Twix needs some new externals. Thanks Scorptec.
1 hour deal and 200 units only.
Limit 1 per item per customer.
Thanks to quan for pointing out pickup is available.
Twix needs some new externals. Thanks Scorptec.
1 hour deal and 200 units only.
Limit 1 per item per customer.
Thanks to quan for pointing out pickup is available.
If only it had been $113 with free delivery !!
I would still would not have bought it.
$14 postage is a killer
Yep, it's dead to me.
Does this drive have some sort of start up thing that needs turning off in settings?
I have one and connected it to my Xbox one and if I turn the power at wall off and back on Xbox stays off but the external hard drive starts up and stays on until I turn on Xbox and then turn it off again
I don’t think the drive requires external power. It runs off USB only?
Yer I know just starts up on its own when I turn power off at the ball and back on and also blackouts so was wondering if there was something I need to turn off so it didn’t do this
Still a good deal for 4tb. Thanks O.P.
Grabbed one. Looks cool in red. Definately an IOP speed increase due to this !
A long time ago and many had to wait weeks to actually get it. I think $25/TB is a good price. You may occasionally get as low as $20/TB but there quite rare. Too bad postage kills this deal
Nuff said ?
Well no.
Link ?
nuff said
Narration: "No, not enough was said"
Can you get it right now? No? Then be quiet.
Got 1 with pick-up so postage didn't kill the deal for me. Thanks OP!
Thanks I'll update the post.
Got 1, store is just around the corner of my house. Just to let other people knows, they do not do walkin. So best to order online.
I am looking for a hdd storage option for my personal needs. I have been looking for internal hdd like WD blue or external WD elements at least 4tb or more to shuck or keep on the side.
Do you guys think this WD 4tb passport is a good alternative to use for storage on the side?
The price seems very good?
Might have to deliver if i get this deal.
If you care of your 'personal needs' always consider to keep them on twin HDD, just in case
10 Mins drive to the place. Not bad. Thanks OP
Thanks OP.
Been waiting for a good deal on these portable drives :)
Good price Got 1, thanks OP
Thanks OP picked one up! Been waiting since August for my 4TB to arrive from Amazon but this is cheaper and in stock now :)
Is this shuckable?
Doesn't work. Just says "Oops your card has changed" each time I try to pay.
Able to order in stock from supplier for C&C. Thanks OP!
Thanks. Ordered. Glad there was a C&C option
Thanks OP. Got 1 $9 postage
Been waiting for a good price on a 4tb. More storage for my PS5
Thanks got one, considering its a newer model not bad price even with postage.
Cheers op
Not a fan of red but who cares right? woOoT
Just spray paint it rainbow 🌈
Protip - red ones go faster.
Drats, just expired and it was in my cart…
Same here, added to cart, check out, and showed $169.
Deal Over is what I got.
yep. they must've sold their 200 allocation
Just a bait I am afraid
went to find credit card and soon as i clicked submit, gone.
Cheers mate! Got one :)
Took too long, missed out….
wtf the deal is over!
Me too !! 😭 went to check where the stores are to pick up, came back to the page and saw the cat saying “deal over” :(
Do we need to wait for an order ready email or can we just show up?
I got the email for pickup today. If you have not got yours, it should be very soon.
Thanks OP managed to nab one earlier after you posted. Set to pick up.
Thanks OP
I got Officeworks to pricematch just in time. :)
While people couldn't click buy quickly enough, you managed to not only buy, but get 5% off! That's some next level ozbargaining. Well done!
Does anyone know the stores policy on click and collect. In particular whether we can go to collect after a order confirmation is received or we have to wait for an invite to collect.
I got the email for pickup today. If you have not got yours, it should be very soon.
For everyone who asked about their pickup, last time I make an online order for pickup, I got an email with the title:
Order #XXXXXXX ready for collection!
So I will wait at least 24 hours, rather than all rushing there and be disappointed.
Yeah I just tried to pickup my Ryzen 3600 from Black Friday's deal, tried calling but no answer n hangs up after five mins, to be fair website does say high volume of calls atm and obviously with these sales even greater, so just went in cos not far away and was asked if I'd received a collect email and I said no, wasn't sure if I was supposed to wait for one, and he said 'well that's not a good sign but let's have a look' hah, unfortunately couldn't give it to me cos either in an unloaded pallet they had there or in transit but sposeda be this arvo or by tmro arvo at latest. Hope so, cos that's a fair while from Friday. But just as a heads up to people, you may be waiting a few days (and potentially longer for this HDD, since I think all stores said At Supplier - I bought one so asked about that as well, he said they had plenty of em in their central warehouse so shouldn't be too long, but yeah)
I ordered on Friday and got the email saying my order was ready to collect on the same day. I placed my order at 11:51am and got the email at 12:07pm.
Well, this is starting to turn into some bullshit; you got in four minutes before me according to your order time, and waited 16 minutes for your collect notice - I still can't get mine at the end of my sixth DAY. When I didn't get one by end of yesterday I tried calling them again, and again they don't answer on any number (even sales!), said screw it and went in there again since he'd told me he was confident he'd have one to give me by then, nope, just got the same spiel about how it's probly in one of the pallets right there but he can't give me one. This time was more reticent to even give a timeframe although when pushed said 'probably' for today - nope; it's now half n hour from closing again and still nothing. This is pretty ridiculous right? they said in stock when we/I ordered, the website says 1-2 hrs usually to be able to collect, how long do I havta wait? Trying to be patient but I've been patient all year waiting for deals on parts and now I have everything but the cpu :/ (btw this was the South Melb store, which one was yours?) Nobody else is posting anything about difficulty getting theirs on that deal page.. will go post there as well though
@Popid: Well if it makes you feel any better I haven't received my drive yet. I'll give them a call today.
@Squ1shy: Looks like they don't like answering the phone. Pretty poor support from the Auburn site. Not sure about the other sites.
@Squ1shy: They picked up. So they are waiting delivery from their Melbourne warehouse… Might still take a few more days. Fingers crossed.
@Squ1shy: Cheers for the reply. That sucks, although at least they answered! I might try some of their numbers again today then (I've never gotten through on any of em before). Cos I still don't have my CPU :( And they haven't responded to their web-based chat either. Or I'm tempted to go to Centre Com and just buy one for standard price and try to get a refund/do a paypal chargeback or worst came to worst, sell this one when it ever arrives. Who knows when I'll get my hard drive; yeh they have em at the Melbourne warehouse, but he told me that last Tuesday too, so. At least that didn't say 'in stock' when I ordered though (and isn't required to finish my damn build; I can't believe I've ended up with a 3070 sitting here uselessly but can't get my CPU.) Good luck to us!
@Squ1shy: Lol now most of the phone numbers are removed from their website saying 'Temporarily Suspended' and calling the South Melbourne store just results in the same ol' five minutes on 'hold' with that godawful music and then hanging up. I'm going in there in person to ask wtf and unless they can somehow make me a true believer that I'm getting it today or tomorrow or something, gonna go buy one somewhere else while I even still can (out of stock with all sorts of different ETAs most everywhere else)
Thanks for sharing your experience. I will wait for their email.
Has anyone received email to pickup yet. I ordered 7 mins after the deal was posted and it is still pending in the Scorptec account. This is looking a bit shit….as it was supposedly in stock.
My local store is the Macquarie Park in NSW. I pickup mine this morning. There are many sitting there ready to be pickup. What is your local store? Maybe worth to give them a call.
They are not picking my call.
Did you get email or SMS that it is ready to pick up. It is still pending in the account.
I got an email.
$14 delivery. :(