Kogan First - Free Trial

Is the Kogan First Free Trial like Club Catch?

Can I make an account, buy the goods I need and cancel it without paying for it?
Catch is quite easy to deal with but KGN aren't necessarily that. Has anyone had experience with this??

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  • +1

    Just be cautious, aware that this post is a year old but comments at the end suggest they still have not "fixed it"

    Avoid in my opinion unless you have lots of free time to deal with their "customer support"

    • Jesus christ. Thanks. Wont be touching that one.. Classic kgn..

  • I bought stuff from them once and will never ever buy from them again even if they are 1/2 price cheaper than other people
    that how bad I think they are on customer service department.

  • I once bought the free trial but ended up they charged me 1 year membership the next day.

    I asked them to refund it and first they claimed they can't refund. Then I mentioned ACCC, they refunded it straight away.

    Just be careful, dodgy company.

  • Zip one time use VISA card solves the problem easily. Perfect for any subs that you do not want to pay more.

  • +1

    Kogan First put their customers LAST

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