poor experience on PS5) and I think I'll just wait for the PS5 patch.

      • Oof this hurts to read - I thought I'd be juuust okay on a 980ti. An excuse to finally upgrade perhaps… I guess I'll see how much improvements the PC patches bring

      • Digital Foundry recommended the below settings, I use them on a Vega 56 and it looks and runs really well for me at 2560 x 1080, though I also use FreeSync.

        Contact Shadows: On
        Improved Facial Lighting Geometry: On
        Local Shadow Mesh Quality: High
        Local Shadow Quality High
        Cascaded Shadows Range: High
        Cascaded Shadows Resolution: Medium
        Distant Shadows Resolution: High
        Volumetric Fog Resolution: 1080p Ultra, 1440p High, 4K Medium
        Volumetric Cloud Quality: Medium
        Max Dynamic Decals: Ultra
        Screen Space Reflections Quality: Low but High if you find the amount of grain distracting.
        Subsurface Scattering Quality: High
        Ambient Occlusion: Low (there is barely a difference)
        Colour Precision: Medium
        Mirror Quality: 1080p High. 1440p High, 4K Medium
        Level of Detail: High

  • +16

    By March the game should be patched up.
    I'll buy then at probably $35

  • +1

    A very weird situation as it does look really good on PC and it is a good game, they just dropped the ball remarkably on the base model PS4/Xb1 versions

  • +4

    I’ve been playing it on ps5 last few days. Love it. So far error happened only twice.
    Note: there is no ps5 upgrade yet till next year.

    • +16

      "error only happened twice"


      You're saying like that's a good thing.

      "Good restaurant. They only burnt my meal twice out of two times. 4.5/5!"

        • -1

          There are more than a few bugs in this game.

          • +3

            @ATangk: Oh yeah for sure, but I was referring to the scope of the comment, which was relating to this person's "only twice" and was saying the the reply saying "two mistakes from two" is not a valid analogy.

            • +2

              @incipient: Don't bother explaining, we are at the bottom of the barrel here.

      • Do you not understand context?

      • lol

      • So hard to restart a game.

  • Just want to know if PS4 version upgradable to PS5 version?

    • +2

      yes, it is

  • Hope can price match at EB or JB. With 19% off from gift cards and zip it's not that bad.

    • +6

      Wait till boxing day, will be $19

    • How did you get 19% off at EB?

      • +1

        Haha I made $31 yesterday at EB!

        Bought it from EB and price matched to $78. Then they refunded me yesterday when I took it back and gave me $109.95.

        But seriously, she said they had HEAPS AND HEAPS of returns so wait till Boxing day. It will be basically given away.

        • How did you manage that? I returned mine and got a $94 gift card after having used the 2 games/$29 deal.

          • @cc23: Retail rookie mistake 101…

            Always check the receipt and refund that amount not the full RRP.

            They would have noticed it at the end of the day because the EFTPOS would have been down $31.95

            • +1

              @[Deactivated]: Ah yeah so it was just an error on her part, not a repeatable thing.

          • @cc23: Wait, did you actually get a $94 gift card after refunding your 'pre-order $29 day one edition after trading in 2 games' deal? Because I would totally try to get myself a refund. I'm still yet to pick up my pre-order from the store because Rundle Mall did not get any PC stock until today.

  • +7

    Played about 12 hours so far on ps5, major crash every couple hours (game needs to be fully reset).

    Regretting buying it on release, might finish ghosts of tsushima and come back to it when its had some more updates

    • +2

      or get a refund and then buy it when the next gen versions come out …

      • +1

        The next gen upgrade is free.

        • I know.. just don't like sitting on something till they "patch" it .. better to get the refund and then maybe buy it on sale/cheaper when official next gen is released and issue's are ironed out.. that's just me though :)

          • @scud70: I agree I would also get a refund and get it really cheap later.

      • Yeah im probably going to bring it back tomorrow.

        I cant say im loving it so far, its far too easy on normal and on hard theres not enough bullets in the world to down some of these enemies.

        Theres also issues with reloading saves, a few times it reloaded me back in previous missions and one time a guy I was meant to be carrying just glitched between a building and I just had to reload my saved game.

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