This was posted 4 years 3 months 5 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

SteelSeries Arctis Pro Lossless High Fidelity Gaming Headset $392.90 + Delivery ($0 with Prime) @ Amazon US via AU

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The price on these dropped to $454 this past weekend but they've dropped further today, down to $392.

Don't think I've seen these any lower than this price. I was really tempted to go for them last time but now it's a pretty solid deal I'd say.

Product Description:

  • Dual-Wireless technology provides rock solid, 2.4G wireless lossless audio for gaming, combined with Bluetooth connectivity for mobile devices
  • Premium Hi-Res speakers with high-density neodymium magnets reproduce a full, expansive frequency range from 10 – 40,000 Hz with stunning realism and clarity
  • Luxurious lightweight steel and aluminum alloy construction offers maximum durability and a consistent fit
  • Two included swappable batteries allow you to charge a battery in the base station, while using the other for more than 20 hours of gaming
  • Widely recognized as the best mic in gaming, the ClearCast microphone delivers studio-quality voice clarity and background noise cancellation
Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    More expensive than a console…after discount…

    • +2

      Pretty sure people buying these already have the console, but thanks for pointing that out.

    • My mate at Bose gets 60% off headphones. You can bet the Steelseries premium is about the same.

  • +1

    Thoughts on this compared to the Astro A50s?

    • -2
      • +4

        The replaceable battery of this headset is a feature that is really hard to pass up though.

          • +1

            @jasswolf: I'm pretty certain you are thinking of a different headset here as nothing you said made any sense to this actual product.

            • -4

              @jaymzrsa: The posted product, the SteelSeries, has a removable battery, but substantially lower audio quality audio than any non-gaming headphone in its price range.

              The Audeze Penrose, has an enclosure you can open, and a battery that either has a plug or you can quickly desolder the wire for to replace it.

              Audeze also offer a battery replacement service.

              Are you on the same page now?

              • +2

                @jasswolf: Are you on the same page? You are completely missing the point here, and placing your own value judgments on others- on a subjective quality- which makes you sound incredibly stupid.
                I enjoy being able to hotswap. You have absolutely no right whatsoever to decide for someone else what is more important to them. Also, "substantially lower audio quality" Get the f**k out of here. There are better headsets out there for audio quality for sure, but stop being so god damn hyperbolic. The audio of these things are perfectly great for gaming. If i feel like actually listening to audio and caring about, I'll plug my Focals in

                • -1

                  @ONEMariachi: Please don't accuse me of hyperbole when you're using the word 'perfectly' in this context.

                  I demonstrated very clearly how hot-swapping a battery is a total gimmick for the 98+ % of use cases (sitting at a desk, not worrying about a cord while you use your PC or console). If your ears are burning, walk it off.

                  The way sound is subjective is about sound signature and pinna interaction, not timbre and technical performance. I've looked into this extensively, and all of these headsets do not measure up, so the value proposition sonically going from the Arctis 7 up to the Pro Wireless or the A50 or the ASUS or Corsair is ridiculous once considered against headphone manufacturers of significant product experience (or more specifically, the design team's product experience) at the same price.

                  What you are describing is user experience, and frankly the gaming headset industry is set up to keep you focussed on features and kept in the dark, on the take from childhood with bling and 3D buttons instead of inviting you to demo an expensive product.

                  I'll leave it at that, because you're not interested in specifics, you've already made up your mind through a very shallow investigation and now want to justify your thought process. Nobody has time for that.

                  • +1

                    @jasswolf: "I've looked into this extensively"

                    hahahaha. Oh my lord. you are a special one. Jog on mate. We're talking about gaming here, not audiophile pursuits, you absolute hack. You are so fundamentally out of your depth, that this is so beyond sad.

                    Again, when I care about actual sound. I'll use my $1500 Focals mate. For pure convenience, these do very very well. Your personal subjective opinions on any of these things are genuinely laughable, especially when you're trying to present your opinions as fact. They are just that opinions, with no value, no facts, jsut hyperbolic naivety. Be gone.

