What Milk Are You Buying from Colesworth?

Whether full cream or skim, if you buy a dairy milk from Coles or Woolworth, do you buy their cheap home brand milk or other expensive brand ? Why ?

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  • 255
    Other brand dairy milk
  • 451
    Home brand dairy milk

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  • +2

    I've felt a lot better about buying Coles and Woolies branded milk since they increased the price to make it fairer for the suppliers. Prior to this I used to buy branded milk.

    • +1

      Good point

      • -6

        For everyone who buys branded milk: OzFullPrice.com.au (mod: removed logout link)

        • +9

          Maybe people simply give a shit where their money goes sometimes?

        • The cheaper milk is still full price for that product. Reeeeee

        • +2

          Negged for making a joke that's actually funny. I think people are a bit fatigued by the old Scrooge maybe?

          • @Jackson: Well it was better before the mod ruined it. Also, it depends heavily on the first vote it receives as people tend to neg comments which are already negged and vice versa (see my joke below which contains the same underlying message but has 20 positive votes).

      • Any evidence of Woolies doing this? I'd say 90% of the time I get Woolies milk.

    • I stopped buying their brand for this reason. Why buy their brand when I can get a name brand for an extra 15 cents.

      • +3

        Can I have 15c?

        • What do I get out of it?

          • +36

            @[Deactivated]: Same as what you get for buying more expensive milk — nothing.

            • @Scrooge McDuck: A better brand isn't "nothing".

              • +16

                @[Deactivated]: I'll send you a photo of some happy cows then.

              • +8

                @[Deactivated]: granted this was overseas but as a teen i worked in a milk factory, the only difference was the packaging - milk is milk unless you get milk with supplements (but then it doesnt qualify as "milk" but a milk drink)

              • +2

                @[Deactivated]: they come from the same cows

        • +9

          Go to Parmalaat or one of the other dairy processors and you can watch them pipe milk from the same set of cow teats into differently branded bottles. There's literally no difference.

    • +1

      Coles had to pay the farmers becuase it initially didn't pay them at all. Support the farmers not these money grubs.

      • Are you not supporting the farmers by buying milk? It's great to spout empty platitudes.

      • +2

        Even when Coles and Woolworths increased the prices to help the farmers, I had doubts if all the extra money gets to the farmers, or just lining supermarket pockets.

        • The milk prices had a slight increase at Woolies and Coles, but were substantial at Aldi. Not that long ago 1L full cream milk was only $1.29. Now it's $1.99. What proportion of the price difference goes to the farmers? God knows

          • @[Deactivated]: It was $1.29 just yesterday. I have receipt if you want proof.

    • +3

      I thought it came out that even though they increased the price, they were taking a long time to get the extra cash back to the farmers or something along those lines?

      Its sort of the one area where i go out of my way to not buy cheaper as in not just milk but when it comes to grocery items in general I avoid buying anything to do with Coles or Woolies as I have too many friends who work for Australian companies who sell their products through woolies and Coles and get completely bullied by them as well as Coles and woolies over time removing all third party products of their shelves and filling it with their own brands. I also try to buy Australian made if i can.

    • +1

      I now only buy Woolies branded milk. A few times I bought Coles branded milk, I found the bottle wasn't properly sealed, and it kept dripping. The Woolies milk has an inner seal beneath the lid

      • Really ? I thought it was the other way - I thought it was Coles that annoyed me with the stupid extra plastic seal you have to peel off - and the smaller rough handle which is uncomfortable to carry in the heavier 3-litre size, and harder to find the thread to screw the stupid lid back on

        I thought WOW milk I just turned the cap which broke the connection with the plastic ring around the neck - so that was your tamper-evident seal without frigging around peeling off little bits of plastic to throw in the bin

        maybe one CHOICE test said WOW milk tasted better than Coles - I always remember Coles fake extra virgin olive oil - but more recently I think CHOICE said the best-tasting milk was Aldi

        but Aldi's too far for me to go to - so I prefer WOW

    • +1

      Homebrand but always organic

  • +10

    I buy the cheapest because the other choices available to me at my local are all OS owned so the extra isn't going to the farmers, it's just going offshore.

    • What brands are available?

      • -2

        Pura, Dairy Farmers (both Chinese owned) and Pauls (French owned).

    • -1

      Money going offshore is going to be spent back on aussie products as other countries just love our products so isn't that bad.

      • +1

        That is possibly the most indirect way to have money come back into the country. And what's the conversion ate, less than 1%?

  • +14

    I buy the Norco Jersey Milk cos I want to support Aussie dairy farmers, and I like the extra creaminess for me coffees.

  • +7

    Norco normally .

  • +20

    Norco from Woolworths. Aussie-owned company that ranks highly in the ethical list (insert standard disclaimer that these sorts of rankings are inherently flawed but I don't have the time and prerequisite knowledge to do my own worthwhile research project for every single item I buy, so I 'outsource' it to that site).

