Similar to this deal earlier last week..
May need to play around with your points & combined it with actual payments.
Similar to this deal earlier last week..
May need to play around with your points & combined it with actual payments.
Does this stack with the 5% and 10% discount with PointsClub?
It doesn't appear to be stacking.
Sorry take that back… I had a sale item in my cart as well for 40% off and the points club plus discount was for that.. not the flash sale.
I can't get it to stack
Yep not stacking for me either. I thought it was meant to stack with sales?
what's pointsclub?
Eh not that great value, last year I could redeem 90,000 points for business class flights on Emirates from Perth to Dubai to Prague for the same amount of points I’m looking at $1000~ item in this promo.
Good for people with high points balances it’s better than paying full price for rewards store.
I don’t disagree with you in normal circumstances - but good luck flying to Dubai and Prague for any amount of points now.
Well.. since we cant really travel overseas at the moment
may as well trade it in for something nice for XMAS, no?
While you're not wrong about the 20% discount not being of great value, I think it's a little unfair to compare it to redemption value from pre-covid times, especially when it involves the aviation sector which has been heavily impacted by the pandemic. No one really knows what international flight redemption rates will look like once the dust settles, and personally I think that it will most likely cost more points (and/or less availability) to redeem flights in the near future.
In addition, many people have been holding onto their points as they were unable to redeem it for flights, so it's not a bad way to use the points to redeem for items if people need them now.
Always important to not forget to mention the taxes you'd pay on that flight, which is often more than the price of a cash economy ticket.
Ah yes forgot about that, taxes were $650. Regular price for that ticket is like $6000-7000 though so still was excellent value at the time. I’ll hold on to my point and hope things return as they were :)
I have zero intention of flying anywhere on a qantas/partner flight in the next 24 months and this values 100k points at about $700 on a mac mini, is that a reasonable value at the moment?
That’s exactly what I did. I was happy to part with the points to keep the dosh in bank. I thought it wouldn’t get better than 20% off.
If you have no intention of flying anywhere soon… think of it this way… a Mac mini for ~$200-300 worth of points with 1 credit card sign up. Seems like better value than paying full Apple retail price.
yeah, added the fact that JB is on backorder to the end of Jan (Qantas says it'll be here in 10 days) and it made it a pretty easy decision!
Quite often Qantas source from JB, so don't hold your breath on that one…
Qantas sources from JBhifi for some items. But I ordered an Apple TV in the last sale a few weeks ago and it was shipped directly from apple
Arrived today, so apparently they have stock on hand.
Can you please advise, which mac mini is available for $2-300 worth of points?!
I think financialminimalism meant if you've been collecting credit card sign-up bonuses before now, then $200-300 would be the total cost to get the 150k points needed.
Is it worthwhile getting iPhone 12 pro max?
Given pricing at Qantas is usually based on RRP I find best value are products which don’t usually get discounted much eg apple.
That made sense. Thank you
Exactly. The recent RM Williams discounted points deal was another, an item that is not regularly available at discounts.
Yeah I'm never one to buy goods with points usually, but having lots of points that I currently can't use and wanting to get some new Apple products i think this is good for someone like me.
anyone that have point whom can help me buy a pair of sunnies ? Will pay you in cash. :P
You can buy points on classified forum and get your own sunnies.
Hi guys noob question here…..
I have managed to gather 223k points over the years and was planning to fly to europe with it with my partner. I've never actually use points to redeem a flight so am inexperienced with its value.
I did also plan to buy a macbook m1 256gb and it looks like I have just the right amount of points at 222k for the macbook.
Would you say its a bad idea to use all my points for a macbook now? That would value the 222k points at $1599 (macbook cost). I plan to fly to europe as soon as covid is over though.
Would love to know what any QFF pros would do in my situation =)
thanks in advance!
If you can afford to pay 1700 for mac, then pay cash. 250k points realistically will get you and partner business class return to Europe when points are on sale. It will still get you and your partner one way business class to Europe provided you get the seats.
222K points usually worth around $2220 pre COVID.
So you are paying $600 premium for using your points.
If you are going to use your points anyways, then better to save your points.
If you don’t see yourself using your points for flights (award flights are limited) any time soon (points depreciate), then buy it.
We can only travel during peak season (school holiday) so it’s difficult to get seats for a family using points.
So I would be using my points on Apple stuff.
No one will guarantee things (points/availability..etc) will be the same after COVID.
A bit misleading to assume things will snap back to normal, wishful thinking yes, but reality is going to be different.
Agreed no one knows.
But what are you saying? Should he buy it or wait?