                    • -3

                      @ONEMariachi: Audio is audio my dude, gaming tuning lowers sound quality to mask treble issues and make comms seem clean. You've absolutely no idea what you're doing and it's obvious now. Byeeeeeeee

                      • +1

                        @jasswolf: haha, oh my. "No you". Fantastic retort.

                        It's always fun exposing the 5 years olds that spent 20 minutes reading an opinion on reddit, and now think they're audio professionals.

                        • -1

                          @ONEMariachi: You're literally using a strawman argument to push my opinion down, without discussing anything to do with the technology behind the three products. You've not even specified which Focals.

                          Not all products are made the same, not even under the same brand. I'm not out here recommending an LCD-1. Everyone reading your advice should just go and grab an Arctis 7 or a HyperX Cloud Flight for $130 on sale, not this hyped up garbage.

                          Hot-swappable battery as a valued feature… are you operating these at a live production outdoors for 15 hours? That's broadcast level product design, not a home user feature. Plug them in when you walk away from your PC for an extended period, and there is zero difference in the product experience.

                          Go unravel your neurosis somewhere else.

                          • @jasswolf: Mate. You do not get to turn this around on me and suggest that it is I making the strawman argument when from the get go, that was your attempt. I'm not bothering properly arguing with you, because from the first second you have been discussing in bad faith. You want to have better interactions in the future, learn how to actually enter a discussion like an adult. Until then, no, I see no point in discussing anything properly with you, as you have nothing of actual value to provide to the discussion.

                            When someone simply states, The battery is hard to pass up, and you come up guns blazing and insulting like a 4 year old. Why the hell should I take someone so juvenile seriously?

                            From someone that has been in the industry the past 17 years, honestly, you sound like someone that is either not understanding what they are talking about, and throwing out as many buzzwords as possible to make it seem like they do, or only got into this a few months ago and want to wave their new found 'knowledge' around.

                            You have not convinced me to take you seriously in any way shape or form, as you seem completely unable to separate your own perceptions, with that of what others are interested in. A childish idea, very telling of new audiophiles that have really yet to properly make their rounds yet, and understand the breadth of enjoyment, and experiences within the industry. I see through you, completely and entirely, and I'm not even a little impressed.

                            • @ONEMariachi: What an enormous deflection, after diving into my comments to make an argument. If you are an actual headphone designer, I am shocked.

                              The battery argument does not make sense, and it speaks to Steelseries failing to turn their product into a professional grade solution, so instead they're using predatory marketing to push this onto consumers. That's so blindingly obvious as to be beyond question, and yet here this entire comment tree is because you kept at it.

                              In doing so, you showed absolutely no willingness to deliver actionable information on this website for people who want to do proper product research, you handwaved and called me a fool. These are not the actions of a reasonable and considerate person, so maybe reflect on that while you try and tell others to grow up.

                              Furthermore, the Penrose has its own built-in EQ and DSP to work with it, including an automatic gain control, which means all of your arguments about subjectivity towards sound signature are completely irrelevant. You're telling me about the product without any experience with the HyperX Cloud Orbit or the Audeze Mobius, let alone the Penrose, and yet you're telling people the SteelSeries is a genuine competitor and using sound subjectivity as a retort.

                              That's an argument for demoing the products, not buying one, but you've made absolutely no mention of that and actually glossed over it entirely while telling me I'm an enormous fool.

                              I see through you, completely and entirely, and I'm not even a little impressed.


                              • +1

                                @jasswolf: Jesus, you really are just so very full of yourself. Christ you are boring. You claim Strawman, and literally all you are doing is strawman after strawman after strawman. It's incredible. Hypocrisy at its finest.

                                I'm done, enjoy existing in your little bubble of childish idiocy.

                                • @ONEMariachi: I'm presenting information for further analysis by third parties and additional, genuine options. You're literally no longer discussing the topic, after coming in here to tell me how to discuss the topic.

                                  Walk. it. off.

            • +1

              @jaymzrsa: Pretty certain they either have a hard on for hating steelseries or actually work for Audeze. They sound like a shill.

              • -2

                @ONEMariachi: Incorrect, you're just showing what little and cursory product research you've done.

                At $400, I'd tell you to get the Audio Technica ATH-R70X, or the HIFIMAN HE-400i 2020 Edition and an amp/DAC stack, but you don't want wires.

