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iPod / iPhone USB Charging Cable 65cents Free Shipping 100 in Total


Hi everyone, as a special promo deal tonight we are selling these at 65 cents with free shipping, these are not Apple branded.

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closed Comments

  • Eh, got 100 for $1.

    • That's 100 total to be sold, 1 per customer :)

      • That sounds like a great deal, cheaper then what we got ours for, well if you missed out on that you can get one of ours.

  • +2

    Charging Cable, not USB Charger.

    • +1

      Subject changed, ill go back and shoot my copy editor.

      • so its no good for data transfer?

        • Its used to charge your iPod/Iphone and transfer data.

  • +1

    65c is still very cheap.

  • What length are these?

    • Its 100cm.

      25 gone so far, guess time to turn of the internets and start processing your oders

      • +1

        we don't smell that much, do we?

  • Urgh Ozbargains… adding another 100. Looks like no sleep tonight.

  • Unfortunately since it's only 1 per customer, can't justify signing up and giving away info to save 25-30 cents.

  • Wow can't pay by paypal either.

  • "Cannot find an available route for the purchase. This may be caused by merchant configuration or remote systems failures."

    What is this error? I couldn't make payment.

    • same problem here

    • I guess I'd better buy on ebay :)

    • It's not cheaper there? That page shows 99c. Unless you mean it is better value i.e. 50c each

    • Those are shipped from China, expect 10-14 days for shipping, that's if you are lucky to get it at all.

      This guy looks to be shipping from Sydney, a stamp costs 60c
      So, a +ive in my books

      • +1

        And it will probably take these guys 4-5 weeks to fulfil orders. Last time when they had the iPhone screen protectors, it took a month for mine to arrive and a friend who bought one about an hour after me got hers 6 weeks later. (We're both located in Sydney.)

        Not only is the eBay listing better value for money, but it will most likely be at your door well before OP's arrives.

  • Ugh, trying to process with my mastercard, get this; Cannot find an available route for the purchase. This may be caused by merchant configuration or remote systems failures.

    disappointed :( tried 10 times

    • -6

      Hi if you are trying to pay with a Mastercard DEBIT card it will not work as they are not accepted through our merchant account provider. You can pay with Visa, Visa Debit or Mastercard credit.

      • +3

        Why credit card? How about PayPal? I don't own a credit card :(

        • +5

          I've gotta say this - it's never worth getting one. Debit Master Cards and Visa Debit Cards do the same thing without the 17.5% daylight robbery surcharge.

        • +1

          If you were a merchant or at least knew a bit about how Paypal works, you would know why.

  • For 1 per customer i wont bother… if it were like 3 or something i would get it

  • are these unauthentic cables safe? could you risk damaging your iPhone?

    • +1

      It's a cable! Not a power supply… Geeze.

      • but… but… it supplies power!

  • All gone.

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