Also consider whether your purchase of Macbook (or iPhone) can be tax deduction. I tend to use points for things which I cannot claim. (such as holiday, headphone, etc)
I have about 250,000 points saved. Airpod Pro's come down to 55000 points. Thinking of just using em cause I ain't flying anywhere for a while.
I used mine for that purpose. The problem I have is whether or not they can be tax deductible if I use them predominantly for work but haven’t paid cash for them! Various schools of thought on this topic online.
I’m pretty sure they are. Give ur accountant a cal
I would be very very surprised if you could tax deduct it. What value would you ascribe to it? One of the criteria for an expense is that you have paid a contribution. Not sure if points qualify.
That’s the key debate as to whether you follow principles in Payne around determining a market or fair value. The question is also whether you’d do that based on the cash value of the goods received (ie the cash outlay avoided) or the value of the points themselves that you’ve consumed.
here's a similar discussion, but with flights paid with frequent flyer points:…
I take the ato community site with a grain of salt though. Some of the responses in there are extremely literal and not sure if they’re actually representative of the ATO view.
@jace88: Here is an even better example, albeit also with no definitive answer.…
I am unable to log in to my Qantas Frequent Flyer account with three different browsers.
Are others having the same issues?
Error with Login
Unexpected error occurred whilst logging in, please try again.
Just got a homepod mini, seems sold out everywhere else, might as well get it through rewards. Though might be a long wait anyway - we'll see
I believe it's still shipped directly from Apple so the 30 days delivery timeframe on the QFF store is probably consistent with whatever Apple tells them.
I managed to get hold off one at local TGG, on the release day too. Apple website still shows no stock since release date.
Did anyone else see & order MacBook/Mini’s all at 91,850 points on 3-4 Dec? I ordered 3x M1 Pro 512’s to share with mates (@ 82,665 each with 10% points club plus), but they got cancelled yesterday afternoon. But a 4th single order under my Mrs’s account is still pending. 🤞
wow - would delete until the 4th shows up or gets cancelled then repost. amazing find!
4th cancelled now 😔
Yep I ordered and got cancelled :-(
Wow amazing find. But must be a pricing error? Not surprised it got cancelled, they’re currently going at almost 400k points.
Would be interesting to see if anyone did order and get their orders fulfilled.
Any promo codes that work? :-)
I have a code - TENDECEMBER , gives me a further 10% off to make it 30%. Please try it out and let us know if it’s targeted or not.
I can add the code, but does give any extra discounts. Still 20% off.
The code gets added but no further 10% discount is applied.
Bugger. I was offered it as a consolation for the MacBook pricing error above hence targeted.
So managed to place the order, with the code.
It accepted the code, DIDN'T GIVE ME 10% off.
Then accepted my order with an error.
Very weird, lastly it didn't stack.
UPDATE: removed the points, then i refreshed the page because i didn't get a confirmation about my order, and the points are back.
So if you didn't get the chance targeted add to use the points you can't use it.
Finally fixed this problem. Need to remove the TENDECEMBER code and the order will go through.
Been trying to get onto the website for last 3 hours, site swamped?
Managed to get something in cart 2 hours ago now cant load site again..
20% doesnt seem to work if using points + pay?
it was earlier just had to add to cart first
Anyone getting an error when trying to order an iPhone 12 Pro? Apparently the call centre said all Apple products have been paused due to a pricing error earlier - they couldn't give me more specific information.
I was thinking of that too but that was yesterday and no one else has seemed to report problems checking out since then.
I ordered an Apple Watch a few hours ago no problem.
So.. my card has been charged but says try again?
Yeah I had the same problem. Did it work for you?
Edit, tried again, they've charged my card twice but its not going through
No - I did get a
Reference number. Was trying to stack with Amex offer (spend $600). It got triggered at the transaction so would be annoyed if it is cancelled
Someone posted below to remove ten December promo code and it’ll work.
Hope I get the $150 from amex
Still trying to buy an Apple Watch but not going through..
Just bought the iphone 12 pro max using points only. Attempted with firefox browser, keep getting error at check out. Tried Edge browser instead and it went thru. Received confirmation email. But not seeing the item on My Account in qantas store. My points have been deducted though. Hopefully order went thru ok and no cancellation.
Hi all,
I had the same issue with purchase getting an error - I had to remove the "TENDECEMBER" promo code for it to work.
Thanks! Works now
My Macbook Air M1 is still showing as processing, anyone here with different status?
Nah, my Iphone is still showing the same.
They did say a delivery of 6th Jan though..
Anyone’s status moved on from processing?
Would be awesome if 20% off the actual payment as well 😁