                • +1

                  @jasswolf: I have this headset and not once have I had to plug them in, you're an idiot.

                  • -3

                    @Creamy: In what world did you think that's what I was saying…

                    I'm comparing the experience of a hot-swappable battery, to one without, for 99% of people using these devices. It's not a feature that you should be targeting in your product purchase, simply an added bonus.

                    You should be picking for connectivity and sound quality. Plugging in a headphone when you're done for the day is not some enormous chore.

                    • +2

                      @jasswolf: "Having a second hot-swappable battery is such a gimmick. Steelseries are being predatory.
                      Besides. If you need to swap batteries on the Audeze, all you need to do is:
                      * order a spare battery
                      * wait for it to arrive
                      * pry open the assembly
                      * desolder the connected battery
                      * solder on the new battery
                      * hope nothing went wrong because you've voided your warranty.

                      As you can see, I've clearly demonstrated why hot-swappable batteries in wireless devices are just stupid."

                      • @Jasswolf on 'Better Options Than Hot-Swappable Batteries', 03 Dec, 2020
                      • +1

                        @BinaryPirate: Haha so good

                      • -5

                        @BinaryPirate: That would be the extreme scenario, here's another one: contact Audeze, get directed to Addicted to Audio, get an out-of-warranty replacement.

                        But if you honestly thought my point about the interchangeable battery was to do with the feature itself, versus seeking out the feature over audio quality, then you're clearly melted your brain at some point reading through these comments.

                        What you're describing is going to be a once-in-four-years problem for 99% of people, and is a problem for almost every wireless headset on the market. Take that up with your local politician and get these things legislated like they're trying to in the EU. You're also skipping over what the battery design is on the Steelseries: likely proprietary, and likely becoming more expensive over time.

                        In real terms, seek out capable connectivity, solid wearability, and best sound quality. The Steelseries loses on the latter, but if you never go looking properly, you'll never know. If you're happy, that's great, but don't mistake your opinion as ultimately ignorant and fumbling with a feature debate instead of the primary purpose of the product.


                        • +1

                          @jasswolf: I simply paraphrased/re-worded what you wrote, keeping your intent clear.
                          I couldn't care less about how far up the wall you can piss.

                          • -5

                            @BinaryPirate: You did no such thing, which is literally what I told you. Clearly you own the product, or you wouldn't be buzzing up the wall still a day later.

                            Walk it off, which you can do with your music pumping in your ears! What a wonderful time to be alive.

                            • +1

                              @jasswolf: "Waaaah. Waaaah waaaah. Waaaaah"
                              - @Jasswolf on 'Losing With Dignity', 04 Dec 2020

                              p.s I discovered this particular thread of hilarity about an hour ago.
                              You, otoh, have been at it for 24hrs.

                              "Pot, do you read me? This is Kettle. Over."

                              • -3

                                @BinaryPirate: I refer you to the earlier comments about behaving like an adult. You were specifically trawling for these comments, or you were directed here.

                                None of these outcomes reflect well on you.

                                • +1

                                  @jasswolf: Neither. I stumbled upon a clown show at random & decided to participate.

                                  • -3

                                    @BinaryPirate: I'm not the one resorting to constant insults, zero new information, and incorrectly summarising others' views.

                                    I'm just the guy letting you put your true nature as a human being on display, while you slowly run out of steam. Think of it like day care.

                                    • @jasswolf: "Waaah. Waaah. Waaaah"

                                      • -3

                                        @BinaryPirate: And there it is. Time for a nap?

                                        • +1

                                          @jasswolf: Not many people offer up a series of arguments so weak it makes the facile 'no U' an attractive option, but not you. You saw that opportunity & grabbed onto it with both hands.

                                          It's just a shame you missed the punctuation denoting a quote by a 2nd or 3rd party - in this case your good self.

                                          I'd offer to buy you a bigger pair of clown shoes to show my appreciation if it weren't for the nagging feeling you've already got a favourite pair & the pre-prepared commentary to explain why any other other pair will be inferior (probably b/c replaceable batteries).


                                          • -4

                                            @BinaryPirate: Buddy, whatever's going on with you, I really hope it gets better.

