This was posted 4 years 3 months 21 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

[eBook] The Riftwar Legacy: The Complete 4-Book Collection by Raymond E. Feist $6.99 @ Amazon AU

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EDIT 2 - Back up to $29.99 now, so I've expired this deal.

EDIT - I've unexpired this because its still valid.

Kindle Daily Deal

Return to a world of magic and adventure from best selling author Raymond E. Feist. This bundle includes the complete Riftwar Legacy.

The bundle includes: Krondor: The Betrayal (1), Krondor: The Assassins (2), Krondor: Tear of the Gods (3) and the new novella Jimmy and the Crawler.

From the endlessly inventive mind of one of fantasy’s all time greats, comes a spellbinding new adventure featuring old favourites Jimmy, Locklear and Pug.

It is nine years on from the aftermath of Sethanon. There has been peace awhile and it’s been needed. But news is feeding through to the people of the Kingdom of the Isles that deadly forces are stirring on the horizon. The bringer of the latest tidings is Gorath, a moredhel.

The bloodletting has started. Nighthawks are murdering again. Politics is a dangerous, cut-throat game once more. At the root of all this unrest lie the mysterious machinations of a group of magicians known as The Six.

Meanwhile, renegade Tsurani gem smugglers, a rival criminal gang to the Mockers led by someone known only as The Crawler, and traitors to the crown are all conspiring to bring the Kingdom of the Isles to its knees.

Join the adventure with all four books in the Riftwar Legacy series which includes the new novella, Jimmy and the Crawler!

Recommended Feist Reading order:

This is part of Black Friday / Cyber Monday deals for 2020

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closed Comments

  • +2

    Thanks OP

  • +4

    This is the 5th Feist collection I've gotten through Kindle Daily Deals :)

  • +1

    Awesome, I actually bought it earlier but am new to the kindle world so didn't realise it was a post-worthy deal. Glad you spread the word ^.^

  • +2

    Good find. This is a great series

  • Not as discounted on US store sadly.

    • +1

      you can change your store freely as many times as you want (24 time limit sometimes for swapping back to original but thats it).

      I just swap back and forth about 100 times, no issues

  • -1

    Bought in the wee hours of the morning with blurry eyes. Realised 3 hours later that it wasn't the main series books. Returned for refund now.

  • +1…

    Wow that site has not been updated since at least 2013. And maybe since 2008.

  • It's also the same price on Google if you want an alternative

  • Love the books, pity that Feist is a bit of a sleazebag.

    If you’re grabbing the bundle - be aware that you’re jumping into some side-stories of a 20+ book series, I can’t remember whether there was much exposition in these ones?

    • +1

      Do tell.

      Did he do a Weinstein or something like that?

      Never heard anything bad about the guy before.

      • +1

        I couldn't find anything when googling his name + allegations or controversies. Maybe OP should post whatever link he's been reading.

        • I tried that on google as well, and nothing came up.

          Which is why I'm curious.

        • Not sure what Mikuji is referring to, but I used to follow him on Facebook and he was very opinionated on controversial topics like politics.

          I unfollowed his Facebook a while back due to this.

          I do not want to influence people's opinions/impressions in a derogatory way, but it I like him as an author and not as a person.

          • @Ausdave: Ok, thanks for that. I wouldn't use what you described to call him a sleazebag though, maybe Mikuji is talking about something else.

            Edit: oh I see that they replied below

      • I seem to recall he cheated on his wife with the co-writer of some of the books? I don't see anything online about it, so maybe I'm thinking of someone else / mis-remembering

      • Nothing quite so salacious as a public #metoo, however he definitely had a strong crack at a childhood friend of mine at a book signing in Melbourne a few years ago, would have been a good 30-40 years his junior.

        I wasn't there personally, however she was quite uncomfortable when speaking to me about it later on, as she knows i’m a huge fan of the Riftwar Cycle as well

        • +4

          Sad to hear your friend had to go through that. I hold Keanu Reeves as the standard of interactions with fans.

    • Not just side stories, side-stores which are retellings of computer games.

      The first couple in this "set" are pretty hard to read because they read like a video game. Definitely the weakest of the Riftwar Saga. If you're reading Feist for the first time these are absolutely "skippable" you won't miss anything that's key to following the saga as a whole.

  • Not available for

  • Thanks OP. Here's hoping that the Empire series will also go on sale :)

  • i want the original Riftwar Trilogy to go on sale. Its been almost 20 years since i last read them.

    • +3

      I want the original Riftwar Trilogy to be made into a movie LOTR or GoT style!

      • It's an absolute no-brainer for mine, wonder why it hasn't happened yet?

