Own a PS4 and not sure if it's just me but wasn't able to add it to the library last month since I don't own a PS5, tried this morning while getting this month's game and was able to add Bugsnax to the library.
Even though unplayable on PS4, good to have in case you decide to upgrade.
Since I am not sure about this one, leave it up to you guys to decide if this qualifies as a deal/bargain.
I like videogamedunkey's version too - https://youtu.be/gy7VILMeN28
This game should be free for PS3 owners and is probably very capable on it; this is not a PS5 game showcasing next-gen hardware so do not confuse it with something that is going to blow you away with graphics or gameplay… I think it's somewhat embarrassing they included it as a release title. I think they just slapped together the cheapest game they could so they had something "free" on PS+