                                            In the mean time, work on your prose.

      • +2

        I was keen on the Audeze Penrose and nearly preordered them but now there is a tonne of reviews out all complaining about them losing connection every few seconds and having a terrible wireless range. I'm not so keen anymore.

        • -1


          Your decision, but you're silly to think Audeze won't have your back with firmware updates, product returns and replacements.

          • @jasswolf: The proof is in the pudding as they say. I'll believe it when I see it and will wait for an updated version before I trust any tech company with my hard earned cash.

            FYI a lot of people have had them replaced and the same issues keep happening with the new headsets. If they screwed up the hardware then no firmware update is going to fix that…

            • @fraid knot: There are literally laws for this sort of thing.

              FYI replacing a headset that needs a firmware update with another headset that needs a firmware update does absolutely nothing.

              Reddit strikes again! The thread owner is literally telling you otherwise now.

              • @jasswolf: I was going off the but looks like they're testing a new firmware right now so we'll see what happens.

                • @fraid knot: I literally linked that to you.

                  • +1

                    @jasswolf: lol I didn't even see that because it was blue. I only read what you typed.

    • +1

      I have the grn 4 a50s. And bought the pro wireless to look at a change.

      Yes the dual battery is handy, but the headset itself feels flimsy and cheap, my ears hit the speakers and hurt after 30mins plus of wearing.

      The sound is really good though but the chat mix is annoying to adjust when mid game on the dac unit.

      The a50s are awsome and I love them.

      Sound great, extremely comfortable for long gaming sessions, chat mix on the ear piece and feel premium.

      Sold the arctis and kept my astros.


      • +1

        You can chat mix directly on the headset, you don't need to ever touch the DAC.

        I think the comfort thing, as with virtually any headset is dependent on the person. They're perfectly comfortable for me for long gaming sessions. I don't have the issue you are referring to.

        • +2

          I second that. Have no issues with my Pros.

          These threads are like Highlander: There Can Be Only One

          It's like people forget there's a range of products b/c not everyone has the same shaped head, hears differently, wants different features not offered by <Product>.

  • -1

    Be mindful for gst. I got charged gst just for buying clif bar from amazon us last time.

    • You already pay GST for Amazon Au

  • +9

    Im just gonna copy my comment from the last posted deal

    My personal thoughts on the Arctis Pros

    Used arctis pro wireless for about 3 months, finally decided to sell it last week. There are some very fundemental design flaws. First of all, the headband feels like hard cheap plastic, to adjust the size you have to losen the elastic velcro band. I dont consider myself to have a big head, I have the velcro losened to the absolute limit, it's literally strapped on by the hair width. There is basically no padding left for the top of my head, the side clamping force is also really strong. When it comes to audio, there's a constant buzzing/static sound. Its notable when you're just talking with friends, less obvious listening to music or gaming. I contacted steelseries support regarding this issue, this was there response:

    The Arctis Pro Wireless uses significantly higher quality speaker drivers in the earcups than most headsets on the market.

    Any amplified headset will have a small amount of noise when no audio is playing, but it can be a bit more noticeable to you due to the higher quality speakers in your Pro Wireless unit.

    The support basically told me to live with the static/buzzing sound as it's an expected "side-effect" of "higher quality speakers" in the headset…
    Honestly so bull… Decided to switch to the XM4s and stuck a modmic on the side. Mic quality according to people on discord is much much better (arctis pro doesn't have a great mic even though its labelled as discord certified)

    • +1

      Thanks for the review! Anything you'd recommend instead? Looking for a gift..
      Btw how's the resell value

      • +2

        Sold it for $400, was basically new
        Im bit of an audiophile so theyre all quite pricy, definately recommend Sony's XM3/XM4 line. If you need a built-in mic maybe look at some logitechs (it all depends on your budget)

        • I think you got a defective pair…

        • definately recommend Sony's XM3/XM4 line

          For gaming, please no, never recommend a Bluetooth headset for gaming. There is a very good reason you can't use them on gaming consoles, the lag is ridiculously high at around 200-300ms.
          Many people struggle watching regular media with BT because of the lag, let alone media that you're interacting with. If you can use aptX LL or LLAC BT codecs (those Sony's don't), then they become acceptable for video, but still not acceptable for gaming.

