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Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood FREE PSN Store


I went to the ps store and saw acb for 32 dollars and under it was a another one FULLGAME FREE i started downloading it. Then i went back to the payed version then it had the red playstation bag on it. Then the free one dissapeared. This must be a stuff up . Try and get it if you can quickly

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closed Comments

  • sounds good, but I don't have a PS3

    • -2

      i'm waiting for PS4

      • Why?
        It's not like the PS3 will be obsolete when the PS4 is released.

        I think your comment is off topic.

        • -3

          I think

          I doubt it…

      • Xbox 720 is better than PS4

        • +2

          wii 3D is better than both of yours.

        • Vectrex 2 FTW!

  • mmm this worked for me but the problem is that you can only play it for 60 mins only :(

    • They've been doing these 'trials' on the US store for a while I believe. Personally, I'd prefer a demo to save on my download quota.

      I'm gonna wait for an Assassin's creed pack with all the games… it'll come when they need to milk a bit more money out of the franchise.

      Also, the LBP2 demo is coming a bit late and $50 for the full game is a tad steep. I got it from Myers for $10.

  • +2

    The free one has a 1 hour time limit, did you see the message when you hit download?

  • +1

    Gets excited… runs downstairs… "update is available"…

  • is a demo, not full free game.

  • Its the same for the AC2 download. They just forgot to put the word 'trial' in the title.

  • I quit F3AR for this. Disapointed.

    However there are some good Ubisoft full game deals at the PSN Store, I think theres a 25th Anniversary logo somewhere. GRAW 2 for $10.95, Far Cry 2 for $15.95. I have these already but good to see PSN full games are FINALLY coming down to bargain prices, albeit a bit too late now.

  • My bro got that message saying the trial but i didnt get it. So idk maybe its nothing

  • Uh, so it doesn't work then?
    The $40 game has the "bought" icon on it and lets you download it.

    Yes there's the free demo, but after you "buy" it, the paid version is downloadable.

    Can't tell if the neg voters aren't paying close attension or the ps store just displays the demo download misleadingly.
    But that's my take on this.

    • Yeah, people aren't paying attention.

    • Mmm, finished the download.

      Got the trial version.

      Pretty sure they've just worded it poorly.

  • No bargain to be had here.

  • You should get this message before downloading it: http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7024/6438867367_a6d732a3a1_z.j…

    Just a 1 hour trial that hasn't been labeled correctly.

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