        • It's not for lack of trying. Most recently optioned for TV in September 2019, and the option expired earlier this year.

  • Thanks OP! This is my favourite Feist series. Wish he continued them back then

  • Great deal. I loved this series and wished he continued them, thoough I never got into the crawler book - the writing felt very different.

  • +2

    my introduction to Feist was an RPG called Betrayal at Krondor which would have been from the mid 90s. That was an awesome game. I tried to read his books but never finished them for some reason. I'd been meaning to give them another crack for ages but never got around to it. I bought Magician, Silverthorne and Darkness about 18 years ago and still haven't read them.

    I've heard they're good, but Magician seemed slow moving.

    • +3

      It ramps and well worth sticking through the apprentice chapters.

    • +7

      Mate, Magician is probably my all-time favourite fantasy novel. Please, do yourself a favour!

      • +1

        tell me a bit more. Don't spoil the story, but is the writing good, or is the story good? Is it unpredictable? Dark? I'm a jaded reader/watcher, so nothing surprises me anymore.

        • +3

          Good or not is very subjective, so will not comment on that.

          Magician was a bit slow-paced for me, but sets the scene for everything else that comes after.

          Silverthorn and Darkness picks up the pace a lot better.

          Overall, while I enjoyed this series, I found some, or most of the characters quite 'cardboardy'.

          And I have to mention, the Empire Trilogy, co-written by Janny Wurts, set in the same time period, but from the point of view of the other 'location', was well paced, and very very well written. I think I actually enjoyed this a bit more.

          • +2

            @KSMLJ: The Empire Trilogy, which technically you could argue as being a side story to the OG Riftwar series, is brilliant in the fact that it's a fully-enclosed story of it's own but still manages to interweave the events of the Riftwar.

            OP: read your three books, then pick up the Empire trilogy. If you enjoy the politics and back-stabbery of the great houses in GoT, Empire is definitely for you.

            • @Mikuji: that's good to hear.

              One important question though, it is a fairly old book, but does it hold up against modern fantasy books? We've come a long way since it was written. Books have gotten darker and less predictable with more main character deaths than books back in the day. I think GRRM might have been influential in this. Anti-heroes are now more of a thing. The idea of a pure good guy with no faults is something I'm tired of. Bad guys have a bit more complexity to them and aren't a simple, I'm a bad guy just because. Books have also gotten more ambitious with their world building and scope. A great example is the Malazan series which is hard to follow because it follows so many characters in different parts of the world, and you start in the middle.

              I have found quite a few 30 year old fantasy novels to feel dated. Still, it's been on my backlog for about 20 years now. I should get around to it some day…

        • The writing is good, the story is good, it IS unpredictable. It feels mature; unlike other fantasy authors cough Eddings cough Rothfuss, Feist's protagonists don't always have it go their own way, which - for the reader - is an exercise in the line between pleasure and pain : )

          • @sw00p: Oh, this is an unpopular opinion but I think Rothfuss is super overrated. I only read Name of the Wind but he created a Mary Sue and those kind of characters are for hack writers. I didn't enjoy that book even outside of the Mary sue element. He is also a super slow writer.

            I think you've done enough to sell me Magician. I already own the book, it's just that it's a thick one and that's always a daunting task to begin.. at least it is for me these days. 20 years ago, I devoured these things.

            • @lostn: Yeah Well Wise Man's Fear isn't much better: it's basically a story about a sick dude who is good at everything.

              I know what you mean though, I used to churn through books like that too when I was in high school. Stupid adult life, stupid short att- hey look a blue car!

              • +1

                @sw00p: so it's just like the first book then..

                I bought the second on in hardcover for some reason and never read it.

                Funny thing is, the whole story is meant to take place over 3 days, and he spends his time at the tavern telling his story. But the audio book format is more than 24 hours per book for him to just narrate his story.

                There were things that intrigued me, in particular the mysterious Chandrian. But too much of it was spent on his backstory (growing up, then going to the university) that I didn't find compelling to hear about. The guy does everything too well for my liking.

          • +1

            @sw00p: Yep that'd be the Serpentwar part of this series, for sure.

  • These are brilliant!

  • For those who might be interested, also $6.99 from Apple Books

  • How much is it usually?

    Still saying $6.99 for me?!?

    • +1

      Around $30 from memory, I've unexpired it for the time being. Sometimes Kindle Daily Deals last longer than a day… :)

    • Yep, back up to $29.99 now - have expired this deal.

  • +1

    The Complete Riftwar Saga Trilogy: Magician, Silverthorn, A Darkness at Sethanon $5.99 on amazon & itune

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