          • @snuke: For those who run a gaming DAC, like the Creative X3, the Sony XM3s are great in cable mode. No BT lag & whatnot. The downside in power-off mode is you need a separate mic but it's not an issue if you don't use a mic when gaming.

            I have the Arctis Pro with DAC for gaming on my laptop & Sony XM3s with the Creative X3 for my desktop.

            Soundwise they're comparable for gaming.

            • +1

              @BinaryPirate: Right, but if you're going down that path of non BT headset for wired gaming then there are a million better options than any wireless set.
              However, if you're trying to stick with one headset to do everything, then as you describe is an option.

              • @snuke: The X3 + XM3s was originally to be my only option until Kogan had the Arctis Pros for $280 & I couldn't resist the discount.
                The flexibility of having a single setup to provide decent gaming sound at home while providing a solution to my not wanting to hear the outside world when in transit was the attraction.
                While it's not for everyone the point of commenting was simply to say the combination works well, for anyone not sold on the range of gaming-specific headphones.

                My only actual recommendation for anyone looking at wired headphones for PC gaming would be to invest in a gaming DAC first. afaik there are some that will also work with consoles but I don't know much about them.

          • @snuke: Im not a pro gamer, I dont play for Faze, or Fnatic. I legitamately dont notice any difference between any other headsets I've ever used. At the end of the day, if its comfortable, great audio, unoticable delay, im happy.

      • +1

        Audeze Penrose, Penrose X if you need XBox support. $400 on pre-order.

    • +2

      Sounds like they hired the Apple PR team to spin some bulls$hit for them lol

    • +2

      While I haven't had any issues with buzzing/static, I agree that the comfort level is really not what I would expect from a headset at this price point. I get some pretty significant ear pain from the side pressure after several hours of use.

      • +1

        Its definately not a comfortable headset, for the life of me i cant think of why they didn't make each earcup retractable/extendable to adjust length, but opted to use a velcro strap.

      • +1

        Respectfully disagree. I owned the H Wireless and when it broke moved to Pro Wireless. I find the headband and general comfort exceptional, and also no buzzing on PS4/5 use.

        • I agree, super comfy for me.

    • +4

      I can also confirm via personal experience that the biggest flaw is the adjustment strap as well.

      I don't consider my head big…. If anything it should be abit smaller then normal..

      I have the strap adjusted to the loosest setting which is only held on by a few mm of velcro.

      The downfall of this is that your head just hits the plastic arch which makes it super uncomfortable.

      This is the first headset iv had where I get headaches from if I wear it for too long.

      Would not recommend at all.

      • yea my exact experience

    • i do have a big head and have the arctis 7 (essentially the same design) … i find them super comfy

  • Oh my god I paid $454 on Black Friday… is there anything I can do?

    • +2

      I did the same - I literally just called Amazon support, got them to cancel as shipping was not confirmed - instant refund and reordered at lower price

  • -1

    As soon as I buy it, it comes on sale for a better price lol. At least I got the Zippay 10% Cashback which brought it to $408.60

    • +10

      Do you have Twitter?
      If you tweet all your purchase I would follow you to see all upcoming sales.

  • +1

    Amazing price I paid $430 on kogan and so far they are worth it

    • I paid $430 on Kogan as well.
      They ended up getting delayed 3 times, each time Kogan sent me a $20 voucher. So essentially I paid $370.

  • ha, if this deal was a week earlier I probably would have bought them. but I have recently decided to roll the dice on the new Audeze Penrose headphones. wish me luck.
    good price though, been watching for several months now and this is by far the best deal.

  • Wow just canceled my $452 order and ordered again :P Thanks OP!

  • -1

    Will everyone return these when it's cheaper on Boxing day?

  • How do these compare to the previous model in terms of sound quality ?

  • +2

    Hi wouldn't Audeze Mobius 3D Gaming Headset be better sound quality than the steelseries arctis pro headset?

    • -1

      Seems about the same according to rtings, if anything the SteelSeries are maybe a little better.