    The local Coles doesn't stock Norco, so I fall back to Devondale if I'm there. Good choice if you're a fan of satin bowerbirds because they use a foam seal instead of a plastic ring.

    • +5

      thanks for sharing the ethical site. Its really good to be mindful of products I use

  • Paul's Organic $3.20/L

  • +3

    The home brands have no flavour.

    I go Devondale if I need 3L, otherwise Paul’s full cream or cream top if I want lots of flavour.

  • +2

    Another vote for Norco Jersey.

    Only thing that's topped that is Central Tilba Unhomogenised Jersey milk, only available from about Narooma to the Vic border…

  • Devondale 3L for $4.40.

  • Coles - SADA
    Woolies, Drakes, Foodland - homebrand

  • +2

    A2 because I reckon we have got used to the taste

    • +1

      But its so expensive…

    • +1

      Yep, I am lactose intolerant which I control by using lactase as well as taking probiotic tablets in the morning. A2 doesn't give me stomach cramps with my morning brekkie. Love it

  • +1

    Not sure if available everywhere but in Coles SA, I buy SADA. From memory it is $3 for 2L. So not much more than Homebranded. Also my friend who is a dairy farmer said this was one of the best milks to buy to support local dairy farmers

  • +2


  • +6

    long life milk in 1 litre cartons

    • now that they are almost the same price as fresh ones, not worth it anymore.

  • Home brand if fresh. For long life I buy branded milk because the branded milk has functioning foil tabs and twist off lids. I know the cheap ones have the twist off lids now too, but more than once I've gone to pull off the foil tab and the handle comes off leaving the tab behind, then I need to stab it with a knife to pierce it, and then it pours funny. That's all a lot of fuss to save 0.025 cents per glass of milk. So I usually buy the Devondale one because the foil tabs always come off first try.

    It's all the same milk, why would I pay more? For flavoured milk I will buy the national brand because it tastes a lot better than any local dairy farmer clone of their products. But for plain milk it is white and liquidy and milk tasting, it's all the same. Paying more than you have to for your milk is Woolworth's idiot tax. It all comes from the same cow, moved in the same trucks, and put in the same plastic bottles. You're just paying for a different design on the sticker.

  • -1

    Paris Creek, Biodynamic ;)

    • We tried Paris Creek last week and it is pretty good.

      • Paris Creek organic biodynamic yoghurt from some Germans in SA was my favourite some years ago for its amazing fresh clean taste - at first I only found it in David Jones food hall in Sydney CBD (now closed)

        but then the price zoomed up to ridiculous - and they've changed the taste and I don't like that or the price anymore

  • +1


  • +2

    Home brand. Milk is milk. Why pay more?

    • +1

      Treatment of animals. Branding. And marketing.

      Wanting to be better or the ilussion of better

    • Tastes different, even between homogenised ones.

  • +2

    if price("Other brand dairy milk") <= price("Home brand dairy milk") :
          buy("Other brand dairy milk")
    else :
          buy("Home brand dairy milk")

    • Ha ha..Good one

    • +1


      • o.O

      • +1

        Function price() undefined

        Function buy() undefined

        • from coles import price,buy

    • if Monday marked-down discount price
      buy 3 litres and make junket
      buy 2 litres of homebrand milk

  • Dairy Farmers Heart Active

  • +3

    Norco - support Australian farmers by paying a dollar or two more.

  • +3

    Riverina. Where I grew up.

    An easy extra dollar spent.

  • +2

    the one with the longest expiry date usually it is a toss between the A2 and the home brand

  • Used to buy Norco jersey milk. Was addicted to it until we moved interstate earlier this year. Its not available here and I've been going through withdrawal I think :(

  • +2

    Norco. Taste difference is enough to justify the price difference, and it is Aussie.

    • Norco supply Coles milk, at least here in QLD, it's literally the same supplier/milk

  • Dairy Farmer - Full Cream or the "Reduce Cream" milk.

    Tried A2 Milk, it was nice but wasn't worth the extra $ IMO.
    Used to be "Homebrand" milk, but I do feel the Dairy Farmer Milk is nicer/tastier and for some reason, tend to keep longer in the fridge compared to the "Homebrand".

    In the end, each to their own.

  • Unsweetened almond milk from Aldi. Because regular milk gives me the runs

  • +3

    Bannister Downs Dairy, Western Australian owned and operated, all money stays here, have tried to buy Australian owned/Made for a long time but since this covid fiasco i will go the extra mile to avoid my money going to china

  • Tried all brands available at Coles worth in Sydney region. Ended up liking aldi organic the best followed by Riverina fresh. We use full cream milk.

  • +1

    I make my own milk…soy milk of course!

  • Coles milk I find to be the best of all

  • +3

    Farmhouse Gold full cream. Not cheap but imo tastes best

  • +2

    Maleny Dairies - Farmer's Choice

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