      • Oh i see, ty I wasn't too sure. I'm using the rig 800hd and also have Astro a50 gen3 from memory. I wonder if these are much of an upgrade. I've found steelseries headsets don't last or have poor connection issues in my. Limited experience.

      • +1

        RTings do not review headphones in a way that actually reveal this information. Check any other review and you'll see differently.

        If you believe what RTings has to say about things, then you'll believe that the Philips SHP9500 is superior than $2000 headphones, but they don't even show the transient speed of the headphone driver properly, let alone discuss the timbre of the headphone.

        RTings is a basic starting point as a thorough, but partial review of how a headphone performs. Do not use it to compare headphones for anything other than features and frequency response.

    • You're 100% correct, but the Audeze Penrose is the direct competitor:

      That's your upgrade path.

      • Oh that was the one I meant. I found the more expensive one with jeadtracking apparently. 🤣Ty for the info. 👍

        • The Mobius is older and only offers a wired mode for PC, with some Bluetooth capability. If you want a cheaper version of that is otherwise identical bar BT function, look at the HyperX Cloud Orbit for around $300-$330.

          The Penrose is an updated version of the driver, with a broadcast quality mic (you'd need to use it with a 3.5mm cable to get that quality though), true wireless, but no head-tracking.

          Get the Penrose X for maximum re-sale value, or if you ever want to use it with an XBox, as it supports both wireless formats via a toggle on the adaptor.

          • @jasswolf: Awesome thanks for the really detailed answer. Currently I'm using the rig 800hd and even though it was billed as being able to use on xbox one x and ps4, I can talk wirelessly in ps4 but it doesn't work on xbox or pc to for talking. Game audio is good.

            Considering it says fully compatible with xbox and pc is rediculous. I will look into these 2 options. Thanks again for your help.

            • @XxAiDsTaRxX: For console you're probably going to prefer the Penrose X, as you'll lose a fair bit of audio quality on the Mobius/Orbit via the controller plug.

              Plus, no wire, and simultaneous Bluetooth and wireless connectivity if you want to take a call or pump music in.

              I'll stop selling it to you now, as I'm starting to sound like a rep, but if you take your headset into a store and compare it with the Mobius, you'll notice an enormous jump in quality, something that the Astros and SteelSeries and any other gaming brand cannot do, because they focus on features and stylings rather than the drivers in the enclosure and proper audio engineering.

              Take a Spotify playlist for your music preferences, and a YouTube playlist of your gaming ones.

  • +2

    These offer amazing birth control.

  • +1

    Plastic junk, Google plastic snapping and Bluetooth dead.

    Mine got the Bluetooth dead thing first, then the plastic snapping.

    Support admitted that the plastic snapping is a known issue and would replace it, but oh wait sorry sir you are past the one year warranty.


  • +1

    The price has gone back up and the deal is finished by the looks of it, these don’t work with PS5 anyway just go read the reddit thread. Apparently after a year the head band snaps as well and steelseries support is really bad.

    • Name checks out…

  • +2

    I'm worried about the size of some people's heads on Ozbargain….

    • Yeah, I'm genuinely confused, I have a probably slightly larger head, and these things are comfy as (profanity) for me. Yet bunch of people complaining about it being too tight for the supposed normal noggins lol

  • not a fan of these, bland sounding with no bass.

  • For gaming headsets you want accurate positional audio not bass. I’ve got the Steelseries Arctis 7X that works wirelessly on both xbox series x and ps5. Pretty good for the job. Doesn’t beat a proper audio focused company’s headphone designed for the same thing: Beyerdynamic Tygr 300R. Not for everyone as they’re open headphones, wired (although wireless once they’re used with the 3.5mm jack with the wireless controllers on both consoles) and don’t have a mic (mod mic would solve this), but far better than any gaming headsets for sound quality and positional audio.

    If you’d rather closed, go the Beyerdynamic DT770 32 ohm (the others need external amplifier) with a modmic.

    • Steelseries Arctis 7X or HyperX Cloud Flights?

  • I recently returned the Pro wired version. Sounded like I was using tin cans on my ears, spent days playing with the EQ which was not worth it and never removed the hollow sound. Music was clear and voices were clear, but it sounded awful for everything else.

  • Anyone had their order shipped yet?

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